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<br /> - � • ' i . • . � • - ' . • _
<br /> ` - . . . -� � ' . ' ` ` - f . .c . . ..
<br /> . � - � . � � . . � . i �. .[
<br /> _. . .. _ .. ._.. . . . . _. _ .._ .. _ ._ .. _.__._._._"`_'__'_ _"' . . . � .' i_
<br /> , � .��
<br /> . ` , .. ' _,.Z.�
<br /> . � . . , , � '[��
<br /> DEED OF TRUST . �`��- g��8a5� Pag�5 ;.� ��:. ` .�•`��
<br /> (Continued) . - . , , �
<br /> haldt►t ot anolher Iren.or the use af tunds or ttie aweltinp tor protubded pwpos�- ;
<br />'= tg, GAlit1TOA'S RiGFIT TO CURE. Upon tha occurtence ct anf EveM a!Oatautt(other inan fraud a matenai m�srepresantatan)and p�ar to . � _
<br /> � 1 exercisit►Q Qny Of the ng�1t5 an0 reme�9s PrONded��t��s Deed at lrttst Ct Dy lpw.LendE►Sti211 gtve�Ohee 8s ProHded in the Dees o�Yntst an0 as - • - - --- -
<br /> � � raQWtsd GY aPA��Cable lew. ���,.
<br /> � yp, p�(;}rtg��iiEMlEDIES ON OEFAi�.T. Upon the oaurtence ot any Event of DefaWt$nd at any 6mo thereafter,Trustee or 1.eneer.et�oDhon. . �
<br /> � � rrtay mceralse any one or mare of the fot(ovinng nghts and remeG:ss.m addition to any ather np�ts a rBmeQies proh6atl by Iaw: • .
<br /> e �y���d�seciued byet�ot Tnst to be dua andpayab nnle C the 5amo shaA th9reupo beeo Qme uB�Ynd paYa��e . � - _
<br /> f wiMaul anY Presentcnenl.demand.P�otest or notica of ar►y kind. Thenaafter.lender maY. ,. . �
<br /> (a) Bttwr in person a by agent,w�1h a without trnrtainp at►y acUon or proeeedinp.o�by a reoeiver apPanted Dy a eourt nnd writhaut rapacd
<br /> to tne aQQ4uaeY ot ils security�enter uDon and taxe P�se�ion of tne Property.or any put ihereof.in ds own name or in tha name af , . :,: 'g'�'-_--
<br /> Trustee.and do anY YcLS wttict�it deems neoessarY or aes�reble to Preseive the vaiue.marketaeiGtY or renmDit'rtY of the P�'oAarlY.or G�ut ot .,. . — ..
<br /> • tlfe Properry or�nterest in!he Property:ir�crease the�rxome trom ttie Property or Protect the secanty o!tha 6'roPe�M.and.w►th ar without t ,. ' _��_��_`',_��
<br /> fakinp pos�ssion o}the Propcxty.sue for a othecvrse co�ed the rems.iSSUes and profits ot the ProPartY.indudrg thase past dus and , _ R -�
<br /> us+paid and eDA►Y the sam9.less casts end 8�en5e5 of operati0n and eollecdon,�tidudirp attameys'fse�s,to anY indebtedness Secuted by ,,�'� _ -._�
<br /> this Oeed of Tnut.all in such order as Lsnder may determine. The ertair�p upan and takinp Po�sian of tAe R'oPeRy.d+a co8e�an at ,.'
<br /> 5uch rents.issues and prof�ls.8nd the aPQ�catlon thereot she11 not cvre or weive arry deta�Lf or notke of detault under this Oeed at Tn�Y or . �" _�',�x=-
<br /> imraGdate a�y ad do�e in respor�5e to such delauR or Pursuant to such no6ce of detautfi and n���d�9��nUnuance�n paseson . - -
<br /> o�t1�e PropsRy or the coliection,rece�pt and apP���on ot rents,issua5 w profits,Trustee or Lender Shell be entitled to e�cerose every^DM — - ' �
<br /> proHded far i�the Credit Asreemert a the Related Oncuments or by law upon the oxunence of any event of defauft,�odudirp the riyht to - - _�, :_ ,
<br /> ' e�se the P�of sate; � _ �-'��- . �
<br /> ', --��� —
<br /> �; (b) Commance an action to tored�e tA+s Deed ot 7rust as a moRpape.apPoint a rece;ver or specificairy enforce anY ot the covenan� _
<br /> at heteot;8nd ::•�?: � `:
<br /> � (c) Defiver to Trustee a wri[ten dectaration of detauit and demantl tor sete and e writte�i notice of de'r�u11 and aledion to cause Grantars ;;� _ k •.
<br />.:.� Unat�l fn Uta ProperN to be sotd,whiCh notiCe Tnistee sheJ1 cause to be duly fi18d tor record in the appropnate offwes of the CourW in whid� ' ' ��I'.�
<br /> �_i_...,.n. .-._ `..�".,,' r_.—
<br /> =�` lT1Y PraDerty 610CqtBd.
<br /> t Fptxipwre py Powe!01 Sate. It Lendsr slecls to forectosa by exerase o�the Power of Sate herein containetl.Lender st�➢rtoUy Tnutee and � 's�
<br /> �; shap deppsit with Trustee I�fs Oeed of Ttust arsd tne Credit A�eement and sueh receipfs anA svidence of expendiiures made and Seeurad by ttus `�?;�`
<br /> � Oeed af Trusl 85 Truste9 may teq�me. ,•,��:'.�,s.
<br /> ..�� ti.: �
<br /> (a) Upon reeeiat of such notice from LenQer,Trustee sRa11 Cause to be recorde0,pubiished and de�vered to C,rantor stxh Nodce o1 DefaW •�,� .,. ,
<br /> ' aftA Not1Ce Of Sale as t����equired by Isw and by th�s Deed of Tnut. Trustee Sha�4�hout Cemand on Qrantor.after stteh tims a�maY tl�en ;.�;Y�.__,.,_
<br /> .i be requlreG by law er.�a.°.9r rgcOrdaho�of suCh No6ce of Oefault and after NotfCe o9 Sale having been y�van es ceq�.'ed Dy law,saY the , Z'
<br /> PropeRy 8t the time fln�GaCe of 58le faBd by d in sueh Note9 of Sele,9ith@r 8S e who13,or i�separate 1015 or pereels or Kems as Tnutee }
<br /> shaU Qeem e�ed+ent,s,^,d in svcn arciea as rt may determ�ne.at publ�C aucdon to the highest biQder tor Cesh in l8�vtu1 money Of th8 United ���� �
<br /> Slat�pey8ble flt Me firte ot Sale. Tn„��.99 Shall d9�Ne►to such purthase►or purchasers thereof its gCOd an0 SuNlpent dead Or deeds �� °
<br /> Conveylnp the Propedy so Sdd.Dut wt':¢ut a�ry cove�anl or urerranty,expre55 or impheA. The reCitelS in such deed ot arty matt�s or tads ��-��
<br /> SNaD be concfustve praal of the Vuthiuiness Inereot. My person.indudinp wdhout IimAaUOn Grsntor,Tnutee,or Lender.may Ptu�at : #9:;-;__-.
<br /> SItCh S81B. • '�`• •.
<br /> lb) AS miy be D�d bY kw,�Rer deduetinp a0�as`s.tees and e�enses ot Tnisteo nnd of this Trust.induC'inp ensS af Wtdonco ot Ctle
<br /> ����',
<br /> UC GC 9.
<br /> .,,; in oonneeUOn vritA Sale.Tnistee shall epP�Y t►�e proceetls of sate to Pafinent of ii)all sums e�ended under the tecros d�.�Daetl af Tntst ar ��� �:___ .
<br /> ��Uq�p}�g�it Apreemgnt not then repeid,inCluding but not limded to BcCrued interest 8nd Iate Ctlarpss. pi)AD ott�e�su'ms '�'
<br /> '..,•, : y :�=.-
<br /> thon soeuced nerebY�and (m)tris rematnder.if any.to lhe Person a Persans toga�ry entitied thereto. :�e�c _�,_—__._
<br /> (c)Trustoe may in tne menner provtded by taw postpone sa�e at an or arry Dorton ot tne Property. �
<br /> R�es llOt Eutusive. Trustea ano Lender,and each of tnem,snau ba entiUed to e�roroe payment and pe�formance of arry indaOSaQr�ess a �;�.:.: _'----___.:
<br /> ppppaUons Soeured by ths meea of Trust and to exerdse ail nOhts and Dowers under th�s Oeed of Ttust,undar th0 Gedil Apre�rtwnl.unde tnY of ,;���'j,:��:_
<br /> ,, `�5-_`•��=-
<br /> th�Heiated Oocumanfs,a und�any other apreeme�t e►enY laws now or hereaRer in torce:notwithstandinp,some a aN oi sueh inOM�LQnass .,,._.„_N_�_
<br /> and Obfiytt►O�s 56curetl by th5 06ed of Trust may now a herea8er Oe otherwise seCtued.whEtther by mORyBpe.deed Of bust.OWdDY.G00. - ..�=,_�--
<br /> assianrtant or ott�erwlse. Neilhe►the aceep�noe of tNs Oeed ot Trust nor�ts enforooment,wnether by CouA aaticn a D����Do�� • ,. "'S`r°� _ ....
<br />,��;•i sib a Othar Powers cont3ined in Ihb OeeQ Cf Trusl.She�l prejutlioe a�n amr manner BNed Tnutee's or Lenders r{gM to rsoilm u�on w�rdOrce _ _.,� `
<br /> any otMr seeurity novi ot her88fWr hetd by Trustee or i.eadsr.A be��p a�eed that TNSt2e�.nd Lendet.and eaeh ot ffwln.SNY b�N�titlYd to ��'Ptrs".�
<br /> �nforo�tNS O�ad of Tnnt and anY other seeurity naw or r,c-Feafter held by lender a Trustze��such order and mannu as�isY a Mttwr of them
<br />� may in MW absotuts disaeUOn dabrmine• No remedy oa"�or•ed Won a reserved to Trus�c�or Lendsr.is iniended W�e�elus+w d�ny attwr ,�,��'�`�"�
<br />' � nrtwdy in t��s Cead of Trusf a by law proNdsd a porm�r:�e,but eacn shall be cumulatrve and shall be in addibon to evary d:twr remedy piven m �•i
<br />`•`��� thb Desd af Tcust a now or heraofter eodstinp at Iaw or In equitY a by stah.�. Evary Dower or remedy Gi+ran Op tt�e Credit Aprexnenl a a�ry ot _ T�'.,:.:�:^��:9ris:�
<br /> ' fha RaSy�4 BoCUrnonb to Trustae or Lancler a to whict� e�lher ot tner.� may be otherw�se entitied. may be exordsQd, eoncu+wrl�' o� _ �.:.^''��`'::.�`�
<br /> indepanQeriUy.hom tlme b tlme and�Ctan 8s may Ee Qeemed e�cpet'+ent by Trustee or Lender.an0 e�tNer ot them maY P�asu��ncart�a�t �..�r•�,�.,�_._. ,.; �,:
<br /> rertwdNS. NotNnp in tRis D9ed o�Tmst stfaD be consuued as prombfi�p lentler hom seeking e defie�eney judQment a�nst thq Cir�nta to tha �r.,���::..::.- : . --
<br /> �dYnf such tetton is pem'.i+�d by law. '°.,,�r„�rt!-� ::• . . .
<br /> Re4ltts�FO►NoUee. G�aator�on behaff ot Grantw and Lender,hBtOby fequCSLS th81 a CODY hf}h NOttCB Of 08f8U1t 8nd i COpy 01 iny NOCCY Ct =„P�: _.., _� _
<br /> Sole unCer th�Destl of Vust be msi�ed to them at fhe aCCresses 59t foA�m the flrst paragrap o 5 Oeea o1 TrusG , : � • '�
<br /> � WaWer;EleetlOn Of Remed�e�. A warver by any party o}e breaen of e promion of th�s OeBd of Trusl shatl not constituts a wa�ver of a►proludKe .:"•t•'��
<br /> the party/s dpt�ts othetwl�'.,e to demanA sb�ct eomptiance wrth that provls�on ar any other Prov�s�on. ElecHOn Gy LendYr to Pursua anY remedY _ • �'
<br />. pravfded in th"ta Deed ol Trust.tR9 Credit Ayreement,�n arry Reuted Doeument.or Provided by law 5h811 nat exdude ptasuit of atry other r�rtwM. .
<br /> and an etecHon to make expenditures a to take action to peAum an oDiipation of Granta unde+this OeeO oi Tnsf aRer fallurs of Grantor to
<br /> per(orm shaD not aHect lendefs dght to dedare�default and to exerese any of its remed�es. ,,
<br /> �ttwn�ys•ieex F�cpenar�. It londe►instihRes arry SuA or acton to entorce eny of the terms af ths Daed of Tnut,Lendw Sha�l 0a entiCed to
<br /> �_.
<br /> roe0ver sueh sum ea tir�eourt may tdJudge teasonable a5 ettameys'fees 81 trt81 end On anY epPe81. Whether or not eny eourf�Ction b urv��ved. _
<br /> �A riiaSOMbb�enses inCUrted bY LenOer wh�eh in Lenders oDmion are necessary at any bme �or the ProleCdon of ib inLB�est or 1he
<br /> p ,
<br /> 8niorGrttent Of its rtyht4 Shalt DeCOms i plA of the 1ndeDt8dn855 payeble on demand 8Ad Shall bear�nt8re5t 81 thA GAdA AqteBmiftt rit8 kOm th@ '. �'
<br /> �tg of expe�d�ture unN repe�d. E�B�Cove�eG by 1tn5 pB�flQ►e0h inClude.wdh0u!6mitebon,however Sub�eCt t0 9ny hmAS untlel 8pp��eeb�e , • _
<br /> ISw,LBntlCrS 8fl0��8y5 f005 whBthO�O� n01 thBr@ is e IawSUd.mC�uO��g dhOrneYS'(e25 t0�OB���uOtCy prpCeBd�ngS(��GUtl��B 8HWL5 to moddy W .. _.__-
<br /> vd°�� .�(:...�4�� � r _'L •�' ^ . acea�s.3�C a�,.a,�,-�cat�-:^<.�-.,���^e^'_�uo!.'_'SPr �-�� •np��f J'SPB'��.w9•ff0•'r5 9�'d,o�.,� . -
<br /> e � o a•.c s�a ?�u^t��o� .._.__._.._._-_-.
<br /> • .. � .� . ._.._ --�---.._ - . , .. �.ry
<br /> � . .. . " a _
<br /> _ . • _.
<br /> ---= - - _. .:. _-.-.—=—'—._--. ._ . . . .. . . . ----- -=----- �.•—
<br /> .. ' • ' , . ' • • �,
<br /> • • • ' . ' � ��. � ^�� ' _,,_..�._�,�. ._. _ y: �_
<br /> — . . • . ' +'. . . .. . ' � '' • : , . , • ' ' ' ' ,� .,�•: . �• .r�• . '
<br /> • .�-, • • . .- ` . ... � . . . . _ . � ,-. '' - • . '� ... • _ .. .. - , , . .. . . .• _, . . • � . � _` }� .. ... •• . ..
<br />