<br /> The Ftuuls shall be heid in an institution whose deposits are insured by a iedezal egeucy, insuumentatity, or entity
<br /> (inclndin; Lendcr;if Lender is zn institurion �yhose deposi9s are so insure3}or in any Federal Home Loan Ba�-ik.T.ender shall
<br /> apply the Funds to�iay the Escrow Iiems no later tt�an the time specified under RESPA.Lender shall nof charge Barrower for
<br /> helding and appiqing the Femds, annvallv ana€yzing the escrow account, ar 4rsifying the Escroa Ttems,imless Lender paps
<br /> Borzower interest on the Funds azs�Applicable LaK�pernrits Lender[o make such a charge. Unless an agreement is made in
<br /> wnring or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on tL�e Funds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest
<br /> or eunines on the Funds.Borrower uid Lender cxia agree in writing,hovrever,that interest sf3a11 be paid on the Funds.Lender
<br /> shall�ivc to Bozrowci,evithouC charge.au aniwal accountine of the Funds as required hy RFSPA.
<br /> ff there is a surplus of Funds heId in escraw,as defined under RESPA,Lender shall accovnt to Borrower for The excess
<br /> f-unds in accordance �dth RESPA. If Ibere is a stwrtage of Funds held in escrow,as defined under RESPA,Lender shall notify
<br /> Borrower as required b}� RESPA, a�d Borrovrcr shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to ma;w up t�ie shortage in
<br /> accordancc uith RF.SPA,but in no more t1�2it]2 monthly payments. If there is a deficiency of Funds hcld in escrow.as defined
<br /> under IZESPA,Leudez si�all z�oliCy Bouo�vcr as rec�uuired by RESPA,and BorroGa�er shalI pay to I,ender thc arnount necessary to
<br /> make up the deficiency in accordance with itESPA,but m no more th.w 12 monthly paymerits.
<br /> Upon payznent in fu[1 of all sums secured by this Security lnstrument Lender shall prompdy refund to Brnrower any
<br /> Funds keld b}Lender.
<br /> 4, Char�es; Liena Bono�+�er sha�l pay a13 ta�es,a�s�sments, charges, fines,and unpositioas attrihutable to the Property
<br /> wtvctz can attain priority aver ihis Securit�� Insmiment, leasehold payments or�ound rerns on the Property, if any, and
<br /> Crnnrnnnity Association Dues,Fees,and Assessments, if an}�.To thc e�cient that these items are Escrow Ttems,Borrower sh�
<br /> pay ihem in the mannu provided ia Secfion 3.
<br /> Borrower shall prompfly discharge any lien wkuch has priority orer this Securitp Insmameni un7ess Borro��er:{a)�tgrees in
<br /> wning tD fhe payment of the obligafion secured by the lien in x manner acceptable to Lender,but onl}�so long as Borrow�is
<br /> performing such ageement; �b) cnntests the lien in good faith l�r, or defen3s against enforcement of the lien in,legal
<br /> proceedings u�hich i�Lender's opinion operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien while those proceedings are pending,
<br /> but onty until such proceedings are cone]uded; or(c)secures frorn the holder of the lien an agresrctent satisfaciory to Lender
<br /> subordinati,-�g the lien to this Security Ir�s�umeni. If Lender de?ermines t]Sai azcv part of the�operty is subject to a lien�vluch
<br /> cut attaaa prionty over this Securiry instrUment,Lender may gire Bonower a norice identiTying the lien.Wifhiu 10 days of the
<br /> date on tvhich t�iat nodce is given,Borrower shall satisfy ihe lien ox take one or more of the actions set foY�above in this
<br /> Section 4.
<br /> Lender may requite Borrower io pay a one-mne cHarge for a real essate 1ac verification and/or reporting senlce used by
<br /> Leoder in coonection with Chis t.oan_
<br /> 5.Property Jnauranee. B�norver shall iceep the improvements now eaisGng or hereafter erected on the Property'insured
<br /> agau�st loss try�re,hHZards included within the term"eatended covexage;' and aap other bazards including, but not limited to,
<br /> eartkiquakes and floods, for which Lender requires insurance. Ttus insu�ance shall be maintained in ttte anwunts (including
<br /> deductible levels)dnd for the periads that Lender requires. WY,at Lender requires puesnarn to ihe preceding seotences can
<br /> change dunng the term of the Loan. The insurance carrier providing the msivance st�ap be chosen by Barrow'er subject to
<br /> I.ender's right to disapprove Borrower's choice,cvhich right shall nat t�e exercised unreasonably. Lender may require Borrocver
<br /> to pay, in connection tviih ttus Loan,cither.(a)a oue-time ct�arge for flood zone deteiuivaatioq certification and tracking
<br /> services; or{b)a one-time charge for floofl zone determioation and certil"icalion sen-�ces and subsequent chaiges each time
<br /> remappings or simila[cll2�es occur which Leasonably migtit afFect such determination or ceriification.$orrower shall also be
<br /> responsible for the paym�t of atry fees impased by fhe Federal Emesgency Management Agency in connecCion i�ith the
<br /> revieiv of any floai�cme detemunation resulting froman objecrion b}�Borrow�er.
<br /> [f Borxower fails to maintain arry of Che coverages descrit�d above, Lender may obtain insw-ance cwerage, at Lender's
<br /> option amd Borro�vet's e�ense. Lender is undcr no obiagation to pnrchase any pardcular iype or anmunt of w��erage.
<br /> Thcrefore,such covert�ge shall cover Lender,but mi�t or might not protect Borrower,Boirower's equity in the Property,or
<br /> #he coments of ihe Property, against xnp nsk 1faz2rd or liability and migLt pr0��ide greater or lesser co�>erage than was
<br /> previousl}� in effect Boirower acknoadeeges tbat the cosF of the insuranee coverage so obtained might significandy exceed
<br /> the cost of insutance that Borrower could have obfauied. Anp amovnis disbursed by Lender imder this Scction 5 shall
<br /> become as�litional dcbt of Borrower secured by this Sec•�uity Tnslri�cnt. 17ccse amounts sball beu uitere�t at fhe Note rate
<br /> from Ihe date of disbursement and shall be payable. with such intexest, upon notice Erom Lender to Borrow�r requesfing
<br /> pagznent
<br /> NEBRASKA -Sing[e Famity-Fannie MnelFreddia Mac UNIFORM IN&TRUMENT �;�...,.��
<br /> �o�(NE� tae��l ra�s¢w t���,�ai:. Form 3028 if01
<br /> BDS-NE9 I I�I����I"tl!I l�I�III���I IIIIIII��IIII�III III I(IIIIlI�II�" �
<br /> tlODDNE9724986
<br />