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<br />� � 13ICK L.T°�SILBR g�c, °'`��i"i°'� 1OQ768 03/18/1997 .. - -
<br /> + 1 �----=-- .,
<br /> � -- ° - -'�,-,°- °
<br /> � .i 18. Bor¢�or�'$ Ptigfri to Y3mta�te. NaieU�[hsran�ing Ixnder's a�c•.eleiation of the snms se�ted by this Deed of � �. • _ ��
<br /> e , .
<br /> '�;.; Tn�st.due to Borm�ex's breach. Boaower shall have the right to have any proce�ings begtw by Leader to enforce this I . • , • _
<br /> . Deed of Tnist disco�dinned at aD}r ti�prior to the esrlier to ocau of r) � 5fth day before the sale of the ProPertY � �� .` ��. � : _�_�
<br /> , 'i pursnent to the power of sale coniained in this Deed of Trast or(ri)entry of a jndgment enfosing this Deed of Tiust if:(a) � �.� • , `�__
<br /> , Borrower gays Lend�r all sums svhich wovld be then due under d,is Deed af Ticnst and ti�e No2e had nn acceleration . �_
<br />- -- occurred: (b) Boirower ciues all bteache�of any ot�r c�v��nts or agrePments of florrocver cantained in this Deed of . - . , -- :_� —
<br /> ' Trust: (c) Boaower pays all reasonable expeases inc�rce�i by Ixnder aad Tra.stee in enforcing the covenaats and .
<br /> �:� � agreements of Borroaer conraiued in this Detd of Trnst and in e�'oning Leeder's and Tnsstee's remedies as provided ia � . . � ..
<br /> " :� paragraph 17 hereof. inciwding. but ant limited to. reasflnabie attomeys' fees: and (d) Borrower takes such action as , ` . ,.�
<br /> Lender may reasonably requitr to as�ure diat thc lien Qf this Desd of TnuY. Lendu's intrrest in the PmpettY and
<br /> ,.r- .,j Bormwer's o b l igation ta pay t he sums s e c w�e d by t h i s D e e d o f T�u s t s t e a ll c o a t i a ue u n i m p a i z e d. U p on such p a y m e n t and --` ---T
<br /> cure by �orrower. c6is Deed of Tn�[ and the obligadoas secured hereby shall nmain ia fail force and ef�fect as if na -
<br /> � acceleradoa had acctured. " , . '• —
<br /> eat of Receleer; Lender�n Possessian. As addian�l security hera�nder. �
<br /> 19. As�tQmmen� of Renist APPa� ` � _. ;
<br /> Horrower hereby assigns to Letjder the tents of the Propeny. Provided tLat Bo�rower shall, Prior to acceleratioa under _.;,�`
<br /> . paraglaph 17 hereof or abaado�ent of the Property.have the right w collect and retain such renrs as duey become due and , - �'_�-�
<br /> PaYable- , � � �'�"-
<br /> � Upon accel�ation under pa�agraph 17 hereof or abandonme�of the Property. Lender. in Person, bq ageni or by . ��=�"'"
<br /> c�all receiver shall be enrided tA enter upon,sake possesBOn of and manage the Froperty and to collect the ��`::"- _
<br /> J� � Y aPPo� -__ _...
<br /> rents of the Property inclnding those past due. All rents collected by Lender or the receiver sbaU be applied first w :•'`: y�
<br /> ''�����
<br /> payment of the costs of mwagement of the Property and collearon of rents,including,but not limited to,receiver's fees, . - _ _
<br /> premiums on receiver's boads aad masanable attomeys'fees,and then w the sams secared by this Deed of Tnis�.L.ender , � -- - -
<br /> and the receiver shall be liable to accau�oniy fior�hose reIIts actually received. �. `'�" :� ` -
<br /> ��1.--.-�
<br />: ' 20. Reoonveyance. Upon payment of all sums secom.d bq dus Deed of Tmst, Lender sLall ieqaest Truste�to �. :�,:�,,-�.-
<br /> : ' recom+ey the Property and st�all suimmder this Deed of Tmst and all notes evid$ncing indebtestness secured iry dus Deed of ;�-�"`
<br /> � Trast to Trustee.Tzustee shall recomiey the Properry withont wazrant9 and withaat charge to the peison or persons legally —_-_`''a�
<br /> ' ��' entided ther�eto.Such person or peisons shall pay all costs of recordadon,if any. . . • . ..
<br /> 21. SuE�tttate Tnstee.Lender. at I.ender's option,may from time to dme remnve Tzvstee and agpoint a successor : ,-.,:�•��
<br /> . L, trastee to an.q Tn�stee agpoinied hereunder by an im�trament recoNed in the connty in which tbis Deed of Tmst is �._':�' . —
<br /> recorded. Withaut comreyance of the Property. the successflr tr�stee shall saccced w all the aitle. Power and dndes -'�°"' __ —
<br /> . conferred upon the Tmstee herein and by applicable law. •.��Y� ":,
<br />• • xl. Request for Notfac�. Bormwer requests ¢hat copies of the notice of defaalt and norice of sale be sent w +Y.._ � '• �—
<br /> � Boaower's address which is the Property Address. _ '� .�'
<br /> . `a 2'i.�aszarda�SaDsi�nccv.Borrower shall aot cauge or pemrit the presence,use.disposal.storage.or release of any �w¢ . -_
<br /> Ha7ardnns Substances on or ia t�e Property. Boaower shall not do.noi allow anyone eLse to do,anythin8 affeMing the
<br /> : - "•:? :�,
<br /> •� : praperty that is in violation of any Bmironmental Law. The pteceding cwo sentences shall not apply to the presense.use, ,;.3 �,
<br /> .., or storage on the Property of small quantides of Ha�dons Suhstances that are geazially recognized to be appropriate to �.. , ' °--
<br /> i � .- —
<br /> • noimal residenral ases aud to main[enance of the Property. ;�"�: :; "_
<br /> - Horrower shall promptly give Lender wduen nntice of a�r imresdgation,claim.demand,lawsait or orher action by - ' ';.' °-
<br /> any Sovemmental or regalatory agency or pmrate party imolving the Ptoperty and any Ha�rdaus Subst�wce or � ,-.
<br /> Fa�viranmemal Iaw of which Bonower has actuallcnowledge. If Borrower learns.or is notified by any govetnmental or ��`�:
<br /> regulatory authority. that any remaval or other remediation of a�+ Harrrdous S�bstance affecting the Pmperty is .-,�
<br /> �,Bormwer shall pmmptly take all necessazY remedial acdons in acoordance arith Smrimmnental Law. _ :��:--
<br /> � As used in this parngraph 23."Harardons Substauces' a:e those sssb�tances defined as toxic or h��*dm,a substances _"'r-----�
<br /> .. by Emironmenial Iaw and the following substances:gasoline,kemse�. other tlammable oT toaic petroletim praducts.
<br /> toxtc pesdcides and herbiades,vol�tile solvenss,matertals cowain9ng asbestos or formaldehyde,and�ioactive materials. ,:;.=��•—'
<br /> .� As nsed in this puu8aph 23. 'Emi�aamenal I�w" mea�ss federal laws and laws of the J�arisdIaron where the Progerty is .� °� -
<br /> _ •:�:
<br /> locatefl that relate w health.safety or emironmental pmtecaon. 'L-- _
<br /> • . � ---- =r
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