<br /> 9.Pmtection of Lender's Interest in the Properfy and Rights Under tLis Secnrity Instrument. If(a)Boirower fails to
<br /> pecfosm the wvenants and agceemems centained in tlus Security Instnament, (b) tlzere is a legal proceeding that might
<br /> significantly affed Leaider's nrtcrest in the PtoQerty andfo� riglais under tl�is Security Instrument (su�h as a proceeding in
<br /> bautQUptcy, probate, for condenmation or forFeiture,for enfoicement of a lien wltich muy attam priority ovcr this Seeurity
<br /> _nstrument or to e��force laws oa regulations), or(c)Horrower has abandoned the Proper[y,then Lender may do and pay foL
<br /> whatet�er is nasonable or appropriate To�rotect Lender's inierest in the Properry and rights under iltis Security Insm�ment,
<br /> including protecting andlor xssessing fhe Ua1ue af[he Propertg, and securing and/or repairing li'�e Property.Lender's actions
<br /> can include,but ace not limited to:(e)paying tmy stnns securcd by a llen which has priorit��ovcr tltis Secwity Instrument; (b)
<br /> appearing in court; and (c)paying reasonable attomEys' fees to protect zts interest in the Properry ana/or rights under this
<br /> Security Instzwne¢t, including iu secured positior. in a builauptcy proceeding. Securing �]ce Property includes, but is not
<br /> limited to;e��tering €he Proper[y to make repairs,changa locks,replace orboard up doors arid u�ndows,drain water Irompipcs,
<br /> eliminate 6uilding a other code violations or dangerous condirions, �,zd t�ave uLillties tucned on or off.Although Lender tnay
<br /> take action under this Section 9,Leuder does not have to do so and is not under anp duty or obligaaon to de se.lt is a�ed
<br /> fltat Lender 3naas no liabilily for not taking any or all actions auriwrized i�ider this Secrion 9.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender undex fhis Secfion 9 sY�aJl bccome additiona!debt of Borrower secured by this Security
<br /> Insfi�ment. These amount� shall bear interest at it�e Note rate from the date of disbursement and shall be payable,witlt such
<br /> interest,upon notice fromLender w Bnrrower requesUng payment.
<br /> If this Sec�ity Inshumant is an a leasehold, Bo;rewer;hall compl}�uith all the pro�isioiu of the lease. If Borrower
<br /> acquires fee title to�he Propezty,the Ieasehold end f6e fee title sk�all not mesge unless Lender a�ees to the merger in H�itirig.
<br /> 10. Mar�a;e Insurauoe. If Lcnder required Mortgage Ins�rance as a condirion of makin�ihe Loan,Bormwer shall pay
<br /> the gremiums regitiied to maintain the Mortgage Insurance in effecC lf,for any reason,the Moxtga3s Insurance coverage
<br /> requued by Lender ceases to be ac�ail2ble fru�u d�e mortgage insurer ttiat pretiiously provided sueh insi:rance and Barrower
<br /> was xequired fo nzake separately designated paymeuts wward the premiums for Martgflge Insurance, Borrower shall pay the
<br /> premiums recgiired to obtain wverage substantially equir�alent to thc Mortgage Jnsurance previously ui effect,at a cost
<br /> substaatialty equivalen[ to tl�e cosf io B4rrower oP the Mongage Insuiance pre��iously u�e�iecy from an altemafe mortgage
<br /> �nsurer selected Lry Lender.If sahstanflally equivalenc Mortgage Insurance coverage is not available,Borrocver shall continue
<br /> to pay to Lender the amount of the segaraYely designaied payane��ts tliat tivere flue wl�en the inseua��ce coverage ceased to be
<br /> in effeet.Lender wi1�aecept use and tetain these pa}�nents as a non-refimdable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage Insurancc.
<br /> Such loss reserve shall be non-refundable, notmithstanding the fact that the Loan is nitinately paid in fiill,and Lender shall
<br /> not be required to paj� Borrower any interest or eamings on such loss reseme. Lender catt no longer require loss reserve
<br /> payments if Mongage TnsurancE coverage (in the emr�unt and fnr!he period thdt Leoder rec�ires)peovided Uy an insurer
<br /> selected by Lender ag�iv�becomes available, is oblained, and Lender requires separately designated papments to�i�ard the
<br /> premi�uns for Mortgage Inswance. ff Lender required Niortgage TnsuLance xs a condition of making the Loan and Bonower
<br /> �:as required to make separateh• designated payments toward the premiums for Morteage Insurance, Borrower st�all pay the
<br /> premiiuns requircd to maintan Mortgage Insmance in effect, or to prot�idc a noa-refimdable loss rescrve; until Lender's
<br /> requuement for Mortgage Tnsucance emds in ac:coidanee r,vlth any written a�e�ment between Borrowcc and Lender proszding
<br /> for such temun2tion or until ternvnation is required by Applicable Law.Nothing m this Secrion 1D affects Boiraweis
<br /> obligatiou w pay imerest at the rate provided in the Note-
<br /> nqortgag� Insurance reimburses Lender{or ury e�itity that p�cl�ses Yhe Note)for cert2in lasscs itmzry incur ifBorrewex
<br /> does mt rcpay the Loan as agreed Honower is not s party to the Mor:gage Insurance.
<br /> Mortgage ins�sers evaluatc thcir tot2i risk on all such ins�u'ance an force from tirne ic time,and may enter iata agreements
<br /> kath other parties that skiare or modify thev risk,or reducc losses. These agree�nerns are on terms and conditions ti�at are
<br /> satisfactory to the morrgage insurer and the ot4ier party (or parries) to these a�eements. These ageements raay require the
<br /> mortgage insmer to make payments using any sourcc af funds that ihe mortgage insurer may I�ave availaUlc (whieh may
<br /> include fuuds obfained EromMor[gage Insurance premiums).
<br /> As a result of these agreements, Lender,any purchzser of the Note;anothec rosurer,an}�reinsurer,any other enUty,or
<br /> any affiliate of any of the foregoiug, may receive(directly or indirec[ly)amouuts thai deave fmm(or might be charac;teri7ed as}
<br /> a portion of IIoirowei s payrnents for Matgage Insivance, in excl�ange for sbaring or modifying the mortgage insurer's risk,or
<br /> reducing losses. If such agreement gravides tt�at an affiliate of Lender takes a share of the ivsurer's risk in eYChange for a share
<br /> of the premiums paid to the insurer,rhe azrangement is ofren termed"capuve reinsiarance." P�rther:
<br /> NEBRASKA •SingEe Family•Pannie MaelFredtlie Mac UNIPORM 1NSTftUMEN7 ,,fs�
<br /> ��t�� �71� a�9sami4 mn�eis:. ��A"`O Form 3026 tro1
<br /> DDS NE9 ��II1I��1�Il�I�I�I���l!�I�����IIII�IIII��II I,�I I��Ill'I
<br /> Oo00NE9724986
<br />