.. . . . - . . � , � � ` •1
<br /> �� , �
<br /> ... . .._-- -� —•----- �--- ---- - -� � � ` .. __. : ._-- ---..... ._.� __. . . .. ._ _ . _ . ----
<br /> ; ' � ,
<br /> � ��-���1,$�1 DEED O� TRUST Page 4 > , -
<br /> (Continued) � �
<br /> . i � -
<br /> COi�qtl�rlC�with Eldattnp lndEDtEdnesa. Dunng th9 Penod in wh+ch anY F�ti^y InQ9btedness deSCnbetl QdOw R!in BR9d.COmplianCe Writh th! ;
<br /> iratrrsno9 Pravisio�Contair►9d m th9�nstrumeM eHQene��g wcN Ex�SGng InCE3btednes5 Stf811 eanstltute Corr�tienCe with th9�r6iuence Provi�ons
<br /> under ths Deed af Tnut.to tne extent compiiance wah tne terms of tn�Deed ot Tnist waWd co�uttute e QuDixatiAn of insurance reqwremen� If � . .
<br /> � ' afly prpCgedS hom ttte vt�tuanee bec�me psyabla on toss,Me provrs+ons m ths DeBd of Trust for Qsv�on of proCeeds S�eU BpPN anSY lo thal , � . _
<br /> -- portron ot the O��g not peyabte to ttsa tw�C�ot tha F�astin8 Indebtsdness. F --- ' ,
<br /> � (� : _.
<br /> 11. E7�8iD17Uf�E5 BY IENDSi. If Grantor fa�ts to cromPty vnth any Pro�on of t►us Deed ot Tr�St,�nctudinp eny Oblipeticn lo rtuintain F.ustinp • __
<br /> in�btxOr�ss m qood standinp as reQu�red betow.or d anY acUOn or pracesdng is wmmeneed that woW9 matenellY atfect Lend�'s iriteres�in ttfa
<br />• Prpparty,L.enaer on Grantors benalf may,upon notice to Grar�tor,but Shall not be reqwred lo,teke ctnY 8ctian tnat Lender deems apDroAriata �Y E ` • , . . '
<br /> ampunt tnat Lender expends m so dang wdl bear�nteresl at the rate cherged unCer the C�edit Ayresmen!hom tt�e dSta insurted or p�d Dy Lender to
<br /> tRa data e�f repsYmeM by G►aMw. All such esporues.at lenders optio�.wA! (a)be PaYable m demend,ar (D1 G aQded to tha batar�ca of ths asrkt . ,
<br /> pn�. 7lYS Daed cf Tn�t 8I5o w+t!socu�e PaYment ot tflese amounts. The nphts pro�de0 for in ttus parayr8ph s8alt Do in eddfion t0 atqr oGwr ripfl�Cr
<br /> . 9try rgtn6Qi�tp whictf Lender may be errtiUed on a�xouM of th8 Oelault Arry SuCh aCtion by Lender shL'�not be Car�sOt�etl es cw������� ' � • .:,; ;,:�-'
<br /> tD bar Lindar hom arry remedy that d othenvise would have haQ ' ' ` _ .
<br /> ,� 12. WAFIAANTY:DEFENSE OF TITLE. Th8 fofiovnng prov6ions refating to ownership o}the Property are a put of Itas Deed W Trust . : ,�_'--
<br /> � T19e. Grantor wartants B+at (a)Grantor holds gooa and markehabte htte of reeor�to the Properh C�dudi�9 a leesahdd interest,d anY}.free and ;Q,,,,�-:-� _��
<br /> ditr of aU lie�u and encu�nbrances excePt ifiose ot reaorQ enC (b)Grantor has tha fi�tlpht,Dower.end authorit�►to exeWla end dafive►thts . . ;.•','•°�.; `,. - -
<br /> t
<br /> ONd ot Trusl to Lentfer. . � ,�.„`�.� °� � �
<br /> Oetense af TRta S�jeet to trte�oaC�sn in ihe paragraph above.Grantar wartants and w�fasver Qeiend the Mfa to tl+o Propeny a�ainst the � .�;. . . ...:;;,,�.
<br /> �fy�p�ims p}8p pgrspns In tRe euert a�y actron or PcoCeetlinp is eomrtmrtoed that questions Gtantu 5 tltte or the irtterest M tnesl�s a Lendel � _—i
<br /> , ,,.'�..,_.'� ,
<br /> uMer Ws DeaO of Tna1.tirenta shail dafend the action at Grantors e�er�se. Qrantcr may be tt�nominal party in such proeeedinp.bW Lender - . - .ry�
<br /> stv8 be erttitfed to partieiPate in the proceed�n9 and to�a rePceserrted�n the prooeading by covnsol bf ib own Choke.and Grarna w71 de�nrer.ot ''- '=•
<br /> tYUSe to be de6wred.to Lender such instrument5 as LVr.der may�eQuest imm time to time to permit such GafitlAaUon. .. _ _y.'' �=' :;
<br /> �� Campllane+e YYflh Laws. Granto► xanants it�at Ne ProDenY and Grantor5 t�o o!Ne PropEAN Compries writh eB eus4o8 +lADf�ebl9 laws, - : T,��g;—_
<br /> � a0uunces.nnd regutations of qovemmental authorities- ( . • . 1�-'-
<br /> 7�. OOSTiNG INDESTE08ESS. The fotlawmg Provimons eoncemmg�ip indebl8dtt�ss(tf�o'F�dstinp IndebteQness')ere�Part of ttts Deed of �
<br /> Trust. � , ,"::��f ...
<br /> ' E�atlnp LJen. The tle.i of thts Deed of Trust sedmn9 tha Indebtsdness may be secondery and infe�ia to 8n�dstlng 6en.it ihere is such a 6an. . _ ,
<br /> Ciranta�rasslY�na^ts and agrees to P�.a see to the DaYment of,tRe Existinp Indebto6ness and to p+event afry defsuit o�su� - ---' -� .+
<br /> intlahoeQnds,. anY detautt under the instruments ev�deneing such iaAebtedness. or anY defauit untler anY securitY documerds for such � � .�
<br /> ,�. ;t,`;
<br /> inQabt6Gness. ^ �
<br /> !b�fOdtflqtbn. Granto►sheU nOt e^'-3r mto any egr6ement wrtN the hdtler of any mortgage,de0d Of trust,or WBer seeu�ly ayneme�i wl�1Ch ..;-cy_y` ., ,i .,
<br /> Ns pno�ty over th�s Dead ot Tnis!Oy which thai aq�eement�s motlifie0.9mencWd,eutenAad,a�anewed witha�l ttw Prior�wr�t�n con�n1 0� �
<br /> ' rRcr sR3A neiiher re4uost nor aaeDt t f'tuture aCvanoes under arry sucli sew►itY a9reemerrt without t3�e pda writt�n cor�ent of . _ . :"' .i.
<br /> LMQ4x. (ir8 ,.•.�_ . ,.:�, . �t
<br /> l�ttdr►. - ��
<br /> �•.�l� :;
<br /> t4. CCMOElQ1ATIOti. TRe 4Wtowiny prows+ans relat�ng to proeeedmgs in condemna5on aza a part of fhts Oeed of Trust. '""'' i4�i`� ; s ..
<br /> Ap{�er3lon Of Ke!Proce�Qs. If an ot afir part of 1no PropeRY is eendemned.Lender may at ib etectlon require that aa a tnY 0����^of � J� '
<br /> ProeMds ot th�award be aDR�ta tha Indebtedness under tAe LOAi�1N�i�Homs EQ�h Pltn.Subject to tt�tarms oT anY mortpspie c►dsed of '-�`"+�'; •- � �i-/,
<br /> trust wtch�8en wEich hts PrtattY av�Itds Deed ot Tn�t T�e net proceeds ot tt�e award shaD mean fhe avrard atbr payment af e9 c-„asonabie ,t�
<br /> eosb,a�enses,and attameys'taes ne�oessnriN Pa0 ar rnwrred 6y 6ran'w.Trustee ar lendar in canneefian with tAS conQemnatlon. ; _�: � =
<br /> � RoaWin�. t►a�Y D��+O in eondemn4tion�¢1ed.Grantor shaU Oromptry notity LenQer in wridnp.and Qaatar sfvD P��PnY faka stut� :J =
<br /> s1�pa as msy b�r�essuY to defend the ution and obfttin the awarQ Crantot may bo iM nomna!paRy in such proce�dlnp.but I.�nQer StuY b� �`-
<br /> Mtlif�d to partkipate In the proC00din�and to bo reP�sented m t�e proCeedinp by CouttSe�of iis own cnaa.anG Gtintot vr�dEfiver Or eiu58 t0 �• . .'�.' .:
<br /> p��0 to Lc+ndttrsuch instrumen�es may Oe requ�sted by it from time to time to permd such parC�iAabon• ____
<br /> � 15. II�OSITIOlI OF TAI�S.FEES AHD CMARGES BY GOVERHMENTAL AL/it10RITIES. The totlovrt Orovisior�reiatinp to qovlmmarth►1 tnns. '�'r'�••'��r'=
<br /> � `'�`�`-
<br /> fees and ct�upes ue a part ot thb OeeG ot Trust �—
<br /> Ament Tacros.Feessb CRarQw. 11DOn request Dlr tsnAer�Csranta shau oxearta sucn QacumarRs in addidon to tBtis O�ed of Trust and tako x�"�T�"�-
<br /> ." �.; -.
<br /> � wnaf�vw ottur�ctlon fs rsQuosWd bY LsnQer W peAect�nd contlnu�Lenders Can on the Rqil Prop�AY• GruROr sflat nNmburs�IAnW�for vl �7a�a',
<br /> I ta�,n Q�scribW below.toqether wiYh al e�qwnws ineurtad In reeorO�rp.PsA�ch�a corrtinunp ttus ONO af Tnat,lncludinp wittwwut�Uan �.�.-� _..�
<br /> 1 �I tax�s,(ees.doeumentary sfamps.nn0 other ehupes tar reeordinp or rey'sterfnp this Oeed o}Tn�sT. ,� "'S�T
<br /> __,%+�' "��
<br /> Ta�[a. The fonowtrq shaD oonstitute fa�ces to wn�n thts sedion apP�� (a)a sDecific tex uAon this typ�ot Os�d of Tnrst a upon W a trry part ��W,��.�..__.__
<br /> ot Uw Intlabtsdnass svcured bY thls Deed af Trusk(b)a sOeaAc qx on Grarrta wh�ch Cirantor m authat�A a reputred to deduet from p�ymerft� . =�-:. -�--
<br /> . � on tM I�debt�Oness Sacure0 by thb typ�of ONd W Tn�sk (e)o tau on th►s type af Oaad o}Trusf charpstbte aaelnst th9 lsnder ar ttM tId6M 01 ,� �;�. --��
<br /> ih�Crsdtt wqrMmenk ond (E)A spoctftc t��n an a arry portlon of tha Indebtadnoss ar on p8ymarrts of Orfnctpel and i�mada by Grtnta. ��
<br /> •,,���:.�:,r:.±�sa...:;r.,�..
<br /> ti. FUiiTfEA ASSUitAMCES.Ths foYOwinp Orovis+oia rotatirp to furtner assuranoes us a put of thts O�ed o!Tnat. . ". '
<br /> furft�er/�v+�nees.Upon request of LanOer.Gnnta wi9 m�ke.wcuta and G�kve►.a wdl ausr to D�maAS.axlcut�d or Gs''sv'.iod.to LanQa -
<br /> or to landds d�siprw.and wtwn reQuested DY LenQsr.aus�ro Os fl1e0.recardad.refiled.a raacorCatl.a4 the ciss maY be.at aucA 8mes and "' ,
<br /> M sue�aRkv�s u�d G�a9 LonQw may QNm�pprapdab.u�Y and al1 sueA ma0410�dMQS d 1rus1.s�cislh dNd9.t�ct�nty apcNm��b. p • .. . . . . .
<br /> Itnanarp staartMrtb.cor�Unuatlon statemenb.instrumsrds of hatMr assunnce.cwtit►oatos.and ott�nr dacumonb a9 mty.m tt�sW�optrnon af �� .
<br /> LsnEU.b�^�ry or des�refoYr m aQcr to othcluat�.comPt�M.PMfa1.eontlnw.a P�� (U It�aElpttloro vl Grmtar undr tM Cr�di1 . • -
<br /> U��o thiDilb bY law or�do ths contraryAy Ltnder inrowiitlnp.Orantar t�rM��for�cosb a dT�m�ec�s lnwrrecl�e � .. . .. .. • .
<br /> Connction wltN Un rt1�t0ar9 nfur�d to in 1hiS paraprCph. .. . :
<br /> 1� FLLL PERfaR1AANCE. It(iraMar P�Y�Y1 ftN InQ�OLldrleri when Ct�.Eeminaf�s ttN Cr�t oM�eoutA.�nd Otlyrwlsr p�tforms�I tt� �• �
<br /> abiq�imposed upon Qrarrta undu thb Oesd of Tnal.Lenda ShaU mceeuta and dWver to Tn�te�a requ�st tor tt�racomrsY�t�d. ' . •
<br /> . � . .
<br /> tf. OFFALLT. Each at th�todowing.d ths opnon of t�ndr.SfWI eonsUtute an evertt o1 aeh�8l('�v�nt af Dak�undu Ws D�sd ot TrusC (a) f . ' . i
<br /> ' Grantar eomm3b RauA w moke9 a ma�rtal m15r�rsSirdDtlOn 41 Ctry tlrrq in Conncctlon with ihe Cre6ft Ur�eoCOUnL 'T1fts e�n inEtu6s.TOt Yr�rt�t�.a • .
<br /> f8tse s�tem�nt ahout Grantds incorc�.assab.H�b�NS. a arry ottwr asPacts ot Grarrtofs flrurKW ConGRton. (b)Ciranta daa not m�M t� ' • .
<br /> repaym�nt terrtn o�Ins croGA ens aceouM. (el anntors acbon a uuctton aEve�sely aHset.tns eo�ateral ta th�cradrt urw notoum a L�ndars npnts m � . •
<br /> tAe toltateral. Th6 Cin mquCe.lor enampla.Ia�lure to m8�nfgin require0�nsurance.waste ar 6estrue6vo uso 01 tTq Cv�oilinp.fa�ture to Pay��.�t� '
<br /> D'e�OB'50�5��00�8 0�th0 BCCOa�! tra^s}e�o}htie 0�sa�e o�tne dwei��ng-creabon ot a��en o�the Owemng w�!nout ou'DB�r^i5S�0� t0�6C�OSUr@ C�th0
<br /> '__-._._.____,.._...�__,_-m_........ ._ ._....._�.. ..., . - - - -,,__, ,- --..�. _._. . ....._..-- -- . E
<br /> � . ' . i
<br /> . . . .
<br /> � � . . . . ,. . . . .----�--�--,-� . ..� . -�,T,.1.--� . . . . _ . . .-----� :
<br /> • ' . . , ' . , •+ ' 'C ` . . .. .. .�� .. w - ..._. ' ; , • . .' • ..
<br /> � ' . �•. .� ' . . . .. .i . _ . . . .. -. ... . .. .. • . . � , . • • •�• � . ' -' . • • ' �� • '
<br />