.... . . . . �t
<br /> " . . ' ` . � . . ,. .l . . . __. - -. _._.____- . � . '.y �,
<br /> _ . _ _,_._—.�_. . .. �__ _-_-,_-_-_-- __`�_-.
<br /> 03�11—t997 DEED O��Rl1ST Page 4 ` � • � ' , , __`
<br /> Continuecn ��"'����� c''.;
<br /> ' Loar+No 43�0 (
<br /> ' p�t ot!Jq tnd�bL^dr�s srctued by thl,L►�0 0!Trt� (b)a specif,c t2x on Tnistor v�h'ch Tnistor fs authorized or requlred to Qeduct hdm f , , . ��
<br /> t1�hotdet of titel��t���59Q�eCiftC tex onea➢for�ny�po on ofcthed eb c tt�ot}on psyments o4 p�rtdpel end interest mada by � . ` � °•4
<br /> , Trustor. I' - _
<br /> &�aiquent Taxes. If any tax to whtch thts secUon appties ls enactea subseque�to the date of this Oeed ot Trust,tt�fs eveM st�e11 have tssa �, . �;—
<br /> � satrw aHgct as an Evant ot De(auil(as deflned betOw),and Lendor may exerdse eny or ell ot ifs available remedias tor an Event of Oafauit as .
<br /> • provtded�eiow unless Tnator efther (s)pays the tax before it becomes deGnqueni,or (b)contests the tax as provided abave in Ihe Taxes and —
<br /> e
<br /> � Liens sectlon and deposits wilh Lender Cash or a sufftdent corporate Surety Gond or other 58curfty satisfactory t0 Lendar. =�
<br /> � BECURITI'AQREEIAEN'f;FINAtiCtNt�STATEAiENTS. The following provisions retattng to ihis Deed Ot Trust as a security agresment are a part ot • ' ��^
<br /> thls Qe9d of Trwt. ' -_
<br /> - S�Ctuity A9reesmm�t This instrumerrt shail eonstitute a secudty agreemont to the extent eny of the Property constitutes foclures or other ' ..'
<br /> pe�sonal property,artd Lender sh.an ha+re eD of tAe tights oi a secured party under ths Unitorm Commerctal Code as amended finm time to � �"
<br /> time. � . ,d�
<br /> Stctu(ry Mterpt. Upon request by Lender.Tnistor shaD execute flnanqng statements and take whatever other acdon is requested by l.e�der =
<br /> to peAsd and cantlnue Lendafs securtiy IrRecest in t�e Renfs and Peisanat Property. In edCition to recording this Oeed of Tnjst in tne ceal ,
<br /> property records,Lender may,at arry tlme and without further authorf�ion from Trustar,fie executed countarpaAs,copies or reproductions of • .
<br /> Uds Oeed of Trust as a flnandny statemerd. TnisMr she11 relmburse lender for eil e�cpens�incurred in{terfeCtlng or continuing th�sacurfty . _ _ _
<br /> irtterest Upon d9faWt.Tn�.stor shatt assembte the Personal PrapeRy in a manner and at a piace reasonably conven}ard to Trustor and Lender � ._.
<br /> ' and make it avatlabt9 to Lender within three(3)dsys after recetpt of written demantl from Lend�r. : r- , . . ��[.
<br /> f . . .
<br /> AQd�esse�. The mat�ny eddrosses of Trustor(debtorJ end Lender(secured patty�,irom which informaUon conceming tha securily interest . , _ ,
<br /> granted by this Deed of Trust mey be obta(ned(each as requlred by the Uniform Commeraal Code),are as stated on the first page of this Deed _ --
<br /> ...�
<br /> 04 Trtut . . ' .
<br /> FUR1►�A ASSURAHCES;A?TORNEY-iN-FACT. The following provisions rela6ng to turther assuranc�s and attomey-i�-tact are a part of this ._;_;
<br /> Deed of Tnist � • ;
<br /> � FtiAh�J A¢�urts►C�y. At any tlma,and from Um9 ts tlme,upon request of Lender,Trustor will make,ezaeute and deiiver,or wfU cause to be ` ' • _—
<br /> macfe,e�ceCVtgd or deGvared,to Lender or to 4endlar's dssignee,and whe� reques*.ad by Lender,cause to be 6:ed,recorded, refilad, w � , �. `
<br /> rerecorded,es fhe ca�a may he,at such llmes Bnd in such offices and places as Lend�er may deam eppropdate,any sed all such mortggges. �: _ _
<br /> � deeds of frust,sealr.'I d�eds.sec�uit�l a0reemenLs.financing statemenls.eorttinuatlon statemertts.imshuments af turther assurance.cer6ficates. . ,.; • ''="""
<br /> t�138 _ . —
<br /> I and C:har documertts es maY,tn the soie opinion of Lender,be nec�sary or desirabte in oreer to ef`eduate,compiete,perfect,conUnus,w - "�;�=
<br /> presarva (a)the obliQations of Trw^�or under the Note,lhis Deed of Trust,and the Reiated Oxuments,and (b)th9118ns and securiiy interests ',;,:;,.__.
<br /> ' i created by thls Deed ot TruSt on the Proyarty,whether naw owned or hereafter acquired by Tnistor. UNass prohibited by taw or agreed to the � ' ' - .
<br /> ``i �ontrary by Lender in wrtting,Trustar shaU reimburse Lender for aii costs and e�enses incurted in wnnection with the matters refeRed to in � :;;�N�; ..�r
<br /> this p8r8yreph. t��; .
<br /> ,;_ris:.�;�p�:. .—
<br /> ' Attomey-In-Fact. It Tnutor faits to do any ot the things refarred to in the preceding paragraph,Lender may do so for and in the name of �I ' � r{• —
<br /> Tmstar 8nd at Tnstor's e�ense. FOr such purposes.Trustor hereby inevoCabiy appoints Lender as Trustors attomey-in-fact for the purpose t
<br /> p}mslcinQ,e�cecWng,detivedng,filing,recordinp,end daing ail other things as may be necessary or desfrabte,in Lenders sote opinion,to ° �.� �
<br /> _ accompUsh t1w rrwttas referred to in lhe preCeding paragraph. , ���' ,
<br /> F1AL pERFOANlA1lCE. If Trustor pays ail the Indebtedness when dus,and otherwise perfortns all the obligaUons imposed upon Trustar under this !�.�
<br /> ' Oeed of Trust, Lendar shatl execute and dafwer to Truste9 a request for tu0 reconvayance and shau execute and detiver to Trustor suitabfe ,
<br /> • t ment5 of tsrm.inatfon of a floand s'atemen1 on file evldendng Lender9 5ecurity Interest fn the Rents and the Personal Pr�apaAy. Any • • �ii-'� .�� -
<br /> ' ste 9 L4 �y/ �➢
<br /> reCOnvOyance fee rFlqutrad by Inw 8ha11 be pNd by Trustor,il permiried by appucabte law. �'. � .,j
<br /> � OFFALLT. EaCh Of ltlo fOilOwlny,at ihp opUon ot 6.endet,8hell eonsiltute an svent o)de��ult('Event of�etaulf"J under ihis Deed of TruSt: . y i a ��
<br /> � � ,
<br />" � ' DH�uB Otl tfld�Cf�dMSS. Fallare 01 Trusto�to m8ke eny peymanf when due on Ihe In08btedness. • ' '`
<br /> ; p�f�lQ!Ote O!M►Paymfnt�. FaIIure ot Trustot wlthtn the ume requlretl by Mts Deetl of Trust to make any paytnent la faxes a tnsuranCe.or ��-- �
<br /> any othw payrtNnt n�cossuyr to prnvant fitinp of a to eRect disctu{rpe ot any Ilen. --��- ,�'
<br /> h �u I'' t •---
<br /> ,` �A�npµlslGS Deteyif. Fe[turo 01 Trustor to compry with any other term,oDUgaUan,covenant or condillon contalned in this Dead of Trust,the � � ;, ''
<br /> Not�a In any of ttw Retated Documents. . ���
<br /> p�IM$ht�nb, My warranty,ropresentaUon or stalemenl maQe or fumished to Lender by or on behat!ot Trustor under this Deed of Trusl, . ' :*�; .•'�.�.' --�•
<br /> the NoUI or the Rslated Dxumenta is false or misteadinp fn eny materlal respect.either now or at the time made or fumishsd. a�
<br /> • Det�ettv�Col�tefW�tton. Thia Daed of TruSt or any ot the Related Oceuments ceasss to be in full force and ettect pnGudiny fallure of eny � , —
<br /> cWitarat doCUment9 to Create a valfd and perfeCted secudry Interest or tien)at any Ume and for any reason. � � • �'� •—
<br /> . .,,,._.;'�
<br /> OWb or InsWveney. '�w daath o!Trustor,the InsoNency o}Trustor,the eppolntment ot a receiver tor eny pert ot Trustors propeRy,any ' '
<br /> asslpr►m�rd fa ttw bh+efll of cred(tors,any lype of cred,tor workout, or the commencement of any proceediny under any bankruptcy w .. . .
<br /> Ir�olvency►t8wa by Or ayalnsl Trustor. �
<br /> •���-
<br /> FOreCWwrs�Fort�(hue�etc. Commencement o}toredosure or toAefture proceedinps,whether by judiclal proceedirtip,seif-�etp,�epossession �' t �.•-� ��
<br /> pr any clhar method,by any crBQita of Trustw or by eny yovemmenfal ayenCy agetnst arry ot Ihe PropeRy. However,this subseatlon shall not � .. �__-"`-
<br /> appty in ths awnt of a pood farih Gtspute Dy Trusior as to the valldity or reasonableness ot the Gaim whbh is the basis of Ihe faedosure a . ,:�-�4���
<br /> faetalturs proeeedlr�Q,pravlded that Trusta plves Lender written nouce of such ctalm and tumishes reserves or e surety bond for the clalm
<br /> � .__
<br /> ' sal�tactory to Lender.
<br /> &each o?Othar Ayreertror+l. My brench by Trustor under the terms of any other agreement behveen Trusta and lender that is nat remadied �`�-�
<br /> ' wlWn any yraca perlod provlded therein,inciudtng withoW Iim(tatfon any agreement conceming any Indebtadnsss or other obtipatlon ot Trustor . ,
<br /> to Lsnder.whether�dsUnp now a later. ' � _
<br /> f EYenU AftiCtin�GUarantOr. Any of the pteCedinp events occurs with respect to any QuBrantor of eny ot the Indebtedness a any t3uarantor
<br /> dies a becomes inCOmpetent,or revokes a disputes the validity ol,or UebiiHy under,any Ouaranty o!tAe IndebtedneSS. Lender,at its optlon, . �
<br /> ( may.bN shaq not be requUed to,permlt the Guarantors estate to assume unconditionaliy the obliga9ons arislnp under the guaranry In a : �'
<br /> manner saUsiactory to LenQer,and,In ddnp so,cure the Event ot Default
<br /> I In�ecnAly. lertder In avod faith deems itseif insecure.
<br /> � � • • —
<br /> E�Unp IndebteQness. A defaNl sha11 occur under any EbsUnp Indebtedness or under any instrument on Ihe PropeRy securlr►p any FxisUnp �
<br /> ' InQobt6dnes9,a camrt►�rt�ement ot eny suit or othar acUon to foreGose any existlng Ilen on the Property. —_
<br /> iit�t to Cure. If such a faifure is curabte and it Trustor Aas not been plven a noUCe of a hreach of the sams provislon of thls Oeed o!Trust _ ---
<br /> wilhin ths precadirp twatve(12)mortihs,il may be cured(and no Event of Default wi11 hava occurted)M Trusta,after Lender.ands wrltNn •. _
<br /> notice Eemandinq cure o}such(eilure: (a)cures the failure wlthin ten(10)days;or (b)if the cure requlres more than ten(10)days,tmmediatory �
<br /> � ; tnitiatY4 itop9 sutflclenl to cure th6 fa(ture end thereafter continues and compl9tes all reaSOnebi9 and neCessary steps sufflCleM to produCe
<br /> compNance as soon as reasonabty pracUcal. . -,--
<br /> ; RIGHTS AND REME0IES ON OFFAILT. Upon the occurrence of any Event of Defauif and at any tlme thereafter,Trustea or Lender,at its option.
<br /> may exerC�B any Ono a more o1 the toUOwlnp dghts end t8medie5,in additipn to any other tlghts or remedies provided by taw:
<br /> i Aeeeferellpt�ttpon pet�lufl;Additional RemEdiea It any eveM o1 default occurs as per the terms ot ihe Note Secured hereby,Lender may . ��"'
<br /> � deCtare all lndebtedness secured by this Dead of Trust to be due and payebie and ihe seme shali fhereupon beCOme due and payable wiihout
<br /> �{ any presentment,demand,protest or notbe of any kind. Thereafter,Lender may: � . �
<br /> (8) EitAer In person Or by agent,with or without bdnging any action or proceeding,or by a recelver appolnted by a court and without � _
<br /> � :egartl to the adeqtuCy of its secudty,enter upon and take possess�on of the Properry,or any parl thereo 1,in i t s own name or in t he name ; �
<br /> of Tnutee,and do any acts v�hith il deems necessary or desaabte to preserve the value,marketability or rentabitity o!fhe PropaAy,or parl
<br /> � of tha PropeRy or interest in the Proporly;Increase the Income hom tho Property or protect the sacurity ot the Property;and,with or without - -
<br /> taking possession of 1A0 Property,Sue(a ct c?'�erwise Collect the rents,issues and profits of the Properry,irtNudlmg those past due and
<br /> , unpald,and appiy ihs same,tess costs and ex�enses o}operaUon and co��ection,inctuding attomeys'fees,b any indebtedness secured ;��-_:
<br /> � by this Deed of Trust,all In suCh order as Lender may determine. The ontering upon and taking possession of the PropeAy.the Coilection
<br /> � 07 Such rertts,Rsues end profits,and ihe appiPcation thereoi snaii noi cure ui waive any d6tda�i or rwSCS ot delacit ur+Gss ihss Dsed c!Trust
<br /> �---,-
<br /> r � �� � . , . .
<br /> � i _
<br /> . r�-:,.
<br /> - . ___,�,c«..„,.'.., , -
<br /> � • ' . � .. . �. . • . �. ._. . .. . . . ' . � • ' . . `_ . . . . . • -,. . ... . • , . . . . , � .. . ,. .:1 .
<br />