� [.��� --- - , ���.
<br /> � � �...� �a����, �T . -. --- ---.�. ;:+:�
<br /> . 7. Pro8ee4ioe of Lender's Fi[gh8s in the Prope�ty. it eolrowa ra�s ro pedmrm tRe covan snd aqmam�nts ccn ea m ; , —
<br /> : � this Seauri$r �nstrument, or there ts s fagaf�roeeed�np that may S�pnificantlY af!eet Lsnders ropAts fn ths Propsrty (suah as a Omceedin0 in r• _ . -
<br /> bantwPtey.Probats.for condamnaUon ar forfe�re ar to es�tarce Isws or repulaUons),1��n Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessar)r 4
<br /> to protect t4�e value of the Propfety and Lenders rghts e� tha Propaity. Lender's acttos�s may�+aNQa payin8 enY sums s�cured by fl f�n � _
<br /> which has prbrtty ovar this Secur�tY Instrument�9P�^9 in touR.PaY�9 �sonable attansy's fees tind enterUtg on the PrapsrtY to ms�lce .
<br /> repal�s. ABhouph Lender may take aetton under this parsQraDh 7.Lender does not Aflva to Qo so. ( � � • ,
<br /> Any emounts disbursed by Lender under tAis parapraPfi 7 shBU bscoma additt�nal debt of Borrower secured by thts SecuriiY�nstrurt�ent ( _ . i
<br /> � Untess Borrawar end Lender agree to other terms of paymcint,these amounts shalt bear nterest from the Qate of disioursement at the Note '� . ;r;,
<br /> rate end sha0 be payabt�.w�h(ntorest.upon notfce hom Lend6r to Borto�er�eQuesth9 Pa��
<br /> • �. Mortgage Insuranee. if LenQsr requ'rad mOrty�e nsurance as a conditlon of makmp t�e ben secured by th� Sea+ritY , ;�.�''
<br /> InsUUrr�ent,Bortower shaU pay the premums reQufred to mainffi� the mortga�9�ssirance „eftect. If,tor any reason,the maRgage insurence
<br /> ' coverago requQed by Lender Iapses or ceases to be i� etfect. 8orrower sha� pay the p�emh,ms requ6ed to obtain eoveraye substanttatt�r � a
<br /> " equ�vaseait to the mort�ge insurance proti'ausN m �.at a cost substsnti��y esduh�i�t to Yhe cost to Borcawer ot trie mortyage insurance � ` " �_ _
<br /> prevfously (n effect. irom en ehemate maRgaye(nsurer approved by Lender.H substantie➢y equhralent mortgaga bsurance caveraSe is not � �
<br /> availeDia, Hortower shali pay to Lender eaCh month a sum equai ta one-lwelfth at tha yearty mortgege tnsuranc0 premham beng patd by E • . . • �,.
<br /> I BoROwsr when the hsurance ca++eraQe IeAsed or c�ased M be i► eftect lender w�Tl accept, u5e 8nd rem(n these payments as fl loss I �� .. `�
<br /> as
<br /> reserve fn [teu of nortgage insurence. Loss reserve PaYmer►ts may no bnger be reQi+ired. at the option of Lendet. a mortpaye insutastce
<br /> •,� coveraSe((n Na smount and for ths pertod that Lendsr requtrss)provided by an insurer eppreved by Lendsr aga{n becamos a+atltaQts end is t- . : , . �,_ . .: _ _,
<br /> jobtainatl. Borrower sha0 pay tt�e p[e�nkrms re4u i re d to m a h t a l n m o rt g a g e hsurance h eifect. or to provide a bss reserv�. untl the [ ,
<br /> � requcement for martgage insurenca ends in accordance wiih any written a�eertient bsriveen Borrower and Lender or appticebfe 1aw.
<br /> E
<br /> � 1 9. Inapec4�en. Lender or its agent maY �e reasonable enlrles upon and inspections of the ProDe�Y. ��►shaU�ve Bortowsr t " .
<br /> � notice at the tlme of or pdor to an �specNon sDeafi�h0 ressoneble cause for the inspeclFan. .
<br /> ' 70. CondemnaUon. The proceods of eny award or cmtm tor damapas. erect or consequentia�, in connectton w81i any --
<br /> conGamnatfon ar other taktng ot any part af the Propetty, or for conveyance in f�eu ot condemna8on,are hereby assigned ead shell ba paid , ' - `:Ts
<br /> . . •asii. :�
<br /> : t0 LEIIdG�. , . . :..f`.'.
<br /> In the uvent of e total talcinp of Me Pro�ertY. the P*a�s shafl be aRP�d to the sums seeured by this SeeuritY 1nst�ument,whet�e�or _ .
<br /> �',� not then due,wRh any excess R�d t0 B�mowe►•in fhe event of a partial takNp of the PropeRy h whiCh the ta�maAcet vatus o}the Prop¢rtfi
<br /> ' tnmedhtely betore ths takinp Is e4ua1 to ar preater thsn the amount of the sums secured by Nis Secu*rtY Insuumant tnrt�edlaist�ba4are the �R.�
<br /> � takinp.unless Borrower er�d Lend�othervv l s e epree h w r t h9.t he sum s secured b y this Security Insbument sha0 be reduced by tAs amount � �
<br /> of the praceeds rtwRipQed by the foUOwhp tract(on:(a)the toml emount the of sums secured immediatety befare the takhq,d�rided by @)the • .� �,�: _..
<br /> � feh madcet value of the Property Irmnedtetety hefore the taklnp. My balonce sAal! be paid to Borrowar.In the event of o parttal taktnp ot tha .,-� a. �
<br /> - Propeity h whtch tt�a taY maricet value ot the Properly i�nnrt►adtately before the teki�C b iesa thsn the amount a}thA sums s�ured immedlatBy �
<br /> ma
<br /> . Borrower and L.andx otnecwiso aprsa in wr�tno or unt�sa eppticabts l�w otherwtse Provldes.tAe proeeads sAUI W � . : . _' � ��"'-�,_a-
<br /> ' b0fore tTte ffikhp,uniess ,
<br /> appQed to the sums secured by this Securlty Instrumer►t whether or not the sums are then Qus. ` , - -_ ,'�'�
<br /> If the Property Is abandoned by Barrov,er,or it,after notice by Lendec to Barrower that the condemnor oftars to make an award ar seUk► � ��` �; _
<br /> a c►a�n for damayaS, Borrowar(aiLs to respand to lsnder within 30 days after tAe ckte t7ie notke ts piven�Lendar(s autAorized to coli0ct end •�•..;
<br /> epyfy the proceeds,at Rs optbn. either to restoraUon or repaff of the Propedy or ro the sums secured by this Security�nstrumen�whethe� . � -.•• _ �
<br /> � or not then due. � �;'
<br /> Uniass Lender end Bortower othenvise aprae h writin0. ctnY eAD��n of prxeads to pdnctpal shaU not e�dend or postpone the due � ;-�
<br /> , cfate o!the monthty payme+�ts reterted to b para0raphs t and 2 or chanpe the amount of such payments. '_ „. �' `.;.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not F�eteased: Porbearance By Lendee Not a Waiver. Extension of the tine tar payment or mod'tfcation ';��"�
<br /> ' ot amordmtbn of the sums secur�d by this SecurRy�nstrumont qranted by Lende►to any successor b hterest af BoROwer shao not operete ' �.:� 'a� ; � �
<br /> .. ,::�..,. .���
<br /> to retease the IiabfGty of the original Borrower or Barrowers successcrs in Interest, Lender shaU not be requlred to commence procaedinps - T .. �F
<br /> apatnst eny successor h hterest a�retuse to extend th�e for paymsnt or offierwlse modfij amort(r�tfon of tho sums secured by thb SecurRY ___ �. ..
<br /> Insbument by reason ot any demand made by the or�hal Borrowar or Borrowers suc�ossors in intetest AnY f�+beetance by Lendar in „ ��w=-_
<br /> . '��� �,-
<br /> exercisinp eny dpht or ramedy sha0 not be a wah�er ot or prect�de the axencl5e of eny�ipht or remedy. .:., :
<br /> �• 12. Successors and Assigna Boand; Joln4 ond Several Ua�llit�;Co-ai9ners. rne covenants end a�reemenrs ot , , .. :�,.�;,,;;,_
<br /> .� :xs� _•,�,�• ..
<br /> � thts Security Insbument shall bind and banefd the successors and assigns ol Lendor and Bortower, sublect to t�e provisions of parepraph +
<br /> . ;. 17. Borcowers covenants end e�reertsents shaU bo jolnt and se+rerai. Any Bortower vmo co-s�ns this Secur�yr Inshument but doos not f f " ���=���.
<br /> ' execute tho Note: (ay is co-st�hp this Seeunly tnstrument only to mortpa�e,8rant,and convey that Borrowers intereat In the PmpeRy under ° �{`.;°
<br /> ;•.�:r,.�.� ��
<br /> � the terms o1 thfs Securgy tnstrumenh (b)Is not persona0y obiipated to pay the sums secured by t h i s S e c u r i t Y�n s 4'u m e�k e n d(o)a p ro es t h a t . .__ _ � �.'".�:-;
<br /> _.�.+�'a�"_�_ _
<br /> ';�� Landar and any ott�er Bortower may ayree to axtanQ mod'dy, forbear or mafce eny accommodatbns wRA ropard to terms of this Secufity , ,_,_
<br /> ; Instrumant or the Note wfthout that Bortowe�s consonL -�x'�t�?��j�
<br /> � f 13. Loen Charges. If the btn securb by thts Security Instrument b sub,bCt to a taw which sets meximum ben charpes,and that ;, , -.���".
<br /> ,:�i law is tYwVyr InteryreUd so that tha htxest or Olher ioae charqea colixtwJ or to be coibcted in connactbn w�h tha ban axceed the
<br /> i .:;::"�,`-.—
<br /> pgrtnitted QmUg,thYn; (o)any such ban charpas sAell be reduoed by tne amount neCeseuy to reduCA tho Charye to ths permitted ifcni� ond ,,;, �.
<br /> (b)any sums atady coliected irom Borrower wAkh �ccaodod permRted I'mEs WW b9 fAh1�1d6d t0 EOROtit�. Lende►rt18y Ch0059 t0 IIYki r:_� ,�
<br /> thts re�nd by �educing the prb►aipel owed under the Note or by makhg e dir�ct payment ro 8ortower. If a refun�! ra�ices pHncqal, the .
<br /> � reducUon will be tr�ented es e partlal prepayment wnhout any C�Dayment charpa under tt�e Note. _ • . , •r=�
<br /> 14. NOt10E8. My notirs to 8ortower provWed far in this Secur�ty lnsuument shUl be ghren by deliverhq k or by ma�Qnq k by fYst = _
<br /> class rtwil untess appUCable taw requtres use of another method. The notECe sha�be dlcecte0 to the Property Address o►any othar addrass � ;
<br /> Borrower desagnates by notice to Lender. Any noUce to Lender ahaU be yMen by frs4 ctlss mail to Lendefs eddcess stated herein or eny �
<br /> pther gQdtess L.6nCer desiynates by nofico to Boaower. My notice provided tor h thb Security Instrument shaU be deerned to have been _ :. � ,
<br /> qlven W Bortowx or I.endar whan qNen as Drovtded in this ParaprePh.
<br /> 15. Governln� L.sw; Sevarebility. Thb SeCUrityt (nsirument ShiA be povemid by federd� law ond tt1A law of tha JurisdiCtlon b . �'
<br /> whbh the PropsRy Is locatod. In the everst that eny provisbn or ciause of thb Security Instrument or tAe N�te contikts wRh appUCabg lew. : �
<br /> suCh confitct sha0 not eftect other provisions ot thls Secur(ty Instrument or the Ncte wh�h cen ba �^�sn eNect wRhout the coni0ctiny .
<br /> provisbn. To this end ths provfsbns o1 this Securdy tnstrument and the Nole are declared to be seve�able• ; ' --
<br /> 18. Borrower'8 Copy. 8ortows► shaD be pwan one confomred capy of the Nole and of this Securlty InsWment. �
<br /> 17. Transter of the Property or a Beneflcial Intereat In Bor►ower.If all ot any part of the PropeAy or any�n��rost tn _ E—
<br /> d is sold or ttansierred (or d a baneflclal hterest In Bonower is sotd or uanstorred aa�d Bottower b not e naturnl person)wRfiout lenders
<br /> prior written consent. Lender may,at its option. requ�re tnmediate payrnent h tull ot atl sums secured by thls Securriy InstrumBnL However. . �
<br /> this opGon shali not be exerCised by Lendor 8 exerCise Ls Droh�fted by federel law es of the date of this Securi{y Instrument. � , ,� �,
<br /> t}Lender mcercises thls opi(on, Londer sha8 pHe 8ortower notfce of BxeiBratbn. The notic9 Sh�ll provlde a Darbd of not fess than 30 �. � _
<br /> . � days from the date the notice is delNered or mailgd wAhb which the Borrowar must pay all sum9 secured by this Securityr InsUument I} � �
<br /> Bortowar ta11s to paY the5e sums prlor to tha e�iratbn oi this p3rbd,Lende�may hvoke any remedies permitted by this SeCUrity Instrument �
<br /> : wfthout further not�e or demand on Borrower. f • � ',
<br /> � Form 902D%00 � - s��,.
<br /> ' FlOOO.LMO(10/OO) Pape 3 ot� � • . .�^
<br /> �
<br /> . .�l.
<br /> 085 .�
<br /> . }.,......._.
<br />. . . - . - . . .. . . A . ' . - . . . � . .. ' ' . �• • •
<br /> 1: ... ' • -' , . �, f .. ; - . ' ' ' 1 �. _ .,. ..) .. ' ' , � . `t . , .
<br /> . . �- .. � ` _ � . •• _ t•' .. . .!: •l. . I ' ' � . I ,. � ' . . . . . . . • . �f _.. . . .. -
<br />