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� . ,.: _ - <br /> . • . ' � ' .4 <br /> e } S <br /> t��.� ��'��� DEED OF TRiJST Psga a � � � • -- <br /> � (ConUnued) � � <br /> � . <br /> OEEO Ot Trusf. TRe wo�tls'9ee0 of TroSY mean th�s Oeed of Tr�St among Grantor,Lende►and Trustoa. } ' <br /> • Grastor. The wcro"GrantOf ineans any a�d a��perso�and enhC6s ezeCUhng tti�s Daetl�1 Trust Any G�ento�wno S+g�s t��5 Oeed Of Tnttt,bu! <br /> ' a s�aeurth�ntere���G2ntOfsmntereSts�nnth8 er5on�a��oDenY�LenCa�B d 6crtot8Perspna�ryntUabie und t thehGed�Apt�nt�dexcfD�' . � . <br /> t . — <br /> OVelrvrr58 p�Ohded by COntraCt Or law. .• _ <br /> Itn�OVem6nts. TRe word'►mprovements' me2n5 antl mGuCes�hout bm�taLOn 8fi epSLng and tuture improvemenis, 16Ruros. bu�IdinyS, <br /> j ��5,mobde homes affixed on l�e Real Property.�aa��ties.atlG�bons Snd ot�er construd�on on the R881 Property. <br />� � �nQEptednesa. The wortl�ndebtedness'means all pnnppal and interest payable under I�e Gadd Agreemertt 8nd any amounts expanded or ; � <br /> advarca0 py LBnCer to CSCharge oh6gaho�s ot Grantor or espenses incurted by Tnutee or LenCar to BnforCO abliqations Ot��ue�u�� <br /> � popd of Trust,together wdh mterest on suGh emoun5 as prOhded m M�s�eed of Tn�,St. SpedtfCally,MdtllONt�1mltIItlon. � * <br /> j eeatrts a rovotving lln0 af eredit,whtch o0llqatd len�et to make aCuaneas to�iranta ao tonp ta Gnnior eompika wit�aI11t'.e tsrrt�s o! � ' . . <br /> d ''. <br /> � it�Credtt ApreaaeenL Sueh a0vances maY tie mede,rcpatd.artd remaQe trom Sme to ttrtee.subJeet to trie�mitatbn tlud tne talal I . _ .'''" � <br /> q�anCinp Odanee owlnp at eny one ifine,not nGudtnp ftnanee Marses on xich bNanee at a fOcEd or varpDie rate a aum a 0�� <br /> In the GeEit Apreement.anY temDcrMl overopes.olher charyes,anA artfl amourtls expe�ded or advent€d aa P�vkisd tn thla pmayr�4�. � . .�._ <br /> I irtatt not e9ceeed the Gedii UmN as provided In the Credlt Asreemen� HorirltA�tendin�the anount out�taT�dtn�M arry partlailar Brt�+ � •+r--,;�— <br /> � Nfs Deed ot Ttuat sewres the toWl Credft AQreement amount srtown aDovo. TAe unpald btlanC�o!ths[evWvinp Ihro of uedlt maY a1 . - �,� <br /> � e$!lQtdoco to aQveace N as to Gtant rntTheretore,t ef�en o this Deedo Ttust wW teremaln in tuil lorce an�4ket noturltnstart��a�ryl Y <br /> :. r <br /> � • �._�.._8 <br /> 20f0 O�fiCO. .. <br /> :•� The wor0lease'means any lease between Grantor and the Lessor of the PropeRy. . • ' ',:.::;-w <br /> LenQer. The word'tendar means NnFCO NE Feaerai Geait Un�on,ds suecessors and assigrss. ` :•—.-��°, <br />:�j f�er�pn�l Property. The words'Personal Property'mean atl eqwDment,fufures.and other arddes of persanal properry now a h�L'*�r awnsd : . � � <br /> .j by G�antor.and now or Aereafter atGT:hed or affixed to the ReAI Properiy:topeth8r w+th ai1 aCeess+ons.paAS.and adCiUO�to,aU raF�s'*.�e�1s of. � <br /> �. and all subslitubons�or.arry of SuC�property;and topettfer wdh ell proceetls(including Mrithout IimitaUon 8l1 i�uurarleo proCeeds and retunds of `,;�.r!�� <br /> � p[ertuams)from any sata or other dis0��on of the PrOperty. • : ��'�� _` <br /> Properly.The word'ProDeAy'�x�¢�s eoliedively thE Real PrcPerh and ths P6tson3l Property. f��'� � <br /> ped Property.The wor d s'R e a f P ro p e rt y'm e a n t h e p r a p e r H.i n t e re s i s a n d r g h t s d a s a i b e d a b o v e i n t h e'Co rn s Y a n c e and Cirard'secUon. � • _ � � . �.+:: <br /> ReYReO Oowments The words 4telateG Oocuments'mea� and mduCe without timrtation a l l prom f s s o ry no t e s, c r e d it n s r e emart9,loan � � �., <br /> aqrepments,queranties,secunty a9reements,martgages.Qeeds ot trust.anG a11 other msbvmenb and documents.whether now or hereafter . : �.;#.. ' . 'r : . - <br /> ex�ytp,gxecuted in connecbon witfl Grantors�ndebleGness to Lender. � ��.}•y�, <br /> Tntsiee.The word'fnistee'mea�u 1ne ertdty shown at the top Of page one of th�s Oeed of Trust. • ���.! ' ��. <br /> ns : � . �- <br /> y111g p�Oi TRUST AND.IF AHY.A SECUAITIf INTEREST IH THE PERSONAL PROPERTY,IS GNEH TO SECURE �1)PAYIAE?IT OF T1E ' Q,. <br /> IN0�53 AND e21 PER�dAlllAtlCE OF EACN A6REENIENT AND OBLlGAT10N OF GRANTOR!tlti��i Ti�CREDIT AGREEIY�IENT,TfE � �;�. ���.'{� <br /> E C <br /> pg,A7FiL�tlJIVtENTS,AND TMIS DEID OF TRIJST. TM�S OEED OF TRUST IS GIYEN IlHO ACCEPTED�`:+l TFiE FOLLOWIHO TERMS: .� <br /> 3. PAYI�iT AHO PE�v��4VlMICE. ExceOt as otnerw�se provitled in t��s Oeea of Trusf.tirantor shall pay to LenQer aG amounb s�CUrad by Mb _ :: �:- ' �; __ <br /> o!Trust ati tt�e beco�e due.and sha11 strictly an0 m a timety manner perfarm e0 of Grantors obiiyatians ur.der the LOANUtYER�Monw EqWiY � . A+r,� �. _ <br /> �(�'t Agreemgnt a,�„i L1�Oeed Of Trust a ! <br /> 4. POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF TME PROPERTY. Grantor agrges that Grantors possession and use ot the Property ShaO be poverned by „ •��•• <br /> ms tdrowirq vrovlsions: � °�:� � `�,Q~.: <br /> pbYESfiop�nd Ux. Until t�e occurrenee of en Event o}Oefault,Granror may (a)remein in possession and control o}the PirOperty. (b)use, . ;'..•��"• • . <br /> operste or rt�anape the PropertY.and (c1 coilect 8ny Rents fram the Property ���.'�, •,�_� <br /> Bt�ty to Mettfta�n. Grantor shall maintam tna Properly in tenenklble tondiCon and promptiy perfonn all repeirs end meintenance not�ssBry to :� � -i� � <br /> • :{.:.., <br /> p[65brve ib V81U9. � - :r. .' 'f�i+,�ara'`�—".�"�__ - <br /> li�ctaw Subataneee. (�irrantor represents and waa8nb th81 the PropBAy never has been,end never wiU bs 50 l0ep as Ws GeeB OI TntSt <br /> •:r-�.•--. <br /> rem�a.-�o lien on the�apeRY.u5ea fOr fhe peneration.manufaCture.storepe.heatment,dtSP�.te��a t�reatened r8ieis�of any Iwat60us -. ;`.�_�' <br /> waste a tho50 t�arms ere ae8ned in ih9 CamP�e�enstve Enwronmental ResyOnse.CompansaUon and Uab�ry�ct ot 1980.�s -.� .- „M1 _ <br /> nmended.42 U.S.C.Section seq•PCERCIA�,the SupeAunC Amendmen�and Reauthonution Act('SARA'�,appiica�ts stata ot FoQerai �� : � �. "=:-� — <br /> .�;,,.,,,,�',.�.�. ._ <br /> Iaws,a repulations adopted pursuant to any ot ths iorepang. Granta authorizes Lenaer and ils apents to enter upon ths ProperH to maks suc� 1 . <br /> mspecdons and tasb 8s Lentler mey deem appropnate to determine Compliance of the Property w11h this secti0n Of the�9ed o4 TnlSL Ci�aeta .�.�r.,.�.'.' <br /> � hereby (9)r6leases and w8�ves em/future cia�ms ey9�ns1 Lenaar}or mCemnity or contnbuhon in the erent Grantor beCOm9s liabt�for Gwnup or � � •�aq�:�- ! <br /> other costs under eny such laws,and (b)aprees to�nCemndy anC hol0 harmleSS LenGer age�nst arry snC�I c�ims�nd losses�t�ltlnp trom t '� �,, <br /> 1 breaah o1 this parapraph of tne Deed o!Tnut. This obfipstion to m0emmty shan suMw ttie payrtwiri ct t!w IndBbtednCSS cnd ttq snCSfactlon o1 . <br /> i this Deed of Trust. � ' ' ' �` . <br /> � ��p�yy�. prantpr shnll not eause.condvd or permd any nuisanea nor commA,permd,or sutlw any str�p�r.+p o!ot wast�on or to the • , . <br /> Property ot eny portlon ot tBS ProperfY. Speaflca�h W�thout timitation.Grantar wnU not remove.or grant to any O�C=riY the ripM t0�emove.anY <br /> � tlmCer.mmer8ls(indudinp al Bnd g�,4).sa�.p�avel a rock products w+thout the pAOr written consent of Lende►. � <br /> Lender'a RI�t to Enter. Lender an0 ib aflenb Ma representaGves may enter upon the RerJ Prop�rty at aU reasonabt�tlrtws to altend to � , . �`' <br /> Lar.�s interesb an0 to insOecN the Properry for purposes ol Grantole eompliancs witD the terms and condlUOns of thb ONO of Tntsi . <br /> Coenpttanc�wltt�Govemmental Requlremenf,s. Granta shatl orompriy eompry vv�tn et1 taws,ordinir�ea,and rspulatlom of�A pawmrMnitl ' • � <br /> aulhoAtie9 app�caD�e to the use a oceupancy of Ilie Property. Granta may eontest in yoo0 falth any sueh law,orNr+anee.a reyuta9on and � <br /> wlthnqtf comp!Iance duttnp any proceedinp,inelutlirp approprfat�appet�s.So lonp as�raMOr has notlflsd Lender in writlrq pAOr t0 doitfp EO tnd <br />� so tonp es Lentlers interests in the Propertyr are not jeoperdf=ed. Lentler may require Grantar to pos!idequate securitY o►�aissty bond, . � <br /> reesonabry satlstactary to Lender,to proteq Lender's interest- � �� <br /> Oury to protect. Granta aqrees nenher to abandan nor leave unattenCetl the Property. Orantw shall do aH otMr acb.�n additlon to thoss ub ! • . • <br /> ssl torth aDOVe in tn�s seedon,wn�cn nom tne characfer and use ol!ne Property are reason8bry necessery to protect and preservs the PropwtY. 4 � <br /> � <br /> 5. COMP1.IAtiCE WITH LEASE. H there�s a Lease on:t+e P+operty.Granta wdl pey n��re�b e�d Hnll strictty observe and perlorm on�Umery Oes�s al� �. . _ <br /> otner terms.covenents.anC conCdions o�the Lease. Grantor IuAher agrees (el�of to Surtende�.tgrm�nete.or CenCe�tne L095e.and (b1�Ot t0 � � <br /> mOddy.ChangB. SupDlgm@nt.8R@r_ O�8mend thB LeaSB.e�t�er O�BiW pr m wnang,w�tnou��e�ae�'s pnor wntten consent- No estate��M9 P�OpBrtY• � �. <br /> i _ <br /> , , � � ;. <br /> �'. <br /> _ , ✓""'.�� _ . . � 'Y'�.� . <br /> . l .• '. ' • - - <br /> . .-'_ . . . . . .. .. . . .. � .. . . . <br /> ., <br /> . � : <br />. . .... .. . .. .. . . _ . . . � . ' : . � � . . <br /> � �• <br /> , �� ' �.�. . � ' � . � .. . ' . . +� � . : . � . � . - � � ,.� ' . .. . . � . 1 • .. . �; . <br /> . • � . . _ . _ I. ' . ' .. _ ' - ' , . . ' �. . . - ' . . . ' . � ' �� . .. _ • ' . . ' �. . . . <br />