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<br /> � , . . .. ' . . . . . �.� � � , �• _ -
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<br /> � 97-�oY��� � � � � `�
<br />. ' 9,Ia�spectfon. (,COder ot its agent may makC rcasonBMr�ntrirs upon anJ m�pectioac of thr Property. l.CCUi�r�haU F `
<br /> . givr Horrower noticr at thc tiutr of or prior to an incpr,�:tion spexifying rcaconablr�:au+e for the inspr.�'tian. �
<br /> - �e 10. Coades�natton. The prcicrx�i.i of anY award or ctarm for damagra. diru:t or coa+�yurntial,m co�r,�:tion w�th ;
<br />�..� xny condemnation or othrr takinb* of anY Part of thC PropCrty. or for conveyance in liru of cundCmnation, use herCby �
<br />' a,a-�gned and shaA Fx paid to l.ender. � .. ,.
<br /> ` In th�ev�at of a total taking of the Property. iha proc�d+ �hall he appliCd to tf� �-utns sr�:urcd t+y this Sr.�;urity .
<br /> Iqstrumen�wheth�r or uot then du�.with eny exc�paid to Borrowar. In thc rvCnt of a partit►I tr�ing nf thti Prop�cty in � " . : "
<br /> , t wlrich th� fair market valuC of th� PropCrty innmediatCly bnforr thC taking is r.yual to ar�re�ater thaa th� amount af thC •
<br /> s�ms srcwed by dris S�curity Instrument imme�iately 6efor�the takinng.ude�s BonowCr and Leuder oth�rwise agrrx in
<br /> writing, the sums secured by tl�is S�curity Insdumnnt shall bC rcduced hy thG araount of ti�proceeds multiplied by the
<br /> '; following fiaction (a)the total amount of the sums sr,�:urcd immediatCly bafor�th�taking. dividcd by(b)tha fair markrt •
<br /> vala�of the Properry immediately mefon tha taking.Any balanc�shall be paid to Borro�ver. la the Cveat of a Qastial taking . -
<br /> .; of the Propercy in w}uc6 the fair market valuC of the Prop�rty immediatety b�forc the taking is tess than the amaunt of thC ,. _ ',,;_.
<br /> t sums srcure�immediately before the taking. unless Borrower and Ixuder otherwisa agree in writing or wiless applicabl� ���
<br /> `} law otherwi.�provides. th�procccd.+shall t�e applied to the sum�s�cu�ed by this Security Inswm�nt whCther or not the ` "�_--
<br /> �-{ a-ums arG then dues. � _ '�_-�:
<br /> � If t6e Property is abaadott�d by Borrower, or if.aft�r notico by I.ender to BorrowCr that th�condCmnor offCCS to .
<br /> make an award or seute a claim for damages. Bonower fails co r�pond to Leader within 30 days after thn date the notice �_�._��
<br /> is given. LxrdLr is authorized to callect and apply the proceeds,at its opdon,�ithCr to resWration or repair of the Prapert3+ . �_---
<br /> �€ or to thes sams s�cured by Wis Security Inshum�nt.whether or not then due. ��- --
<br /> Unless Ixnder and Borrower otherwise agr�e in writing.anY aPPLcation of procee�s to principal shall not extend or ���_:
<br /> .� postpone the due date of the moathly paycneaLs referted to in paragrsp6s 1 and 2 or change the amount of su+:h paymenis- , �:�i,F-�
<br /> • �: 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbe�aranoe By I.ea�de�" Plot a Waiver. Extens�on of ti� time for payme� or _ r
<br /> ,� modification of amortiza6on of tha sums secured by this Sacunty Instrumznt b�ac►�ed by Le°der to any successor�n�nt�tes� w ,
<br /> ��7� of Borrower shall aot operate to releace the liability of t��origina! Borrower or Borrower's succr,ssors in intarest.l.ender ,
<br /> � .�3c::,-
<br /> • �'' shall not be teqttired to commenra procaedings against say successot in interast or rofusc to Gatend tim� for payment or ��.�: -
<br /> olherwis� modify amorti7ation of thr sums s�cured by ttiis Srcurity Instrumant by ttiason of any drmand made by th6 , • p -
<br /> •„� �':-- :,.i'` .
<br /> o r i g i a a l B a r row r r or Borrowrr s suwessors in interest. Any forb�arance by L.�t�dCr in Caercising any right or rCmedy shall _::i ? .
<br /> , ` not be a waivcr of or precluda the Cxercis�of any right or rCm e dy. . �'+.�`.�; r >.
<br /> 8�.Sucocssors and Assi�ns Boun d; Jo i nt un d S eve r a l L i a b i l d t y; C o-s t�[t e r s. T h r c ov enants and a g r�ments of _
<br /> � tlus S°..'uriry �nstrum�nt shall bind aad benefit the succassors and ass�gac of L.ender and Borrower. sub'ect to the ;#<<.
<br /> pravisions of paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall ba joint and scveral. Any Borrow�r w�o co-sigas
<br /> •..:� �� .
<br /> this Securiry Instrumene but does aoc eaecute We IVote: (a) is co-signing this Security Inswment only to mortgagC.grant .�
<br /> and comrey t6at Borrower's inierest in the Property und�r the trm►s of tLis Security Instruwen� (b) is not personaUy --�,,:��:t � ':I��-�.�.
<br /> � obligatcd to pay d� sums secured by this Securtty Instrument; and(a)agtees that L.cndCr and any other Borrower may ; ,
<br /> a�e to�xtend, modify,forhear or makn aay aceommodations wiW regard to thc trrm�of this Secunty Instrumrnt or the , . .r ,jl�..: �
<br /> Note without that Horrower's co��nt� • �.�.r�
<br /> 13.Loan Charges. If the loan secur e d by t h is S�cu�i t y I n s d ument is sub ject to a law which sets maximu�n(oan ,�,a, , �:`�y i:.�. _
<br /> charges, and that law is fubally interpreted so that We interesc or other loan charges callected or to 6e collected in •--��.`,�,:
<br /> conne�UOn with the loan exceed the permitted limits. then: (a) any suct� loan charge shall be teduced by the amount �`'�.`�. '�4 :--
<br /> necessary to reducr the charge to tb�s permitted limit; acd(b)any sutnv a9ready collected from Borrowrr which exceeded — =
<br /> permiued lunits wlll be refunded co Borrower. I.Cnder a�y choos�to makC this refund by rr.ducing the principal owed ��?:'°•�•��__
<br /> � u�er the Not�or by makiag a d'uert paymes�t to Borrower. If a refund rrduces principal,the reduction will be treated es a �,--�:--_
<br /> '•c partial prepayment vinthout any prepayment charge uriler the Note. �, ��-'~.�,�-
<br /> ' 14.l�fot�ces. .4ny notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Inswment shall be given by delivering it or by • —___
<br /> uosiling it by first class mail unless applicabie law requires use of anuther method. The notice shall be direcced to tha °;���,
<br /> ' propart}r Adiress or aay ottier address Borrower designates by noricn to l.rnder. Any noticr to I.a�er shall be given by �r.,;.� �
<br /> first ctasv rosil to Lender's address stated herein or any other address l.rndxr drsignates by aotice to Borrower. Any notice .�:,
<br /> t provided for in this Security It�ument shall be dremed to have been given to Hosrowet or l.rnder when given as provided . �— �:'.
<br /> in this paragraph. =��c `�
<br /> ig,G,pvern[ng Law;Severability. This Security lnsdvment shaU bd ovamed b federal law and tha Iaw of the
<br /> .jurisdistion in which the Property is located. ln tha event that any piavision or clausa of this Security Instrument ar the �;�.-'.-��;
<br /> �`.�''��!l�,:.
<br /> Note conflicts witS�appGcable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the No2e . ��:.^._�
<br /> • whieh can be given affect without thu wnflicting provision. To this end thn pmvisions of this Sncurity Insteument and the �:�.��,=�"'�M:
<br /> ° NotC ar�declared to be severa6le. ° • --- -
<br />° 16.Borrower's Capy. Borrower shall be iven onC conformed copy of tfne Nate and of this Secwity lnstrumen� •�,;.�-.,.;;.-,•. ,;�„.-
<br /> - 17.'Transfer of the Property ar a �cial 1n2erest In Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any , .
<br /> interest in it is so2d or transferred(or if a beneflcial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower�s noi a . ,� _ �
<br /> natural person)without Lender's prior written consent,Le�er may,at its oprion. reyuira immediate payment in full of all . , . .
<br /> sums srcured by this Security Insdvment. However. tlris option shall not be exercised by Wnder if exercise is prohibited
<br /> by federal law as of the date of this Security Tnstrument. , ,
<br /> ' If Lender ea�srcises this option. Le�er shall give Borrowet nafice of acc�leration.The notice shall pmvide a periad
<br /> ' � of not lass than 30 daya from thd data thn notice is dalivrred or mailr.cl within whieh �orrowur must pay all sums�cured . ,
<br /> F,(I�rv�Q2�8l80 fpage 9/ . '• ' .
<br /> 1l) ) .
<br /> BANI(ERS SVSTEMS,IYC.ST.CLOUO,MN 60302 ll•800�397-33411 FORM MD-�-NE 4B/91 U�� � _ : _ �
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