. . �._ . : — -- ---
<br /> : � 97� �t�l�°�s � - . . -.t-.--_- - -
<br /> � . 18. �orrotiver'a Right to ReinstaQe. If 8orrower meets cerffiin CO�ditions, gorrowet sha0 hava the rish!to have snfarCemsnt of . .. ;� .
<br /> � this SeeurRy Instrument G"scontinued at any tana prior to the esrlbr ot (a) 5 days{or such other perbd as appRCabie inw may speciy for s•
<br /> re�sffitement}befors saSe of the Property pursuant ta eny power of saie contained e� thES Seturity InstrumenC ot (D) entry ot a judgment
<br /> entorcinp this Security instruman�Those cond'Rians are that Borrower: (a)pays Lender all sums whbh then wculd be Cue undsr thts S�urdy i ` :;�_
<br /> instrument and the Nots had no acceleratian occurted: (b) cures enY detaua ot eny other eovensnt or agresrnsnts: (c) pays ell a�enses
<br /> incurreG in enforcmp this Secur.ty Instrument, IncUd§�g, but not lanited to, reasonable attomeys' fees; end (d)tekes sueh action es Lsnder � � -
<br /> may ransanaby reQutre to essure thet the ilen af thts Security ►nsWment, Lende�'s rights h tha PropeRy and Borrowe�s obl'igatton to Ray
<br /> the sums secured Cy thts Secun'tyr Instrument shap conUnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower,this Sew�y tnsvument and tha �.
<br /> obligattons secured hereby shag remain {utry efiscWa as d no axeleraHon had xcurred. However, this right to reinstate shalt not apDty� , __
<br /> the ease of acce(eration under paragraph t7• �
<br /> 19. St118 of No4e; Change Of LQBD SeNIC@T. 1'he Note or 8 p8rtiat e�tsfeSt �n the Note (tagethet wfth Mis SeCUrny
<br /> Instrumont) may be sotd oos or more ttmas wittiout prior nottcs to Bm�►ower. A saie may resuR tn a chanqe� ths entLy (knovm as ihe
<br /> •Loan SsrvECef)that colbGS monthly payments due under the Note and ttiis Securily Inswmen� Yhero also may ba one or more changes :
<br /> ot the Loan Servk:er unretated to a salB of the Note. If there is n change of the Loan Servicer, 8orrower will be gNen wrdten nodce of the (
<br /> change in accordance wGA paraSrapA 14 abova and appficable faw. The notke w�i state the name and address ot the new Loan ServiCer � � � .
<br /> and the address to which payments shoutd be made. The notice wli aiso contatn any other infortnatton required by app(lcabi� taw. ; -
<br /> 20. HezBTdous SubstanCes. eorrowar sha0 not cause or permt the presenee. use. dispo58A. 54orape. or retaase ot any � '
<br /> HazarGcus Substances on or in tha Property Borrower shall not do,nor aitaw anyone else to do,anything affecth8 tt►e FroPertY tnat �s h t_� .
<br /> vio�tWn of eny Envfronmentel Law. The F�aceding two sentenoes shaU not apPly ta the presence.use, or storage on the Property of smalf } _;` ft .. :. �. `.•
<br /> quentitles of Hazardous Slibstences that a.a genera�y reco�ized to he apPmPriate to nortnal restdential uses end to mahtenance ot the '
<br /> � Pro�srty. -
<br /> � Borrower sAal1 promPtlyr 9t+re Lender written notice of eny tnvesUgallon. claim. demanQiawsu�t or other ac6on by any govemmental or � . , . -
<br /> regutatory aQency or private party nvoMing the Property and any Hazardous Subsfance or Ernironm�tcd l.aw of which Horrower has actual : �.,,..�
<br /> knowteQQe. It Bortower leams. or is ncidied by any Oovemrtienta� or repufatory autt�ority, tAat any removal or other remediallan ot any �
<br /> ' Ha:ardous Substance aHecting the Property is necessary, Borrowar sAa9 promptty take all necessary remedial acUons (n accordance wRh ^ ,
<br /> Env'vonmenffiI L&w. � . -
<br /> As used in this paragreph 20. 'Ha�rdous Substant�s° are those substances defined as toxlc or ha:ardous subsianaes by f ..
<br /> Environmental Law and the followfng substances: gasol'ne, kerosene, other flammab�e or toxic petroteum products, Yoxlc pestkldes end � . ' � �s••. �'.
<br /> herbkides. valatite soNents. matertais containinp asbestos or fortnatdehyds. and radtoacWa matert�LS. As used in lhis Parapr�Ph 20. _ _
<br /> +;� •EnvironmenTel Law' means federal laws and laws of the Ju�fsdiction where Me Property is located that rekate to hsafth. saf0ty or � , •• • --� '_-�.-_
<br /> envtonmenffiI protection. ; '•. •`r. .
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAMS. Borrower and Lender turther covenant and agree as to0ows. ' � ' ''�� "
<br /> F � , �n:.��:�� •...
<br /> . 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shali Stva noUce to Barrower �rior to accele�atton totiowing ; •
<br /> � Borrmwer's breaah ot any cavena�t or agreement tn thls Security Instrument (bat not priar W � � .:�._ :_ � ��..
<br /> �, ' accete�aUon under para�raph 17 unteas applicsble law Qrovides 0t#�erwise). The notico ahail specify: (a) � . . ,
<br /> the detautt; (bj the ac�tton req�tred to cure the default; (c)e date, not tesa than 30 daya trom tP�e da4e the : °�'�,��� � _
<br /> .�, nottce is given to Borrewer, by wh[ch the deteult must Be cured; �nd (d)that tallu�e to cure the de�ult on , ',.;�.,,_ ,i •
<br /> � or betore the date specifted in the notice may reau�t in accelera3lan of the sums secured by thls Security � ,�,�� �,�
<br /> ':�';:..;
<br /> ". InStrument an d salo of the Prope r t y. The notice shatt turther intoren Boreower ot tha right�eeinstete af4er • ,� : �I .
<br /> . eccelerertton and the righ4 to brin� a court actton to a�sert the non�xistence ot a dafa�lt or any oth�r �+,y :
<br /> � detease ot Bonower to acceteraS+an and aale. li the detault is not cured on or betore the date �ec�flea! tn � �;�°��.`
<br /> the notice,Lender at its option rroay require tn�mediate payment in futl ot e!1 sums �ecured by tteis Security ;� � � !-.� �i. '
<br /> , Instrument without turther deman� end may invoke the power ot aate and a�ey other remedles permitted � ��- -- ���., �. `�
<br /> by appltcable law. Lender shall be en4itled to coliect alt e�enaes incurred in pursuln� the remedtes = �r�—
<br /> provided tn thla pnragraph 21, Includin�, but not iimi4ed to, reasonabte attomeys' tees and eost8 of tltle , •;�; J���"�
<br /> 1, evidence.
<br /> If tP�� power of sale la invr,Sced, Trustee aha11 record a nottce o! detautt in each county ire whlch eny �
<br /> ! t s of t�uch noUce In the manner prescribed by applicabte ��'�
<br /> 1. part ot the Property Is located end shatl mail cop e u
<br /> '� taw to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by applicable law. After the time required by ���'
<br /> �� epptleabte law, Truatee shall give pubUc noUce st aate to the peraons end In the manner prescribed by : .'�w�
<br /> .:, eppllcable law. Truatee, wit�hout demand on �orrower. aha91 sell the F►operty at public auctian W fhe . . ``:,-�.�—�-
<br /> � highest bJdder at the tlme euad place nnd under the terms design�ted in the nottce ot oale in one or mo�e � , �
<br /> i parcefs end in any order Truatea determines. Trustee may postpone aale o! ail or any parce! o! the ti f:
<br /> � Property by pubtic announcement at the time and place of any prevlously �cheduled sate. Lender or Its .�
<br /> ,� deslgnea may purcP�ase the Property et eny aate. '• .
<br /> ; Slpon receipt of payment of the prtce bid, Trustee ahail deliver to tho purc4tiaser Trustee's deed �r�
<br /> . conveying the Property. The recitels in the Trusten's deed shall be prima tacte evldence oi the truth ot ,
<br /> � the Metements made therein. Trustee ehail appty the procaeds ot the sale in� the tottowin� order: (a)to ali
<br /> � costs and e�enses of exerctaind the poatirer ot eate, and the aale� includiny the payment of the Trus4ee's .�
<br /> teea actualty Incurred, not to exceed 3 % ot the principal amount oi the note at the Ume of � . .
<br /> the declaratlon of defeult, ond ren�onabte ottorney'a tees es permitted by taw; (b)to all sums aecured by
<br /> thie Security InaVument;and (c)any excesa to the peraon or persons le�ally enUtled to it �
<br /> 22. Reconveyanee. Upon payment o}all sums secured by this Socur�y Instrument, Lender sha0 request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> Property end shall 5uaonder thb Securiry Instrument and all note3 evldenclnp debt secured by this Security Instrument to Trustee. Tnistes • . .
<br /> shall reconvey the P►oy�y wRhout waRanty and wfthout Charse to the parson or Q„°rsons IBgalty entRied ta iL Such persOn ot petson9 ShBY
<br /> pay eny recordatbn costs. �
<br /> t
<br /> 23. SUbBtitu4@ Yrust@e. Lender, at its option, may from time to thne remove Trustee and appofit a successor uuste9 to eny �
<br /> �
<br /> Trustee appOhtOd hereunder by en instrument recorded in the couaty In whiCh this S9curity Instrument is toCOrdod. Wilhout conveyance o! f " �"
<br /> tho PtopeRy,successor trustes shall suoceed to nu the t�te,power and duttes conterc�d upon Trustee hereh end by applk;abb taw.
<br /> � 24. REQU@84 �Ot N01IC08. 8ortower requests that copf9s o!the notices of defauR snd sale be Sent to 9ottowefs address whbh ' • •
<br /> is tho Property Address.
<br /> � 25. Rider�s 4o this Security In�umen� i} one ot more riderS Eus exE)CUted by BortOwer end reCOtd9d tOQether with ihis :
<br /> Security tnsVument, the covenents and agreements of each such rider shsll be incorporate8 hto and st►all art�encl anu suppfement tho 4. °
<br /> covenants and agreements of this Securlty InsWment es if the Nder(s)were a p&rt of thfs Secur�ty Instrument.
<br /> fetm 5028 0/00 j
<br /> � F4C09.LM0(�0/BB) Pap��of 5 ,
<br /> 485 �
<br /> ' t • . • - , -.•---'r.
<br /> : .._` ,T� n � '
<br /> . . ., . ._ . . ,
<br /> • . . . . � '' . ...' • . .. .- - . . .. ... . .. . . • . _ , , . . � „ °1�:
<br /> ' . , , . - .. . :� . - , , ,. . . . . .. . .. , .
<br /> ,. '.. .' • .. - . . . i .. ' . .. ... � . . - ' . . .. .. .. . . '. . . , ' �., .. ... � , � . -' . . . . � .
<br />