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<br /> . . _ ._ � _ 97° �.v�2 ,�-�. - i`
<br /> RICiC L i°f�ILSR 100768 03/18/1997 � . • ! ' _
<br /> 9.Condemaiation.The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct or conseque�ial.in connection widi anY ' • ' . �°��:
<br /> < i condemnation or other relung of the Property. or part theneof, or for comeyance in lieu of�cxidemnation. are 1�►ereby � . ` " •,:_
<br /> assigned and shail be paid to Ixader.subject co the terms of a�r mortgage.deed of uust or other sec�uity agreement wiih a - . .. _
<br /> � lien wtnch has priority wer this Deed of Trns�t. � ' ` '
<br /> 10. Borrower Not Released; Forbearaace By Leader Not a Watver. Eatension of the time for paYmsnt or , . . . _
<br /> modi8cation of amordTation of the sums s�cured by this i3eed of Trast graatecl by I�nder tn any successor in interest of s . - . _ -
<br /> Barrower st�all nnt opezate to release. in any manner.the liability of the original Borrower and Bormwer's saccessozs in f -..
<br /> . interest.Lender shall not be req�ired to co�mence pmceeclings against such sucsessor or refuse to extend time for payment 4 . ; . ---
<br /> or otherwise modify amortizarion of[he sams secured by this Deed of Tn�st by reason of any demand made by the original �. •
<br /> , '• Borrovrer and Borrower's successoYS in iateresc.�+ny forbearance by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. � �
<br /> i or othenvise afforded by applicable law,shall not be a waiver of or pmlude the exercise of any such right or remedy. G ' •
<br /> 11.Succcssors and Asslgns Saimd;Joini and 5everal Us6flity:Co-si�uers. 'The cove�ants and agre�ats herein � -.-- _
<br /> � ! contamed shall bind.and the rights hereunder shall imue co.the r�pective surxessors and assigns of Lender and Hormwer. f ,
<br /> subjea to the pmvisions of paragiapb 16 hereof. All covenants and agree�euts of Bonower shall be joint aad several. i •
<br /> ? Any Boaowet who oo-signs d�is Deed of Tn�st,but does not axecwx the I�iote. (a)is co-signiag this Deed of Trust only[o .� •• �
<br /> grant aad convey tLat Borrower's interest in the PropeRy ro Trustee under the terms of thls Deed of Tnut. (b? is noi i z:=,�-� ,
<br /> . peisonally liable on the Plote or under this Deed af Tcast.and(c)agrees that L.ender and any other Borcower hereunder S • � ;
<br /> ; may agree to extend.modify.foibear.or make any other accomaiodationg with regard w the terms of d�is Deed of TnLSt or f .�[��_
<br /> ' the Note.withouc that Bormwer's conseni and withouc releasing�hat Borrower or modifying tlus D2ed of Tmst as to thac . ' �` � ��` ..
<br /> ' 1 Borrower's interest in the Property. � . d^-"""�'.
<br /> 12. Natice. Except for any nodce required under appGcable law to be given in anoiher ntanner. (a)any untice to i , _-_---_. '.
<br /> • ' Borrower pmvided for in this Dced of Tn�st s6all be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice bY certi&ed mail � ;��;y_t-
<br /> addressed to Botrower at the Pcoperry Address or at snch other add�ess as Borrower may designate b3'notice to Lender as � �.�°,�'�°'�'
<br /> i provided herein.and N)any notice w Lender shall be given by certified maii to Lender's address stated herein or co such k . � �_���`-
<br /> other address as Lender may designate by uotice to Bormwer as pmvided herein.Any notice pmvided for in this Deed of �.;�^,
<br /> : � TnLSt shall be deemed to have been given to Boaower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein. � • ;'���''':-
<br /> 13.Governing Law;�evea�abllity.17ie state and taca]laws applicable to this Deed of Trust sball be the laws of the -- � ='�-=
<br /> .,� :-; jurisdiction in wtuch the Property is located The foregoing sentence s1�all noi limit the aPPlicability of Fedeial law to this �. �,�,����_
<br /> ' ' Deed of Trast. In the eveni that any provision or clause of this Dced of Tmst or the Note con8itxs with applicable Iaw. �{ . •. ;:�:_:
<br /> " � I such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Deed of Tmst or the Note afiich can be given effect wlthout the I ;,�-"
<br /> conflicting pmvision. and to this end the provisions of this Deed of Tmst and the Note ane declared to be seveiable.As K : •�.WF-; �
<br /> . j used herein. °costs", "expenses" and "attomeys' fces"inc l u d e a ll s�ms to t h e ex t e n t n n t p r o h i b i t e d b y a p plicable law or 'LL '
<br /> •� limited heeein. mS �, : .,•1 "i' -
<br /> 14. Borrower's Copy Bormwer sLaU be fiumshed a canfom�ed copy of the Note and of this Deed of Tn�sc at[he ��i ��. -.:,:'
<br /> '. time of execudon or after iecordation hereof. �
<br /> 13. RelwbWiatton Loan Agreement. Borrower sball fa1fi11 all of Borrower's obligadons under any home _.
<br /> ' rehabilitaaon.improveme�u,repair or other loan agreement which Bo:rower enters into with Lender•LQnder, at Ixnder's , d y
<br />. ogtion, may require Boacswer to execute and deliver to Lender. in a form ac�eptable to L�nder, an assignment of any . �. , ;t1',`.
<br /> rights,claims or defenses which Horrower may have against parties who sapply labor.matecials or services in connecrion .-.; 4e': :.
<br /> with i�)iovemenis made to the P[operty. _.ic!_:� ' ! :.-
<br /> 1 6.T r a n s f e z o f t h e P r o p e i t y o r a B e n e P t d a l Interest in�orrower. If all or any part of the Propeety or any iateresc . , x,';.y. a-
<br /> in it is sold or t�ansferred (or if a beneficial interest in Eorro�ver is sold or uaasferred and Borrower is not a n a t u r a l ��
<br /> person)arithout Lender's prior written consent, Lender maq,at iu opuon. recIuire i m m e d i a t e FaYme n t i n f u ll o f a ll s v m s .•'�}:� .� �-"�
<br /> secured by this Deed of Trust. However. this option shall not be exercised bq Lender if acercise is prolu'bited by fedesal • � . �� .
<br /> . law as of the date of this Deed of Tmst. ` ��
<br /> ..z If i,ender exercises this option, Lender shall give Bonower nodce of acceleiation.The nodce shall provide a period ;:; .�5;.,..�,
<br /> . of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower�st pay all sums secured ,�� ��
<br /> by this Deed of Tras� If Borrower fails w pay these sums prior ro the expuadon of this peciod. Lender maY im+oke any+
<br /> reme�ies permiaed by this Deed of Tzust withoua fiuther no6ce or demand on Borrower. � ��
<br /> NON-U1vII�ORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Ixnder fiuther covenant and agcee as foIIows: ,-. ,���:�,_,-:�,
<br /> • 19. Accelrsation; Remedtes. Exxc.ept as pmvided lu paia�aPb 16 hereuf, upoa Borrowe�'s brEac6 of aay _ • .; .. .
<br /> ::-'..ii-'.•..
<br /> . wver�nt or agre�neni of Borrawer tn tats Deed of Tnist, iucludin�Borrower's fallaue to pay. by t6e�d of 10 _4 ,. -
<br />� � calendAr days after they are due,eny s�uns secured by thts De2d of Tnu3,Lendar prtor to accederatlon ehall�ive �'
<br /> natice to Borrower as provlded in para�raph 12 6ereof specifying: (1)tha breach3 (Z) the sctlon require�to cure -- : : �,;�.
<br /> such breach; (3)a date,not less than 20 daya fmm the date the notice is malled to Borrower,by w4afcPi such breac6
<br /> emaut be cured; and(4;that failure to cure su�breac6 oa or before the date spedfle�In the notice�y regult i� , �.� ' . .� :
<br /> acceteratton oP t6e g�s sccue+ed by this Deed of TnLVt and ssle of the Pmperty.The notice s6a11 t1�tLer infor� '"""'' ��`�'�.
<br /> Bormwer of the rl�t to reinstate after accelexniion and the d�ht to brin�a wurt adlon to assert the mone�stence of � .
<br /> a dePault or any ather defense of Borrower to accelerefion and sale.If the breach Is uot ct�red on or bePore the daIIe ;A�.�.:.,�,,...-•
<br /> � spe�ified in t6e notise,Lender,at Lender's optlon,may declare sU of the s�s secured by thls Deed of Tnist to 6e � .
<br /> . Unmedlately due and payable withou3 fmRher demand and msty invoke the power of sale amd any otiner r�edteg _
<br /> permitted by appltcabte law. I.ender shxtl be eatItled to collect all reasoaable costs and e:penses inc�mred in . . � .
<br /> p�usulaE the remedtes provlded in thls paragrapL 17,inc]udYr�,but not IIffiited to,reasonabie attorneys'fees. _
<br /> If the power of sale!s invoked,Trustee shall record a nottce of defautt In each cotmty in whi�h the Property or . � . _
<br /> � some psrt thereof ls located and st�L mail copies of such notice in the manncr prescribed by appllcabte law to •
<br /> . Borrower and to the other p�son9 presa'1be�by appliceble taw.Af'ter We lapse of surh time as may be required by � �
<br /> appllcable law, �'nutex sl�all �ive publlc notice of sale to the pe�sons and in the manuer presa�l6ed by appllcable • , __
<br /> law.Tnstee,witho9rt demanrl on Borrower,shall se11 the Property at pub9lc suctlon to the hl�dest bidder at the time ,
<br /> and place end undes th�term�desiIInated in the ttoYtsx of snse in one or more parcels and in suc6 order as Tevstee � ' . _
<br /> may dderm�ine.TnLStee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by publlc anaounc�eat at the ttme . . � _
<br /> � and place of any previougly schedcied sale.Lender or l.ender's designee mav purchase the Property at any asle. . �' _
<br /> Upon receipt of paymeat ot the price bid,Trustee s6all deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed coaveying the —
<br /> property sold. The reritaL9 in We Trustee's��zt shall be prima facte ev[dence of the tnrtb of t6e sta4�entg made � �,
<br /> therein.'�rustee shall apply the proceed9 of the sale in the following order:(a)to ell reasonable costs and expensPS of ��� _
<br /> the sale,indudtng,6ut not Iimited to,Trustee's fees actuslly incurred of not more than 5°lo of ti�e gros9 sale price, f -
<br /> i
<br /> � reasonable attomeys' fees and costs of title evidence; (b) to all sums seeure�9 by thls Dced of Trust; and (c)the • -
<br /> t-....:�,.�!���v��S�°-W-3��?Il�!!'�_3S4!�S IE���y E11�it1e11 the�o. E. _.._. .
<br /> � r -
<br /> I . `_
<br /> Nebraska:ba76-3 i 1i96 Ori.giaal(Racorded) Copy(Hraneh) Copy(Cuetomer) Page 3 of 5 ,
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