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<br /> tac(uding floods or flooding, for which L.Cnder nyuirCS insurance. This iro�urancx st�all be mainffiiaeJ in the amounts and F ; ' ••
<br /> • for the penosis t6at L.euder rGyuire+.ThC in,wancr camer�rovidins the im-urancc shall be cho�a by Borrowz�subject to � . �
<br /> Lx�1er'�appmvol which shall aot oe unr�asonabiy withheld. If Borrow�r fail� ta maintain coverage dw,cribed abovr, 'f , � .
<br />.. L.rader may. at l.ender's optian,obtain coveragr to protect Ixadec s rig6ts in the Pmprrty in accordancC with paragraph F . , , ,
<br /> �• G - - - , - . _-=_.
<br /> All im�ueancr policiCS astd renewals shall be accaptable to l.e�er and shall includc a a�tandard mortgagC clause_ �
<br /> l.rrxtrr shall havC th�right to hold tl�e policies and r�ttewals.If Cxntl�r rr.�{uir�, BorrowCr shall prompdy givr to Ixndsr i� , . ° � • � z
<br /> all recxipt�of paid pntaiums aad r��wal r.otices. In thr av�nt i�f lac,. Borrow�r shall b*ive prompt naticr to thC in�uran� •
<br /> carrirr and L.G�Cr. [.rndet may mafce proof of loss if not made prompdy by Barrowrr. � � , � -
<br /> Unless Levder and Barrower otherwisC a�rex ia writing,ia�-urance proce�ds shall be applied to r�toration ar rapair , _r
<br /> of thu PropGrty damagcxl,if thti ro�toration or r�pair�s eeonoaucaAy frasihle anJ I.rrtdCr'�sr,�:urity i�not Irsse�d. If thc ` ' �..;�
<br /> � resioratioa or repair is not economically faasiblC or L.�adei s security would b�lassrt�d,the insurancc Pro�:eed.i shall t►c � `.,�=--•
<br /> `'.i apPlied to tt�sums secund by this Security Instr�m�nt, whr,thCr or aoi thrn due. wittr any �acaas paid to Borrower. If � .. _
<br /> Borrower abaadoas the Property, or dora not answer within 30 days a notirC from[xndcr that thC insurancC carricr has - . ;�.�--
<br /> off�trd to settle a claim.then L.euiler may collect thC insuranrx procrxds.I.rnder may wr thC procrxds to rrpa'v ar r�s-toro •;,};*"�_+
<br /> - the Property or to pay sums secured by ttus S�curity losdvment, whether or not th�n due.Th�30-day p�riad wiU hCgin ���,:�_
<br /> �� when t6e notia is given. . . _ :"°'"'°�" "—
<br /> Unless Lender aud Borrower otherwise agt�in writing,any application of proceeds to principal shall not Cxtend or ; .,
<br /> posqwne the due date of the montlily paym�nts referred to in paragraphs l and 2 or change tf�amount of the paymenis. [f . ' . ,
<br /> undrr paragraph 23 the Property is acquired by I.Cndar,Borrower's right to any it�surance policies and proceexLs resulting �`-
<br /> from damage to the Propesty prior to the acquisttion shall pass to I..Cnder to the extCnt of the sumc secured by this Security , � f'�
<br /> ln4trutnent immediately prior to the acquisition. , . :�. ���---
<br /> 6. Ocwpancy, Preseevatlon, MsU►tenance and Ptotec�ton of the ProAertY; Bnrrower's Loan Appllwtton; _._���
<br /> r�
<br /> • I,easettalds. Bomnwer shall occupy. establish, and ase the PropCrty as Bomowei s principal residence wit6in sixty days
<br /> aft�r tha execudon of this S..curity Instrutmat and shall continix to occupy the Property as Borrow�r's principal cesidence � , ��`
<br />• for at least offi year after tlte date of occapancy, unless [.ender otherwise agrees in writing, which conseat shall not be • , : °4�"
<br /> unreasonably witW�eld, or unless eatem►3ting circumstances cxist wrhich are 6eyond Borrower's control.Borrower shall not r .
<br /> Y ��8 � �rt}`• PertY pertY• . �"�, � �
<br /> destro . e or i ir the Pro allow the Pro ta det�riorate, ar commit wastB on the Pro Horrower : ,,,��,...,_,.:•..
<br /> shaU be in d�fault if any forfeitnre action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal, is Begun that in I.erder's good faiW , M '
<br /> judgment conld result in forfriUtre of the Property or otherwise materially i�pair thn li�n created by this Securiry �, � �y
<br /> Instrument or Lendrr's securi intnresG Borrowee may curG such a dafault and rc:nstate,as provided in paragraph IS,by _ �� .,
<br /> causin the action or rocCr.din to be dismis�Cd with a rulin that, in L.nnder's oc�d faith determination, recludes �'`�1 `����
<br /> • � S P S € 8 P �c' � e�,. '•—
<br /> . ', farfeiture of tl�se Borrower's interest i� the Proparty or other ma::tial impairrcent of the liCn created by this Security
<br /> Irisavment or l.end�r'�secwity int�rest. Earrowrr shall also be in c�efault if BorrowCr,during the laan a{�pGcauon process; •;� ,':
<br /> . gavC matxrially false or inaccwate inforcnation or statcmcnt,to ixnd�r(or failed to provide L.��ler w�th any matena • �; ,,Y
<br /> informatioa) in connection�vith the loan evidenced by the Note. including, but not limited to. represeatatio�s conceming • �.Y .
<br /> Borrowar's occupancy of t�Property as a principal r�-ideace.If this Secwity Ias�ament is on a lea�hold,Borrower shall s� � �t ;;• _
<br /> � comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Bonower acquires fee title to the Properry, the leasehold and the fae title - ' 'Y ;.,�x
<br /> -�:�'. s h a ll mt merge u n less I.e n d e r agmes to t h e merger in wri tins. _ , .:�:_.`-
<br /> � 7. Protectjon of Lender's Rig�iv in the Property. If BorrowCr fails to perform the covenants and agreements � . ; ! �`
<br /> : ,,,�_
<br /> coatained in tLis Security InsLumen� or there is a tegal proceeding that may sigtvficaatly affect Lender's rights in th� _ -=-.�ffi�KL-°=�=
<br /> Property(sueh as a proceeding in bankruptcy. probate,for wnd�mnation ar forfeitur�or to enforcc�laws or regulations), - - -
<br /> • Naen Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in t6e ;�"'-�.,�,
<br /> Property. LandCr's actions mey iacludC paying any sums secured by a lirn which has priority over this Secunty ..'��, -
<br /> Instrumen� appearing in court.paying reasonable attomeys' fees and entering on the Property to make mpairs. Although .. ,-._
<br /> � I.Cnder may take action under this para h 7, l.endrr dors not havC to do so. '�',--�s.- °
<br /> An amonnts disbursed 6 l.e er under this ara h 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured b this ' ''Y�'' ��
<br /> � �.�-�
<br /> �� Y 9 P �P Y :�u�j€-;-� ..
<br /> ' Security Instrumen� Untess Borrower and Lencler agree to other t�rms of paymeat.th�sse smounts shaU 6esr interest from �,W -'�
<br /> � the data of disbutsement at the Note rate and shall b� payabl�. with iater�est. upon noticd from Lender ta Borrower ��`�r�"'�"""
<br /> requesting paymen� „". �°_
<br /> � � S.Mortgage Ingurance. If Lemler required mortgagn inSurance as a wndition of ma[ting the loan secured by this �7 ,-.
<br /> Security Instrument. Borrower shall p3y the pr�emiums required to maintain the mortgage insurence in effec� If. for any ._,,;.<-r--.���'
<br /> ��:-r�:
<br /> reason. the mortga�e iasuraace covrrags rec(uired by i.�nder lapsrs or ceases to be in effect� $orrower shaU pay the .�;,;..,�.,,.��
<br />. premiums required to obtain coverage substent�ally rquivalent to thC mortgage insurance pr+eviously in effect. at a cost ., ;� �T_.,
<br /> substsniisUy equivalent to the wst to Borrower of thes mortgagC insuranca previou�ly in effect, from an alteroate mortgage . ���:'; :!° •`�----
<br /> iasurer approved by [.ender. If substantially r.quivalent mortgascs insurance coveraga is not availabte, Borrower shall pay a: •� • �_ ��s.�.. _
<br /> to Lander each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of thr yearly mortgage im�urance premium being paid by Barrowar when •.
<br /> thc insuraer,�coverag�lapsed or cCa�ed to bn ia Cffr,ct.I.ancler widl accCpt.use arul retain thes�payments as a loss reserva • - - . ,- ,-
<br />� _ in lieu of cs�ttgaga insurancr. Loss reserve payments may no long�r br reyuiteal. at the option of Lenler. if mortgage � ._ ' ._
<br /> iasurance coverage(in the amouat and for the period that Len��r requires) provided by an insurer approved by Lerder � _ '
<br /> again becomes available and is obtained. Bonower shall pay the premiums required to maintaia mortgage insurance in . . . . -. -
<br /> � �ffect, or ta ptovide a loss reservn.until the requirement for mortgag� insvrance ends ia accordance wit5 any written
<br /> ° agre�ment betwr.en Bonower and l.ender or applicablr law. Fo.m ��190 fPgBe J� . . . , •
<br /> BANNERS SVSTEMS.INC.,ST.CLOUD,MN 68301 It-800-397-73611 iOPM MO•1•NE YBIB� .,
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