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<br /> � • DEED OF TRd1ST . , Page 3 . _.
<br /> � (ConUnued) �
<br /> � wfleti�r t,�tiile ta trie laasehol0 premL�9s.the 1e85�hold astefe.or 8ny sub'�eseholC�tate.wdl marge without lentlers e�ress wnttan wrtser�rethe► � . �
<br /> � thgsg g,�wip rema�n 5epetate and distinq,even d there�s a uruon of Utese estates�n t�e 4antltord.Grantor.or a thud 0�wno pu�'as�o� rr
<br /> otharw�+e�tQwres the esfatss. Granta turthar apre�that rt Granta�acGuu�eD or e parti0n of the fae sunAle 6tte. or e�Y other W4seddG a l
<br /> � subie�sehdd titFa to the ProP�1l���'""d�et Le�dsrs option.�mmediatery become sub�ect to the terms ot tNS DeeC of Tnist,and Gra^to'w'�� f
<br /> � executa,del'rver and reco►d all documents necessery a aAPropnate to assure lhat suth titte�s secured by th�s Deed of Trust
<br /> � � � � _ f�
<br /> a aEHA9ilITAnpM�Q�AGRE�V1piIT. Grnntor snall tulmi afi of Grantors obiyahons under any home rehab��iation,�mprovemen�►epa:r.u other
<br /> �oat1 tynement which Grantar may enter into w�h Lender. Lender,at LenQers apnon,may reqwre Q�antar to exeeute an0 ctai+vx to Lend�►.m a form ,
<br /> � acdp�ibW b Lender.an ess�Onment ot anY n9his.cta�nu or defenses which Grantor may have apamst parhes who suPP►Y labu.matenals u semCes .
<br /> in conn�dion wRh improvemsnis made to the PropertY• •:-20�`
<br /> 7. G�E GN�LE-CO!lSEHT BY LENAER. Lend9t maY.et ils o0tion.have the tpnt to aooa�8►ate.that�5.tledere immediatMY du�end PaYa��� . .
<br /> nterest�RB81 PrOP�Y���t�r selFS a transfen t1�e Real W OertY w�t�o�the wri e�consent of Len6e rU�en p�toteeos�erflUO��heD -- -
<br /> ghr0 notl0e to G�antor. The noECe shall prc►,4e a Penod of not less tha�ten(10)days from the date 01 the no�oe within whicn Grania rtwY DaY the -_
<br /> surt�s dedared Que. If Grantor faiis to pay:*^se sums pnor to the expuation of sueh periotl.Len�er may.+�nthout tuRher notice or Cemand on Grantor. .._'-:'---
<br /> � imroke any remedies perm�t�ed in this DeeC ot Trust A 5818 or lransfef'mea�s the conveyanCe o1 Resl Properly or any npht,Gt1e ar intetest therei�: ' ,.�: --
<br /> whetitiar fBIIal a eQuilab►e:wt�ethet volunfBrY Or involuntsry;whether bY oulri�ht sale.Qeetl�i�stallment sale contract.tand contrad.wntraet for dee0. •-�'�:
<br /> (e85ehdd interest with 8 ter'+9reeter itian tNree(3)Yea�s.iease"option eontt8d.a by 591a.assi�nment,a transter ot ar►y benefipo!irtterest in a to any +.'.,_"�`-`_e. i
<br /> ;and trust A�d�g tiqe to tha�eal ProAeAY.or by any other method of eonveyanee of Real P►CDertY interest. However,this optton shafl not b9 exerased r�__� .
<br /> try lender if such exsrGSe a proh�Dited by federal iaw a by Nebreska law.
<br /> !, TpAHS'rER OF PiiOPERTY.The(o�a�in9 Provisions relatlng to the transfer of the Real Property are a part o�th�s Daed of Tnut • .::`� ___
<br /> � potke o!T►enster. Grantor shall�+rs natice to Lender,es provided in this Daed of Trust,pnor to any sale or transfer of ail or part of the Property :.:•i�. ;
<br /> or arry dghts in Ihe RSai ProperN. any person to wham all or part ot the Real Property�5 sold or transferreC Blso sha�l he obliQated to yNe noUCe , ;:';�!��;_
<br /> � • to Lender.as Pro�aad n t��s OeeO ot Trust,Promptty atter sucti transfer. �: ��
<br /> � /�Qysn�eg Afiet Tttt.�Ter. All amounts advanced unCer tne LOANUNER�Home EquAy Ptan Gedit Ayreement, up to Uw Ccpdt L+mi1.are , _ q,;
<br /> seCUrgd by ths paed of Tntst, whether advancBG befOre or sfter saie or trensfar ot the Resl Property,exCeDt any amourds whi�C� may be __<,� " �,
<br /> advgr�ced by Lender more fhan five(5�days after notioe to Lender.ss DroHdet!m th�s Oeed of Trust,thai sueh transfer or sata has ocCwreC- . �, :
<br /> Even if Grantor transfers the Reat Property.Grantor will Conhnue to be obilgsted unCer Ihe Credit Agreement and this Deed ot Ttust unle�Lender �; :, �
<br />' releases Grantor in wridnq. As a condtion to Lender'S wn5ent to eny proP���ar or as a eondition to the retease ot Granfor.L�.^��mey �.:;, .
<br /> r�qutre ihat the D�n to whom ihe Re9!PropertY s trans(eRed 5�4n an assumption apreement saSsfactary to lendsr and Lender maY�mD�� . -
<br /> a5sumptbn fea The assumption flyreament wdl nat e:�tle the 08���9�ng it to receive ndvances under tho Credit A�raement _ .�.
<br /> �, ,:5
<br /> 8. TAXES AND LIQJS. Tha fdlowing provisions relating to the taxes and lieas on the PropeAy are a paA of this Deed of Trtst ;_;s :
<br /> P�ynaln� G�anta st�atf pay whan due(end m a!I evsnis Pnor to delinquency)fl1118xes.speaat tax6s.assossments,Chnrges(inCtuWrg w8ter and :� ,,��� �
<br /> sewer),Anes and impoS�UO��e v i e 0&9a��s 1 a�^a O C O U r d o t tt i e P►o D e r t y,a n d s h a l l D a Y when due a11 daims for work Cone on a for serv�ees
<br /> ren6ered p�rtviterial fum�ed to ttie ProGe�Y�lien ot taxes and��assessments not due,except�for the e�as9 gn tlgb etlness r�eSerted to below.�tl . :.'f'• I`�.�+�' �.
<br /> Lendw under 18is Dee9 of Trust,exee0 ... . .
<br /> ozcept as othemise pro�Ced m this Oeed ot Trust --..� '�` -
<br /> Ri�t To Contest- Granlor maY wlth�otd DaYm9��of 8"Y���ment,or cltum m connecbon+anth a good fa�th dispute over Uw obligaGon to � �;; r;, ,_ _
<br /> paY.sp ionp as Lenders interest In the PropeAy�a not jeopard�sea. N e i�en anse5 a�s tded as a result of nonpayment.Grarda ShaY within fifteen �� .
<br /> (1��yg�ftgr the 11en arises or.if a ilen is fieC.wit�in fifteen(15)Qays afWr Grnntor has notioa ot the fiGnp.secure the dfscharpa of tM lien,or R �
<br /> .=,;;•-
<br /> requestad by Lender,deposit with Lender cash or a suf�dent coryorate surety bo�C or other secudry satistactory to Lender in an artau�sutfielent ,„_.:.... ��
<br /> to dISChBfQe th9 ften pluS 8ny co5b end flttOmey4'f8B9 or other ch8tq84 that COUid a0fxue 89 a re5ult of a for6dO5ure or SOIA undY►th9��8f1- UI • •-ad�f}�.•.-.,��••
<br /> any oontest,Grantar sRall detend Rset1 and Lender nnd sha0 satisry sny advarse ludgment belars entorcement eysinst the Praperty. Grantar sha0
<br /> narr�e�endgt ag sn adQition�obGg�e under any surety bond turnishetf in the contest proceodmgs. � �_ :��`.�-
<br /> '�•:r , 'Ar-�"':s: ,
<br /> Evidet�ee of Peyment Grantor shsll upon demand fum�sh to Lentler sat�sfaCtory ehdenCe o(payme�t oi th0 tazss cr�monls and Shsil � �.<..,
<br /> ��the appropriate gavemmental otfld8l to deliver tp Lender et any time a vmtten statement of tDe tex0s and�ssess►r�n1S agai�t the Ep � . ....r�
<br /> F _ i y3,-
<br /> � ,: `;'_
<br /> t10Uee of ConStructlon. Qrentor shaU notiy Lender at least fineen(t5)days before any work�s commenoed,any setvkes at�fUmbhBd•0�MY �,�-y
<br /> mate�Lfs are supPlieO to the PropeRY,H any mectanic's Ben.materiatmen's lien.or other I�en eould be asserted on itccount of tho watc.s�� • �^'��"�'��- ,
<br /> a rtuteri8►s and ttea co5t excaeds 510.000.00. Qrantor wi0 upon request of LenCer fum�sh to Lender advanee assurances Satlshetal►tc Le�t7er ��"`' "`•-; ::
<br /> H."�"` -
<br /> that Granta can an0 wUl paY ihe eost of such�mprovements. . ' ��'��
<br /> t0. PROPERTY INSUAA7ICE The fo0owmp provlsi0ns rele6ng to fnsunng ihe Property are 8 pert Of this Deed of TruSt. ' �'
<br /> ,�.:.��Yra�.,.--nt.
<br /> tiRafittnsnce of tnwtanea Grantar shell proeure an0 malntain policies ot flre�nsurance wdA standard extende0 eoverapo enCOrs�mtnb on a .
<br /> npinameM basis tor the lull insiaabte vaWe cove�n9 s��mprovements on the Reat ProDerty in an amount sufAcient to�vWd apptieatlon of nny • �„��
<br /> Cdnstuance Gause.8nd w'"+8 standerd mort93Qee Gauso�n favor ot LenOer,togethor wdh suc�Other harard and habJity Ir�siulma�43�ende► .. . -•
<br /> rnay reaspnabty repuro. 11 thv Ria1 ProAerty i8��=d��8�����9nated by the DueCtor o}the Federal EmerQeney ManapYmYnt AqBncY as a . :
<br /> SpeClal Aood hez8rd area.Gtantor agrees ta obla�n Federel Flood�nsurance to the extent such insuranee is rBquRed end is av�it4bla. Pof�aes . •�
<br /> StWI ba written m fam.amounls,coverapes and bas�s reasonably acceptab�e to Lender and�ssued by e company a compures reasonabty
<br /> aCCaDtabls to Lender. 6ranta.upon roquest of Lender.will delwer to Lender hom hme to Ume the poliqes or c�rtiflcates o�iestaanCe m form � .
<br /> eatlsfacfory to Lander,indudinp stipulohorts that wverage�viN�not be cencelled or Oimin�shetl Knthouf at Ieast ten(t0)days'prla wHttcn notice to
<br /> Londar. . . _
<br /> Apptleatfon o} praeeds, Grar,tw shatl promptly notify Lender of any ioss a Camape to the ProDeM�}t���ted cost of repa�r a �,
<br /> replapsmeM exeeed9=10.000.00. Lendor may make proot of lo5s if Grentor fe�is!o Go so within fiHeen(1b7 diys of th�ca.:utityt. If,in Lendefs ;
<br /> Jud9mer�t.the restoratlon a rapatr is economkelty feasibte and LenQefs secudty�s not lessen�d, insunnce proeNCS st�tl be apptied to �
<br /> restoratlon ot repair of the damaged Property. U I�e re5tor8tion or repa�r�S not eCOnom�calty feasibte or Lenders SeCUrlty woutd bo Ies5ane0.the .
<br /> insur8nce proCaeds Shall Ca apOGed to tha sums secured by th�s Oee�o}Trust whethor or not then du0,wdh any exosss 0�'-to Granta. If , . •
<br /> � aranta abandons Ihs PropeAY.a does not aruwer witAin lhtrry(30)CaYS a noUCe from Londer tt�at the insurance cartiar ha.4 aWtad to sa11w+ -
<br /> daim,then Lender may Cd►eet ihe in5ur8nCe P�xesds• �e^der may use the proeeeds lo repa�r or restore the ProDe►N or to pay suma seeured Oy t
<br />. ihfs Oaatl of TrtRt,whotlN►C�not tt18n du9. if Lender h01ds eny prOtei�d8 eflOr peyment�n tult of ihe indebtedness,suetf pIOC9Mi!ShiA b�peid a
<br /> -� lo(iranta as Grantors mterests maY gAPeer. " ;_
<br /> UIIE7IplTld ttI911fEf10E Cl$a1Q• Any Unelcpir0d�nSUrflnC9 ShB����ure t0 the benefit 0�.a�d p855 t0.the Ou�Ch8S6�01 thB�Op9rty COVEreO by th�5 �
<br /> 098tl 01 T�uS18t 8ny trustee'S 53iB or oth8r 581e nO�G untler thB p�ov�5�0�5 0�tn�S OeBd 0�T�uS� 0�3:a�V�o�ec�osu�e sa�e o+sucn aroaertv �
<br /> � _,_ ., _ _ •-------- —.T,. � _._. _ ..._-. -.- .
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