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. .. . . . . ..4 . . . __ "_- _ f._ _ _'_''" " . -_ <br /> . . , - � . . � . .. ' ' . . . � . .. ' � . . . . _ .'��_.. r._ <br />, __...-'.�_L�_.�__�.._ ... . .. . __ � ' ' �_: - • � _- <br /> =� - --, -: �;_- <br /> � 03-12-99�7 DE�� ��TF�l9S'T �. 1���2 Page 8 i : `'. '-�.` . ' , ' ,{`_:- <br /> Loan Ho 432807 (Con4tnuedD 9� . �r, ,,__ <br />� ' � T��. Tha ta�owlnp al�9 cart3Ututa IaxCS to� thts secllon eAACes: (al o spedCC tax Won Mts tYPa 0!Owd of Trust a ttp9n�7 or nny � , , - <br /> � ; palt of ths►rtd�btsdneis L�CINed by tNs Ooad of Tnuf: (b)a speclftC tex on 4rustor wheh Trustor is aui�oAZSd ar r�Aatred to d4duct kom , . , . s �; <br /> � UM hotnder o!th9lNO�t nnd�s(d)�a sp�scd ac`t a x on0 a 1 1t o r a Y P�on Ofcth0�Qe4tedness0orf On OflYmont9�of prt�pa��andilntarest mando by � ` <br /> i Tn�. �.-� - - : <br /> Sab�qu�t T�us. 11�ny fax to whtch OUs saelion applles is enaated subsequent to th0 date ot thts Dasd of 7rust,thls ovent shaU hove tha . . — <br /> � sarno oftad as an Event ot Oefa�4(as deflnsd heiow),and Lender r.iay exQrdse any or aB of its avauabls rem�d�es tar an Evant of Detnull es � � _ <br /> ' Uins SaCtiOn 8ttd d3pOStis vJ1U1��'-�rBCesA t e suHki�nt ccrporats stuely bond or othebsee�satlsfBC�to Lend9r above ln!he Texes 8nd • . , • . <br /> .. � SECaJRiTY AGfiEEMI�dfT;PIlUNpNQ STATEIkENTB.The fa'lowing provtstons relaUng to this Deod Ct Trust ns e seCUtlty flgrsemeM ata a psrt ot : � 3 . . <br /> ; ttus O�ed cf Ynut - . _ <br /> r f..:_ .., <br /> j ��p�,�g�d�n�r ShaAahey�B�gtj o the rfqhts pt a s cur�ed arty u derBAe Unit rmy Co merd C�.ode as em ne ded m�time to ' . , <br /> tlme. . ' -. <br /> 8�q�rin►tntNesf. Upon request by LendBr,Trustor shall execute firmndny statemems and take whatever other actlon is requasted by Lender t <br /> tp�r{�g��p�n�e Lgnda�g 58curily interest in the Renis and Persansl PrayeAy. In abdition to record(ng tAts Oaed of Tntst in Me real _ <br /> Prpp�ty�eprd9,LQndar arty Utne and+xtttiout fuAhar autho�tion hom�executed caunt9spurls.coptes or repratJUCtions of . ' . <br /> this Oead ot Tn�st is�flnnndnp smtement TRUtor shall relmburse Lender for afl e�enseS incwred in perteCtlnp or continuinp fn[s secur(ty <br /> ' 1 intx�sl. lJpon dofauH,Tntstor ShaY assembte tttie Persons!Propefty In a manner and at a piace reasonabiy eonvenlent to Tnata and Lender �- - ' <br /> � and make N ava0nkte to lender wtWn tl7ee(3)daYs aft�*racetpt ot wdtten demand trom Lender. • . _ . ' ` <br /> i : '"'`"•;- - <br /> Addre�ses, Yt�e maDtnp addresses of Tnutot(debtorj and Lender(Secured party).irom which information conceming the securityr interest • <br /> qranted by thfs Deed of Tnrst may be obiained(each as requtred by the Uniform Cammerdai Code),are es sfated on ihe flrsl page of this Deed ;.; •�S <br /> olTn6G . . •rt'_ -:,.••: <br /> : .:.�n:...,�> __, <br /> FUphiEq ASSllpANt;ES;ATTppNfilf-lH-FACT. The tollowing provisions refeting to turther assurances and attomey-in-fact ere a perl of this •s <br /> Deed otTrt�sL • ` ; ' �� , _ - <br />• FaAhK Aasuqnas, At any tfine,and irom Bme to time,upon request ot Lender,Trustor wiU meke,euecute and deRver.or wUi cause to be �,� <br /> mgde,e�aqdad or daQvered,to Lender w to Lender's da4lgrtee,and when requested by Lender.cause to be Red,recwded,refiled, or - , -- <br /> d g , . � <br /> � Uw�asa may ba at such Umes and in such offlces and places es Lender may deem epproprfato,arry and aJl sueh modyapes, _ � ;;'�•` = <br /> �p�o}�,�rity deed5,secur(ry agreements,flnandng statement5,contlnuatlon statements,instrumenis o!tuRAer assurance,cer6flcates. • ;;..-;�;�-- :�: <br /> and other documords as maY.�n the sola opinion of Lender,be necessary or desirable in order to eHectuate,campiete,perfed,conNnus,or , ,�....___� <br /> '.� � preserve (aj the oG1lpaUOns of Tnutor under the Note,this Deed oF Trusl,and the Retated Documents,and (b)the Ilens end secur(ty interesls <br />� co�hary by L,en�tl�wrfllng,TnutorPst al�mburse L.ender to eall costs andrexpe es nYcu ed in connecUon wilh theymetters re�dd t hn . . � <br /> .�;� . <br /> �►�b P��+A� .. � . <br />' Attomeyan-Faci. I�Trustor fatls to do any of the thtngs retorred to In the precedinp paraprapA,Lender may Co so tor and in the name ol • � i' <br /> � Tnstor and at Tntstars e�ense. Fot such Durposes�Trustor hereby IrrevocablY ePOoints Lender as Trustors attomelNrFdacl tot the piupose __ ... . `� �: � . <br /> of m�,cinq,exseu0np,deQyerinQ,filinp,reCardinp,and doing a0 other Wngs as may be necenery or dostrabla,In LenQer's sole apinion,to �� .,�x�• • <br /> socomp(ish the matts�s ra`�arred to in the precedtny paragraPh• <br /> � FI�L PFAFOR6IAMCE. 1!7rustor pays af1 tho Indebtedness when due,and othervvise peAorms all the ob►IgaUOns imposed upon Trusta under this , <br /> Oeed of Ttust, Leader shall executa and deliver to Tnutee a request for full reconv6�ance and shall execute and deihrer to Trustor suitabfe � �►T' ;,�;: �. <br /> statements at terminatian of any flnandrtg statement on file evfdencing Lende�s security interest in the Rents and ths Personal Praperty. Any ; , � <br /> recpmroyanw fea reqtdrod by taw ShaA�e�aid by 1'rustw.if permifted bY apPlicable taw. � � � � <br /> ' DEFAtLT.Esch o}the foDowi�p.Bt the c}�"an of Lender,Shail constitute an event of def8ult(°Event of Defauit'undet this Deed of Tnuk . ���,..,`�i� � <br /> t " � . ��t : <br /> • DatM�i on InQebtadne�. Failore ot Tntstar to me.tio e�iy payment when due on i�e Indebtedness. ..,, ' _ _ <br /> r; <br /> Oefiui!On Ofhlr Raynfent0. Fa�lure of Trustor x:::.:�the tlme required by this Oeed of Trust to make any payment tor taxes or Insurance,or ••- ' � .�,. <br /> eny other paymerd necessaryr to pnvent fiiing of Cr to eftect diseharge ot any Iten. "�9'�'��t�.. `' `- <br /> . C0�OOfsul� Fallure of Tn�stor to compty with 8ny other tertn,obiigation,covonant or condition conteined in thfis Oead o!Fnist,d�f -��' � �,:' �-, <br /> Nota a In anyt ot ths Relatad Oocuments. ..,.wA-�. �,� <br /> �r- ��. <br /> � :<?i�'li,'•. +�:��i,,s,'%le ,. <br /> Fal�e Sptsmb�ta, qny wama�y,representatla�or ststemant made or(umished to Lender by a on behall oi Tnutor under 1hLs Deed of Ttust, ,_ _,;.,. .;� <br /> � ttq Note or the Retatod Documertts is telse or mtsleay�y in any meterial respec�eithet now or at Ihe dm9 made a tumtshed. `�.� � <br /> 0�l�CKYO CoUa�WaAiOe. 'ROs Daod of Tn�st a arry of the Reiated Oocuments ceeses to be In tu11 torCe and effoct Qndudinp taLh�te of arry ��l�=- <br /> � ca0atatol doCUmetds to e�eate a valid and pertected security Inteeest or Gen)at any Ume and iet arry reason. •�-'�;��� • <br /> • peyt�pr(e�pty�nCy, Tha dgath cf T.vstor,the InSONenCy ot Trustor,the appointmenl of a rece[ver for any part of Trustors Drop6rly,any <; - �r._ <br /> �..�.,•: <br /> essignment fw the bene5t of cred�crs.any typA of C�editor warkout,or the commenoemenl ot ery proceeding under eny bankcupt�y or ; ,- •�-- <br /> � ' InsdYOnCy aws by Or apainst Trustor. r"=�`����:- <br /> • Fotaio9ate,FWfCitUre,etc. Commencoment of foreciosure or forfeiture proceedings,whethar by judidal praceeding,sett-Aetp,repassesEton � . _ <br /> or any other method,by any crecIItar ot Ttustor w by any govemmental agency agamst any of the Property. Howavor,this subsecflon shali not . • =. :�.-.--��� <br /> � �ppty In the event of�poad faith dispute by Trustor as to ihe validity or reasonableness of the datm wh�h 1s the basis of tha foreclosure or ,.,,�y.,:-. ��,�,_ <br /> fpr�'ata�prpcaodtnp,provided Ihat Trustor gtv�s Lender wdtten nottce of such dalm and fumishes reserves or a surety bond far the ctaim <br /> sa�,�s,"mtybLlOdW. I�J'� � _ <br /> � BtNeh o!OUN►A�tNm�n� Any breach by Trustor under tha terms of any other agreemont betwsen Trustor and Laa�er ihat is nCt ramedled �� - <br /> "i wlihin any qrao�padod Provlded thweln.IncWdiny wlthout umifaUon any apreemenl concetnlnp any indebtedness or ct:�er obiipaUon of Trustor , � . <br /> � to t�ndK.wh�thu a�dsun0 naw a latar. � ' • . <br /> � Even4s AiteeGrip Gttarantot. Any ot the preoedlnp events oocurs wfth respact to eny Querantor of any of the InOebtedness a any(ivarantor : ��L�� . <br /> �pr becomo9 incompetent,a�evokes or disputes 1he vandity of,or Ilability under,any Guaranty of the Indebtedness• Lender,at its opUon, . <br /> �:� �jr�satisfaCtpy t�o Leender.a d,rs doinp o,c re th�Even�t o}Defau�ume unconditlonalty 1he cblipatlons arisinp under the guaranty in e , , . : <br /> ha�eurity.LenQer�.ti 9ood faith deems itself i�,ecure. � <br /> . pCS}Np(nQeptaQnesf. A defaNl shall oocur und2r any ExlsUng Indobtedness or under any instrument on the Ptoperty securing any Existlnp <br /> Indsbtedness,a CommencemeM ot any suit or other actlon to forecloss any existing uen on Ihe Proparly � <br /> Ftg(tb EO C�uo. If sucA a lalture is curabte and il Trustor has not been given a notice o1 e breach of the same provision ol ihis Oood ot Trust . , <br /> g <br /> �; w;�r�the preced+ng tweNa(12}months,it may be cured(and no Event ot Oatault viiil hsve xcurred)if Trustor.after Lender sends written . <br /> nofiC�demand'in�er.:s o}SuCh failuro: (a)cures Ih9 fHilure within ten(10)days;ar�)it ihe cure requires more than ten(10)days,immediately <br /> � fnilla�►s steps sic`ErtiFr.f to cure the tal�ure and thereafter continues and comple�es ri:t reasonable end nocessery steps suHicient to produce • <br /> � comp9anoe as sca�r�reesonably practical. <br /> p�g}{yg�p qEMEpIES Ot�DEFAt�Y. Upon the occurrence of eny Event ot Oetault and At any dme thereafter,Tn�stee w Lender,at its option, _ <br /> msy ex�dse any one a more of the foROwirsp Aphb and remadles,In addttion to anq other rights or re:r��s provlded by law: <br /> qoce;arat{on uppn Q�rwu�i;AddRloaai Reneciie3. If any event o!d3faul!oxurs as psr tha isr.r.s ot thfl Nota sscured hereby,Lendsr may G � ' _.- <br /> dactare all IndSbtedness secured by 1Ms Deed of Trusf to be due and payabte and the same shall thereupon became due and payabte withoul � . . <br /> any prasentment,demand,protest a notice o1 any kind. ThereaRer,Lender may: � . <br /> (A) FJther in person a by agent,w►th or wltAout bringing Hny ecuon or proceeding,or by a receivar appo�Med by a couA and withoul ; <br /> � repar0 to the adequaey ot its security,enter upon and take possession ot the Properry,or any par!thereof,in its own narr.e or in the name ; . • <br /> o}Trustee,8nd do any acts which it deems necessary or desire6ie to preserve the value,marketabiiityr or rentebiiityr of the Property,or paA I -� <br /> oi ihe Property or interest in the PropeAy,increase fhe income hom the PropeAy or protect the security of the Property:and,v�ith or without ' . <br /> teking possession ot tha Properry,sue for or otherwise collect the rents,�ssues and profits ot the Property,including those past due and i , <br /> unpeld,snd appty Iho Same,less Costs and expsnses o}operation and collection,mctuCing attorneys'fees,to any indebtedness secured j f. <br /> ' by fh�s Deed ot'irusi,t133 in SuCA Ofd�8�L8tad6i rt:ay d8ls:rrirA. Tf.O Qr.lCSlt'.�Sip�n 8nd!9k�ng p4SS9SS10�Of ttig Prpp9�y,lhe coiar,tion � .. ..---. <br /> � . , . • . . , <br /> . <br /> _ �..�. � —.;-�,:,-..••..--�-- , . • .- �-.--�.``i ' ` . , . . ,^ � � --� � <br /> . '. ; . .. • . • � , .. . . . . .; ,., .. . . ' . ' ' ' � �• ' <br />