' . , . - . . . . 4 _ -
<br /> . y��
<br /> I '
<br /> �. � DEED OF TFtl1ST . ��� 1�1''��� Page 5 ` .. � -
<br /> � (Continued) � � �
<br /> � ; '
<br /> hWd�ot 8noth9�I�en.ar tne use of funQS or the Gwelling for proh�b�ted purposes. ; � .
<br /> �a 19. G6iA!lTOA'S RlGlii TO CUAE UPOn the oeeurtence of am Event of DsiaWt(otitar than fraud os +natsne!rtusteDrese�a�on) ond Pnc►to . , .__. _
<br />' 1 ��g�y p}�ng�ts anC remed�es G�ovuSsd m tMS Deed o!Tru51 or by iaw.LBnder she�►grve noCe9 es p�o�ded m tne Deed of Trust anA as r .
<br /> f requaed bY 8P0�le IBw. ` , °
<br /> J `
<br /> Zp. pI�MS A}�p REMEDIF_S OM DEFAILT. Upon the aeeuRence ot ar�y EveM of Defau�t hts or remedies p o�Ced y����nd�•��a�hon.
<br /> � mgy�r�gny ang pr mare ot the(ollowmg nghts and remedi8s.m adtlition to a�Y o��9 ; :
<br /> A�pn upon Oefaul�A4ditional Reme�ies. If any svent of defautt ocwrs wh�ch is not cured with�n f+Reen(15)daYS attYr nOtfcs.LenEer ; . , .
<br /> ,� mqy de�gre 911 indebtetl�ess SBCUred by 1��5 Deed of Tr�!to M A��w ond payab!9 8nd I�e same 5haii 1he�euDo���dua and payab�e �
<br /> wittsout anY PreseMmant,demanQ Protest w notice of arry kind Thereafter.LenQar may: �:,;:W.�,,.
<br />.t (a) E r..'�e r f n p e r s o n o r b y a f i e n t,w�tt�a w i t h o u t bn n g i rt g an y adion or pracead�n8.a by a receiver appanted by n eattR an0 withoul reqarG E _ -
<br /> to�adeQua�y ot it5 security,enter upon and►�pr d�e to preserve tt�e val�ue.merketab�U►Y a rentab�+ly of 1he «ProD�Y�D�of i , -�-�-;�
<br /> Tnuu�ee.and do any ad5 which ii deems nece''�sary , —
<br /> the P►operry or+nterosf in the PropertY:increase�e meome hom ihe Propefir or ProtOCt ihe seeurity of the Piroperry:m d.'"�+t� d�d � ���,-, `
<br /> ffiking possession ot the Proper�Y.Stte for or otherwise cdJect the rBriLU,issues ana profiLS ot the Prope►ty,induding oss R� � ?:r"
<br /> unpaitl.and apPly Me same.less eosts and expenses of oDeraUOn and cdlection.�ndudiny attomeYs'tees.to anY indebtedness se�aued DY . , .„ ,
<br /> this Deetl ot Trust,a1i io such order as Le^der oma�eo�stia l�noTt auB o�r�wai e any default w no�!default�u�Qeed o�f T�nist or � ' , ,.' _ "::_.-����
<br /> ; s u c h r e r�t s.�s s u e s a n d p ro fi t s.a n d t h e a p p f u� `
<br /> jj ��validate any got dpne in response to such default or pursuartt to suCh nodce o f d e f au l fi an d�o t w�t h s l a n d n g M e c o n ti n u a n c e i n p o s s e s s�o n I
<br /> � ot the Prope�Y ar the Cdlection.reoerDt and ePAtication of rents.issu9s or profits.Tnistse or LBnderY halt be entitled to exerase everY h9io i . ' ���.�-'�.
<br /> pro�ded for m the Ged�t A reeme�t or the RelateG Documents ar b law upon the occurtence of an event ot�tefau►t,i�dudi the ng `,. • :;�'�
<br /> e�se the P�er of Sale: . '�
<br /> .�z'.
<br /> (b) Commence an action to foreclose th�s Deed ot Tnut as a mortgage.apPe�m a rece�var or speaficalty entace any ot ihe wvenanls , �. _�-.,-,�.f,
<br /> • hereoi;snd .'`� �
<br /> � n Qeclara6on of tletault and demand for sale and a wrr�en nohce of Qefault and electron to cause Grantors i• �-�*t �,
<br /> (C� Oetiver to Trustee e wntte
<br /> interest in the PropeM to be sotd wfi�notice Trustee shall Gtuse to Ce duly fied fo<<sCOrd in the apD�aA��o�of the County��wh�ch ' ��
<br /> , � i :
<br /> 1he Propeity is loCqted' . ' ;1 .��-"
<br /> �ora,ypsuro py po+rer of Sale. If Lender elecLS to toreclose by exerase of the Power of Sais herein contained,Lender shall notiiy Trustee and
<br /> 4 � � � .
<br /> 51�a11 tlep�t witD Tttutee tha Oeed of Tnut and the Credd A9reement anC such rece�pts and evidence of expenditures maCe aad seeurad by th�s 6.
<br /> Deed ot Tn�t a5 Trustee msy teQuire. . �� :'
<br /> h Noti08�DBtault � '•;�1 ` [= 5.
<br /> (a) UDan raeeipt ot such notice trom Lender,Trustee shall cause 10 be recorded.pubfishetl end deGvered to Gra�o►suc �;: , it;
<br /> 8 n d N O t i c e o f S a t e a s th en re quireG b y Iaw an0 DY m�DeeC of Tn�st. Trustee sha11.withou!demand on Grantpr.afte�SuCh time a4 rt+ay men .•,,( .,�.�k.: t r
<br /> be required by law and after recordabon 0�suCt�NotiCe of DefBU�t 8n d a tter No tice o f S s l e h a v�n g b e e n q i v a n a s r 8 q w r e d b y Iflw.sall 1he ,
<br /> i
<br /> Qrppgrty Bt ihe tim0 end p�BCe of 581e foced by A�n suCh Not�te 0�Se�e,eRher es a who�e,or�n separ8te lots or puCeGS o��e�s�TN'� '. '- ..t�.a •:;� '
<br /> shall d9em expe d�en t,antl m such order es�t may detemm�e,et pUbliC BuCUan t0 the h�gh65t b�dfler fOt CdSh m 18wtul money ot tho U�Bd . �c i_ _
<br /> Stat2s payable at the time o}se1e. Truste9 sha��deliver to such purchaser or pur�hasets ihereof its goo d a r►�s u H k+ent deed or d9eds ��`�`- ' � , `p
<br /> ConveN�the prOpeAy su soid.but wdhoul any covenant or warranty.axpress or impl�eC. The rerafals m sucA tleed of s�y�1t�s o►�S ,. ---
<br /> Shall te Condusive proof of the Wthfulnes5l�ere0f. Any person.induding wdhoul IimitaUOn Grantor,Truste0,or Lender.maY D�reh85�8t �..
<br /> Sueh SSt9. � •, ' "ig. _
<br /> �p� qg may pg permitted by Iow.aftet Qeductin�all costs.tees and expenses of Trustee aad ot thts Trust,indudinp costs ot evidonoe ot tiririe
<br /> ,:x-�.- �
<br /> Trustee Shall apP�Y the proceeds of sale to payment of (i)all sums expended untler ihe terms of this Deed of Trust or • :.;�'�° ::�.;�----_
<br /> in eonnectlon with sa►e. . . ,- � __----
<br /> unGet the terms of the Credit Agreoment�ot then repaid.including but not limded to acc�ued interest and Iate char�es. (i)all other sums ,f 1 �,���_.
<br /> tt�n seCUred hereby.and (iii)the remainder.H any,to tne versoo or perso�s ie�h ent�aea tnerefo. �
<br /> (c}7rustsa may in tl�e manner Oro+Aded by taw 0�10one sa�e of all a any porhon ot the Property. . .;��:,..-_�:,:,,: -
<br /> Ramedki Ko1 Eutus�vet. Trustee and Lentler.an0 eseh of them.shall be entiUed to entorce PaYment and pertamwnce of e�Y inGbladrnss e+ _. :�'�:: —
<br /> pbypntions seqtred by tt��Deed Ot Trust and to exerase a��nyhis and powers under th�s�eed of Trust,under ttle Ged�l Aqreemenl.under t�Y of .,::•�,—�5 �_-
<br /> ttse Retated Oocuments,o►under eny other apreement a eny�aws now or hereaHer m force:notwithstan0inp,some a a11 of suet�indebteQness
<br /> and obfipatlons secured by this Oeecf ot Trust may now or hereafter be otherwise seeured.whett�er by mortpa8e.deed of trus�.p�adye.Gen. -" _';_�\'�._'_ _
<br /> ossipnmeM or otherwise. Neither the acceptance ot tn�s Oeed ot Trust na its enforcemenl,whetner by eourt achon a pursu�nt to th�power ot ��T . ._
<br /> sale or othsr powers contained in t�is Daed of Trust,s�all prejuCice or in any manner aHect Trustee's or Lenders right to raolim upon a errfaroe �,.,4:. :
<br /> �Y Otry���yity nox,pr herp,after hefd by Tttutee or Lender.d heinp agreeC that Trustee and LenCer.and each ot them,StWI be entitled to
<br /> �n10tC�this CeBd ot Trust and any other SeCUrlty�ow a hereafter helG by Lentler a TruStes�n Sueh ortler and manM►a.s t►�eY a►�itlw►o}�hem .�^�*'-
<br /> msy i�their absolute diSCreNOn determine. No remedy eonlerte0 uDon a reserved to Trustee ar Lender.is�ntended to be bxGus+we o1 any other � .
<br /> temedy in this Oeed o1 Trust or by law prov►ded o►permdted.but each stiaU be eumulatrva and shall be�n aeo b the Ct�edit t�r rr�a ny of . .-
<br /> this Deed of Trust or now or hereafter existing at taw or m e4u�tyr a by statute. Every power or remedy gn� Y �►0�� �''� —
<br /> thB Fielated OOeuments to Trustae ot Lentler or to wh�ch edher ot them may be Othe�wise enti:ed. may i7e eua�fsed• cona.'ra�tlY a . �
<br /> rAm�edios. N�otninp in t StOeed of Trust shall be onstrued as p oh D�ti g�I.ender from seek ng a dafic+eney dpmen apairy�st t?w Gra a�►�e , � ---
<br /> 6xtant such adlon ts pormitted by law. • �-
<br /> Request FOI Notlee. Grentor,on behalf ot GrentOr anC LenCer,hereby requests lhat a eopy of any NoUCe of Oefault an0 a GODY Ot a�Y Nodce ot .
<br /> Sate under this Oeed o}Trust be mailetl to mem at the adOresses set forth m Ine first paragraph of flus Oeed ot Trust
<br /> Wsiver;Eleetlon of Remedle�. A warver by any paAy of a Oreach o1 a prov�s�on of th�s Deed ol Trust snaU nol cor+sGlW a waae�►ot a Pre�udKe
<br /> the partys nghts otherwise to demund sUtct compuance with thal provison a any other pro+ns�on. Elecnan by Lende►to pursuo 4ny remedy �
<br /> provlded�n this Deed ot Trusf.the Gedit Ayreemont,m any Related OxumenR or prov�d80 by law shall not exdude pursuit of erry othe�remeCY.
<br /> and m 6�ectlon to make e:p9nditures a to tako action to peAorm an obl�gahon of Grantor under t�is Deed of Trust after feilure of GrBntor to �
<br /> perfprm ahell not af(eGt LenOers�i8ht to dedare a default and to exerase en9 0l ib remedies. .
<br /> Attomeys'Fees:Espense�. �t�ender iruritutes any su�t or action to enforce any ot the terms of this Deed ot Tru51.lender shall b�enhtl�ed to � _
<br /> � recove►suc4i sum as the couA may adjudge�easonablA 8s attaneys'}ees at fial and on eny appeal. Whether o��ot eny court action is mvo�ed. . _
<br /> � al� reaspnaple e�enses ineurted by Londe* whkh m Lendefs opmion are necessary at any bme for the protectlon of iis intet�st or tAe
<br /> 8ntptCement Ot�b r�g�LS Shtll DeGOmB A P�of the indebtedn855 GaYBble On de�n0 Bnd Shafl bear�nterest et the GeOit Ag�e9ment rate frOm the � . -
<br /> 08t8 0�expo�diture until repeitl. Expen5e5 covered by thi5 per8g�eph mClutle.wdhouf hmit3hon.howeve�SuD�eCt t0 e�y I�mAS unde►IIAD��CeDl9 I R
<br /> � iaw.�ender's attorneys'tees w�etner or not there�s B�awsun,mCutl�ng attorneYS�ees tor bankruDtcv proceedings imGud�ng eftorts to moOdY a -- . , .
<br /> Ya�ate a�� 0d'0^'8UC S;aV 0''n���n�6pn. BDOQa'S 3^�a^� 3 'C3'° _ - �7'^P^� -••ny�-^:P'.�'°S '^P^,�5� 7•52�"'w.n�•prp.�e .,...a�n�np
<br /> � "� . ,� iM�.
<br /> • ' �.
<br /> ' . '. - , ' � �.
<br /> � � . .-...-.-..�--�-_�_�... _-�,,
<br /> -- .'�'.T----•--:---�+'..'^^� .. ... ' -;; • . ' � .. . �. .,, . • . . . � , " . ..... .. �
<br /> ,',. _ _ . _ , • _ ' _ . . - .C • . . .
<br /> .. . . - . . ., - - . . .... . • a. . � .. . . _ � .. . - - ' ' - � , . -. . � .ui . . ' ... . . . , ... . , . .: � . � . .
<br />