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<br /> hr.r�r�oi Ey law praviQed or par�iTted.Dut eaeh shall be cuma�laariva and sha�l0e in astdition to averV othas remadl►Qi�en henunder c� =
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<br /> remediss. (YaVdng httein Shall be Consarued as Prottibi�ng•Banettdary from see5cfng a deflciencl►IadQm�t aQains2 tP�e'P�usODr to . -�: . ••_�°:.--
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<br /> tAe Stats at Nebraska. tn the event tt�at anM prov�sion or da�sse of any at the Loan Instrnmert�s co�with aPA�le taw�,suctf � �' ''",�, .
<br /> caMtict shall Rai aN�ct o�er pravFsons ot such Laan Inatrun�aRS wta�fi cau�Oe�Fvan e4tecz witnesR tYr�mnftfc¢f�s�provisian.an9 � --
<br /> t�ttus�d�O�a+�+�+� at tna Loan Instruracros are dar3ared to 0e save:nbt� Tf�s in.,�trum�sst t�snot tre waivad. changed. `."`�`�-� . --
<br /> d��qed or termin�tad arally,but orily by an instnanent in wddnq si�ned�y tne prlr[y aQainst wtwm adanxrnent af any waiver, � � �:�:� �•�a,��w�°_� _..
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<br /> pa"sd a�uDOn sunendsr ot tAis Second Oeed ot Tnu[and a�s1/r�ate to Tiusaaa tar�tar�an aM reLatdon and u¢an payment b1► ..---------
<br /> Tiusmr af Tn�atee's fees.Trttstee st�all reconvay to Trtsmr,orthe pees�n or p�serrs tcQaliy enaded tttaato.vri�out!NarranN.an1► -_�_•����-,_:;:,:
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<br /> •_�•:.�.___--- .
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<br /> pther�pmmur�icatlpn with respecc to this Secand OeeO of Trust eaeh svch notiee.dernand,request ar othet Gommunicat�an shall "� ��'•'
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<br /> re�rn reeaipt�equesced,addressetl to me address set fort+attne begir+ning at this Second Oeed of Trust. Any party may at arry �;. --
<br /> tiase change its address far suc.h naucss by de�ivering o�ma,iing co me o�her paraes hereto,as aforesaid,a norice of suc.h chanqe. '�' ___
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