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<br /> � DEED OF TF�UST Page 4 . ` � . . � � •-
<br /> ��� ����1� � . •�
<br /> . (Coriti�ued)
<br /> � Compifance wltD Edstlay InQebttdnes�. Dunng the OenaG m wmch arry Ensting Intlabtgdness described below is in ettect.corapiianca wnn me � . . .
<br /> - i+�urarsoa C�r�s conta�ne4�n Me�nstrument ev�denang such 6ashng Indebt�ness she�l eons�iitute comptiance mth ths insurance Prov�uons .---
<br /> unQer ttns Deed of Tn�st,to tng extflnt compliance rath the terms af th�s Deed of Tnut woNd coratitute e duplicaG�On ot iriswa�xa+c4u�smnl- If ' -
<br /> anyr prpeeeds lrom the��SUrance becoma paYabte on lo5s,the provwons in Vus OeeC o!Tn�st for divmo�ot proceeQs Sha1�epON a�N to that :
<br /> � porCan ot tA8 D���ot Qayab�e t0 the ho108r of the E��sting InGebtedngSS. � , . , . _
<br /> � ��, p�!lp1T(JpES BY LEN9EA. �}GrBntor fatls to cOmply vnth 8ny provisio�Of m6 Deed Ot TrwH,�ndumn9 eny oblipa5on to mtintein F.lastlnp . _
<br /> ���pt�►nss�n ypad standiny as reqwred betow.or if any achon or procesGirtg is commenwd that would materialry afted Len6e�s I�nteS���the r � _
<br /> p�pperty,LenCer on Grantors behalt may,upon notice lo Grantor,but sha11 not pe�equued to,take any action that Lender deems approPnata �nY
<br /> emount that Lender BxRands in 5o doing vnll beat mterest at the rate ch&r9ed under the bQOnAde emsnd.tw (E)be a��d t���6�d� • - -
<br /> ttN dW ot repayment bY Grantar. AII such t►xDensss.at Lender's oDto4 v�nll (a)he PgY� ' . , . . --
<br /> fine. This O�sd ot Trust also w7p sew�e PaYrti9rrt ot tt�ese amourt�- The nphts providetl tor m mis paraqraph shaU De in e00:�on to arry ottier riyNLs o� I . , _ -
<br /> dny remsG�eB to whiCh Lender may be en6tletl On axou�t Ot the defautt Any suCh aGtiOn by Lo�drr 5h8ll not be CO�struBd es C��9��e���� i . . . _ .-.
<br /> to Oarl.enQir from enY remedY�d othervnse woWO have had , 'r��
<br /> . ty WUppANTY;OEFENSE 0'F TITLE The following prov�ons relaUng to ownership ot the Property are a part af this�eed of Tnist- . :.r,_ _
<br /> Titfe. Grantor warran�tt�at (a)Grantor natds gaad and madcetabte title of record to tha P�ope�tY Cnd�np a leasehofd interest.ifanY).hee a-:3 ���='.�{,. ,.
<br /> d�r o4 all lisns end eneumbrantes except t�ose ot reeord,end (0)Cuatttor has the fuU ripht,power,and authority to e�cecute and deliver".'s , . ,=�,1
<br /> D0W af Tnat to Lender. ... ��,�_'- -
<br /> p!!lf100 Ot TltlE. SubJeG to th8 6xC806on m th8 paragrBPh ati0ve,Grantor warmnts and witl torover Eetend tno title b the ProyeRY ngairut 1he -:, ,- y_
<br /> ItwhA daims ot all parsorts. In tha event 8ny action or proceedin9 is commer�ced ttiat 4uestians Grat�tar's tiCs or tha irrterast of Tnutae a Lender _ - --- ,�
<br /> un0er tN�Deee of Tn�st,Carantor shau detend tha achon at Grantors expense. Grantor maY be the^ortunel D�Y�n stkh procaeQmp,but Lend�r ,.:�.:..:�;:;
<br /> sty9 Oe erttitted to P�dP818 in the O�ading and to bg representeC in the praceedinp by Counse!o!its own choice.end Grantor wifl deUve�.a , , � -- �-: ._
<br /> - cause to Ba delivered.to lentlFSr such instruments as Londer may request trom time to 6rtse to permd sttch pafiaDaUOn. „ • #��;.�
<br /> '<. �y���p WItt1 L�ws. GtBntor wart8n15 that the P►operty and G�antors use ot the PropeAy ComD1:e5 wilh ell e�astinD epP��eb1e laws. � .
<br /> C
<br /> orcgnances,ene ragul8tlons of gorammental autflonnes. ���' �
<br /> � �,a
<br /> Indebtednoss�ars a Qart of uus Deed of �
<br /> 19. fltlST1ltti IHfl�TEDId�SS. The fopowing provis�ons conceming epstinp�nQebtetlness(the'F�as6n9 � -
<br /> H
<br /> Tn�st. i ; . .. �
<br /> � k . , q' '!i 3 '
<br /> E1dsHnp Uen. 7'he fien of Mis Deed of Trust 5ecudng the�ndebtedness may be secondary and i�a to an exfsUng Ilen,if tltere IS such a fen.
<br /> • � (Cirantor e�cpressly covenants and a�ees to PaY.a�e lo Ihe payment of,tha F�usting Indebtedness and to pre+rer�t��nts for such • -;� . � ..
<br /> indebteQtbss. any detauB un�+er tha irtstruments ev�Eendng such mGebtedness, a any default under anY secur�h
<br /> ' indebteAness. ��� ��
<br /> • No ModMCatWa. Grantor shat not enter mto any agreement w�th tRe holtler ot any mortga�a.Gsetl of tru51.a other secunry aprsement w�1eh * .
<br /> tus pnoAry over this Oeed ot Trust by which that agfeement�s modfied.amendsd,extended,a►renewed without the p�a w����M of � ;���� ��
<br /> Lende�. Grantor ShBII neither request nor aceePt any future advanoes un0er arry such securitY a9reemenl wfthout lt�a pna �+Atton conssnt of ,:t•. :• '
<br /> Land!►. • !; ' ' �
<br /> 14. CONOEMHATlO1i. The(ollowing provisions rela6ng to proceeGings�n condemnation are a part ot thls Deed of Trust. �'` •� SjE s
<br /> n of Net ProeeeQs. �1 al�or any part o}the PropeAy is condemned.Lender may et its eleetlon require that aA ar 8fly padon of th�o f , _ �•- �r��'�
<br /> �DD��
<br /> prae6ds o}tAe award be applied to lhe tndebtedness under the LOANLINERm Home Equ��y��g�leet to tha terrns of any mortptpe a k•
<br /> � tr1�t wfttf a Ilen whtch hes Pdodry over this Daed Ot Trusl The net pro0eeds of the flwar0 Sh80 mean the awatd aRet paymenl o)ell rea5o�able �,.�. • ��' �`°;
<br /> • cosb,exper�es,and attomeys'fees neoessanh Pe�a or iocurred Dy Grantor,Trustee a Lender In connectlon wrtn the ConCemnatton. '•�: �
<br /> ' pratxadlnps. It arry praeeedinp in condemnatran is fi1ed.Grantor sha0 promptry notlfy Len�fer 1n wrltinp,an0 tiranta ShaU promplhl take suc� . ��3
<br /> steps ts may be nec�sary to defend the actlon and o4tein the awerd. Gtantar may be the nomin�l paRY in SuCh praceedlrp.bul 4snder shaU be , •
<br /> entltled to peAfeiDate In the proceedinp Bnd to ba represented in Ihe proceedinp by caunsel o!�s own c�ace,and Gnntor will Qeliver or cause to .�_=—
<br /> Nj 4�vere0 to Lender such ir�truments as may be requested by it from Ume fo hme to permit such OarticiPation. �: :��,,�
<br /> 15. tINPOS1TtCH OF TAXES,FEES AND CNARGES 6Y QOYERNMENTAL AUTFtORtTtES. The followrag Orov�ons relaling to gouYmmentat texes.
<br /> tees and Charpes a2 8 peA of Ih�s Oeed of TruS� . ����,-
<br /> � Curterri T�a.Fea anQ Ctiar�es. Upon requesl bY lende►,(iranta shafl ex9cute such documents In aGfibon to this Oeed ot tnesf and t�1cs � �_:---
<br /> • wNatawr other actlon is requeste0 by LenOer to peAeel intl contlnua Lenders lien on tne Recl PropeAy. GtentOr stW1 reunbus�IAnQK for aD . .� ��;�,.��
<br /> � ta�us,u dascrlbed be�ow.topetAer wlth a11 expenses ineuRed in recprC�np,pwtectfr�y a conUnuirp tAD Oeetl a1 Trust,includir�p wlthout 1lmdatton �" .,•
<br /> �II taxes.}eeg,dp�umentary 518mps.and other chefyes fpr recording or reg�stering tN0 Deed of Trust. :.� �:.�.°°°.:"r
<br /> ' TaiEl. The fotfow�ng sh8�1 Con4titute teze9 to wAiCn tht5 S9C5on apPlieS: (a)a speCifiC tex uDon Ihi9 typB of D08d of TfltSt ot Upon dl or anY pirl , �:•:°
<br /> � of ttis InaeDtzCness seeured by thfs Oeed ot Trush (b)a speafic tax on Cirartta w4��ch Grantor is autAOAxBtl or reQuired to deduet hom payments . �;,� _
<br /> '1 ths Credit Agteem�and (d)a sDectflc�a�c n el�ar anry poNOn of the In ebtedness o�o�paymanLS o�f p�nclpe�a d�lnterest made by Qran a�t . ` � ,. .
<br /> te. ftlilTF�A ASSURAlICES. The�alowinp provfsions retaUnp 10 further esswtr�cns ere e pad ot tnts Dsad of Tnut. ° _
<br /> � FuRt�e►Aswr�fCea. Upon request of Lsnder.t3raMa wi0 make.execute and deUver.a vnl!Cause to be made.exeeuted a dNtvM�d.to Len�a► .
<br /> a to LenOers des�pnee.and when requested by LenCer,catse to be flled,recorGeG.refiled,or retecorded,es t�B e85e maY be,tl sucB 8mss and • •
<br /> in such officas�nd p!aeas as 1-ender may d08m approprlate,eny and aD s�st+moAgages.de�ds et trusf.s�c�utty de�ds�secu�h a0�°°�en�s, .
<br /> tl�ananp statements,eonUnuaUOn statemonts,ir�struments of furlher assurarwa,oerOficates.and othw Oxumants as maY��n ttia sob opinion of -
<br /> �mpn�,th�W Tnu1.andithe Re4ted 0 u�menb.anC b)t��ik4rm and securiri mteresb��aMt�d by�lhb Oeed o1 Tn+st on tM ProAeAY• � . , . .
<br /> Unbss prohlbtted by taw a�preed to the contrary by LenO��n wrldnp.firantor shafl roimbwse Lender tpr�0 eosffi and�aAenses inciure0 in �
<br /> CpnnlCtlpn wIM HN matt6�s referred to In ttib p8r8pr8ph. '
<br /> 1� Fl�l.FFRFOSiA9AFICE. If Oranta PaYg e�t tM InOebtadnes5 when due.terrNnates ttis cYedlt Uns�ccaunt.and otherwlS�p�rtortns a1l tM —
<br /> . oDfipattora imposed upon Grarta under thts Deod oi Trus�Lender Shall�ceeute sn0 deuver to TruStes�request fa tuB rocorneYa�oe•
<br /> ft�. OEFAtLT. Ese�ot ths 1oHowlnp.at tAe opUon of Undar.sMII eonstitute an event of defautt('EverH of Oetautt')undor tAls Oeed of Trush (a) .
<br /> pnnto►eommtts hauC a mvices o material mtsrepresertlaUOn at any dme in connecuon wftA the�����e aCCOUnt. Thts ctn indud�,tor exampla.� . -
<br /> ' rals�statamsnf about Grantor's +ncome,asseb. �1ab��nes. a any otner aspects of Grantor's flnancW conetUOn. (b)Granta doe�not mest 1M i.
<br /> I r9pYymorn temis of tfKi CreQfl lino 8000Unt. (Cl Oraniors aCdon Or inBCt�On adv6�Se�Y effeCtS ttf8 Co118ter81 fo►tl�e GrodA line BCCOUnt p Lenders nphtS m ' �
<br /> Ifig Opllaterai. Th�s ca�i�du0e.for enemp�9.f8dure to memtain requ�retl msuranCe.waSte or deStrucWe use o}the tlw�I�mg.fatlure to p8y 18xe5.tleatA
<br /> ; o�an oe�s�^s��ae�e on ine accoon� rta�s}er�f ude or saie o�rne awe���ng c•eabon o}a i�en on tne dwemng r��t�7ut ow oe�m�ss�or ���eciosu�e[v tne ^'Y
<br /> � • � r
<br /> • . .
<br /> -- — --� . . . ., , , , . . '.,""_ • -.-,--•--�-� . . : . �
<br /> . . . • � . . � . , .. , . . _ . � . . . • � " • • . . ' .
<br /> . . . .
<br /> . . .
<br /> .. , ; . . . , . , .
<br /> . , .. .. . . :,, . , . ' n � a . .,. . , , .�• ' , • � ". �� • . " ..."
<br />