_ .. , .: . ` r_� _... . °-
<br /> _ ��� ��Y�C7�� . _ '—.._----_.:�
<br /> Qy E _ �: ;�
<br /> um emount e Iendar tor a faderally re'atod mortpaqe ! � A�`, ,
<br /> . Lender may,at eny dme.coRect and hoki'Fu�ds in en amourtt not to 9xcesd the ma�cirn . ,
<br /> � loen may requce tos 8orrowefs escrow account under ttia fsderal Reql Estate Sett�ment Prccedures Act of 1974 as amandsd trom Um9 to i , ': , , f
<br /> � tcne. 12 U.S.C.�001 et saq. ('RESPA'}, uniess another t3w that appCgs to ths Funds sets a lesser amount If so, Lendar may.at anY time� C }
<br /> � coI►set and hotd Funds n sn amount not to e�u�sd the lesser amount Lender may estimate the amount ot funds due an the basis of � , 4'•
<br /> � current dats end reasonabla esttnates os e�end➢hues of futu�a Escxow Ite�s or otherwise h aceordance w3h appQCabi6 iaw. 4
<br /> � The Funds ShaO be he�d In en inst�uci�n whose depos�s are insured by a fe�eral a8ei►eY. hsburt�enteldY. or entfty(incwdhp Lender. U t ^ :
<br /> Lendet b suCh en t►sh'tutlo�)or h 8ny Federa�Home Loan 8ank. L6nder shaU�pD1y the Funds to p8y tho EsCrow ItBms. Lender may not E t
<br /> . i charya Borrower tor holding and epprying tha Funds, annuatlyr anelyrsing th9 escrow accoun4,or veritying ths Esaow Itoms, uniess LenQer � ; � ; ;�
<br /> pays Borrower tnterest on tt�e FunQs and appik8ble 1aw p�mRs lsndar to make such a ct�arge. Howe�er, LenQer may ra4uire Borrower to
<br /> pay a onedime charye for an (ndependent ceal estate!eu reporUnq serv�e u5ed by L�dSr in connectton wttt►this ban,uniess t�plkk:aYb19 I�w r <. ,
<br /> provides o4herwise. Unt�sS sn agreement is made or appGCabfe taw requires interest to i�e patd. Lender shall not be requfiad to pay . .
<br /> Bortower any a�terest or eamings on the Funds.Borrower and Lender may agr�e h wMing.howev2r,that interest shall be patd on the Funds. : ' Ya
<br /> t �
<br /> Lender shai!ghre to Bortower,without cAarge,en annuai accounting of tria Funds, showfng cred�ts and debfts to the Funds erid the purpose , •— _ - -.
<br /> for wh�h each debit to the Funds was mads. The Funds are pledged as adddional secur�tY for aU sums secureC by this SecurtY►�sVUment � . `t f
<br /> If the Funds heid by l.ender exceed the emounts permdted to be hetd by appGeable Iaw, Lender shaU acCOUnt to Bartower for the � ` � .
<br /> excess Funds in BcCOrdanca with the requpements of appGCeble faw. If the amount of the FunQs held by Lender at any ttne is not sufficient
<br /> _. Y
<br /> to pay tNe Escrow Items vrhen due, Lender may so notdy Borrower� writ6iq,anC. in such case Bortower sha0 pay to Lender tAe emount -- .- -L
<br /> necessary to maSce up the deftcfency. Borrowet shait make up 4he defiefency in no more then tweNe monthy payments. at l.enders sole ' , n-:;�.;ti=-
<br /> `tt� -
<br /> discretton. • �. ,, �:.:,
<br /> Upon payment in fuU of ail sums seeured by th15 Secur�tyr Instrument, LenQer Shall promptty tetund to Bortower ar►y Funds held hy . •;c. -�_'.�_p^',.-
<br /> Lsndsr. If,under parayraph 21, Lender sha0 ecquire or se9 the Propertyr.Lender,Prtar to the acquis�fon or saia o}the Praperty.shaB appy • -_---
<br /> ar.y Funds held by Lender e!the Ume ot acquts�ton or sate as a credd agahst the sums secursd by thts Securny Instrument ', `:•�.���"��:.
<br /> _...,_.�_'_-
<br /> 3. AQplICBidOD Ot PBytit�lY�. Untess appGcable law provtdes otherw}se,ail payments received bY�nder under psretyr8phs t end ,.,��
<br /> 2 shatl be apptied: fBrst,to eny prepayrtrent charges due under the Note; second, to amounts p8yebie under paragraph � tAlyd to hterest ' ` , .
<br /> due:fouRh,to principal due;antl last,to any tate Charges due under the(dote. . "'�� "—
<br /> 4. Charges; Li8O3. Bosrower shall pay aU mxes,assa�sment5,charQes,finos and inpositians BtV�butabte to the Property whbh maY • . •. . -��'T�
<br /> t.. . . �:..
<br /> � attatn prtority over this Sscurity tnstrument, and leasehald payments or ground rents, it any. BarroLVar sheA pay these obityations h the : _ : •_.
<br /> manner provided tn paragreph 2, or ii not paid 6n that manner, Borrower shaU pay them on tkna d'vectly to tha person owod paymant ' r"'�-'�""�
<br /> Bomower shaU prompUy fumfsh to Lender aB rtoriees of amounts to he paid under this parapraph. If Borrower makes these payments . , �`� ��'
<br /> - directly.Borrower shall prompUy fum�h to Lender recalpts evkfenchp the p8yments. . . f'�fa:ri:
<br /> Borrowar shafF promptly discherye eny Ben whlch has prbrity over t?�ts Sxurtty Instrument unl�ss Bottowar. (a)eq�e6s ��p to the , �, w ' ' �j ��
<br />' paymemt of the obUpaUon secured by the Uan h a manner acceptable to Lender; (b)contests In good fatth the Ifsn by,ar defav�s apei�st ,. .-` #
<br /> e n t a r c e m e n t o f t h e I l e r►i n. I e p a i p r o c e e d i n p s w h�h i n t h e L s n d e r s o phion o perate to prevent the entorcament of the lien;or(o)soeu�as f�'oro • � �-. ?
<br /> the hotder of the lien an agreement saUsfactory to Lender subord�nating the Iien to thts Secumy tnstrumen� If Lendar determines Mat enY _ � f� : �
<br /> part of tho Properiy Is subJsce to e lien whkh may atmh PrioritY over this Securny'Insuument,Lendet may pive Borrower a notice IdentNyhp � • ':i '.
<br /> � � the Ifen. 8orrower shall sat(sty the 8en or take one or more Of the act�ans set foRh ahove wkhfn 10 Qays of the giving ot natice. - :'
<br /> k , . ,
<br /> ' S. I�azard or Proper4y Insurance. BorrOwer shall kQep the tnprovements now extsting or het88ftel et6Cted on the PropeUy .','•,a� `I� �
<br /> ' insured against toss by fire. hezards inciuded wRhin the term 'e�aended covera�' end any other ha�rds, IncNdinp ibods or ibodfnp,for � < <�
<br /> � whicA Lander requkes tnsurance. TtUS insurance shall be maintainad�the amounts and Sar the perlods that Lencfar requYes. The hsurance ��:-��� � ��'�.�v��.�� �•
<br /> -; cArtler ptovid3ng the Insurance shai! be chOSen by Borrow8r sub]ect to Lenders approv8l whiCh shail not be unreasonably wfthhoid. If _ _,_� 3� _
<br /> � Bortower taiis to maiitaln coveraQe descrbed above, Lender may, at Lenda�'s optbn, obtatn covera8e to protect Lenders riphts h the �• ��„�_=
<br /> � propeRy in acCOtdance with per8�raph 7. �
<br /> ,_�t.-. ��.�
<br /> t�w
<br /> dil hsurance po6cies and renewah shall be acceptable to Lender a�d shatl tncUde a stendard mortQaQe clause. Lender shap haw ths ,_ ,,�-'
<br /> dpht to hold the poQcies and�enewats. If Lendar requires.Borrowet shaU promptty glve to Lender el1 rece�ls oi paid premtirms and ronswal ",';1._ K"��".
<br /> notices. in the svant of bss,Borrower sha0 ylve prompt notice to the insurance eartler end Lender. t-eaQer maY mak0 Proo}o}bas H not ••- ��"
<br /> made promptiy by Borrower. 'y,�.,.�r•�
<br /> Uniess Lender and Botrower otherwLSe apree b writY�9, insurance Proceeda shaA be appfiad to resloratbn or repalr of the PropeRy ; ;� ��
<br />• � dema¢9d, it the restoratton or repair ts economicafy teaslbie and Lenders secu�dyr Is not lessaned. It the restoratbn or repaY b not , • .'�"•"�,-_` T
<br /> '� economlcaily feasible or Lenders securiry woutd be lessened, the hsurance proceerds shall be eppiled to the sums secured by thls SecutRy �••;��, -,�,;�'"��"�'
<br /> �-: Instrument,whethor or not then due, with any excess paid to BortOwer. If Bortower ebendons the Prop9Ry, Ot does not answar wRhin 30 . - � . ••y�.�,�
<br /> •�, deys a noUce hom Lender thet the tnsurance cartbt has ottere0 to settle a cia7m,then Lendar may coRect the insuranca proaed9. La�dw •. �, �;' �
<br /> . may use the prooeeds to repair or restore the PropeRy or to pay sums secured by this Seeurily Instrument, whether or not then due.The • ��� --
<br /> ' ; 30-day Rerlod wID begOn when the notica Is glven. ,
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otAerwise apree in wrRinp, eny applbatbn o!proceeds to pr�ncqal sha0 not extend or postpone the dua ; . -�"
<br /> � date o!the monthy payments referred to In parapraphs 1 and 2 or chanye the amount of the payments. If under paraprapn 21 tAe Propertyr ���
<br />� Is acquired by Lender,Borrowera�gfit to any insurance policies and proceeds resuRlnp trom damape to the Propertyr prbr to the aCqutskbn .
<br /> ' sha0 pass to Lendet to the extent of the sums secured by thts Security tnstrumen!immedintety prbr to tho acquisitlon. � . , . .
<br /> � 6. Occupancy� P�eaervation, Maintenance and �rotectton o4 the Property; Borrower'a Loan Appflcatton; � � � � .
<br /> L@t18Ch01dQ. 8orrower shail occupy.estab�sA,and use the Property as Bortowera pnc�l�ai residence wkhh sb4y days after the euacutbn � •
<br /> . of thts Security Inslrument and shall cantinue to oceupy the PropeRy as Borrowers pnc�ipal resldence for at Ieast one yenr after the date of . �.
<br /> � occupanCy,unless I.ender otherwise aQre9s in wrRing,whiCh consent Shall noi be unreasonebN wlthheid,or unless mRenuatinp ClrCUmstances . •
<br /> exist wh�h are beyond Borrowers conVol. Bortower shell not desUOy, damaga or Impat the PropeRy,albw the Proµeriy to Oaterbrate.or . _
<br /> commR wasto on the PropeKy. Borrower shnll be in defaul! H any torfafture action or proceetling,whether civli or crimina4 b bepun that in ; �
<br /> LenQefa good tafth Judyment couid resuit In (orteiture ot the Property or otherw�se matarially impair the Iten creatsd by this Socuriry —
<br />� Instrument or lendefs secun'ty tnterest Borrower may cura sueh a defauR and relnstete,es provlded h parapmph 18,by causfnp the actlon • .
<br /> or proCeediny to be dism�sed with a ru0np that, in Lendefs gaod faRh det�minatbn, precludes forieiture o!the Bortowe�s Intorost in the •
<br /> PropeAy or other materfal impairment ot thg Oen croated by th�SeCUriry Insbvment or Lendnfs security hterest. Bonower Sh80 also be in . � �. �
<br /> defauft H BoROwsr, dur4�p tha bsn applicatbn process,qavt� muUrrrisDY t81se or innccurnte infortnatlon or statements to Londer(or talted to � r
<br /> provide Lender wRh any matarini lnfortnatbn)h connectlon wRh the ban evfdenced by ttro Note,hcWding, but not Ilmked to,representatlons =
<br /> conCeming BorrOviers oCCUpsnCy o1 the PropBRy es e principal rssldenCe. If this Securityr Instrument is on a Ieesehoid. 8orrower ShaU ,
<br /> � compty with ell the provisbns of the laese. It Bortov+or acquires fee tkte to the ProAerty, tho basehold and the tee tttl� ahail not merge ' `_
<br /> unless LenAer aarees to the maroer in wrRina. ' •
<br /> , � .
<br /> � .
<br /> ;
<br /> � Fo�m sosa aroo � � —
<br /> _ F4009.LM0(10/BB) Pap�2 0l S { ..
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