<br /> (a)Any sneh agneemenks rri11 not affeci the amounts that Borrower has agreed to pay for Mortgage Insnrance, or any
<br /> other terms of fhe Loan.Such agreements wi11 not increase tEie anuount Borraner vrill owe for Mortgage Insurance,and they
<br /> R�ili not entide Borrawer to any reFund.
<br /> (b)Anv such agreements will not afFeci the rights Sorrower ha5-if auy-with respecf ta the Mortgage Ynsuraoce nnder
<br /> the Hamec��sners Protection Act of 1998 vr any otLer law.These rigicts may include the right tn receive certain disclosnres,
<br /> Eo requesf and obtain pnceIlation ot the Mur(gage Iusuranee, fo have tlie Mortgage Insurance terminated automatically,
<br /> andlor tu receive a refund oi any Mortgage Insurance premiums that were unearned at the time of such pncellafion or
<br /> term9na6on
<br /> 11.Assigmment of Miscellaneaos Proceeds; Forfeiture. All RTiscellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigncd to and shalf be
<br /> paid to Lender.
<br /> If the Properiy is damaged; such NLscellaneous Proceeds shall Ix applied to restoration or repair of the Propert}•,iPthe
<br /> res��ration or repau is economically feasible end Lcnder's securify' is not lessened. During sucfi repair and restoration}�eriod,
<br /> Lender Shall l�ve thc right to hoJd such tvfiscel[aneous Pioceeds unril Lender has had uz oppommi�}� to inspect such
<br /> Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lender's salisfaMion, providcd that such inspectinn shall be undertaken
<br /> pramptly.Lender may pay for the repairs and�storabon in a single disburscmcnt or in a series of progress payments as the
<br /> work is completed. Unless an agreeme� is made in v.�iting or Appllcal�le i,aw requires interest to be paid on such
<br /> Ivtiscellaneous Pmceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on such A�iscellaneous
<br /> rroc�ds. [f the restorarion or re�air is not ecotaoznica0y feasible or Lender's securify would be lessened, the I�tiscellaneous
<br /> F'rviceeds shall be applied ta We sums secured by this Security Instn�ment, whcther or not then due,c��th the excess,if any,
<br /> paid to Borrower.Such Miscellaneou� Proceeds shall be appIied in the order provided for in Section 2.
<br /> In the event of a total takin„3asuuchon or loss in value of the Property,the Miscellaneous I'rocecds shall 6e applied Yo
<br /> the sums scc�rcd by tlus Secu�iiy Instrt�ment,whether or not then due,x�tfi±he escess,if any,paid to Borrower.
<br /> In the evenf oF a partial taking; destruction, or loss in��alue of thc Property in whi�h the faamarkef ralue of the Property
<br /> imme.cliately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value is ecual To or greatcr than the amount of ihe sums secwed
<br /> by this Secwity Insfiuneat inunediateiy befoce the partiat ttil;in;, desVucrion, or loss in value,nnlcss Borrow�er aud Lender
<br /> otherwise agree in writing, �he sums secured by ihis Sectuity Insewnent shalI be�educed by the amount of the A•fiscellaneous
<br /> Proceeds multiplied by t}ac Coltowing fraction:(a)Lhe mial unount af the sums secured immediately bePore the par[iaJ takii�,
<br /> destruction, or]oss in vaLue divided b�� (b)the fair market value of Fhe Property immediaiely before the partial Taking,
<br /> destiuciion, or loss in value.Any balanc,e shall be paid to Bortower.
<br /> Tn the event of a partial taking, dcshuction, or loss in��alue of thc Property in u°hich thc fairmarket value of the T'roper[p
<br /> immedia[ely before the partial taking, desmiction, or loss in value is tess if�an thc amount of ihe sums secured immetliately
<br /> before the partial talang, destrucrion, or loss in value, unless Borrower uid Lender othenuise agree in wriring; the
<br /> Miscellatteo�s Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by ttus Se�;urity Inshument tifiether or not the sun�s are then
<br /> due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,�rter notice by Lender to Borrower Yl�at the Opposing Pazty(as defined in
<br /> tl�e next sentence) offe�s to make an au�az3 to settle a claim for damages, Bonower fails to respond to L.ender cvithm 30 davs
<br /> aRer the date the notice is given,Lender is authozized to collect and apply the Ivfiscellaneous Pzoeeeds either to restoration or
<br /> repair of the Properg�or to l�ie sums szcured Uy titis Security Instrumen[, whetLer or not then due."Dpposing Paity"meaz�s
<br /> the third�rty tk�at o�ves Brnro�vcr Misccllaneous Proceeds or the pa�ty aProalnSt w�om Borrower Pas a right of acbon in re;ard
<br /> to Ivliscellaneous Pioceeds.
<br /> Bor�owcr shall be in default if any acfion or pro:.eeding, whether civil or criminal,is begtm ihat,in Lender's judgnent,
<br /> coutd result in forfeit�se of the Properiy or other material impairment of Lender's interest in Ate Properi��or rights under this
<br /> Secruity Insa umeat. Boirower can cure suoh a deCaidt and,if acceleration has occurred,reinstate as provided in Section 19,by
<br /> cac�sing the action or proceeding to Ue disznissed kdth a ruling thay in Lender's judg�ncnt,precludes forfeihse of the Properiy
<br /> or ofliei matarial unpaitment of Lender's intcrest iu the Property or righis cmder this Security Instrument The proceeds oPany
<br /> a�tard or claim for damages that are attributable to the impaument oE Lendez s anteicst inthe Properry are 5ereby asaigned and
<br /> shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> Afl Miscellaneoos Proceeds tl�at 2re not applied to iestoration or repair of the Property sha[1 be applled in the order
<br /> pro��ided for in Section 2.
<br /> NEBRASKA -Single Family-Fannie MaelFraddia Mac UNIFORM lN5TRUMENT a -� �
<br /> .�-6�NE} (o5t�i a+�e�rte ma�is.-.t}-��'. d� Form 3028 1l07
<br /> DDS NE4 (IIII��III�I��I�I Illal��L�I�II III I�'�I I��I'lllll II�'llt I�
<br /> 0060NE9724986
<br />