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<br /> . • a3-11-��7 DEED OF Tf�UST ��'..���,.�� . � � . _
<br /> ' Lot�n No 432500 (Coa�tlnaed) . � :�. �
<br /> .
<br /> " �D��awmod bY irb�nmw�tn�rAance wtt�t�e taws ot ttia state ot Netsra�. �` --.--. - : - �_ ;.'
<br /> ��}y��, �Qpn hcadng3 tn ltu Q::d c!Trust are tor conveNanon PurPa:ss only and are nof to De ussd to in�°rpret or dsflne the � . . . , ` -.
<br /> �'�' ptovi�tcrts af th�s Qe�d of Tr�st. ' . • .
<br /> ``T �t Thale�h9�hhs�p m�rper pt tA�inbrast a estate txeated by thts Oeed of Trus1 with any other miersst or estate in[ne PropertY at any � �, _-
<br /> ��d�y pr tpr�p��gfi!o}LenQar�n tny�pacity.�Nthout lha milten eonsent of Lensar. ; . , . .
<br /> . , • • "'-
<br /> ' IpYtly�Pat�m�. A.9 cb9p�tto�s a!Tn�iar und�r 1ha Gaed oi Tnut snall ba Jolnt and severel.and ell reterences to Tnnta shuU rt�ean each and ' ,. .
<br /> s,Ary Ynntp.ThB mwns!Mi each ot the BoROVrerr stsnln9 Oetow�resDoru(bSe i�at!obCgaUOns In thfs Qeed ot T�usL ,
<br /> gaysr�bitiiy. It a cotal af compoter�ll►ris6fcHan ttnds any Droviston af thts Oeed ot Trust to 6e Imrattd or urwnfaceabfe es ta eny Persun ar . . .. .
<br /> dtqtmstance.such 6n�np shatl not render that pmvisson tmraGd or unenforesabta as to eny otAer persans nr N.,rcumstances. R tassible,erry ._.
<br />`,�� , sucA ot�ndnp P+ov�ton stw9 bs daertwd to be modifled to be wfttdn fhe Hmf's a7 eriorca9b�ty ar v�:ho�e�,B th9 otlea�ng grovtstan ----_.-`-.,:-`-1= ..
<br /> ' rir.nat!=e so mod�Bed.tt sha0 Oe sEicksn and a0 othe�Provt�ons of Ihs Qeed of Tn�st In afl o4her resDeds st�a0 remain va�d and entorcaabta • .
<br /> 1 $t�esfpp ond Asft�n. Subject to the BmftaNnes stated in thts Deed et Trust on tr'artster of Trustofs int�resl,tiJs Deed o!Trust shsD be _ � _ . -
<br /> bfndtn0 uPon and inure W the benefrt ot tfis par�es,their suc�ssors and esstgns. li ownersNp ot the Propefi►bscomes vestad in a person . . _ :•:.. '�>...^. _
<br /> oli�tfian Tnlstar.Lender.without nafka to 7n�sta. maY deal wiU�Tnistots suxessors vriih reference tc this �oed ot Trus1 and the _ -
<br /> Indobt�r�eas by way of far6earance or extereslon wftl�out releasing Trusta irom the abCgations of thLs daed of Trust or 11aE8dy under the : `:."�,��,��.-
<br /> Inti�tednass. °.s:;,: ' -
<br /> `,,:�:.gae.� .,
<br /> Tfln�Ii O!ttls Es�aie0.Tfma is of the auGrt�in the pEtfamiarta Of this Deed o}TNSt -___ �., ._s:
<br /> fKatv�ta ind Car.a�".s. Lsfldar s4�aD nat bs deemed to have wahred arry dphts un�r t'ils Deed of Tn�st(or under the Retated Documerns) .�:�:�:_�.____.
<br /> �ip�s�vtaivar is�w�(6ny snd slgned by Lender. No detay ar o:�sslon on ihe part oi Lend�in exerdslrsy anY dpht sha0 op�ate as a ,,,.: --;�T�---�-..
<br /> � '''� =-_- ----
<br /> ws:�.�ch Such�ht a eny atAer rf�RL A vreiver bY�1I DanY�a R�'�J^n of ihis Dwd ot Trust Shail e:ai eonstitute 8 waiver of or p3;c3ica the .. �. . '.-��
<br /> par:�s r�hi oth�e t0 QBmsnd s4iC1 Cotr�IPBnCe vdlh lhat prati'"st�a or 8ny oth9r provlston. No pr.ar wehrer by lender.nCr&^.y c::�58 of ::�,,;,!��w�.�_'�:., _
<br /> `,., dB�itg OetweBn L6n�2nd Tn�.Sh�COnsSt�8 wefvet of 8ny Ct LBndEfs rtghts ot 3ny of TruStofS oL`�Das es t�E:ry fuUUe �r � ^
<br /> �j�y�g��, yy���r corse�t py I.asder Ls�equi�efl in thls Desd of Tntst,the grarttiny ot SuCh cossard by Lentar in any inst8rtw sh8il not � �
<br /> ea+�65tu0a con6nutnp cansard to s�a�st instn�es where sucfi unsent is requhad- __ '"�•� ' -
<br /> fi t s a n d b enefits of ihe hame�ead exemp5on laws ot fhe StBte o! y �`�.-:
<br />�•�`;�( W a i�r�r o f H o�a d F]r a m P t i o n.T�c s s t o r h e r e E y r e t e a s e s a n d w a i v e s a ll d g `` _
<br /> .^�_"` '�'---_
<br /> :" I�eEr�Siw as ta eD tndabtednass secured by tl�is Oaed of Trwt. ���'�_
<br />:�;;�.,,s.; ``�" e-: _
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