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<br /> � , ,� -
<br /> ���� ����r 9� g����� �m�4 . . . � _,
<br /> 03-24-199'P (C����e� , � � �
<br /> Loan No 441410 �,`= `
<br /> . j_
<br /> SECURfTY AGR�80T:FltrAtdCiN{i 3fATEl�1TS. Ths ta7awtng Provis[ons relaUnp to 4hJs Qeed af Tnist as a socurfhr e9rs�anent are a part ot � ' � _ _ -
<br /> this Oaed of Tnt�t. :
<br /> • g�qNfry Aynemer►L Ths ir�strurn8nt Shail e0rb-t3tut0 8 Seourft7l a��nt t0 the extent enY.Ot the P+cPET�Y����ot oiher i . . , _
<br /> � personal propeAY.and Lender shatl hava eil of tlie d8h4s of a seeured D�Y under the UnHorm Commerda�Cods es amended from Hme to
<br /> Hme. -
<br /> � geqtr{ty tnte�sat. UAfln reQuest by Lendsr.Trustor shaU exeCUte flnenelny st�merds�edd'iUo�n�to recotdinq 1his�0eed af Trust nYthe rea�
<br /> to P����ntlnua Lendsr's sQCUrihi i�arosi in the Re�ls an�Persona!Prop�rtY• , -
<br /> ProP�Y�Lender may.at any Ume and without turther auihoAmtlon tram Trustor.P.le execute6 counterparts.coAfes or reproduedo�s of
<br /> this Osed of Trust es a finsrtdng ststemerd. Trustor sha(1 relmburse�LeB d�ner end at a R co reasoeabiy .�ronvenient to Trus�mr and l�e�
<br /> irtterest. Upan defauft.Trustor shaD assemDte ths Perso�sai Property , ^_
<br /> end make ft avaitsbie to Lende►wf�st"�a(3�days aft���t ot�n dam�nd from Lender.
<br /> AQdressaa Tha maiTi�9 addresses ot Trwtor(debtor)and l.endet(secured P�Y?.from whlch information concem�ng the securillr inte�est =
<br /> yranfed by this Dead ot Twt may be abtatned(each as requ'red by the UnHorm Commetciai Cade).are as staied on the first pags of ttds Deed .
<br /> of Tnuf. n-(act are a parl at iSUS �
<br /> • pii17FER ASSURA1iCES:ATTOiill�►-IN-FACT. The follawU9 ProYstons relaUng to further assurances and attomsY-r ; �
<br /> D�Sd af Trust. ` =
<br /> Further Assuro�sees. At eny 8me.end from time tn time.Won request of Lender,Tnatot vn11 make.execut,�and de6ver.or xr�causa to be t .
<br /> u
<br /> • made.executed ot deQvered.to Lender or to Lende�s deslpnee.and when� nderdmay dee�aAP�P��a►�Y and��am� . .
<br /> re�ecprded,as the case may be.at such Hmes and in such offican and pleces �'.
<br /> � deeds ct trW't.securitY deods.secutiry s9rcama�s.Enandny stafemer�,wr�ifnuadon sFatame�s.instrumen�s af furttM►�sstaanCe�cert��s. � , _
<br /> and otriar docurtwrds as may.ln tha soie oPWon af Lender.de nsc�uY or dssirabia in ardor to s�dunb.comDfe'.�.P��. . , . � ,`:..=
<br /> pras�rve (a)ttw ob6panor�s of Tn�la undar tha Nate.thts D�ed ot Trvs�t.and tta�R�st�d Docurrwnts.and N)Uw oaro and sacur(tY��tarests . ,;_ .
<br /> gy g ,
<br /> cr�atad by thts Dead of Tnut as ftrst and pdar uerts on the PrePerh�wtwtl�er now owrwd or haraaRsr acqused by Tnutor. Urda�s prohibit�d Y � _
<br /> � taw a e�d to fhe�ontrerY bY Lender in wriitnD.Tn�stor shaD reimb�sa lsnder for aY eosts and e�ar�incurred tn eonnaetlon wfth the . . . ,
<br /> . matters reterred to in W s p a r s p r e Ah• "
<br /> � ' AttameY-�n-Faet. If tnstcr feffs to do any of the ttdnps reterred to in the prsce�n4 Dera�aAh.Lender may do so for and in the twrtw of - - --.
<br /> Tn�stor and at Trt�ors e�ense. For such PurPoses,Tn�stor hereby krevoca6ty aAPo1n�Lendor as Tntstars attomsY-Ui-fad tor tha P�P�e + __
<br /> , ; at maidnp,execWnD.de�u�in0�fi0np.reca'dfrtD.end daing alt othor things es may be neoes�f�ot desirab�e,in Lender's sate uPinio4 to . ' �
<br /> r " ;`�.�.�`
<br /> i accompAsh U�e matts�s refertad to In Uie prace�ny P�3i�fi- � _
<br /> eA the oh!(�.'ons fmposed uDcn Trustor under Uds �,'.�- -
<br /> '• i FIAl PSiFOR1MANCE. If Trustw pays ell the indebtedness when due.and ottu�rwLse peAartns ,
<br /> Deed of Tnrst. Lender sheU execute and deL`ver to Trustde a request tot(uB recomeYB�and shafl e�cute and deYv�r to Trustor suitable , , . �
<br /> :.., statements of tertNna9on of any flnaridn�s�ement on fi!e evidendny Lende�s secudtY interest in tfie Ranb and the Pevoonel PtapertY• �Y � :.; .,;: .
<br /> � reconvayanoe fe0 requUed bY Inw sha9 be Fatd bY Trustor.if psrmltted bY ePPP.CBbie law. II :-q:.:3�:�'3 �. ,
<br /> � h ot the fo8owlrp,at the opUOn of L.ender.shall cons8tute an svent of OatauR(fveM of Deta�6lq under UUS Desd of Tnu� � . : .;}.: .r
<br /> DEFAIl.4. Eac f� : �
<br /> ' OH�Wt on tndehtednesa FafUue ot Tnuta to make anY P3Y►rtent when due on the Indebtodrtess. s•_ � , ` '
<br /> nt for texes or InsurBt�ce,a . :j , i,
<br /> Defautt on Other Piyments. Fsiture oi Tnator wtthln the tlme re9�d by thls Deed of Trust to make anY P+;Y� s
<br /> any atf�r FaYmer�t�eoessarY to Prevent fillnp of a to etted dtscharpa ot a�Y C�n. 1 exfension of aedit,sec�atty a�aer+�erd.Pwchese a .
<br /> ! Defauil tr�Favo►of YNrd Partls,f. Shou►d 8ortower or aey Tnista detauit under anY onn. ,� } ! t.,
<br /> ' r j
<br /> � safes ap�eemertt.u any other aQreemant,in tavor of eny other cradita a D�n that may matartaAY aftect ofi►of Burowei's PropaH a . . r . '�� —
<br /> BWrowers Or flrry Tnistors eb[�[[Y to re0iry tfie LOans or Petfortn thelt tesp�e�b'�ons undsr thl�Deed of Tr1»t or anY ot Uta Rai�tod i -� ' ;
<br /> [ . �-
<br /> DoCUnwn�. ' ` '
<br /> Cpmp(Ianee DefMtf� Fa➢ttte of Truster W coroPfY with anY other term.obUgaUon,cavenant a cand'idan contained in th3s Deed of Trust,U�e , ����•`•;F
<br /> IVote ar tn arry of fhe Ftetated Oocumartts. • y�,
<br /> • FYN SUtema�u pny wertnnty.repc8sentaUon or statamer�t made a f�a�hed to i..ender by or on beh�lf ot Tnestor undx this Deed of Tn�st, _ . f.
<br /> ' m In an mat�tal resGect.ea►�er now or at ttie tlma made a turt�shed. �� �? .,_
<br /> t h e N o t e o r t f t e H e i 4 t e d D o C U m e n b b f a l s e o r m�s l e a n p Y . �...� :
<br /> ke :�..,--
<br /> Oet�eliv�C�. TMs Deed of Trust or ar►Y of the Re►ated Documer+ls oae.ses to be In tu0 toroe and ei6ect pndudirp t a A�se o f e n Y „.,
<br /> � ^.�'.'�.'T
<br /> coRataal dacutt�er►ts to aeate a valld and Pe�ed sscisdtY intarest or Wn)nt anY tlme and for anY reason. , _.
<br /> . Wd11 q In�OiY�n�9►• Tha daath o(TtustOr or tta dis�oluflon ot larmit�Son of Tructafs a�dstaroa as a��g busit�ass.tha it�sotvw�cy of ' � -�[_
<br /> ias
<br /> � .I Trusta.the a,PAdnfiw�of a reoatvar tor anY 0�ot Tru,ta�s PropaAy.nny+asstOnrtwnt for!tw banNit oi aadHas.an9 typa o1 cr�6lor warko�A. . ' .�"�....
<br /> or the comrtwncom�nt of ar+y proceadirW under anY OaNauPt�7l at InsoMncY Iaw9 by or ap�inst Tnistor.
<br /> FoneWw��FaR�e�ete. Commer�cement of forcdosure or fariettuce proceedrKrs.whWhe►by judk�l Dro�waBrg.saf-l►�0.ceP�° . '���•.� _'
<br /> a anY other method,bY any cro�2or of Tru�ar or by any povemm�ntal apw�cy apat�l�r►Y M th�Property. Howavw.th�s subsac6on shaA not ,.Y�. .
<br /> ePDry in tl�e wer►t ol a qood tafth dfsP�bY Trusta as to the vaAdity a rws°rublen�s of the c�alm whieh b tir b�sis N Ih�lorociastjra or '�,y�-�--
<br /> foreteftise P����D.Drovtded that Tnstor Ot+res Lender writt�n noUoo of such dtim and furntshes r�;arvss a a sur�ty bond tor tha cWm .' .,,,,,� :__
<br /> � satlstactorY to Lendsr. :!�
<br /> Bnoth of Oth�r A�reemznL MY breach by Tntsta under the torms of ury othor a�men t b�t ws�n T r u s t a a n d L s n d M t t�l t Y n o t nnMd�d . .;.�,: r.
<br /> `' with'.n arry Qraoo P��d Drovlded thetaln.inctudinp without Um1laUon a►ry�9coertwnt concerninD anY indobtadrwss a attwr obBp4Uon W Ttustar �
<br /> I "M`
<br /> � to I.artdw.wtwthar�Jnp naw or Iater. ,
<br /> Eventa Alf�eUny Qua�ntor. My o}the precedin➢svenb oecurs wHh respect to anY f3uarantor a!anY of the InQebtedrwss or RnY Quaranta . .: —
<br /> 1 �es or becomes t�compeienf,or revokes or disDutes the valldiiY of�or 1lability under.anY Ouaranty of ihe Indebtedness. Lender.nt ib aD1bn, �
<br /> - ' maY.bul sh�i not be re4uked to�O�mft the QuaranWrs esta�to essume uncon�iUarvYf►the obNy4lbr►s Wsirg under the yuaranty U a , �,_�r
<br /> �, m�nner aarisfactory to Lender,and,In ddtq so.cure the Event ot Deiault . � .' �
<br /> � bye� Chmy�. A matKW aduersa ctwnqa occura In Trustors flnandai conditlon. o►Lender ba�sv�a the prospect of payment w �_
<br /> , peAormance of ihe tnd�btedness b Impeked• � �
<br />� InMCw11Y. Lender in qoad/tith deems Itseif Insecure. � .
<br /> � W�3 b C�. If such s taeure is eurabte and H 7nista hos not bw��wn o noHca of a bra�cA ot the sam�provlsion W thb Deod af Tnst . �:.
<br /> wNhin th0 P���tweMe(12)monl�s.H mny be cured(and no Evant of Dehult w19 ttave occ�H Ttustot.aflor LonOer aert6s wrftlen �_
<br /> � notla doaian�np cure ot such tailure: (a)cure�the faAure wHhin MINn(16)dalg:or (b)H the cure ro4utes more tNn ffrtesn(1S�d4ys. —
<br /> Imrtw�ateiy IntHates staps sufflcleM to cure the tallure snd the�softer cominuea and camptetes aH�eason�bts a^d�y�V
<br /> s sui�etent to
<br /> . � praQuce comPi3�nce as saon as reasonubN PfB�. �
<br /> ' RIGFIiS AND REI�FDIEB Op OEFAILT. Upon the oocurtance of nny Evant o(Oefa�t and at any Urtw thxMNor.Tnistaa or Lendsr.at its opUon, �. .
<br /> mny o�xclso any arN ar mon of the foAawinp ADhta and ramedles.In addltlon to any otha rtphb a remedb9 proMdod bY law: I� .
<br /> Ace�ntlon apon O�tw1h Addtlbn�l R��. It nny event ot dafaNl occurs as per the terms ot tt�Nats sacured herobY.Lender may
<br /> dedero a0lndsbtedncs.n s�cured by this De�d of Trust to Ee du�and payWta and tlw samo sh�ll th�erreupon becoms dua tnd ptyabi�wft►wu► �
<br /> q�y prosentmen4.demaad,protest or noUoe ot any kind.T1►er6eRe►.I.�nd�r maY
<br /> (a) Either In person a by aqent,with or wlthoul bdr�pinD any aetlan or proceedl+rp.or bY a reoeiver apP�ntad by a tourt and withoN E �•�.
<br /> � rep�rd to the odaquacY o!ib securitfi.enter upan and take poss�s.sion af tha P+ropeAY�ar any paA tfiereot,U f!s awn name a in the name � —
<br /> ' ! ot Tnut&s,nnd do any acb which It dsoms necossery a deskeble to P�th�vatue.marlcetabi6ry or rentab(6ty of the Property.a Part '
<br /> of ths PtopOriy or Inier�t In Ihe ProQarlY,incre�Se Ihs InCOtrN from the Ptoperty or PtoteCl the Sa�ur1�Y o}thY PrapertY.and.wlth or withot�l s
<br /> � 1akl�g P�swstcn oi tho P►oPortY�sus(or a otM►wise colic�ct ttw ranb.issws and Oroftis af tt�PropaAy.Indudn0 thosa Pa�l dw and , —_
<br /> . �
<br /> i u aid.nnd apPh ihe sama.t�ss ccsfs ana o�enses o!opKaUan�nd colecdon,indudirp attorn�Ys'hM.to any indebWdness seturttd .
<br /> i by thb OeYd of Tnrst.aU In such adK u L�ndar may d�tartdrr. Th��ntaAnp�on and Wcinp Doss�sslon of ttr RrapaN�tM CoRiction
<br /> ot such rsnts,Issues and profits,end the app8calion lhsnof stW^ot cun a watvs any delauil a nolia ot cf�ftiAt unAer thls Desd of Tnist ��
<br /> or invalidate any ect dona In response to such defaut4 a pursuant to such no8co of detaulh,nnd, nolwithstandir�g the cordinuanoe in t -4:
<br /> po�,session of the PropeAy or the coltectlon,receipt and appUCaUOn of ronffi,tssues or profib,Trustee a Lender ahaA be e�tiUed to r,
<br /> ' eocg�cise eyery ripht provlded for 1n the Note or t4�a Rolated Oocurts3nts or by lavr upon tho occurtcnCe of 8ny event of defautt,Induding the
<br /> tt4ht to A%BfCi38 th9 pOW6f 015816:
<br /> j -
<br /> � � , �
<br /> � �:�..
<br /> ' �:
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