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201109089 <br /> Paymenis ue deemed receivc3 by Lendar when received at the location designated 'm the Note oi at such other Ioction <br /> as anay be deszgztated by Lender in accordanrz anrh the no�ce proe�isions in Secaon 15.Lender mav remm any pa}°ment oi <br /> partial paymenk if The paymeat ar parlial payments are insuf�,cient to 6ring the Loan curreitt.Lcnder may accept any payment <br /> or parkial gayment ins«fficient to brirtg the Loan current,rc7thout waiz�er of any zights hereunder or prejudice to iu rights to <br /> refusc such payment oc pa�vai payments in the fimae,buc Lender is not obligaied to agpIp sc�ch papments at the timesuch <br /> payments are accepted. If eaclt Periodic Pa}-ment is applied as of it�sckeduled due date,then Lender need not pay interest on <br /> nnapplied funds_ Lender rndy held such unapplied fimd.4 cmtil BoROwer makes pay:nents to bring the Loan cuarer�t- !f <br /> Borrower does not do so a2thin a reasonable period oFtime,Lender shall�ither apply such funds or reliun then7 to Borrower.If <br /> not applied earSier,suqh funds will be apglied to ihe outstanding pnncipa] balance under the Note unu?ed�ately ptior co <br /> foreclosure No offset or claim wluch Bosower uught Lavc now or in tlx future against T,ender sball relieve Borrower from <br /> making payments due under the Note and this Security Inshument or pertormina the cwevams and agreemenls secured by <br /> this Security Tnsm�ent. <br /> 2.Applicaown o1'Payments or Proceeds. Except as othera�se dcscribed in il�is Section 2,all paymenu accepted and <br /> applied by Lender shall be applied in the Co!]owing order of priority {a)interest dne under the Note;(b)p:uicipal due under the <br /> lvote; (c)amounts due imder Section 3. Such payzucnts shall be applied to each Periodic Payment in the order in�vhich it <br /> became due. Any re�naining amounis shall be applied first to late charges, second to any other amounts due under ttus <br /> Security Iustrument,and then to reduce the principal balance of the Note. <br /> If Le�der receives a payment Erom Bonower for a delinquent Periodie Payment which includes a s�:fficient aznount to pay <br /> any late charge due,the pavment may be appIied to the delinqusnt paymern and the late charge. If snore than one Pesiodic <br /> Pavment is outstanding, Lender may apply any payment ree:eived FroruBorrower to the repayment of the Periodic Paynients if, <br /> and to the eatent that,each payment can tae paid in tull.To the cxtent that any escess e�cists after the payment is applied to the <br /> full payment of one or more Period�c Paymenis, such excess may be appl�ed ta any tate charges due.Volunfary prepayments <br /> sl�sll be app6ed first to any prepa}�ment charges and tbcn as described inthe Note. <br /> A�y application of pay�ne��ts, ia�sutance proceads, or M'iscellaneous Proceeds to principal due under the I�lote shall uat <br /> extend oc postpone the due date,or d�ange tlre amount,of the Periodic Paymenfs. <br /> 3.k�nds tor Escrow�Items.Bormwer shall pay to Lendec on the day Periodic Payments are due uncter the Note,until the <br /> Note is paid in full,a sum(the"Funds")to pro��ide for paymuiL of amounts di�e fnr(a)taaces and assessments and other items <br /> which can attain priority over this 5ecurity Ins�vme� as a lien or encumbrance on the Praperty; (b)leasehold payments or <br /> gotmd rems on the Psoperty, if anyt (c)premiums for�y and xF1 insurauce iequired by Lendet under Secnon 5;and(d) <br /> Mortgage Insurance premiums, if airy, oe auy st�s payable by Borrower m Lender in lieu of the pa}�uaenF of Mortgage <br /> Insurance pzemiwns io accor�iance u3th tlic provisi�ns of Section IQ.These items ue called"Escrow Items."At origination or <br /> at any time dwing the termof the Loan,Lender znay reqwre that Communii}Associalion Ducs,Fees,and Assessments, i£any, <br /> be escrot��ed by Bonoc��er,and such dues, fees and assessmenis shall be an Escrow Item.Borrower shal[promptly fumish to <br /> I.ender all notices of amount� zo be paid imder this Section. Borrou�er sha1L pay Lcndcr the Fnnds for fiscrow Items uniess <br /> Lender wan�es Borm�ver's obligation to pay tl�e Funds far any or ali Escrow Ttems.Lender may waive Borrower's obligarian m <br /> pay to Lender Fimds fez any or all Escrou�Items at any time.Any such wai��er may only be in Kziting. In die event of such <br /> waiver,Borrower shall p2y duectly,when and where paya6le, the amounts due for any Escrow Items for wluch payment af <br /> Funds nas been waived by Lender and,ifLender iequires; shall fumish to Lendex receipts evidencing such pa}�nent within <br /> suci7 rime peziod as Le�idec may require. Borrower's obligation to make such paynx:nts and to grovide receipis shall for a13 <br /> purgases be deemed to be a covenant and agreemem cont�ined in this Sec�ity?nsbumeny as the phrase "co�ec�ant and <br /> agreemenY' is used in Section 9.If Bonower is obliga�d to pay Escrow items direcUy,pursuaut to a waiv�r,and Borrower fails <br /> to pay the amount due for an Escrow Itezn,Lender may exercise us rights under Sec[ion 4 and pay such amount and Borrower <br /> shall then be pbligated under 5ection 9 ta repay to Lender any such atnounl.Lender may revoke ttie waiver as to any ar all <br /> Escrow Items at any tane by a nofice given in accoidance with Section 15 and,upon such rez�ocation, Borrower shall pay to <br /> Lender all Funds,and in such amou¢fis,that are then iequired under this Section 3. <br /> Lender may,at dny time,collect and hold Funds in an amount(a)sufficicm to pemut Lender fo applp the Funds at tbe time <br /> specified under RESPA, and(b)not ta exeeed the maximum amount a lender can require ucder RESPA.Lender shall estimate <br /> the amount of Funds due on ihe basts of current data and reasonable esrimates of expcnditures of fiiluTe Escxow Ite��s or <br /> otherwise in accordance cvith Applioable Lacv. <br /> NEBRASKA -Singie Family-FannSe MaelFreddia lnac UNIFORM 1NSTtiU[V�NT ,9 �� <br /> �,g�N� �oenl rvea+�ia m�r is:.'4�� Form 3928 1/Ot <br /> DDS-NB9 I�III I���A��II���II I�I(�I I�III�I(II�����II���III�� <br /> OODONE9724986 - <br />