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. . . �;� . . <br /> - . - . - • - . - . - , . - . • - ' � � . . - - -- '. ._.F'.`__ —__ c_ . . _ _ <br /> . . ,� . . � - ,e . . ' � . . . ' � .. . ' . .� : . . . ' c�_ ' . _ <br /> ', ..- ,. 4 •. <br /> � � <br /> e <.i. <br /> I E" t' <br /> r � � ' . . � ,• • , 6 t.� <br /> �� ����� . . — <br /> � TOGETHER W[TH all tt�e imp rovements now or hereaRCr rrr.�:ted on thr propctty, and all eas�mants, � ` __ <br /> gPP���.���now or hereafter a parE of the proparty. All replacements xnd additiuns sl�all also bc coverr�i � , . <br /> by this S�curity la,wment. All of thC fore�oing is rcferr�d to in tliis se�:urity Im-trumCnt as thr'Propertp." ' <br /> � � <br /> 8ur�xow�xt Ccn+F�n�-rs dtat BorrowCr is lawfiilly,�i�ed of the�+txtc hCrehy conveyCd and has H:e tight to grant aad �` ' <br /> convcy the Property and that th� Property is uasncumbered,eaccpt for cacumbrancx�af record. BorcowCr warrants and . <br />- -- will defead grnerally thr tidC to the Proprrty agaimt all claim,and deunancl,,�ub}ect w any ecK:umbrancra of rcwrd. � " " ' - , �". <br /> • Tws Sbc•cxtn INStR��.�vr combines uniform cov�a�nts for national use and aon-uniform covcnants wit6 limitrd <br /> variations by jurisdiction to constiwtC a umform security inti-trument covrring real pn�p�rty. � � `, <br /> U�oxne C<�vncaxrs. Bomower aud Le�er covenant and agr�as follows: , . <br /> 1. Paymeat of Pr[ncipal sad Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrowar shall P��PUY PaY whCn due . . ' <br /> ' the priacipal of and iuterest on the debt evide�ed by the Not�and any pnpaymeni and lat�charges due under the Note. . � <br /> 2.Funds for Taxfs und Insurance.Subject to applicable law or W a writtzn waivrr by Ixnder.Borrower shal)pay , _ <br /> to lxnder oa tha day raondily paym��s are dtte uader the NotC, until the Note is paid in fuU, a sum("Funds") for: (a) '. • <br /> yrarly taxrs and assessments wluc6 msy attain prioriry over Wis SGCUrity lastrument a+a liea on th�Pro�erty;(b}ynarly � <br /> l�hold payments or gnund�nts on th�Property, if any; (c)yeady ha�ard or property insvrancC premiwns;(d)yrarly � . . . -- <br /> flood iasurancc premiums. if any;(e)yearly martgage insurancC plemium,. if any;and(�anY sums payable by Borrowrr _ ::-:�:: � <br /> , . to L.Cnder, in accordance with the provisions of patagraph 8. in li�u of the paymcnt of mortgagr insurance pnmiums. � `: � : . ' t � - <br /> = These it�ms ara called'Escrow Items.' lxuder may,at any tim�,collrct sud hold Funds in an awount not to exc�x:d thr .. - <br /> ;' maximum amouni a lender for a fetlerally related mortgage loan may nquire for Borrowrr's escrow account uader the � ' ` , . �-.� ' <br /> , � federa) Rr,al Estatd Seitl�m�nt Procrctnres Act of 1974 as amendc� from tim� to timC, 12 U.S.C. $ 2601 et seq. � • ° � <br /> ("RESPA"), tsnless anoth�r law tl�at ap Ges to the Funds sets a l�sser amouni. If so, L.��Cr may,at any timr,collect and ^ '`"��,� <br /> hold Funds in an amount not W eae�the lesser amount L.Cnd�r may rstimat�the amount of Funds due on the besis of �� . ` ��°� "��•- <br /> current data and reasonabte estimates of e�eudihues of future Escrow Items or oth�rwise in accordance wit6 applicable . ___•��_�'� <br /> ' � Iaw. ' �.a�. <br /> ' :i The Fun�s shall be hrld in an institution whos�deposits ar�ia�-ured by a f�deral ageacy.iustrumeeitality, or�nrity . •..�;,�.�'�`' <br /> �`• (including I.�ud�r.if LendCr is such an institution� or in any Federdl Home Loan Bank. l.ender shaU apply the Funds to � <br /> �,� pay the Escrow Items. L.auder �nay not chatge Barrower for holding and applying the Funds. annually analyzing the • ' <br /> _ escrow account. or verifying tkC F.scrow Items. ualess l.�nder pays BorrowCr mtrrest on thr Funds and applicable iaw _ ���;��)'� <br /> ` ~; �rmits l.�nder to tnakC such a charge. HowevCr, I.G�er roay r�ynire Borrower to pay a o�-time c6arge for a� � - -. <br /> �ixiependent n:al estate tax repartiag servicC usrd by I.Cndrr in connectioa with tl�is loan, untess applicable law provides '.'i. <br /> ;. s <br /> � othenvise.Uale.cs an agcrxmeat is madC or applicable taw requin;s intcrest to bc paid. LxndCr shall aat be requirr.d to pay t, ` •'•. -'',' `, <br /> � BorrowCr any inienst or Camiags on thes Funcls. Borrowar and L.ander may agres in wri6n�,howevrr.that interest shall be � , . �;.� �•;. <br /> . paid oa the Funds.l.rad�r shaQ give to Boaawer,without charg�,an aanual accouniiag of the Funds,showing credits and . , :.,. .;, <br /> debits to tGe Funds and the pwpos� for which each drbit to th�Funds was made.The Fun�s are pledged as additional � '� '- "� ' � <br /> ��rtc .,�,'.: . � i� ' <br /> s�curity far a!1 sums secw�d by t�his�wity Ira�trum�nt. ;s.�.� �• , <br /> If the Fuads held by I.rnder�xceed the amounts pemutted tu be hrld by applicabl� law. Ixnder shall account to '., ,a <br /> Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance with the rrquirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by :r�� : - <br /> I.ender at any time is aot safficie�to pay the Exrow Items when du�, [.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in �',�y, - <br /> such casn BorrowCr shall pay to Le�rr the amount nexGSSary to malce up the defici�ncy. Borrower shall make up tlte __- s <br /> deficie�y in no more than tw�lvr�anthly l.end�r's sole discr�tion. -� :,;t;:�.'.�:;-� x� _ <br /> � Upon paymtint in full of all sums secured by this Secun3y ln.strumrnt, L.�snder shall promptly refund to Borrawer . ,�,�_ .�;�i�` <br /> any Funds held by Leader. If. under paragraph 21, Lender s3a11 acquire or seU the Property, Lender. prior to the ,.��,T:;. t�_ <br /> acyuisition or sal�of the Property, shall apply any Funds h�ld by Lx�er 2e the time of acquisition or sale as a credit ;��" <br /> ���:;,: <br /> against the sums secured by this Security Instrument. , .�y.,�,k;,: �-:��._ <br /> 3. Appi�Catlon af Pgyments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all paymeats received by Lender under =�-' _ <br /> ara hs 1 and 2 shaU be a �ec�: first, to an a snt char es due ualer the Note; second, to amouats a able � �1'�'`- <br /> P S�P PP� Y P�P Ym S P Y . �r�;. _ <br /> under paragraph 2; inter�ss�-.�e•fou�rth,to principal du�;and last,to any late charges due under tha Nate. . - <br /> ,' 4.CYarges; i.tens. Bomow�shallpa y a!1 taxes, assessments,charges. fines and impositions attributable to the � �' � � _ <br /> Property wtucb may attain prioriry over this S�curity Inst�umen� aad leasehold payments or gra�� rents. if aay. '':._ • ..�`,.' ��'' <br /> . Borrower si�all Pay thesu obligations in thr manner provided ia paragraph 2. or if not paid in that ma�::.r.Borrower shall °`�s "`— <br /> pay them on time d�recdy W th� perso�owed payment. Borrowar shall promptly fumish to L.endnr all cu.ZCes of amounts .�''�'� T.�'"w$+�`":� <br /> ta be paid uaier this parayraph. if Qorrow�r makes these pay�rxnts direcdy, Borrower sta.:ii prompdy fumisb to l.nrder � 4 <br /> receipts evidencing the payments. . ,'�.��"�`_. <br /> . Borrower shall prompdy �:s:.:�arges any lien whic6 has pnority ovar this Security Instrument unless Borrowrr:(a) `°`� <br /> a�rees in wriang to tL:payment of the obligation secured by the lirn in a manner acc.eptable to Lander,(b)contrsts in ''�.�•�1',.• •. <br /> gaod faith the lien by, or defeads against enforcament of the licn in. legal proceedings which in the l.ender's opinion ":�,;� �,�';,;�„ <br /> r. <br /> �� operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien; or (c) srcuru� from tha holder of thd lien an aEmemCnt satisfactory to . '�',": . '.}�k� <br /> Leudet subordinafing the lien to t�is Security lnstrument. [f Lender de4rrminrs that any part of the Property is subject to a � ` '��� � <br /> lien whieh may attain priority ocer il�is Security Inswm�nt, L.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. � ' �°y�:;j;,; ,: `_�`.. <br /> Borrower shall satisfy the lien or fES:one or more of tha actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of norice. � - <br /> 5.Hezetd or Property Intiurs�rtce. Borrow�r shall krkp th�improvCments now eaisting or hereafter erected on the ' -. • • , . . ; - <br />: Property insured against loss by fire. hs+zards iacluded within the term °eatended coverage" and any other haTards, . � <br /> Forrp�028 9l90 fpage ol'1- . _ <br /> ' BANKEflS SYSTEMS,IYC.,ST.0.0UD,MN 583G]+"-80W397•23411 FORM MD�1�NE 215'9' \y��_ _ .� ' . - � <br />. / <br /> . . - � , � . . ' . �. <br /> . . • _ � • . ' . ' ' {•._ <br /> . . . . ' ' _ _ . ' . �— <br /> - . , _ . , �. ..�^ � ' ..-.r _ -:`' . <br /> _ _ ..�.. . 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