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<br /> _ � , ; . .. ._. _-�. �. �
<br /> 9�+ ���� 100758 03/18/1997 i' ' --:--- _. _
<br /> ' iZZCIC Ir TFIBILSR , =
<br /> UtvIFORM CovENANTS. �orrower and Lender coven�ant and agree as follovrs: . , -
<br /> rinci al and interesc 4��
<br /> . . 1. Pay�ent of Prin�ipal and InYerest. Boaower sball prompdy PaY when due the P P . - ` �. •_.�
<br /> � indebtedness evidenced by the Note and late c.harSes as Pmvided in the Note. ; ,
<br /> 2.Fua�s for Taxes and Imswance. Subject to applicable law ox a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay to �
<br /> �� Lender on tht day monthty PaYme�s°f P�F��intsresc are payable under the Note.until the Note is paid in full.a _ _�.�
<br /> m
<br />- ' sum(herein "Funds') equai to one-cwe l i t h of the yearly taxes and assessments(including condominium and planned unit ^
<br /> y riori over this Deed of Trusc.and 8mnnd rents on the Property,if
<br /> . . development assessmenu.if anY) which ma auain p tY lus offi-twelfth of yearly piemium installments ' . -
<br /> any,plus one-twelfth of qeariy premium innattm�c_for hazard insuiance.P -
<br /> for mortgage insuTance.if any. all as reasonably estimated init�allY and from time to tiume by Lender on the basis of
<br /> — , asses�ents an+d bills and reasonable�such �f nrs to the hos ld afia prior�mfltrtgage o�r deed of uust��suchf hold�er . ---
<br /> to I,end;r[o the exteni that Horrower PaY�
<br /> is an institutional lender. . "
<br /> . If Borrower pays Funds to Lender. dce Funds shall be held in an instiwdon the deposiu or accounts af which are F , . .
<br /> � insured or guaranteed by a Fedeial or state ageacY(inclnding Lender if Lender is such an institudon). Lender sha11 apP1Y � —
<br /> � the Funds to pay said taxes.assessmsnts.insurance Ppemiums and ground renrs.Lender may not claazSe for so holding and . ..
<br /> . applying che Fu�nds. analyzing said account or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills. unless l.ender pays ' ,
<br /> � • Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge.Borrower and Lender may agree f . _�,,,
<br /> in wrieng at the rime of eaecuaion of this Deed of Trust tbat interest on the Fuads sha11 be paid m Botrower.aad unless ( �
<br /> suc6 agrcement is made or applisable Law requires such interest to be paid. I.euder shall not be required to pay Borrower � , -- __—_
<br /> any intexes t o r e a m i a g s on t h e Fuads. 1.ender shall Sive to Barrower.without charge.an annual accouncing�f the Funds —
<br /> showing credits and debits to the Funds and �he puipose for which each debit to the Fuads was m a de• T he F u n d s ar e �
<br /> pledged as addidonal security for the svms sec�ued by this Deed of Tnist. ._ •
<br /> .; If the am�unt of tLe Funds held by Lender, together with the funue monthly installmeats of Funds PaYable prior to :
<br /> ..i essments.ins�uance Premiums and gmund rents. shatl exceed the amount required to pay said � ' • =5�;v••- L
<br /> t h e d u e d a t e s o f t a x r s,�s s �....��`
<br /> taaes. assessffients. insvrance Premiums and Sround rents as t h ey f a l l d u e. suc h e x c e s s s h a ll b e. a t B o i r o w e r's o p t i o n. ; . : ._:-�
<br /> , .� either pmmpdy repaid to Bormwer or credited to Borrower on wnnthlY installmenis of Funds. If the amount of th�Funds . g�� — .
<br /> , held by I.ender shall nnt be s�fficient to pay taxes, assessmenrs. insurance Premiums and ground I���I.ender may � .. '�`��-'-
<br /> `• �� Borrower shaU pay to Lender any amounc nece�a�Y����deficiency in one or moie payme � - -
<br /> � . �
<br /> , . .; require. refimd to Borrower azry Funds �__
<br /> ' ' ' Upon paymeus in full of all s�vns secured by tlus Deed of Tnut,Lender shall promptlY k �
<br /> �s otherarise acquired by Lender,I.ender f �'�'+ ;. '�_
<br /> � held by Lender•If under ParaB�Ph 17 hereof the Property is sold or the Property' .. �..
<br /> E
<br /> sha11 apply. no later tLan:m^,P�;�r"lY Prior to the sale of the Property or i�s asqui�sirion by Lender. a�ry Funds held by �
<br /> f�
<br /> . � Lender at the time of application as a credit against t�le snms secured by this Deed af Trast. received by Lender nnder the ; y .
<br /> 3.A p pllcation o8 Paymeuts• Unless aPPlicable law provides otherwise.all paymenss _ ,
<br /> Note and paregraPhs 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by Le n der f u st in pa y m e n t o f a m o u n t s p a y a b l e t o Lender b y Borrower ";..
<br /> under pa:agtaph 2 hereof,then to interest Payable on the Note.and then w tbe principal of the Note. , +� �:;
<br /> "�� 4. Prior MortSaB�and DeEds of Trustt C�B�• Idens. Borrower shall perfoim all of Boaowefs obligarioric '� � �;i, !'.
<br /> ' �•' g - -
<br /> under sity mnrtgage. deed of uust or other secvriry agresment with a lien which has priority over this Deed of Tmst.
<br /> j3� or cause w Ue paid sU taxes.assessnts � � -
<br /> . . including Borrower's covenants to make paYments when dw:.Borrower shall paY
<br /> . - and other char�es. 5nes and imposiaons attribntable to the Pmperty wluch maY attai�a priority over this Deed of Tmst, �{ .,,=
<br /> � and leasehold payments or ground rents.if anY• �
<br />� � S. Hnzard Iasurance. Hoaower shall 1ce�P the imPmvemenss now exisd�ng or hereafter erected on the PropertY �"�_�
<br /> • insured against loss by 5re,harards inclnded within the tecm'extended coverage .and such otber ha7ards as Lender may ..�s=�;,��y=
<br /> • -: _� require and in such amounts a n d for suc h pe r i o d s a s Lender ma y r e q u i r e. �l.:�,�
<br /> The insuiancx caaier providin8 the iinsarance shall be chosen by Borrower subjecc to appraval by Lender;Provided, , ••:��-�;,.
<br /> .. ;., that such appmval s1�a11 not be unreasonably withtteld. All ianuance Policies aad reaewals thereof shall be in a fotm ,��:;. _�_ _:
<br /> acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause in favor of awd in a form acceptable w Lender. Lender '}_�_.
<br /> �:�
<br /> { sha11 have the right to hold the policies and renewaLs thereog.subject to the terms of aay mortgage.dexd of uust or other ._. _ �,__T�_. _
<br /> security agreemeni wit}►a lien which bas priority over this Deed of Tnut. � u�.:�;'�':' •:_
<br /> , In the event of loss.Borrower shall give Prompt notice to the insutance carrier and I.ender. ����y�e praof
<br /> ����� •
<br /> b Borcower. � ;��y
<br /> of loss if noi made prompdy y , ' . .,
<br /> If the Prope1ty is abaudoned by Borrower. or if Boaower fails to respond to I.ender within 30 days from the date ,
<br /> Qorice is mailed by Lender to Borrower that tbe insurante carrier offeis to seule a claim for insurdnce benefits.1-ender is �,,;..
<br /> authori7ed to collect and apply the insu�a��e PI°ceeds a��-en�er's option either to=estoradon or repair of the Property or • :
<br /> to the sums secured by this Deed of Trus[. , ,
<br /> 6. Preservatton and Mainteaance of Property, 1.easeholds, Condominl�uas; Pfanned Unit Developmeats.
<br /> :J Borrower shall keep the Property in good repair and shall not wmmit waste or permit impaitment or deterloradon of the ;
<br /> • • p�p�cy and shall comply with the provisions of any lease if this Deed of Tmst is on a leasehold.If this Deed of Ttust is
<br /> on a nnit in a condominium or a planned unit development.Borrower shall perform a11 of Borrower's obli�ations under the
<br /> declaradon or wvenants creatinS or governing the wndominium°r P�anned�t devElopment.the by-laws and reguladons .
<br /> of the condominium or planned�nit development.and constitueat documents.
<br /> � 7. Frotection of Lender's Security If Boaower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this
<br /> _: � Deed of Ttu.st.or if any acdon or procceding is commenced which materially affects Lender's interess in the Property.then . : `
<br /> Lender. at Lender's opdon. upon nodce co Borrower. may make such appearances. disburse sach sums. including
<br /> . ' 1 �rt$age • �.
<br /> reasonable attomeys' fees, and take such acdon as is necessarY to protect Lender's interest. If Ixnder required
<br /> ' insurance as a condidon of making the laan secured by tlus Deed of Ttust,Hornower shall pay the premiums required to , ■
<br /> � ' maintain such insivance ia effect unul such time as the requirement for such inc�rance tEtII11n3IBS lII 8CCOIG3�C2 Wlth � ' � _
<br /> u '
<br /> Borrower's and Lender's vnitten agreemeut or applicable law. �
<br /> , , . ��� Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursnant to this paragraph 7,with interest therean.at tbe Note rate,shall become
<br /> addidoffi1 indebtedness of Boaower secured bY this Dexd of Trnst. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of t -
<br /> . payment, such amzounts shail be Payable npon notice from Lender co Bormwer requesdng payment thereof. Nothing =
<br /> � h 7 shall re uire Lender to incur any expense or take any acdon hereunder. � � _
<br /> � conrained in tlus ParagraP q
<br /> � �� g, Inspection. L.ender may make or cause to be made reasonable esuies upon and inspections of the Property, j. �
<br />: � pmvided that Lender shall�ive Borrower nodce prior to any snch inspection specif}+ing reasonable cause therefor related to �
<br /> � Lender's ir*_crest in�he Propeny. �_ _ . . � u
<br /> ; � -
<br /> j :
<br /> Pagc 2 of 5 =
<br /> Ncbtaska 26876-3 1 I/96 Original(Recorded) COpy(HraIICh) COpy�C11HtOIIl9T) 't ,
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