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'"_'_' '_' "" _ <br /> , t . . � .. .. �C <br /> ��.__.�_�� " T� Trustor snaU�av each instadrnenc af aU c�x�and s0�1��snsents of every kinG,nov+Or hereaftet F � , <br /> ��.. �' , ` , c. , __- <br /> �. tewed againzt me�rust�stata or ant►aarc ther-aot, �efcre detin�uan�y, w�tAaut:�atica or�eman0. • . , ` - . �s_ <br /> . e , �," <br /> r 3. /�sraarrta arrd Rerrair� Yrustor snail maunain �re and extenCeQ coverage insurance insuring tha tnfpravemmrts . � . : .�=� <br /> ' cons-tituting oart of ine Trust Es�ate`or such amawtts and on sucn tecrts�easorrabty sat�sfiaciory m Bes�eftciary. So lonq as the ` ,� . . i,- <br /> ,� Prapercy is se�nd bv a first dead af�trst or mcrtsage, comptiance v,r;ch me iiuwance raQUirertsar+ts af u�e first deed of�ust ar , - <br /> r moc[gaqe shaQ be suffiCem to savsiy�a+�Guiremems ot�is Aarag�aPh 3 relai�nq to insuranae. • , . �. � _ <br />� Trtucor shati �rcmctly recair and replace rhe Trw[Essata or any part�ereaf m�at,exeaot for ordInary wear artQ tear, � . ` _. <br />='. �+e Trtut Esqte snasl not deteriotate. In no evem snait�e Trustcr commn wasze an ar to t�e Trusi Fstate,or camm�sufter cr � _ _ _ __ <br /> ,� Aemnt arry act:0 be Qcne in ar uDOn�e Trust Estate in viulaaon af ariy taw.ardinanCe ar regulaticn. Trustor shali paY amd ptorrtptfy � • .. <br /> discnarge atTrusto�s cast and exaense a!1 tiens.encumarances and charqes leviep.impased cr assessed againsc the Trust EstaLe � -,-R _ ' <br /> ar arry part therecf. � - _-• - -F - , - <br /> 4. Aetlons AN+�ng Trass Est�ts. Trt�stor shali appear in and cantest arry acIIOn or prcceedin9 PurRaRln$to aHecC Q , . .-:..�:,.;�:- <br /> the secsrr�ty hereaf ot the rights or pawers of Beneficia:y or Tnrm=e.and shall pay a!1 cos�s and exgenses.includtng cast of eviEesiee , . <.•.�•. : <br /> .�°�..�.. __,-,� <br /> of title and momcys'fees.�n any such action ar pioc.aegtng in whict►6erteHciary or Tcustes may aOPear. If Trw`'cQr fails to rnake � � . '_;''�.--�r �' <br /> any paymem or ta do arri►act as and in the rt►anner provided in arty of the Loan tfl.sawnants.Benefiaary andlor Ti�siee.each in �, -;=�-.�r-� .,.�; <br /> theit own diseretion,withaut abligatan so to Co and widtnut notite to ar demand upun Trusmr and without releasing Trusmr from • '-'�'�-"'�''=���"— <br /> - a oti' on, m make or do ths same in such marmer and to such extertc as eitf�er may deem rtecessary to prateet tha securityl , � ��'`�: <br /> nY �� a5► xt .:r;a.�"�-'-'->_-. <br /> hereof. Tmsmr shaU. immediately upan demand therefar by Heneftciary. pay at!costs and exPenses incsured W Benefiaary ir� ' �; �; , <br /> connecdon with the exercise by 8enafiaary af tne foregning rigttts. including withcut Itmitatfon wsts ef evidence af mie.caurc �,a���"� <br /> costs.a�ppraisals. sucve5►s and auomeys`fees. , , .-:�=;r-. <br /> 5. Emlrre»t Domain. If tne Trust Es�tate.or am�Rart thereof ar irrteresc ttr�lein, he taken or damaged bY rtason ot . - ---- _ <br /> arry pubii�improvement ar condemnanan procasding, or irt arty other manner irtGuding deed in tieu tt�ereot l'Candemnauon'), or � ^ ����Kf�� <br />,,, <br /> � if Trtutor receives any nouce or other irtformatian �egarCing s�:c.�proceeding, Trvstar shall give prompt wrttten nodce thereof to - -: •.���: i "��� <br /> �= <br />".� Beneficmry. Tiustor st+ait be emrte�to alt compansavon. awarCS and other paymems or relief thereof and shall be e�ratted at its . L t�=s-r <br /> ooDOn ta cammence, aopear�n ana otasecute in its own name am!aetion or pracsedirtgs. Trustor shaU alsa be entidea ta make " K,,�',�,•: � <br />�,.� any compromise or setweme�t in c:nrtec;ion wirt�s�cn:aicing or aamage. � <br /> rtt ,�. � �; .� <br /> ..:4 _ ..�..����4�.r:tr <br /> 6. Appoiatmam of Sucesssor Trrrstee. Beneiiccarv mav,kom time m time. �y a written instrumem �acec.rted and •:�.• <br /> t•�;:�_ ,. <br />, acxrrowieCged 5y 8eneric:ary, made�:o Trustor ana recar0ea in ,ne Ceunry in wniw�t�e Trust Estate�s�aptea ana�y o�erwise s�.t . <br /> �omptying with xte p�ev�sians of�e aecticaDie law ar;he State of Netirastca su�satute a successor or svc:assors:o the Trustee � '..;T��� <br /> nam6d herein or ac�ng ieteunder. '- <br /> ..� . _.:�.�.�:�_�_ <br /> �� �.,..: <br /> 7. Sacc�ssa+sandAssigr� This Secnnd Oesd of Trusc aoplies to,inures m tna benefit of ana bincs ail parnes hereto. ��y ���,c_ _ <br /> thei�heirs,iegatees,dev�sess,persanal rearesarttauves,suc�sssars and assigns. �7'ie term'8enefiaary'shatl mean;tte ownet and ;r� ;��� �� <br /> •� hotder of any prom�ssary note given:o ceneti�ary, ;wheiner or not name0 as 8eneficiaN herein�. <br /> ac <br /> € <br /> rc� 8. IKerger, CoRS011datlon. Sa/es or Lsases. Trustor covenants that Trustor wi(1 noi seU.tease ar utherwise d�spose '-•��'.. __-- <br /> • � ot arry ot tt+e Trust f�ate. tn the event�at Trustar selts,teases or otherwise disaoses of any part of the Trust Estate.Beneficiary ;�,,.:.�.� <br />. may at i[s aption declare Me Indebtedness securer! hereby immediately due and payadte. whether or not any Qefautt exists. - � �= <br /> Benefiaary shatl cartseett to a transfer of the Trust Estate to a th�rd pany to the extem such third party meets ttte requirements ,.;.�;�' <br />� cantained in,and assumes the abtigatians sat forth in the First Oeed of Trust. The covenanrs comained herein shatl run with the �� . '==�--��- <br /> ' Praperty and shall remain in full•fore8 and effeci ur►af the Indebtedness is paid in fufl. <br /> .,�--� <br /> 9. Events o!OsfaulL Arry of the toilowing events shall be deemed an event of detault hereunder. ����.���`__' <br /> (a) defautt shall be made in the paymertt cf the Indebtedness or am�other svm sacured hereby when due; �'= <br /> or _ � - <br />, 4 � <br /> lb! Trustor shall perfarm arry act in bankruptcy; o� � � '� <br /> ,T���_,_ <br /> -�. �..: <br /> (c) a caur[ot competeM jurisdiction shalt enter an arder,judgmertt or detree approvinp a pedtion f7ed aqainst Y� .• !�'�- <br /> Trustor sesWn anY reerganizaIIan, dissaiutian or similar relief undet amr preseni or tucure tederal.staie ar ether s�n�te• - �"" <br /> law or regulasion relat�ng to hanfwptcy, insotvency or other reliet for debtors,and such order,judgment or decres shall '°���"'��� 1�_ <br /> remain unvacate�and unstayed for an agpreqate of slxty(601 days twheU�er ar rtot consecutiva!from sde firssdate of ermy '. �''�"""'"' `.'.""'."- `_ <br /> thereot; or any uustes. �eceivet or IiqulQator or Trustor or of alt or am► paR of the Trust Eataie,at of arty or 3tt ot tne ��------ -- <br /> royalUes,revenues,rents.issues ar pratits thereof,shal!be appointed without the consartt or acq�iescence af Trustar and ������"�'''-���� � <br /> such appaimment shall remain urnacated artd unstayed far an aggregate o}sixnr I601 days tN+hether or not consecutive); � <br /> �°'���'�=•--�- <br /> er �:� <br /> ,.;u"3���t " � <br /> a ,:.��.._.�e <br />• � . . -xr.�^-.,... <br /> . . •,i.a�u...r . �... <br /> Z . 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