<br /> All insa*uace policies required by Lender and renewais of sucri policies sha31 be subject [o Ler�der's rig�t to disapprove
<br /> such policies, sliall include a standard mortgage cIause, and shail name Lender as moztgagee andrbr as an additional loss
<br /> payee. Lender shall have the right te ltold the policies and renesval certificates. If Lender requires,Borrouer sha11 gromptly
<br /> give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. If Borrower obiains any form of ins�uance coverag�, [iot
<br /> o[hexwise required t,y I,ender,for c�amage to,or destzuetion of.ihe Propert��,such policy shail include a standard mortgage
<br /> clausa and shall name Lendez as mortgagee andloz as an additional loss payee.
<br /> in the event of loss,Boirower shal!give prompt nouce to the insurance csrier�ad Lender.Lender ma}=make proof of loss
<br /> if not made promgtly b}$oirowet.iJnless Lender ar�Borrotaer otherwise agree in writing,any msucanc� proceeds; ��+hether
<br /> or not the undedying nsLUance w�as remiired by Lender, shall be applied to restorarion or repair of the I'roperty, if the
<br /> restorarion or*epair is c�onomicaliy feasible and Lender's sceucity is not lessen�l. During such repair and restoration period,
<br /> Lender stiall hace the right to hold such insurance proceeds until Lender has k�ad an opportutiiry to inspact such Pkoperry to
<br /> ensure thc work bas been completed co Lender's satisfactio� proo-ided tht such i�pection shaA be undertaken prompUy.
<br /> Lender may disburse pxoceeds for the repairs and rastoration in a single payment or in a series of�rogess pa}�ments as thc
<br /> work is compieted Unless an agreement is made in w�iqng or Applicable Law requires intarest to be paid on such msuranee
<br /> procccds, Lender shail not be required to pay Borzower any interest or eamings on such proceeds. Fzes for pubfic adlusters,
<br /> or oUier thud parties,retained b}6orro�vei stu11 not be pa'rd out of the insurance proceeds and shall be the solc obtigadon of
<br /> $orrower. ff the restoration or re�air is not ecouomically �easibl_e or Lender's secwiry would be Icssened, the irtsurance
<br /> proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Sec�ity Inslnament, �vhether or not then due,Nnth ifie excess,if ar��,
<br /> paid fo Borrawer.Such insur3nce procceds shnll be apglied in the order pmvided for in Secriou 2.
<br /> If Borrower abandons the Pro(�erty,Lender znaY frle,negotiate and seftle any available inswance claimand relxtecI u�atters.
<br /> If Borcower does not respand within 30 days to a notice from Lender thac the infituance carrier has offered to settle a ciaim,
<br /> then Lender may negotiate and settle tY�e clairn_The 30�1ay period wnll begin�i�hea ihe notice is given.In zither evcnt, or if
<br /> Len�er acquires the Properry under Section 22 or otherwise, Borrouer hereby assigns to 7.e�der(a}Bonowei s rights to any
<br /> insurance proceeds in Qn amouni not to c.iceed the amoums unpaid imder the Note or this Secwity Instiumcnt, a�d(b)any
<br /> other of Borrow�er's rights (otl�er tban the right to any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borrot��erl unfleT all ins�ance
<br /> policies eovering ffie Property, insofax as such righls aie applicable to the coveca�e of the Propertp. Lender may use the
<br /> insurance proceeds either fo repair ar restore thc Property or to pay amounts unpaid under t��te Note or thi5 Security
<br /> Insk�amenk whether oz ttot then dne.
<br /> 6. Occupancy. Bo�ower shall occup}, esiablist�, aud use the Property as Borrowe.�'s principal residence uithin 60 days
<br /> afiet the exxution of this SecuriLy Instngnent uid shall contitrue to occupy ffie Prapert?r as Borrower's principal re&idence for
<br /> at least ome ycar after the date of occupxvcy, unlcss I,ender otherwise agrees io writing, +n�hich consent shall not be
<br /> unreasonably wxtlilield,or twless extenualing circumstances exist which are be}ond Sorrower's control.
<br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property;Inspectiana, Borrower shall not destrog,daznage or impair
<br /> the Properts°, allo�v the T'ropeny to detenorate or commit�vaste on the Property. Whether or not Borrowcr is residin; in the
<br /> Properry,Boaou�er shall cnaimaur the Properiy in order to prevent t`,e Property from deteriaating or decieasing in value dne to
<br /> its condition. Unless it is detemlined pursuant to Section 5 tl�at repair or res[orafion is not economica€ly feasible,Boaower
<br /> shall promptl}�repair the Property if damaged to avoid£urther detenorateon or dau�ge.[f insurance or condcmnaiion proceeds
<br /> are p�id in wnnection with damage to,or the taking of,thc�operry, Borrower st�all be re�',onsible for repairing or restovng
<br /> fihe Properry only if Lender has released proceeds for such purposes. Lendei may disb,�rse proceeds for the repairs and
<br /> restora[iou ui s single payment or in a seiies of progress payments as d�e work is eompleted.lf lhe insurance or condemnation
<br /> groceeds ue not su[�icient to repau or restore lhc Peoperty, Borroaer is not relieved of Barrower's obli�tion for the
<br /> completioa of such repair or restoration.
<br /> Lcnder or ifs agent mny make reasonable en(ries upon and inspections of tLe Property.If it has reasenable caux,Lender
<br /> mxy inspect tt�e mtenor oY the imgrovemea�ts on the Property.Lender sbAll�ve Borrower nolice at fhe time of or prior to such
<br /> an inteaior snspecrion specifying such reasor�able cause.
<br /> S. Borro�rer's Loan Applieation, Bozrower shali be in default if;duricrg the Lean application prpcess, Baaower or any
<br /> persons er entities acting 2t the direcfion of Barsower �r with Borrou�er`s knowledge or consent gave materially false,
<br /> misleading, or inaccurate information ox statements to Lender (or failed to provide Lendei wifl�material information) in
<br /> coonection with the Loan. Matetial represeNations include, but are not limited to,representations concerning Borruwer's
<br /> occupancy af ffie PropertY as Borrower's principal residence.
<br /> NEBRASKA -Siriflle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac IJNIFORM It�TRUMENT s� �
<br /> �,��N� {osir7 �sdia tnamis:i 4.7.� Form 3028 1l01
<br /> DDS-NE9 I I I I I I I I�I I I I I���1��W/I I I I I���I�I I I I I Y I I�I I I)I I I I�I(I'
<br /> 0004NE9724966
<br />