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<br /> THE APPROVAL O� THE U.S. DEPAFtT6ilfEN� OF �� � ,� � —� --��`
<br /> � , y ;..uf=��,...,y:.
<br /> VETERA�IS AFFAIR� �R ITS AUTNORIZED de1l�ENT . ��'�=�= �
<br /> _,ti�,. .
<br /> . :,.r;�_
<br /> ? DEED O� TRUST • � ;� •���=°'�=
<br /> � - �� :
<br />...� Y�I�S DEED OF lAUST('Sewt2yy Instrument'�is made on Ml�tCh 13lh .799i '" ' ` �;Y��:
<br /> ,.
<br /> :,:.;�:=w�l��.e-=—
<br /> ..., � ,,,�..F�,
<br /> ;�� me trustor is DALLAS C BENNIETT AND PATRICIA !�BENNEIT PIUSBA�i�AND V{fIFE. � r ���=�-�•:==
<br />.. rBOrtOvrar'?. '� Y��
<br /> ;�' rne wscee�s UI�tITED NEBRASf(A BANK 700 N WEBB ROAD GR4II�ID ISLAND NE�AASKA 68803 . � . . �''`�
<br /> ('Tmstea'?• .
<br /> Tha beneftc�aryr ts UNiTED ��RASKA BliNK •whtcb , .`,�. -=
<br /> Ls a�anired end ex3sthp under the mws ot NE�RASKA .and whose address is . : �� --
<br /> ZQ+� N WE88 RD GRAND tSLAND NE 68803 ('lsnder'f• • �'����' � `�' ` __
<br /> eo�vrer owes t.enaer tne prtnctpa�sum ot Seventv Seven Thousand Twa Hurtdred Fifiy�nd 00/100 � ,��. ���� _
<br /> Dollera (U.S.S 77.250.�0?.TAis debt �. `�' , ,
<br /> is ev�fenced by Borcowers note dstted the same date as thls Securiqr(nsWment CNote�,whtch provldes tar monthry payment9,wRh the IUO �-~ '��:�
<br /> . .,�.,.;...,. �
<br /> Qab� U not paid eaAter.due and payabla on A�14i) 1. 2027 .Thk�Security Instrument secures m Lender.(a)the ��a.--..,� ..'
<br /> :�,,��•r�. 1�'.�i `.
<br /> repayrnent ot the deb!evldenced by the Note,with hterest,and aU renswais,sutonsions end modif�atbns ot tha Nofe;(b)the payment of all .' �:�'.� y�', �.
<br /> other sums. w31� nterest, advanced under parapraph 7 to prolect the s�urity of this Sscur�y InsVUmenk end (o) tho psrtomanaa of ,.,►��;_
<br /> Bortowars Covertar�ts and egreements.Fot th(s purposs,Borrower ircevocaGfy granis end conveys to TNStee.in trus�wtth power of Ea1a.fhe
<br /> foQowtnp descrbed propeRy tacatad tn FIALL County,Nebraska: -
<br /> ..;��r -.-
<br /> �. —
<br /> �V'�.. �y�.,�,,,
<br /> x°��.':
<br /> � " '' �----_-
<br /> In tho wa►t thla ban b Qetarmfiad to bo inoApDlo for Lo�n(ivaronty by Dapartmant o!Veteran's ANatrs,thi9 entke I�.n may bv . �.,�,,:;�.� ��:
<br /> deelared due and payabte at thv opUon of the mortyaQao.YRe addendum to Oeed o!Trust ettaahed hero4o end auacated af mvan date ;y.:� -.-='--��_
<br /> herewRh Is incorporated hareb and lhe covenants and apreamente ot the addendum sha0 amend and Suppiert�ent the covenents and ,��;�;;�°;;:-;.�,:
<br /> apreements o}the Dead of T�ust as B th�ad6��um were paR horcof. - •
<br /> wf.3ch has the address ot 333 S OAK . GRAND (SLAND � `� '°s.' .'E-e`•
<br /> t�iebrasku 68801 ('Prop6rty Ad •••�'): a�' . .�.. ._•_ .. .. .
<br /> z�p coa• .:�,�., '
<br /> �
<br /> � TOOETHFA WRH all improvertients now or hereafter erected oo the propeAy, end all easemenb, appurtenences,and ibRures now or . ' . . ' ' _
<br /> h�er a pert of the property. All repiacamerais end additions sha0 be covered by this Socurity Instrument All o}the forepofn9 Is ra'�:ed
<br /> ro h thb Secudty InsWment as the'PropeRy'. , . ``�'`• .
<br /> BOFROYVER COVENANTS tnat Bortower Is lewfutry seised of the estete hereby Conveyed and has the ripht to yrant end convey the � ..
<br /> Property end thai th�Propaty is unencumbered,exeapt tor enoumbru�ces of recor0. Borrower wartanb and wiil defand�ae�eraUy the title to ' • •
<br /> tne Proparty apshst a0 ctaims and dsmands,subject to any sncumbroncoa of record. .
<br /> THIS SECURRY INSTRUMENT combiros unBortn covenents fa► natianal use and non�unNOrm covenunts with timi2ed vaAaUons by � . ��
<br /> Jurisdlctbn to const�ute e unBOrtn security bsuum�t cove�hg real property. ' ' �
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAM8. Borrowar and Lender covenent end a9ree as foQowa: �
<br />. 1. Peymen4 of PHncipal end IMereat; Prepayment and Late Charges. eorrowe� sna+i prompsy pay wner� due tne ,� � =
<br /> princbal of and intereat on the debt e�tdenced by tha Note and any propayment end tete charges due under ths Note. � � .
<br /> � Z. Funds tor Taxes end In�rance. SubJaCt to eApik�bte Iaw or to 0 wrBten wahrer by Lender, Bortower 8ha0 pay to Lendet �
<br /> on tho Qay monthy puymonts aro duo under the Note,unGl the Note Is paid In ful1, a sum (•Funds")tor. (a)yserty faxes and assessments , .
<br /> whlah mey attati prforky over thb Securityr Instn,ment ns a lien on the PropaAy; (b) yeary teasehotd paymenta or ground rents on the � . . � _
<br /> � Prop�Ry�if�Y: (o)Yer_tly h�Id o►propArty 4isu�enCe proat!�ms: (d)y°�'tY Mad Insu�2n�e p�emiums. H eny: (e}y�rty mflrtpage lnsur*+�!!� � �- . _ . - ----. _
<br /> premiums,N eny;and(�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender,h accordance wkh the provbbns of paragreph 6.b Aau ot the paymant �
<br /> i of mortg8g9 insur3nc8 premiums. These items flre CaliOd'Escrow Ifems.' : �
<br /> NEBRASIG-31npN GamIl�rFannU M��lFrsEEb Mae UNIFOAI/l IN9TRUMENT Form 302H�/�0 . . ,
<br /> _...
<br /> .. � Gt000.LM0(t0/C0) P�pt� of 5 . .
<br /> i � � �--'----_ ---
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