03-241997 D�D O�Ti6�US'T 9��{����� Page 2 ``_
<br /> i-�---
<br /> �oan Na 4�tA10 (Cor�ttnue�) -
<br /> Ko40. Ttte rerord'tiote'means the Note d�tsd At�reA Zti 1�i7.111 f1t! pilnCipHl StT10U�Of $72,OQa.00 from Trustor to Lendar, - _
<br /> taqeiher with at1 renswals.exte�IOrts.modiftcaUOns,reP.nandngs,and substit�tons for tha Nob. The maturitY dats of tt�(s Oeetf oiTrust ts APrB :.•-���,-_:
<br /> 10,2001. �
<br /> Reraonal PtoD�Y• Th9 words�'ersonat ProPerhr mean aU eQUtAme�1,fnQures,end other erUdes of pe�sonal PmP�Y now or hereafter ;:�'�
<br /> ownad by Trustor,end now or hereefter attached or flifnced to the Real Proparty:topether with eil aaresstons. perts,artd ad�tions to,a9 �r`
<br /> reptaoemerds of.and all su4stltuUons for,any af such property;and topether wfth a[I procaeds pndudlnp withaut CmiTation e11 insuranc�o
<br /> proceeds and retunds of promiums)trom arry sate or other dsposiUan of ths Propa+ty. „�
<br /> properry. The vrord'Properiyr rt�ea�s col►ecuvelY the Rea!PropsRy end the Pe�sonat Property. •
<br /> Fied Pr�rtSl. The wa►ds gteal Paoperlyr maan the propertY,interests ond dghts desaibed ebove in the'Conveyarxe and GranC saeQion.
<br /> R�i�DOC1_�mes+t8. The wOrds'Reiated Documanis"m9an end indude�ithout Omitation e11 Promissory notes.eredft agfeements.loen ��"
<br /> agreements,envlronmsnffiI ayreemenis,yutuanUes,seauflY e9reemsnts,mor:Qages,deeds of trust.and afl attier instrumants.agiesmsn�and
<br /> daC��ments,whether now or hereafter mdsUnfl.execu�ed in connectlan witn the Indebtedness. ._ �
<br /> R�nts. Ths word'Rents'mesns ati present end future reNs.revenws,�nCOma.Essues.royehles.Vrofifs.end other benefits de�ivad fram the
<br /> Prapertlr.
<br /> TrusSss.The word TnisteB'means UNff�R�BRASKA BANK and arry substihde or suaassor trustees.
<br /> Truslor. The word Tnuta'mear�s any and aU Peisons and enritles�vicecuHng thSs Deed ot Tnest.inciu�ing without Umitaflon r9 Tnistas named ' -
<br /> 8I1ovB. �. �.� ._
<br /> D
<br /> Tii1��'T�OR 1•'I�iDEA TfE bi0� (EiS�TED OOW9A�NTS.ANQ�D�0���Ot�D OF TRUSTAiS�i1VEN AND ACCEFT� r
<br /> ON TiE FOLLOIA►INQ T6t(YfS: F . . , �
<br /> ' o T�they b�rt�re dMANCE.s��y and�n a Umely manner porfarm a0�nisto�rs�obGpationst nder the Note,this Deed o Tf bruSt,nnd tha ` t. ,�
<br /> Reiatsd Oocumerrts. ' -
<br /> � P083ESS[ON AND MAItiTB�MICE 0�T�E PROP�RTY. Twtu agrees that Trustor's P�on and�a ot the F►oPerlY shaB be qovemed by --
<br /> � the fWlowlny provislo�: • , �
<br /> Pos�esslon and lbs. Un471he occurtence of an Event of�etault,Trustor may Ia)remaln in po�essio�and control o!the PropaAY� (b)use.
<br /> ��i
<br /> operate or mena8e ttie ProPeAY.and (c)coDect any Renis from tPia PropertY. c-
<br /> �:• I Cuty to NtW�t�M. Twtor shaD malntaln the PropeRy in tenantabte condirion and promAnY Oertarm e11 reAehs.rePtacements.and matnter�nce . :,'��
<br /> � necessery ta preserve its vatue. �
<br /> t ��ous g�pWnees. The terms'4�exard0u5 W85te:"he�srd0us SUbstenCe�'disPcsal,"'re�ease.�and lhceatened rele&se.'es used in tt�{s •'*-�'%�.ij
<br /> Oeed of Tn�s►.shal have the same meanlnys as set torth in the Camprehenstve EmUonmentel RasDonse.Compensa�on.and LIaMNh Acl of Y t.�� ,
<br /> 1980,es amended.42 U.S.C.SecUon 9601,et seq.('(�RCIA�,the SupeAUnd Amendments anG ReauthorfaUon Act of 1988,P�.L No- -
<br /> gg..4gg('SAAA'.the Fis�ardous Matsrfa[s Transporfation Act,49 US.C.Saedon 1801.et seq..the Resourca Corserva8on and Recoverq Act. � . . ' . . �,-
<br /> 42 U.S.C.Sectlon 6901.et seq.,a other app6cebSe state or Federai Inws.rutes.ar repulations adopted Pursunnt to any ot the forepdny. The
<br /> tenns'ha�ardous waste"and'ha�ardous substetnce"shell etso inetude,wlthout amBatlon,petroleum and petrdeum byhprodu�ts or enY iractlnn � • ,
<br /> thereof and ssbastas. Tnistor reArdserds and wartants to Lender that (a)Durinp ihe D�ad of Tmstcrs awnsrshtP ot the Property.ttwro has . _ ,
<br /> been no uso.Oenernuon.rtwnufacture.starape,trsatrnertt.disPosal.release or threatened relaese of arry 1w�rdous wasta or s�sfar�ce by any ! • .
<br /> wa
<br /> person on�under.sbout a from the ProDertY (b)Tnistor tias no knowfedge o}.a reason to be�sve tt�at thare has bezn.�ccept e3 psavlouslY , .• ��
<br /> disdosed to and acknawledped by Lender in wriUnp. (q aoY use.penera8on,manufachire.storaye,treatme�t,disDosel.reMas�.or lhroaS�r�ad � . , �
<br /> raiease of nny haiardous waste a subslana on.under.ebout or irom ttw Proprrty bY�ry D�or owners a oocup�nb af ttN RropKty or (I�onY ,E..•. �
<br /> echwl or thr�eatened NUpattan or c�ims of anY Wnd by eny pason ralntirq fo such mat�er�and (e)E�ept es pravlousfY discia�d to and . � ..�y<' -
<br /> acknowledAeO bY Lander in wriUnp� p)neithe►Trustor nor enY tenant,contrador.apent or othar euthorta�d user o?the Propaty stWl uaa, � —
<br /> penerate.manufaclwe.stare�traa�dis0ose of,a reiease anY hamrdous waste or substarae o►►.un�.ebout ar irom tAe Prope�ty end (�ary �i
<br /> such activity►sha8 be condudea in campliarwe wtth a9 aDDiicable feQeral.state.and local Iaws.reQutallons as�0 or6nat�ces�Inctudinp+�ithout �_F�,''�� ;.:.
<br /> HmiOdton those laws,rspWatlons,end ordinancas de.�(bed abave. Tnista autharims Lender and tis apertis to entar upon the Proped�t to ;, . �
<br /> rtwka such inspectlons nnd test�.at Trusiors experu^e.es Le�der maY deem eAA�P�to determirw compYanoe W the PrapeAY wlth ihis . :�'-r
<br /> ' .. �:i.�::_::
<br /> sealion of the Msd of Tnut My InspecUoro a t�ts made bY Lender shaN be tw Lenders pu�P�onh�nd shaY not ba cor�trued to a�ats ; , ,
<br /> any resporf�bNNy or Oablfity on the paA of Lsndar to Trusta or to any otiw pxson. The rapresentaUarts and wart�Cor�fatr�ed hereln u� -. �
<br /> basad on Trustors due diRyenca In InvestlpaGnD 1he ProDeRy tor hazudous Waste and twrerdous substancas. Tnbto�hereby (a)rYteases and �,;,.
<br /> welves any tuture ciaims apalnst Lender for indemnity or contributlon in the event Trustor becomes Uable for ckanup a other co3b under ury .i� • •
<br /> �nses wMch L�ende r�naY 'dt�ecdYNa I�ndkeetlY susteln a s�fter r�tlnp from adbreachrto�f t sectlon of the Deed o n�st or as a ; . . � ,
<br /> wnse4uenoa ot anY use.�er�eratlon,manufactuce�storapa.dts0osei.reiease or thrsotsned rsleese oaurtinp Pr1or to Tnutors owne�sHD a t . `-' �
<br /> Interest in the Property.wAether a not the same was w sho�Cd haw been known to Tnista. The prav�lona W tNs aactian of Uw Daod at Tnst, � ;�'�,
<br /> Inciu�np the obR9atlon ro indemnity,sheU swvtve the payment of the Indebtedness and the saNStacllon ond roconveYance ai ttia Uen of thfs � .,.
<br /> peed of Tnul and shaD not be aflected by Lendara acqulsltlon of any Inte�est M tAe RcpertY.whether by far��ea or otherMrisa. • _....
<br /> NWfMic�,Wa�te. Trustor sheil not cause,conduct a pe�mfl arry nuisance nor commit,permtt,a sufter any strlpPinp of a waste on a to the i .
<br /> PropeAy or any paUon of the PropeAY• Wlthouf Ymfflnp the peneralih of the foreydnQ.Tnuta wIN not remave,a�ant to any other paAY lttie , ,
<br /> �M to removo,an5►U:nber.minarats pndudnp oo and Qas).soR.qruvol�r rock producSs wlthout fhe pAar wrltten consent of Londar. i
<br /> aemovif of Improvament�. Trustor shaU not demotish or romove nny Improvements trom the Ree1 Properly without the prfor written consw�t �
<br /> ot Lender. l�o condiUon to the removal o}any Improvemants,Lender mey requke Tnista to meke artargemenb saflsfactary to Lender to •
<br /> replace sucfi improvements wi!h improvemonts of at leest equal vatue. � .
<br /> �ender's Rt�ft to Ent�r. lender and its asenb and representaUves may enter upon the Real Properly at aU rwsonable Umes to attend to � -
<br /> Lenders interesb and to inspect the P►opeAfi fa purposes of Tn�tars comp9ance wrih the tem�s and conditlons of thb Oeed of Tnlst. �
<br /> CqnpF{�nes wltb Qovemmental RptAnrt�s. Tn�tor shstl PromP1N comPty wlth aH I�ws.ordlrwrioes.and reyulations.now or hereaftar tn �`
<br /> �c1.o!oY povemrtwntal tuthaiUes aDDBcable to the usa a oocupancY of tAe Prop�Ay�Indudirp wlthout Ymlt�9on.the ArtwACans VYfth I
<br /> 0lsab9ltles Act. Trusta may conbst in pood faNh anY such Ww.ordinana,a rp�atlon and wtthRotd canPH�noa durlrp anY P►ocw�dinp� `' _--
<br /> Indudnp ePD���oDPe��so IonD as Tnstar Iws natNkd Landr In wAUnp Drlor to doln0 so and so lorg as.In Lw�d�fa sola op►nion. {
<br /> Lendofs Intat�sb In the PropeAy an naf J�opardimd. L.ondor may requka Trustor to pest a�e4uats secuAN a�suroty bond.reasonabty K
<br /> sausl/actory to Lender.to P�otecl Lendefs Interast � � `1_
<br /> �att�h b�ofv�e in hrb socUo,which�mt he cnaharacter a d use of tha��cperhr ere�reasonably�gneoassary tio protect t�rtd peraswv�thsthP+'opeAy. 1
<br /> I OUE Oli SALE-CONSDiT BY LENDFA. Lender may.at Its opUOn.dectare Imrt�ediatety due and payabk aA sums securod by t1YS O�od of Tnest �:
<br /> upon ihe sate or transfer,wNhout the Lenders pdor wAttan consent,of a11 or any part ot the Real Pro�eAY.or any Intarest In the Real P+opeAY• A _..__,
<br /> �sale or transfer means the comeyanoe of Real Property or any dpht,tltle or interest therein;whether lepal,beneNcial or e4uitable�whether vduntuy , . �...
<br /> ot Involuntary;whether by outright sale,deed,instaltment sale Contract,tand contract,contracf tor deed,teasehold IrReresf with a term qreater than _
<br /> three(3)years.�ease-0AUon contract,or by sale,asslpnment,or transfer ot any beneflclal Interest tn or to any land trust holQinp tlBe to ihe Real i.
<br /> I Property.or by arry other method of corneyanCe of Reol PropoAy InteteSL if anY Trusta is a corporaUOn.Partnetship or tirt�ited tlebiGry eompanY, —
<br /> i transier also includes any Chanye in ownershlp bf more than iwanty-flve peroent(?S%)of the voUny stocic.pertnershtp irrterests a Hmited NabiBty
<br /> . company Interests,as 1he case maY be,of Trustor. Howevar,thls opUon shall not be axerclsed by Lender if such exerdse b prot�bitod by tedetaf
<br /> law a by Nebreska faw. �- -
<br /> TpXE$AND LIQ1S. The toUowing provfsions relating to the teze9 and Ilens on the Properly are a part ot this Deed of trust. ���•
<br /> P�yment. Tnuta shatl pay when due(and in eN svents pdor to datnquoncy)e0 texes,speclat ta�ces,assessmerds.charyas OncfuWrp water �
<br /> and sewer),flnes and Impositlons lev�ed egainst or on axount o}the PropoAy,and shaD pey when due nN ctelms for work dane on a tor -
<br /> sorvloes rendered a meterial turnished to the Ptoperty. Trustor shaA mainteln the Property hee ot Bil Itorts hevinq DrloritY over or equal to tha
<br /> • iMe�est of lsnder under ih�s Deed olTrust,�wspt fa tho lien of texes end essessmenb not dus end ezoept as otherwtso provlded In thb Oeed �.
<br /> ot Trust
<br /> ' R3�i To Cor►ies?. Tr�tor may�ritklsr'd Gsyss'.;�t a!an,!sr ssCO�sms�+t,o'^�2�m in connoctlon with a qood faith dfsDUte over tha obllyellon �- .
<br /> � �'.':
<br /> J:�1�;
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