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<br /> � �TI�US'f Page 6 �-, , •r,•l'yI \�� �`�—_
<br /> � � a�.-��-�s9� ���o 0
<br /> � La�an N��807 (Co�inued) �7�'�Q���� . � . .. . � • "a;: --
<br /> . , . �, . ` _-
<br /> �. ����a�4�u�fsas betn�QN.tv�t1a tawB o�St�ta of N Rsa�a. In t�o St�te of f2e���. TF►!3 Qr..*0 04 aru� : • ; ; -�
<br /> CC�y;g,�QL^,^np, GsQllan Pt3adits�s In fhis Deed of Trwt are for canventence purposes onry and sre not ta be us�A to intarpret or detino tho ' ��
<br /> p�vl�ons W thfs DeoA o1 Ttust. . _ ` �';
<br /> � W[p�r. Th�a sh�bs no rt�ecy�r ot IM lnte�t or estate created by thts Deed of Trtst with any otRSr Intecest or estate in trte F�ap�iY at any � . ,_
<br /> ' tlmo hMd OY a ta���°f���in any ccpadlY.withouf the written cans&nt of Lender. ' z�.
<br />. 1�Partia�,py ppfiapl;ong pf Tnistor und�thb 088d ot Trust sluA be jo[nl artd se v�r a f.an d a 7 refcte�to Tnutor shst!msan each and ' . ;
<br /> ?�=
<br /> ova�y Tr�tor TA�manrn fhat eac�af tho Barowers stgNnB beiow b re5ponslbfe for�il cblipeUons In thb Qsed of Trust. "=
<br /> �y�ptp�y, �}a�p�p}�ompgtaM JurfsdicUon flrtds any prorislon of tNs Deed ot TniS!to be inva8d.or unentart�bb as to atry person or
<br />- r.�CUrtu�.Such Bs�c6r�E4�a9 noi tender tt�at proulstors lava�or unenfcretable as to eny other persons ar etrcumsffinces. N teaslble.enY •-- -- _ —
<br /> suctf oli�adinp prv��n sha➢be de¢med to be modiBed to be withtn the Um(is of entorceebiiity or valtdityr,hawe�rar,if the o8endinp provtsion �� , ,
<br /> qnapt b�so modP.ati.ft sha!!Oe strlc4cen end atl other provisions of this Dsed of Tn�s!in aB othsr r�pects shaU rema:n valfd and enfa�eabta '
<br /> ���t�, SupJ�t tp Ihe QmltaBpns siated lo this Osed of Tnast on transfsr oi Trustor's irde�esl,this Qeed of Tnut shsll Oe . - �
<br /> bin�np�q►on end lnura to t1s�ba�afit of the partles.thetr suxessors and assiyns. lf ownershtp ol the Prap�ty 0ecomes vestad ln a person , - �-- , _ _
<br /> i
<br /> ottier than Tnlstor. L�n6M. wtihout natEce to Tcust�. maY deal vrNh TnjsWt's suocessars with ceterence to Ws Qaed of Tmsi and tria _ _. :.n•�,�"�,: -
<br />� .- Indab�►dn�ss by way o/forbe�anoa or�ctension without retsas►:►g Twstor trom ifie obUgaUons o4 tlds Daed of Tnst or fiabiGN under tha :.y�:� . y ,_�
<br /> ;t�.�+_._�'
<br /> lnd�bt�dnes9. ..,�-,,:--• �
<br /> TAt»Is o1 th�Eu�ne�.Ttm�Is ot Uw ss.anoe in llw peAOm�ance ot Ws Oeed of Tnut. -_�:'=
<br /> �W�r: . ,....��-•:
<br /> Yy�y��d C�na�nts, L,ender atia�J rtot ba deamad to hs+re walved any dghh under thb Oeed of Trust(w under the Re:ated Doeumen+s) :
<br />.� . uni�s Such vfaht8t ts�n wdUny and stgeed by Lender. No delay or OmLFSton on the�arl of Lender in exer�isf�y anY�IgM ShaD aQeraie es o �"`'�-r-+a-���
<br /> w8lver of suCh dpM or 8ny Olher rtgtd. A walver bY�Y P�h'of a proviston of thts Oeed of Ttust shall not Constitute e weiver af or prejudiC9 the - �` �•��` %'!='��
<br /> - "���,:_
<br />. Par{ya dght otharxriso to demand strkt camp0ance with tt�l provisfon or any other Orovision. No prior walver by lender.nor assY course of s.:,r�.�"''� . -�!=
<br /> ' de�pnp pehyagn t,oadu tnd Tntstor,st�9 constitute a welver of any ot Lcinder s r(ghts or arry of Tn�stors oblipa6ons as tn any fuQUre ,�-�,��.
<br /> � �a�acttnns, iNhYnsvar cansent by Lender b�eqLLhed in this Oeed of Trus1,the Qrantin8 of such can�nt by Lender in anY instance shaD not � � •--.-.-�
<br /> cotatihtta contlnt�tnp Consent tosubsequsnt iastarices where suct►consent is requlred. r,.:..w�-
<br /> �y�of�p[entplipn, Ttugtpr hereby reieases and waives eD�i�hts and bsnefits ot the homestead exemption Iaws ot tha State oi •;`�:"'.�'.4. ,�_
<br /> rus
<br />'_�._, [�t�brasict�s to a11nEaDtiOrrss6xurad by this Oaed O}Ttust. __ `.�_ - "'��_ ..
<br /> TTtRRYS. l4i --...
<br /> " TRi1STOR: . ^� ,v�,_ -
<br /> 'r . .a>.
<br /> : � � -
<br /> ' ::� x x ANE N • ',;i<a�-
<br />�� � INDIVIDUAL dACKNOV1iLE0GM@NT `` ����� �
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<br /> ?Q • . . . ,:�=.
<br /> - p���Y pe{p��,th�undeisiyrwd Plot�ry Pwbt�,Personalty aPDeared BAIAF�3 OS46'J�l�1(LE and JAN E OSZWINiO.E,to me known to be _ ,�.��-
<br /> tAe�nd[vtdup}s dosctipad in and who e�cuted the Oeed o}Trust,and acknowtedged that thgy sipned lhe eod of Trt+st as thek fr�o and volu�ry ����
<br /> , ac�and dMd.fa th� and purpoass ttbceln menUaned.� ;'1�': '�� �s:-,.�
<br /> � G.'►�en Wtd�►mJl 1}fe(alr.asl Ws �o� deH o! »�� __—_ � �:
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