, � . . ' . - .__� � �, �''
<br /> - -__ =--- - �- - ---- -. -_ =--��-_
<br /> Q3-11-9997 DEED AF'TFIUST �������� Page 5 : , .`_ -
<br /> . ' Loan Ha 4�2�00 (ConUnued) -
<br /> or inv[�lldate any act done!n respflnss 10 such detauil or pursuant Io 5uch nohce of 6atauit, an0,norinthsffindla8 tl�e COnt�nua�ce�� . ;•�,�
<br /> ppss�(an ot the�➢�Y or tho col!ec�on,rea�tQt and appl:cabon of rents, issues ar profits.Tnrstee or Lender sAa�l be ent�ttad to
<br /> pc�n(Sg eYSry dght prowQs9 tor in the Note or t�s Rslated Documenb or 6y Isri upon the occurrence of any event of detault,includiog tt�3 '• �
<br /> Aght to a�rorctss Uw Oaw¢r o1 sata: �.'.'"°'
<br /> (b) Commtnp an aellon to torodoas lMs 09ed ot Tru.t es 8�ortgaQe.aPGotnt a recm�ver or sD���Y a���cr�ssr;a!t!�t4VQ-r!sn!s s .±iE
<br /> hereoi;at►d �
<br /> (c) Dellvar to 7nutee a written 6eclaratlon of defauri and damand for sale and a wrdten notice of detaull and�ectlon to causa Trustors :
<br /> interes!in Na PropeAy to bo satd,wh�h not�ce?ru,tes shaU causs to ba duty fi!ed tcr record In the apDtoprlate offtces ot tha County I� ;
<br /> whleh the PrcDeAY is located:and
<br /> '- (d) With regpeet to Sll or 8ny part o1 th9 Person8l PrCP2rtY,Lender shell have aU the righis and remadies ot a secured paAY under the - _
<br /> ' hebr85ka UrtSfotm CAmmerdsl Cods. • .
<br /> F���yyyj��Ny.tse this Oeed ot rust flnd the Note and such�recefpts and e deaoe of expend res mad and secured b tt�is Deed of �" �
<br /> • 5he11 deDosit � -
<br /> Ttust es Tnistee msy requtre. � ,`�
<br /> � (e) Upon recetpt ot Such notice from Lendsr.Tnstee shall cause tn be recorded,published and deli+rered to Trustor such Na6ce of Dafauft � ,
<br /> , nnd Natbs of Saie as lhen re4uUed bY law and by this Desd ot Trtu4 Trustes shsil,without demend on Trustor,after such tima es maY �
<br /> the►t be requir6d by tAw nnd afler reco�datlon ot Such Notice ot Detault and after Notice of Sala having been givan as requUed by�aw.sefl � .
<br /> ' ! ttfe ProPerlY at ttw tlme an n'�nf sucn ordsr as it may determSne�fat�p�ubQc euc on to tho hi�hes!b d�or Cashpn I�awtuirmo Y a • . -
<br /> i Ttuste9 sha9 deem m�edle thereof its pood and suff�nt deed or ,
<br /> the UNted Slates PaYah�at the Ume o f s a S e. T r u s t e e s h a U d e l i v e r t o s u ch purchaser u►P�chase�s ,
<br /> i deads convayirp the propertY so sold but without a�ry cavenant ar warranty.e�ress or implied. The reCitais in such dee0 o f any ma tt e t s ! •'-; ,J
<br /> _ 1 �{g�shall be condusive Proof of the truthfuiness thereof. MY person,indudinp wrthout fimitation Tnistor.Trustee,ur Lender,may `
<br /> � purchase ai such sa�e.
<br /> � (b) As maY tie pr�rmittad by lav�.after deductin he proceeds of sate to paym n8 tfof�all sums te�e ded unde�r 4he terms of this Ded of � _. }
<br /> 6Ue in coenection with sals.Tru:wtae shall aAP Y { • '" �� .�—
<br /> Trust Cr under the tenns ot the Note not thea repaid,including but not limited to actxued intarest and tate charges, (fi)all other sums than `�:
<br /> ��ry��Y.gnd (ii)the rema�nder,it any.to the person or persons legally entitled tt�ereto_ . ` -
<br /> (C)Trustee may in the manner provided by Iaw postpone sa�e of aI1 or any po�tion of the Propertyr. :`�.�
<br /> ROmed1W Nol dcCtt�vG Tnutee a�d Lender,and each of them,shall be enGUsd to enforce paYment and peAortnance of any in4ebtedness '
<br /> or obilyallons secured by this Oeed of Trust and to exer�se atl rights and powers under this Deed ot Trust,under the Nnte,under any of the . _� ;.���
<br /> �� R8lated DoCUments,or under any other agreement or any laws now or hereafter in torce;notwithstandng,some or all of such indebtedness �—
<br /> ` '• i and obOgafions secured by this Deed of Yrust may now or hereafter be othenvise secured,whether by mortpaye.deed of Wst.p�edge,iten, :'� : .;r
<br /> �nment ot otharwlse• N�tthet the ac�P��ot this Deed of Tnrst nor its enforcement,whether by couA acbcn c►Dursuant to the power of �;_�,f�
<br /> { sate o�other powers Confelrwd in ih(s Oeed of Tnut,shail prejudice or f�any manner aifect Tcustee's or�-enders ryht to reau�uAOn or '. �� ,. ,: ' � '
<br /> I enfocoe anY othar 5ec u r i t Y now or h e r e a ft e r h e t d E y T r u s t a e a r L e n d e r,i l b e i�a a y r e e d thal Trustee end Lender,and each of tham,shall be . �
<br /> onUUed to eaforce thls�eed of Trust and any other secudty now or hereefteK heid by lendor or Trustee in such or d e r an d man n e r a s t h e y o r
<br /> eithet pf them may in theU absolute discre9on determin9. No reme�y conferted upon or reserved lo Trtutea or Lendei•Is intendad to be " �.
<br /> erdusivs ot arry other remedY�n this Deed ot Trust or by iaw ProWded a pertNried,bu1 each sAaU be cumutaUve and shatl De��adn b the �, ��
<br /> e,�pry pfher rem�dy pWen in this Oeod of 7n�t w now or hereafter e�dstl�p at la+v ar in equfly ar by statute. Every powat or remOQy qhre Y —
<br /> NoSa or any otlnha��e0 O�m �to me d 8s Often 0.s may bef deemed e�edient byyTbusl99 or�l.BnCa►u�Bnd eithe�bo t�e��m Y ?" �"•.
<br /> concuReMryor daD aY _ .�;,�� � -
<br /> in this Qoad of Trust shail be consUUed es p ohibiUn Lender from seokinp o deflciency judqrtent
<br /> putsuo ft�consisten/remedles. Nothinp � � : �r.; �'
<br /> aptt�t the Ttustar to the aztent sucb acUon L4 pertn(tted by law.
<br /> Requeit Fot HotlLro. TNStor,on behaif of Trustor and Lender,heroby requests thet B Copy 018ny No6ce 0�Default 8nd a cOpY of eny NoUCe � �.f� :`?� �.
<br /> of Se10 unde�ths Deed Of Trust be malied to them at the addresses sst forth in the Nist paragraph ol this Deed o!Trus� ._`,: ' =: ._ .�
<br /> !:-;;.
<br /> Yy�(wr;QeetiOn of Rertbdles. A waiver by any party ot a breaeh of a provision of thls Deed of Trust shaU not constitute a walver ot or -� 5
<br /> � ���1�p��g r{p t ti b o!t►�r w l s o t o d e m s n d s tr b l c o m p l i a n c e w i t h t h a t p r o v l s lon or an y other provlston. Election by Lender to ptusuB any .�__�
<br /> rertwdyr providod in thls D�d o!Trust,tho Note,in any Related DocumeM,w Drovtdad by law shall not exciude purs u f 9 o i any o t h e r re m a d y, ��Y.�.:._�:-�:
<br /> and an atection to malca a�enNtures or to take actlon to peRorm an obligaUon of Trustor under thLg Oeed ot Trust after taiture of Trustor to ',�
<br /> . ��'�:. ";-�
<br /> . . perform sheY not aflecl Lenders ripht to decisre a default anC to exerctse any ot itn remedies. . ' :.��
<br /> pno�yg+F��y;p�ensa3. If Lender Institutes any suit or actlon to enlorce any of the terms ot this Deed of Tn�s�Lender shail be en6Ued to
<br /> racauar such sum as the courl rt�y adjudpe reasonabte as attomeYs'fees at trial and on any apPeal. Whether or not any courl action ia ,�
<br /> �n�p�ygd��y r�spnable e�enses ir�curted by Lendar wh�h In Lendar's oD�nlon are neoessary at any Ume for tha proticUan of its Interesl or ihe
<br /> y c
<br /> enfaamont ot Its dyhts shai�beecme a DaA of the Indebtedness payable on demand and shail bear interest 811tw Note rate from ihe date o} , ��.•,
<br /> � s�anditwe until repaid. Expenses covered by thb parapraph inciude,w�mout IlmiteUon,however subject to eny iimfts undet Bppif�bte�aw, .., _;.
<br /> � Lendofa ettomeys'(eos whether a not there is e lawsutt,including attorneys'fees for bankruptcy Droceedings(Indudtng eNaAS to modity or °�
<br /> v�cpt�any autamallo stay or InJucctlon),appeats and 8ny anticlpat80 post-ludgment collectton servlces. Ihe cost of searChing records, .,
<br /> obtatNnp UUe ceporfs Qncludiny torectasure reports),surveyors'wports,appraise�(ees,tiUe inswance,and tees tor the Trustee,to the exteM . ,� � ';..,_
<br /> p�m(ttad by rtppllCabi9law• Trustor aiso will pay anY CouA Costs,in SddiUon to all Othor sums provided by IBw.
<br /> { .� . �;.;..� "�
<br /> � pipAtf pf Tn�ft�e•Ttusteo shall have all of the dflhts and duUes of Lender es set foAh In ih(5 sectbn.
<br /> � p��pg�p OBLfpAT�ppg pF TpUSTEE. The foitowing provislons re�attng to lhe powers antl obilgaUons ot Tnistee ere part ot this De�d ot =_
<br /> � ! Tntsf. " . !�
<br /> .� . . . -
<br /> '. RoYYNS Of TNStee. In addftlan to ell powers oi Trustee arising as a matter of law.Trustee shail have the powar t0 take the foltOwing actions
<br /> � with raspecl to the PcopeRy uPon tha wrilten requast ot Lender and Trustor. (aJ join in prepednp and fiUnp e map or plaf of 1he Real ProDerly,
<br /> �n�tudirg ttig dgdk;88on ot streob or other dphb to tho pubii� (b)join in granUng eny easement or ae�Unp any restricllon on the Real ProD�Y , .
<br /> ' aitd (o)Joln in any subotdination a other eqreement aNeeting thls Oeed of Trust ot!h8 interest of Lender undet thts Oeed ot Trus1.
<br /> Tru�tM. Ttuska s1w��►eet�quoliRcatlon3 requUed fa Truste9 under aypl�abte law. In addition to the rtaht9 end remedies se�torth above, . .
<br /> witl�respeC�to aU a Any paA of the Prope►hi.the Trustee shall have the dpht to forectose Dy noUce and sate.and Lend¢r sheD heve the dght to
<br /> � ' foreciose by Judiclol torectosuro.�n ailher cese�°8xad8^ce W��h and to lhe(uli extent provided by eAAikable law. . �_:
<br /> � gt�sior T�u,1te�. L6ndw,at Landare uPdon,may Rom Ume to Ume eppolnt a suc�.+sor Trustee lo any Truste9 eppoirted�ereunder by en . . _
<br /> �r�shvrtwrd wrecutad and aCknowteQged by Lender and recorded tn the office Of the reCOrder ot HALL Counly,NebtBSke- The Instrumenl shall ; �.
<br /> ' � � co�ln,!n addiUon to au other mntters requtred by state iaw,the names of the original Lendo�.Tn+stee,and Trusta,the book end page(or ' . . -
<br /> �pmputK gystem referonCe)where thls Ooed at Trust is recorded,and the neme end address o1 the successo►Vustae�and the inshumenf shal
<br /> � ��utsd 4nd aoicnpwiadg�d by a!!the beneflGatle9 under the Oeed o}Trust or thelr suCCe�..so�s In IMerest. Ttre succassor trustee�withoul f j�-,--
<br /> � eonvsyance af the PropertY,shall succeed to a�l tha tiUe,power,and duUes confeRed upon the Trustee in this Deed o1 Trust and by uppi�cable �
<br /> � law,74i(s procedute tor SubsUtWon o1 trustee shall govorn to the excluslon of all other prov151ons for Subs6tution.
<br /> ' NOTICES TO TRUSTOA AND OYF�i PAHTIES. Any nolke under this Oeed of Trusl shall be in writinq,may b0 be sent by tet�facsimiite.and shall � f��
<br /> be eHeCtiva when cctually delhnued.or v+hon dnDos(ted wifh a nationalry recogrUzed overnight courisr,or,it mailed,shaU be daemed eHective when
<br /> deposlted in the Uni:ed State9 m811 fest cl,ass,certitled or registerod mait,postage prepald,dlrected to the addresses shown neat the beginning ol , �
<br /> this Oeed of Tnist• MY PenY�Y C�Se its address tor notkes under this Deed ot Trust by giving lormal written noUce lo the other paAies, •
<br /> speCitying that the purpose o}the notlo9 is to Change the paAys atldress• N�copias ot no�ices ot farec�osure hom th3 holder o1 anY�ten which Aas �;:
<br /> prlority owr tNs Deed of Trus1 Shai!be sent to Londers address.as shown near the beg�nning ollhis Deed of Trust. For no4lce purposes.Trustor �
<br /> agress to keop Lendet and Trustee informed at all Umes of Trustar's cunenl address.
<br /> . �
<br /> MiSCE]1.ANEOUS PROYISIONS. The following misceitaneous P�o+nsions ere a paA of Ihis Desd of Trust: � �
<br /> ' AmEndments. This Deed of Trust,together with any Retated Documents,conslitutes th9 entire understanding and egreemont of ihe parties as
<br /> to th9 m8tters set forth In ihi3 Oeed of Trust. No aitereflon o}or am3ndmeni to lhis Oead of Trusl sha0 be ettecUve unl�ss givQn in vmting and F,,_
<br /> sigrted i►y t�e partY t�r Des�.=.a8ht i4 4e c1+A�ed er bound by ihe eitera6on or amendmenl.
<br /> Applle�ble Law. Thls Deca ot Trust has betn Oetivered to Lender antl tccepted by Lender In the�Stat�of Nebraskn. Th+s Oeed o1 Trust r
<br /> �!
<br /> . , .a= � � , . .—_^'._.".."°`_�
<br /> ,—.`, ,' .. , , .. . . 1. .. . . • '� . . � : .,
<br /> . '- . . '' � .4 . �• .� ' .. � . . ' . ,
<br /> �, ' . .. -. '- . ' • . y .._ • _ � . . . • . � , . ..3� . ... ...�1. . . �� �t� � •.. . .. � . . � . ' . .. ._ . . .. ' . "• " � .. .
<br />