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<br /> , . . . . - .. - . ` .. - . " . �. .
<br /> , . . . . � . , . ' . - •. . � . t5•. t. __
<br /> _._�� _.. . ...�.`.� _...._...—.,_._... _.,_._ , • ` � ... .._.._ . _._._._._.�_ .—_. .._ ...,. _�..—�_ . . . ... .. . . _ . . . _.._.�._.�-�,� - ' < _ _�"—.
<br /> �Q� a wM of sxecution or attaC�mertc af ariy simdar procsss shait De sntered aqainst Tnu�or wnicn shall i ' . � , =�;:� .
<br /> decome a iien an�+e Trust�rate ar anv porUan thereof er irttetest:rierein and sucn exeeution. attacament cr nmdar , .:F
<br /> ' P��af��dgmem is�ot released.boncieb.saasried.vacatetl ar staYed within sixty lfiU)days after its ernry ar tevy;ar :� . ,
<br /> . r_
<br /> te! �� has occurred a 6reach af or defauft under artY :erm. caveaanr. aqreemem. cendition. Provision. .� ��, °
<br /> - represer►mBOn or warrantY comained �n arsy artar�eed of vusc ar morcgage affec�r.q tAe Tn�st Estate. � . ,
<br />- 1 p, AceafePatlan upon Oefar�Ad�#erraJ RemeOies If an event of default oc:urs. BeneficEary �ay declare the � _ . � • ,� . _ �_
<br /> - Indebudr►ess secured hereDY :0 5e due anG pavable and me same shaU �+er�upen became dus and paYabie witi�out anY � -•- - - - -- :`
<br /> iu
<br />. �r��p,M, ��d, arotest or natice of any dnd. Thereafter. Benetiaary�ay: . . ,�:.
<br /> _ {� e►rt�er�n Rerson ar by agent,with or�nn�tsout brinqinq aciy ac:ion or pm�eeding,or by a reeeiver appoirmd � " � , . • _=
<br /> � .
<br /> by a caurt and without regard to tre ade4uac�of its seauitl/.emer uOOn ar�d take Oossessian af t�e Trusc Estate.or arsy , " �.-_
<br /> pan ttsereef,in its awn name or in�e rtarr�e uf Trustee.�3 do arry ac�which it dee�+s:secessary or desirabte to preserve � - . . .�.•,f: _u--
<br /> the value.marketability ar rer�bility of the Trust Esiate.or parY tP�ereat er interest theteirs.irscrease tfte�ncome thsrefram � . __�'
<br /> or protact ttse sec�uitY hereaf and.with ot witrioui takin9 Poue�ion af the Tn�st Etipte.sue for ot otfierwise coftect the � • . -
<br /> rents. issues and Prefits s�ereof. including those pasc Que and un0aid, and appiy tt�e same.lass costs and exPer�ses of ..;�:_.---
<br /> - operauon and colleeuan inctuding at0omays'tees.upan azry indebtedness secured h�eby,aU in s+ich erder as Berteflciary `--�.-.�--
<br /> �, may detertnine. The entering upan and taldnq Possessiun of the TruSL Estate. tQe cclleccen af such rc.r�ts. issues and . �,:��
<br /> �? pmfrts and the apptiaation thereof as aforesaid shaU not aue or waive a�sy d�fautt or neaee ot Qefauit heseunder or t-�•.A
<br /> imratidate arty 3ai done in respanse m sueh datautt or putsttartt to sltct� notice of defattit and. notwit�tattQing the �.'.�fi� �
<br /> ' ea�ttfrtuance;n Fassession of trie Tws Esate er the coltecaon, rcceiaL aad applicaaan of rents.issues or prafits.Trusffie t ;. ,•x
<br /> I ' os 6aneftciar5r shall been err�tted to exercise avery riqht provided fer in asry af the Lnan fnsuumersu or by taw upoa � � ,._:�'��-
<br /> � escurrence of anY event of defauti.inctuding the right m exercise the power of sale: , ' ; �;�:��=_-
<br /> .� . . J-z-:;- -
<br /> _ u cor►�mencs an actien to foredose this Oeed of Trust as a mortqage, appoint a recrdver or specifically �'��' __ .T
<br />•.•��, enforce any of t�e covenanTS hereof: , - =,i,F
<br /> E ; .... �
<br /> � (ini deliver:o T:ustes a wac;en Qeclaratian of default and demand for sale artd a wmten nopce of detawt and • ' .�
<br /> elecaon te cause Trustor's :rtserest m ;;:e Tn�st Esrace to be sald, wrnC:� nopCe Trustes ShaG quse ta�e duiy `iled for ;�=� i� F �=��
<br /> recora :n me aperopnate �rf:cas ar me C:.urrcy m wh�cn �e Trust Es�ate�s iocated: ar ,��,� : ;�
<br /> ; � �f.. .'.i��
<br /> � {iv� exerc:se suc�otner ngr.:s ar:emedies at:aw ar in eGu�r�. 'u ' • ' � }, '�_ -
<br /> .. .__ T_..... ; .,_.
<br /> :.� _..�- �;: :�..�.
<br /> �1, Forectosrne by Power at SaJe. If 3enericiary elecs to foreclose�y acer�sa af�e Pov�et of Sale nerein cenra�ned, Y�s
<br /> Beneficiary shaD natrfy Trustes and snatl deposrc:v�ch Trustee th�s Second Deed ot Trust and any nate evidenc:ng me Intlebteartess
<br /> �! :'�`;_.
<br /> and such recPapTS antl evidencs af exuenbitures rnatle antl sec,ued herehy as Trustee may require. , ` �'a t �'�`
<br /> dc�,� �—._
<br /> 1a1 Upon recs�ut of such nouce from Beneficiary,Trtutee shaU cause te be recorded,pubtisned and deiivered •: ' �
<br /> to Trw�or such Nouce of Defauft and Nouca of Sate as then re4wred by taw and by this Second Desd afi Tnist. Tnrstee - -=
<br /> shall,•Nithout demand on Trustor,after sucri ome as may then be�efluired by taw and after recorda�on of such Noace af _ x __ '�=�
<br /> Oefault an�after Nouce of Sa1e having been given as required by law,sel!the Trvst Estate at U�e nme and place of sate �,�-#+ �. • ����`
<br /> fixed by it in such Notice of Sale, either as a whole,or in separate lots or parcels or items as Tnntee shait deem expedier� ��'"~"�
<br /> _r_�——
<br /> and in sucb order as it may datermine,at Rublic aucrion to the hiqhest bidder for cash in lawful mnney of the United SCatas "•
<br /> • payabfe at the time ef sa�e. Trustee sha�l de�iver to such Owchaser ar pwchasers tt�ereof its qaad and sutficfent desd or '..��'
<br /> desds corneying tne property so sotd,but without any covenant or warranty,express or impfted. Tha reeitals in suct�detd
<br /> of any matoers or tacis s►ratl be conciusive pcoof ot me truthfulness thereef. Arry person,induding withaut limitatfan •:- - _--
<br /> Tiustor,Tn�stee or 8enefivary, may purcirase at such sale. �"� _ -_
<br /> "'�°�--
<br /> ��,�. !I��
<br /> (b� As may be permitted by�aw,after dedussing all cosis.fees and expenses of Trustee and of this Tnist, � �r,r.:4
<br /> irtduding cosLS af evidence of titte in connecaon wit�saie:Tru,tee shall aAPty the proceeds af sale to paymertt of(ii the �_����_=:-�-
<br /> t�de0tedness liil at1 ather sums t�en secured hereby, and(mi the rema�nder,if any,m the person or persons legally ertatted *�:��m��-�-:.
<br /> thereto. "� "� .�_ �`..�_•-
<br /> �W Trustee may in the manner provided by law postpone sale of alt or any portion of the Trwt Fs[ate. � 5 ���.
<br /> ' ;:�_�3�,''a�::,'-�;°..:
<br />' 12. RemM/es Noi F.nclrvivs. Tnistes and Beneficiary,and eact� of them, shal! be er+t�tted m er�force paYmerrt and a
<br /> parfarmarice ot arry indebtedness er obligadons secured hereby and to exerc�se all dghts and powers under this Seeond Deed ot '. _,���,�,��T:•.- :;..
<br /> Twt ar under arry Loan(nsuumertt or otffer agreemert or arry Iaws now or hereaitu in torce;natwithstandtng, some ar all o}tt�e �..,;�, ;.:,::,;r.,. "�'_
<br /> such indebtedrtess and abtigasfar+s secwed hereby rt:ay now or hereafter he ath�rwise secured,whettser by martgage.Eesd ot crusL •• , , ,� '�
<br /> ptedge,Itert,assignmer�t or otherwiso. Neither the acaeptance of this Second Oeed ot Trust ner its eniorcement.whether by court • � .
<br /> actlon ar pursuart te ths power at sate or other powers herein eomained, sha!! prejudice or in an}►manner afteet Trustee's or . . ___
<br />, BenaHaary's rigM to reati=e upon or erttoree any ott►er security now or hereafter held by T�u.tee or BeneNciary,it being agreed that � . . � _-
<br /> Tn�.stae and Benoflciary,and each of them,shall ba er+dtfed to enfarce this Second Oes�of 7nist and any other secudty now or •• _
<br /> , : ,,-�-�::-- •
<br /> �:
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