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� � . . . . . _ . . . . ._.i,. .. . _ _ <br /> . . . . . . .._ i � � Tf�! <br /> j � - , : � . -� —.-- �.cC�,r�, <br /> 5 . ° <br /> � . 03-12-1997 DE�D OF YRUST Page 5 � _ • i- <br /> ; Loaan hlo 43280a tContinued} 9�� ����Z , , = <br /> . .,_ <br /> $ of sttct►cen�.issues and profits.ead tT�e9F��on th5reo}shalf not ar waive any defauH or no4ce of d8tau11 undsr this Dsea cf r►usi , _'� -- <br /> � �1�►val;date an�qet done In response to s4eh detaWt or pursuant to such notice ot dafau!!;and,noiwithstanding tns eontlnuance in �;�. <br /> 1 pxqrdsa�verY a�p�d2d tortin��e N�ot thB Reieted Oocument�ot hy Isw ponh Bf oxurten o sny evertt o def8u11,induding ha ' ° <br /> �� <br /> � t�114 to�thG DOWBI o}5818; • <br /> � (p) Commsnce an ectlon to toredose thls Deed of Trust as a mcrtgags,apPQint a receiver or specificafry enforce flny ot the covana�c. , � =��� <br /> Iwteof:at►d � .. <br /> �inf�erest t�Ure P*oDeri1/to be sal��h no�ce Tnistee sha11 cause t e aWy r�ad o�scw�d in the eAPropriate�officas of Nue County in . ' <br /> vrh'ch!ha PraperlY is tocated:snd <br /> ? It� With re5y9ct 10 aB or atry psR ot the Personai Properly.Lender sheU have ap ihe r�ghts and tt+m....�3l,.°s o!e:eCUred patty under the �._ <br /> � Nebraska Unitotm Commecdsl Code• : •� <br /> � Fpr�tlasiurp by Po:lei o4 S:Ia It Londsr eiects to forectose by exerase of the Power af Sale herein confatned,Lender st�aU notiry Trustee ana . ; <br /> i Shell deposit with Tnsstea thls Oeed of Tnut and tRe Note and such receipts and evidence of expenditures msde and securad by this Deed of i <br /> TruSt 85 Trustae m8y re4ulce. . '� <br /> (e) Upon tece�pt of such noUce hom Lender,Tnistee shall cau..�a to be recordeA,published and de�ivered to Trustor such Notice of Dafautl _ <br /> 8nd NoUce ot..Gale s5 LAen required by taw and by lhis Deed of Trus� Trustee sha��,v�hout demand on Trustar,afler stuh ti+ne as maY , , <br /> then 6e reqWred Ey law an0 aNer recordation of suM Notice of Defauit and after Notice of Sate having been given as required by law,sell . ,,,_ <br /> 1he Properly at tfq Hrne and place of stie faced by it in such Notice of Sale.eithtN as a whole,or In sepetate lots or parcets or dem&as , ; �. <br /> N <br /> Tnat�shaD deem axpedient,and in such order�s it may determine,at public auction to the highesl bidder ta cash in tav�tul money of - , � :�V• <br /> th��Nled States payable ai ihe tlme of sale. Tnistee sAall de�'iver to such pur�haser or pu�hasers theraof iLs good and sutF.etent deed or ,. . _ <br /> d�eds cpnvey►ny Ute propeRy so sotd but without any covenant or warranry,express or implied. The recita(s in such dead of anY matteis , _ <br /> Ut <br /> or faGts ShaU be Conciusive Proof ot the truthfulness theceaf. Arry persnn,inG�dinp withaut Ilmita6on Ycuwtar,Ynstee, or LenQer.�Y � , , ., _ <br /> purchase nt sueh saW. _. <br /> (b) As rttay Ce petmi�tedby Iaw,8ft8t deducdn9ttte proceeds o sa e to paymei}o cit.��i sums e�e aed�ae��in�e tem�s r ti,�s need Of ` x .' `. '.. <br /> tiUa in Conr�ectton wittf s�t..,Trustee shail aDPh °p � - <br /> 7rust or under ihe terms�9 the Note no t t h en rep a t d,indudn g but not limited to aaxue�interest and late charges. G9 en o4�er sums th9n _ , _ <br /> secured hereby,ertd (Qf)the remeinder,iE any,to the person or parsons legalty en6Ued thereto. ! ,. � :__ _ <br /> i . ' " �i:.- <br /> (�)Tnate9 may in the manner provlded by taw poslpone sale oF all or arry porlion of the ProperSY. i <br /> Remedks No1 fcYetuslva Trustee and Lender,and each of them,shau be enUUad to enforce payment and pertormance af any indebiedness ,�,_ <br /> � ` a ob�aUons secured by th(s Oeed of Tnut end to exercise eil rights and powers under this Deed o!Tnist.under the Note,under any Of the . `�_ <br /> Related ppcuments,a under any other ap�eemen!or any iaws now or hereaftet in torce:notvrithstanding,some or atl of such indebtedness ��� . <br /> 8nd obGpatiot�s seaured by this�sed of Ttus!maY now or herea(ter be othenvise secured,whather by mortpage,dsad of trust,pledfle.fien, `�;:y�`� — <br /> � essiynme+it or othe�wlse. Ne(11ie►tha acceA��ot this Oeed of Trust not its enforcement,whether by court acUon or pursuarA 90 the pOwer of - �,�� �_. <br /> st�e or pthet powers conteined tn this Oeed of Tmst, snati prejudice or in any manner aHed Trustee's or Lenders riSM to realize upon or : �� <br /> enforce any ot�9r seciutlY�aw�or hereafre�he�a by Trustee or Lender,it being agreed that Trustee and Lender,end each cf 1hem,shaU be , . <br /> er <br /> � erfiUed to entorca ths Daed ot Trust and any other securitY now or heceafter held by Lender or Tntstee in such ord9r and manrKU as theY or . i ; - ,, , <br /> either af them may ln ifielr ebsoiute disere8on determine. No remedy conferted upon or wsenred to Tnistee or intended to be , <br /> exciusive of any other rartre��+in tNs O�d of Trusl or by taw provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulaBve and shatl Ce in add+�on to _ ,.,. �� . <br /> rt <br /> evetyr atiwr remedy pNan in�Deed of Trust ar now ar hereafter e�asting at law w in equity or by sfetute. Every power or rameQy g��+en by the . <br /> Note or any of the Refated aocuroon� to Trustea or lender ar ta whEch either of them may be othsrudse entitted,rnay bo exerctsed, ;:�::'� :_��;��, .; —... <br /> cpncurtentiy w indepertdentty,from Gme to Ume and as oflen es may be deemed e�edient by Trustee or Lender,and efther of lhem may • . t.: F,�� <br /> . l,,;� <br /> � pursu�inca:sstent remedies. Nothlnp in this Oeed of Trus!sfiall be consWed as proh�biUng Lender hom seekinp a defldency judgmer,t . ,. `, <br /> against ttw Trustor to ths extent such actian is pem�itted by 1aw. t� _ <br /> R�quesl Fpr Npt{u.Trustor,on behalf ol Tnutor end Lender,hereby requests that a wpy of any NoUce of OetaWt end a copy of any Notioe . �.;"�'�f"� „ <br /> of Saio undar fAis Oeed of Trust be maiied to tAem et the addresse5 set torth in the first peregraPh of th�s Deed ot Tnis1. . '' -�;; <br /> Wa[ver.Eleetlon of Remedies. A watver by any paRy ot a breach of a provlslon of this Oeed of Trust shall not constitute a wehrer of or � �t� ,•- <br /> � projudiee the piuty's Ayhis dtyerw�e t�damand strtct comptiance with that provislon a any other provislon. Election by lbnder to pursue any . •'��»!' <br /> �•. rpmpdy provtQoG in fhts O�d of Tn�st,the Note,in any Retatad Oxument,or provtded by Iaw shall not exdude pursu(t of any ott�er remedy. _ �:�_'�` <br /> ' end tn election to make expenditures or to takd ac6on to pertorm an obtigetion of Trustor under lhis Oeed of Trust after failure of Trustar lo - ��.. .:�' . <br /> --, a,•;''•.,. <br /> paAorm shall not aHact Lenders dptd to declare a defautt and to exereise any of its remedies. r <br /> AttOrtMys'Fees;F]�pence�- �f Le�det�nslitutes eny suil or action to entorce any ot the terms ot this Deed o1 Tnisf,Lender shall be enUUed to , ;���^ - <br /> racovet sach sum as the couA may adjudge reasonable as attomeys'tees at Ula►and on any appeal. Wnother a not any couA actfon Is , �±�••~. �T,� __ <br /> Imrdved,aU raasontble expenses incurred by Lender wNCh In le�der's c�inion are nacessary a1 anY Ume for the protecHon of(ts interest or the ' <br /> prrtprcameni af its�yhts Sh�ll bocome a paR of the Indebtedness payrabte on demand and shall bear Interest at the Note rate 6om the date ot r,�,"`` <br /> e�enGtur�Lati!�epud. E�enses coverea by Viis parapraph include,without Ilmitatlon,however subJeC1 to any Umits under appllcable taw. . . • <br /> ���g�ltpmeys•{gsy�v}tather or not there ts a Iawsui4���uding attomeys'tees tor bankntptcy proceedirps(Nictudlnp eftab to mod��y or . ,F�.: <br /> " vapte u►y autnmatio stey a Iniunctlon�,appeals and any anticipated post-Jud�ment cottecUon seMces,the cost ot searchtng records, ; �'w�. : <br /> pbtalnlrrp ti1Se ropeAs pndudhp foreclosure reports).Sunrayars'repoAS.aADraisai fees�Utle insurenee,and fees ta ttsa lhe extent . �_.___---;� <br /> pprmittad by gppijcgble law. Tnutor also wiU pay any cour!costs,in flddition to ail other sums provided by law. • '��'-:'�. <br /> fiiyffts Of TN�tee•Trustss she11 have ali of the rtghls end duUes of Lender es set foAh in this secNOn. �;• � <br /> ppWERS AND OBUGATIQN9 OF TRUSTEE. The iW�owinp provlslons relaUnp to the powers and obligatlons ot Trustee are parl o!thls Deed ol ; . • y t' <br /> T� <br /> •• p,py���p}T��. {n QG��on to di power9 0!Trustee aflsing as a marier o!law.Trusteo sh811 have the power to teka thg lollorvinp acllons [_��' <br /> with n6pect to the Wop�Ay vpon lha wd8on requesl of Lender and Trustor. (a)join in preyariny and filinp a mnp or pa1 of the Real Ptoperlyr, - <br /> . Inqudina the d�diCaUOn of streets or olher dyhts to ihe puhl�; (b)jotn in granUny any easement or cr88Uny any reStrlcUOn on the Reei Prope►ty, __ <br /> and (C)jaln in arry Subordlnallon ar other egreemont aflecting this Deed o1 Trust or th4 interest of Lender under tNs Deed o1 Trust. . _ <br /> Tru�iN. Trustoe ShtU meet eA qualiNcatlons required la Trustee under applic�ble law. In addiUOn to the tiphts and remedles set fodA�bovo, � <br /> u <br /> ot6dp�y JudiCiel foredosure�in ei Aepr ce�se� in a o denoe with end b the fu eMen p ovided by&pD�icable Iaw Lender shall have tAe�tgfit to � • <br /> gyu,yssor Ttust�e. Lender,at Lenders option,may Vom time to time appoint a suaessor Trustee to any Trustee appdnted hereundar by an :�..� <br /> InSbument eaeCUted and flCknowledged by Lender end recorded in the offloe o1 tha reeorder of HALL County,NebreSNe. The instrument shell . <br /> Contain,in addiUon to ell other matters requtred by sffito law,the names o1 the originel Lender,Trustee,and Trustar,the book and page(a � . <br /> computY►SystYm retetence)where this 06ed o1 Trust is reCOrded,end the name end address ot ihe SuCCessor hust9e,and the InSUUment sheil ( _ <br /> be executed and acknowledped by ali tho beneflciarles under the Deed of Trust or thelr successors in Interest. The suocessa buslee.wlthoul ! <br /> conveyer�co O1 Uw Property,Shutl Succeed to all the title,power,end duties conlettod upon lhe Trustee in this Dead of Trust and by appticaDte � <br /> taw, TtIL�pruc6Qun for SubsGlullon of bust6e shell Qovem to the exclusion o1 all other provisions for SubStituHon. j �,, , <br /> ItQTICEB TO TRUSTOA AND OTHER PARTIES. Any notice undar this Deed o}Trust shall be In writing,may he be sent by teiefacsimilie,and shali � • �__ <br /> pg pflaCilw wtNn aduBIIy dellvered.o�whon deposited with e nationaily recognired ovemight courter,or,if maiied,shall be desmed eHective when � <br /> dgppsitgd in the United States meil flrsf Gas3.cert�fled or repistered mail,postage prepeld,directed to the addresses shown near the bepinning of • . _ <br /> ihls Oe80 01 TrusL My party r►�ey change Its address for noUces under this Deed of Trust by giving tormal writlen noUce to the othgr partles. - <br /> ' speqty{np that the purpose of the no6ce is to change t�e parlys nddress. Jul coples of nolicos ot foreclosure(rom the holdsr of arry fian a,hiah has �_ <br /> ^��to k���gnArTrustg9 Intormed el all tlmes8o Ta�s curteM addresse b��nninp o1 this Deed of TruSL For�otico purpOSes,Trusto = <br /> ; � � ��[ <br /> MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIOP�S.Tha Ioilowing mtscellaneaus provislons oro e paA ot thls Dead o!7rus1: � . -- <br /> I f.minQmsnt�. Thl9 D68d oT Trusf,tuyether vrith eny Retated Documenls,constitutss the enHra undarst�ndtng and agreement of fhe pafies as � • �: <br /> to tAe matte�s set forth In thls Osed of Ttust. No aiteralion of or amendment to this Oeed ot Trust sheii be eNective uniess given in writing and i. � <br /> � signed by lhe par4y or petttes soug�t to be ctiftrgod or bound by ine aileia6on o�a+tsedmesat• � ya: �� - <br /> { , _--- <br /> � <br /> � � ��..�icM�+ <br /> �''' - - -- • <br /> � _ _ .. • . . . �'~'-�'r� ' ,o - � �. . . .. <br /> � - t. . • �� . ` . , .. . , . . _.-.- . . - . - , .. _ �. .. . , <br />