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' � c ` . , . . � . ` ` - , °;'_—` <br /> . - . _ ' , . . � , � _ ,a � . � . - ., - - 4.� <br /> i ' . ' . ,. � . .__ <br /> I , .__ <br /> i � w DEED 0� TRUST Pags 6 � . <br /> ��is�� (Con4lnu�d} , '�' <br /> ` �f_.: <br /> tiGS reDOAS(�nduQ�ng to osure reDartsl.surveYOrs'revorts.aPOre�.`+m�tees.titte�nsuranee.and�ees fer tt�e Trust99.t0 tt1�extent pemutted by ; . . � <br /> ap��Dte 18w. Grantor a15o wdl pey any Court Costs.�n BCd�UOn to aU otR6t surtts 6rov�d9d Dy law. , - _ <br /> q��tts p}TNEtee. TruSteg Sha11 hav8 81i ot the nghts and GWBS ot LBnQer es s9t f6RA m ttns 59CUOn. <br /> 21. S33iAN'TOA'S RIGMT TO RSINSTATE. If Grarrtor meets certa�n Condmons.Granror st�an nave the nyht to have antoreament of th5 Oeed ot Trust ... <br /> . • �eoc�nusd 8t 8nY hma pnGr to lhe eaAaer of (c)five is)�95(or sueh ott�er GenaG as aP0�t9 law may s�eaty�or�HSfatBment)datore�818 of tM . - , <br /> �P�Y P��nt to anY Power of 581e co�teined in tMS Dd.."^d o!Trust a► (��?entry of a judgment enfacin9 this Oeed of Tnist Thas�tond�tor�s oro - ( - . . . <br /> ��a; �s�pgyy��Qar¢ll gumg wt�h wou�d then be tlue unQer th�s DeeC ot Trust�nd the Crodit Apresment htd no a�etlo�oCCU�ed: ta) _ <br /> cur0s d ather defaWts un0�th�t Deed ot Trust and tM GedR AyresmeM: (c)PaYS e�reeson84s e�erues�newred in aniae��9 ttfs Oeed o1 Tnat, � • , � -_ <br /> � inGiudflQ.but not IimteC to.�985G�8b19 attomey5't9e5:and (d1 t8k6S suCh aCOo�8S lBnQBt rtlSy f9�SO�9b�Y�BQt�to A�t��t��n af thiS D9RG E , ._ '.- • <br /> ot Trust,LenQe�s nyhls��1he P roDe rt q an a G r a nt ors obb g abon to pay tne sums sec�red by tha Dead of Trust shall eor�Gnua u�• UDon _ <br /> teinstaysmer�t by Grentpr.ttf�s Oeed of Trust and the Cbfigatioris Secured hefeby 51�a11 rem8sn tu0y eifeCtive as it no fleee!e►atlon hid OCCUr e d O u t L B n C e r . . <br /> ,, sheA not De ob�igflt�d to make aal!more C�edd advt��ces. Th�s rtght to re�n5t8t8 shall aPA�Y it Grantat has not prewoush�d�^II„t to res�uffit9 . . 7, . - _-__ - — <br /> - i un¢Zt tt��tn�QE20 Of Ttust. ' : . . . .•=.`s. — <br /> �2 ppWFAS AND OBLlGAT10NS O�TRUSTEE- T�a fonowing pronvons re�abng b tAe Dowers and ob�iQations of Tnate9 are pe+t ot tn;s Deea of , . .�,•µ�- <br /> 7n�st. ;.. • , : � <br /> _..�; <br /> PpKers of Trwtee- �n addfion to aU powers of Trustee arismg as a�er of law.Trustee st�e0 have tne power to fafce sho fatlom�y ache^s'�r�tt' . :��� <br /> caspect ro tM ProP�►Y uAon ms reQuest ot Lender and Grantor. (a)jan in preparinp end filinp a maD or Ptat ot the fieal PrCDertY•mdud�n9� , .��_. r <br /> dedeatlon of str�eb or attiar rights to the Pubii� (b)lan in qrantinp eny easement or creattnp artY restricUon on the Ree1 PropeM:an0 (c)lo�n in '.��r�-�-:1`;-.— <br /> ` atty suDorCinatian ot other a6reemerd affeeung ttus Oeed ot Trust or tha+nterest of Lendar under this Deed ot Tn�t. `.`�4,��� <br /> ��. <br /> yntstei. 7natee Stte11 meet ali QuaGfi.cations re4�ireC tar Trustee unQet aAPfiubte►zw. In adQitlon to i he rt 9hts 8nd remeCias 5Yt toM above, ��,.�.� <br /> wMh tespsct to�il or any paR of the Property.the T►ust9e shal!heve tne nOht to toradase Cy notiee and sflle.and LenQBr stiell Mv9 tBe rigM to '�:'�"'-' <br /> t�etxse by judlCiel(o� eithar Case in aCWrdanca with flnd to the fu118�en!provid9d by aPP�ieaDie liw. . .::,�;-, i <br /> �r Trustee, Len�s opbon,may Nom time to hme apPoint a sixcessor Trustee to arry Tnutee aPAantad hereun�er tiy an '• � <br />",,' and adcnowtedges by Lender and r�ecorQed as raquued by apDficabSe 18w. Th0 instrumerd SRaB Con4Un,in 1dS�3on to aU �'.� ,�'` _�"- <br /> ir�strumerrt executed � �!F- <br /> � olfter rtiaite�s re4uiced hy sffite law.the names oi tna aneynai LenQer.Trustee.and Csrantor,the book and Pape(a eorr�lut8r sysiem rete�enca) .•,�:1 s��,:� <br /> ru t — <br /> t_c <br /> '• I wh�re this OeeO of Trust is recorded. 8nd the �amo Snd address ot tnG suoc�sor trustee, and iri9 inshumer�t Shall he ex��tad end E' <br /> �r�owtai0�ff by a9 tt+a benefic�anes unQer the Dead of Trust a thev successars in mterest. TAe sucoessor Unlstee.without comaytnc8 ot the . <br /> � R'�a0 sueeeed to a11 the titfe.Gewer.and duties conferred uPon the Tnatee in ih�Oeed of Tnst and bY¢pDG�bte Iaw. TAfs proced�ue <br /> . .Y, . . : �. <br /> for substftution of trustee sha11 govem to the exdus�on of alt ot�er Drov�ons�or substitutlon- . .� « . — <br /> 23, NOTICES YO CaRA,'UTOR AND OTMER PARTIES- Any notice under th�s Doed of Trust sNali be in wr�tin0 end sl�aG be eHSCtive when 8ctuaRY , .�__ ;� . <br /> � mail.Postape P�eCa�0.drtected to tha -`�� .� <br /> d ect <br /> QaBvered a.i�meibd.s4�aD be Qeemed etfedive whan depositad tn the'Uait�Staees�����nob�this DeeG of Trttst bY 9M�p�a�1 '•.:'�• � � <br /> a a�s s s r s s fi o L V n n e a r 1�e b e�n n m p o f t h i s O e e d o t t n i s t. A�y P a T H. Y. S <br /> wrHUn notka to ttw other Parties.sPecrtSn�9 that the 0�+�7ose o f the no t�c a�s ro c h a n 8 e c�e P�S r s a d d r e s s. A�c c P i e s o t n o t i c e�o f f a s d o s w e h a m .` : I� �: E� <br /> Uw hald�r at any 1'bn wh�eh has P�aRY�this Deed of Trust snall bg se�1 to Lende�s adCrass.8s snown�+ea►the beginNng ot this Deed of Tnat. ' s,..'�� .. <br /> Fa tiC�D�P��ntor ayrees to keep Lsnder and Tnutee mtarmed at all tlmes ot GraMOr's wrtert ed�ss. <br /> � 24. ASaaC1AT10N OF IRUT OWNEAS. The foQOwinB Provlsions sDG'��`;ha Real Prope�tY has been 5y'Smttted to unit ownt�rshlD Law or simiiar Isw ;;' : <br /> AS^ C � � <br /> ' {pr�a�pGShment of COndomiNums 0►coo0e��ownBtsn'rp ot the F2s1 PropBAy: , �, <br /> ' ). Pore�of Ananey. C,tgn�4�}g g�rtrevpcabie pawer ot aSOrney to LenCer to vote�n ds dis�xetion on erry maY�r that may eo'"a b8lore ths �,:y;. . . td�� __ <br /> msspWtion af uni2 owneis. Lender shafl have Me rtght to exerase ttus Dower af a°!amey oniy efler defauil by C,rantDr:however�L9ndar may .� �;_,_ <br /> - d�ry t�exsceise IMS power as n sees fi� .'��;?-,. �� — <br /> Insiu�ne+e. Tha insurance as reqwed above may be ca��ad by the assoc�atlon of Wut owners on Grantors beha►f.and th�proceeQs of such .,,.;'.. :' `-_ <br /> Irata�nCa mny De paid to tt�e associaHOn ot u�it owrt�s fa tAe P��D� of repaumg or reconstrucdng!he Property. If not so usod by U►e , - <br /> . .� assod�tlon,sueh PtOCeeds shaU b0 Geid to Len Q�r. ' --�''' .;�3�- <br /> ' Compuane�wtth Reput�ttons of AssoWtion. Grar�or sna�l pertorm all ot the eL:;,�ons imDosed on Granta by tne dedaradon suDmitGnp 1M y,��_�_._ <br /> Compq -`"�'�=.c . <br /> FtMi RopeAy to und ownersh�P�by Me bY��ot the assodadon of uni!owners,aT CY any rubs a r6yulabons thensundel. It Gta�tOfs intsresl ln .�. - <br />' i itf�RW PtoD�Y�a I0a5e ho 1 0 in t e r e s t a n C s u c t�O r o P e A Y h a 5 b e e n s u b m rt t e 0 S�und ownershi p.Grentor Sffall perfOtm 80 01 tM ObUpadons ;:,� , _ --- <br /> imposed on Oranta by ihe lease of the Rea1 RoPertY Nom its owner_ '1's"' � <br /> .' 9S. M1SCFIJ.AHEOU3 PROVIStONS.Ths toROwiny misoe��"eaus Pror�.:.�are a paA o1 tn�s OeW of Trt�t `��^u.��-- <br /> _---s..--1-�:.: <br /> � Art�ttt 7ttis Oeed af Trust.together with�try Related DOG.^.r�ents.oonstitutes me emtro undersunainp and a�esmun o�ua parWs ati to � �--�.-- _ T.,.__. <br /> tM mattars set forYn�n ihis OeeO 01 Tnat. No atteratlon of a amenGmeM to thb QeeO at Trust she11 be eftsctive unt�s qiven in wrftlnp and s+y�ed ��� <br /> �.� <br /> • by ttie P�Y a Oart�sought t0 be charge0 or bamd Dy Ihe altera5on a emen6m.�.� ' �W^,��'t�y•,.,;_ <br /> �.y.f,��..;.. ..y`rtk?3..-.� <br /> Appikadle Law. Thrs Oeed of Trw�st�a(I Ds yaver.+ed Dy and construed in aeco�, Mnth the laws of lhe Stats¢?Mbr�ska. �•a . — ���: <br /> C�pdon Nudln�. Ception resQr,gs in 1NS Oeea of Trust are fa conveo�enCe O�D�Onty en0 are not to be used to interprst a defl�s ths , •-.i :•__ _ i <br /> provlvora of thls Oeae of Trust. , , , <br /> 6rantos's Copy al0oeument�. �entler e9�to P�ovide Gnnta v�nth a coMamed eoPY ot both the LOANLtNER�HortN EquitY��i1 .:�•.� ` 'a�.'ill�.. �.� <br /> Aprsert�ent end Mb Oeed of Tntst et the dme 1hsY ue 6xeCUtetl a w�M�n e reesonBDb nme efte►thb D6eG��Tnut ts reCO�d�d• ' . . ' . " `' <br /> piMrper, There snall bs no meryer ot tAe irrterest a est�to cre�ted by thts Oeed ot Trus!with any othar�ntcrc�l ar estato in th�Proparty at any � . � <br /> dme het0 by a fw the beneflt of Lender�n enY�A�Y.witAOUt Itae wAtten consent of Lender. . <br /> . � .�� <br /> MW{Ipi�PcRt�s. A�abllpeUOns o}Grantor und�r Mb QeeO 01 TrusS SfW�b��ant an0 Sav�etal.anC�tofaten�i to Gtlinlot s���each and � .. . <br /> � eR <br /> euwy Granta. This muns tAat eaeh o�Uf�peiSOrt3 s�pninp Detow is ta5ponsiGlB for el1 obUpatlOris In tfUS Wsd d Tnn� <br /> ' �ry. �f a eout ot urtepeb^�1���^�nds arry Prov�s+on of tlks Ooed of Trust to E�invaYd a urNrrloroMDt�as to�nY Ps�s�^a . .'. � <br /> � eteumstanca.sucn m,��snaa�m�enaer ma�o�oKS+on�nvara a u�e�ro�oe�nw as ro.m an.r p«sons«erea:�anoa. ir�►su� , �;� � <br /> �yd�rt stutl strtctce�ar�iddax�otAar�'�m thb,Oeod'ot Tn�st n�in�ot�����st W�ertW n rvaud�o snt�or�oeepb�n cannot be .. <br /> Ado�pwl�GQnent. Prior to ths wcecutlon f��A(;nnta e�cecutad an adcaowteQpment stttinp tMt Cirantor unWntanCS that (a1 tNS Oeed of ' . :, A :, _ <br /> . : TtvSt es a trust doed and not�mortp�q�and (D)ttN P��01 sais proHQeG}or�n ttns Oeee of Trust provldas Subshntlalry dMbnnt dpntti 8n0 . • .r� <br /> , nbtgatlons b Grarttor 1M1an a mortyape�e tM aent of do�utt ar bresch o}Obf�gabon. <br /> �, <br /> • $UCCESlpr��id A39lQnL. Sub�BCf to ine flmA3Lo�5 Stfltetl��1MS DABtl ot Tiust o�trartSte� oi GrantOfs tnter@5t,tfiS 00@O ot TruSt snall be • _ <br /> . ' � <br /> , -- . . . t._.�- ._ , ..,�_- _.. . . . a��.rs�s-+:.. .-` . -� . , .�._.,._... . .. . • � ... <br /> � . .. - � � .. _, � ' ' . �... . <br />�. . ' ' � • • � ��r�,- <br /> � . . . " - . . . . ` . <br /> . . . �. . . - � . . . � � �.i". <br /> � - . . �' . �� '. • . ' .. ' <br /> ---- -' .. . �... .�,. -� _ � . . . . . � . . . . . - <br />-.- . `- � • � .. . � . - • . . . . . . . - . <br /> � , � . - . .. . , . . . . ..� . . . . <br /> .. .. ,. __ , , � . . . , -�1 , • . . . ' - . .!'� . , � ' � ` <br />- + . . � , � ' � . . . . - *�' . _ ' � � � � .� _ � .. . . . , • , . .i . - �. • . <br /> - .' . . � . ' - - ' . . �� • • ... . . _ . : . .�.. � • . . .. �d, •• .. _ . :' .. ' . . . . � . • ', � . . .. . • _ ..� • , . � , � � " <br />