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. .. .. .... , . . .. . � _ _ ____ <br /> " < F, ` _ . <br />. ; 9��-�oi�s � � � � -=- <br /> " '19. LEN��fl`S RSG1�T TO CQ:vaEf4CE OA O�iD LE{iAL ACTIOHS. (�rantar shall imr�d'istety provida LenEer with written nottce ot any aaual or ' �, � � , '", <br /> fl <br /> � thieatened aetion;suft,or other praoeedng aHaeting the Propefly. Grantcr hereby appoirrts Lsndsr as its attamey�tn-fact to comre�ce,irrtervane in,and � . ' , : , _ <br /> ctefend such actions,suits.or othar legal prooec.�ngs and to corpronise or settls eny dam ar wrrtroversy pertaining thereto. Lendar shall not be lial�e to - <br /> GrarROr 4ar any aciion,error,mfstaks,oml�ston or detay pertatning to thQ e+:tlons dasaibed in ihfs paragtaph or any dartsages rewtting therehom Alothing � _� <br /> eorrtairtsd harefn wlil preveM Lendsr hom t2kng the asUons desaibed fn this para�aph(n(ts own�arne. . , '"_ — <br /> 10. INDFb61IFlCA7fON. Lsnder shali not assumo or be responaible for tha psrtomiance ot any of Grarttor's obtigattans+uirh respset to the Properry un�r f � � <br /> � any drwrtstartoes. Gratrtar shall immedtatety provkle Lender with wditen notiw of aad Indertniry and hotd Lendar and fts sharehoid3rs.directors,officers. . . ' <br /> ertpto�eas and ags[rta hamtess hom all dai�.damages.liabi.''ttios(ndu�ng attameys'fees and Fagal expensas),rauses ot aalon.actlans.suits and � . <br /> otherlega!pmceadmgs(curtulailvety'G2(ms�periaining to the Properry Mdu�ng,but nm limited to,thoso ImroMinp Hardrdous Materials). Gramor,upon `'# <br /> the requast of Lender,shall hire tega!Counsol to defend Lender hom su�Ctams,and p8y the attameys'fees,iega!expenses and other costs incurted in � ' 'i.; <br /> mnnaeUon therovrith. In the attemattvo, tender shali bs emiUed to etrptmy its ovm legal wunsal to defend such Ciaima at GramoPs oost. Orantors r <br /> o6tigation to Indnrtnf(yr LBnder undsr this pare�eph sfiall surWve tha termtnatian,retaase ar foretlosure of this Deed ot TrusL t , , <br /> , 1&. TAXES ANQ ASSE3S4'.1�N'f3. Grantor shefl pay all taxes and azsassments reladrtg to Property when�s and irtene�atety provide Lender evidence . - <br />_._ ot paymem of sarre. Upon the re�est of Lender.C3rarttor shall deposri with Lender eaeh momh ona-tweltth(tn2)of the estimated annuat insurance � _ _ _ -_ <br /> prerttum,taxes and assessments penaining to the Property. So tong as ihere 1s no defauh.these amourrts shali be applied to the paymern of taxes. _ -.- <br /> assessments and(nsutartee as required on the Property. In ihe svem of Qelauit,Lendet shall have tha rlght at its so!a option,to appiy the(unds so held to : <br /> pay any tazes or against the Obtigations. Qny funds applied may,ai Lenders option,be�ed in rsverse order of the due date thereof. , � � • � � • <br /> 1& INSPECiiOH OF PROPER7Y,BQO�[CS,RECdRDS A[�!D REPOHTS. GraMOr shall allow Lender or its agerts to exartine and inspect the Properiy ,� <br /> . and exartine,inspect and maSce copies of G=raritars books and rewrds pertalning to ihe Prcperty irom Ume to tltre. Gtantot shall ptovide Sny eSSfstanCe �c. � -- __ <br /> required by Lender ior thes9 purposss. All of the sl�atures and irttcmelian cnmained in Grantor's tsool�s and reoords shall tre genuine,true,aaurate and • _ ,� _. <br /> wrtpiete in aU respeGS. t3rantor shall rtata the e�dstenoB of Lenders benefidal interest in its books and�ecords pertaining to tha Pmperry. Addtiona(ly. ,;.:�� <br /> Grairtor shall repon,fn a form saUsketory to�►irdom�San as Lertder rtay re�est ragardng Gramo�'s finaneial condrtlon or ths Pmperry. The . s :~±:� _ <br /> i�ometion shatl be for such pertods.shall refled Grantors records at sudi Urts.and shall be rsndered wtth sush frequency as lender may desf�ate. All � , <br /> intometion tumished try Grantar to Lender shall he true,axurate and cortplete tn aA respects.and sfgned by Grar�tor it Lender requests. ,. � !9�' �' <br /> 17. ESTOPPEI.CEATIRCATE3. WM(n tan(10)days after any request by Lender,Grantor shall defiver to Lender,or arty irttended transferee of Lenders , • � •'-�-r.�--, <br /> rights with respect to the OWigatior�,a stgned and admawladged slatert�rri specifyMg(a)tha outstan�5ng balanee on the Obtigazions:and(b)whether . . •- • <br /> Graritor possesses any daims,defense9,set-0tis or oourrterdairts wfth respeG to the Obligations and,if so,the nature of such daims,defens�s,set-0ffs or , ` ,+�': '""�°�`k� <br /> ooumerdatms. Grantor wi!I be condusivety bourtd by erry represerttatlon that Lender may rtqke to the trrtendad transteree with respect to these rtatters in , s ';,;.:,:...;.� <br /> . ihe event that Cirantor fai7s to provida the requested staterterA in a tirtely rr�ner. . = -�_ <br /> BF°±__ <br /> • ' 'z'�'�._ <br /> 18� OSFAULT. Grantor shall tte in defeuit undar Ws Deed of Trust and the Trustee's pawer shall hecarte aperadve in the evem lhai Gtamor,Borrowet ot .�.,�'—� <br /> arry guarar:tor af the ObligaUons: . _ _- <br /> - (a) faiis to pay any Obligation to Lenderwhen due; . . . �'� '-��- <br /> (b) fails to perfortn erry Obligation ar breaches any wartaniy or oovenarrt to Lender oomatned in this Deed of Trusl or arry other presetrt or future � �� <br /> agreerterrt; ,.. .fs. -_ <br /> , (e) destroys,loses or damagas the Proparry tn arry rrgt9rial respeet or subJecGs tha Property to selzure,eor�tiscatlan,or condertnatien; � .__ <br /> �:�t.,,!_. . <br /> (� seeks to revoke,terminate or othernise Iimit Rs Ilability itnder any guaranry fi Lendsr, • <br /> ,.:.� (e) �es,becarties IsgaNy incampetarit,is�issolved a termlrrated,bocomas insohrem,rtaf�s an assigrur�m for the benefit of aec6tors,tals to pay _,: �� . <br /> debts es they 6ewma due,filas a peutlon u�dar the federal baniQt�pt�7l laws.has an(mrotuntary petition in han!wptey filed in whieh Grarrtor.Botrower *�• <br />���,�, or any�ararttor is named,or ha.praperry takksnn under arry wrft or pracess of cour� ' ''�" � ::� <br /> ta <br /> � (� aitows goeds to be used,trans rted or storad on the Properry,the possession,transportaUon,ar use of whfch,is i� y{ �t '` �. __ <br /> po e8a1: � t, . 4�:;- :.. i <br /> r; (g) altows atry party other ihan Grantor or Borrower w assurne or untiertake arry Obligatton wfthout ihe writtan oonsem of Lender,or �, .. <br /> , (h) eauses Lender to deem iLself(nsscure�e to e significattt�na in ihs value of the Proparty:or if Lender,in good faith,for arry reasan,believes .,v�y ' <br /> ihat ihe pros�el ot paymertc or perfomance is irt�atred. . �:'��..: �r <br /> . _ ��1,� � a,. <br /> 19. RIGHTS OF LEl+IDEH OiH OEFf1ULT. If there is a defautl under this Deed of Tnisl,Lender sfiatl 6e emitled to exerase one or rrrore of the follar�ing '"' '' . 'i` <br /> reme�es whhout noUce or dernand(excepl as roqutred b y law): ' �� " <br />:�-i: {8)t0 dBCl2r0 L'18 Ob11gaU00s irtilecl�ely�e 2nd payable UI fUll: �a r;/•- �:'. <br /> (b) to co!lr3ct the outstan�ng Obliga8ons wiQi or wNhout resorting to ju�dal pracess: _ -- <br /> � (c) to requlre Grantor to deliver and rtal�ava(lable to Lend�a�yr personal property or Chattels oonstihtttng the Properry ai a�aoe ceasonably � • ' :�.` �`• '" <br /> • oorneniern tn Granror and Lender, :-"`= <br /> (� to ertter upon and takn possession of the Property viithaut eppiyfng for or ohta(ning ihe appoirrtrt�m of a recahrer and a1 Lenders opUon,to r .•'`� -�'. <br /> appalrtt a recelvar whhout bond�hout first 6ringfng suit on the Obiigations z-�wflhout othervvlsa rtaeting any statutory wnd'itfons regarding ���-�--. <br /> ',••� receivers,it being jrrtended that Lender shatl have thls eemractuat d�t to appoirrt a recelver, ' <br /> (e)to ertploy a rtranaging agom ot ihe Properry an0 let ths same,either in Tnistee's cwn narre,in the nart�of Lender or in ihe r—n_ot Grantor,and � ... <br /> receive the rents,inaomes,issues and profiis of the Proparty and appiy the sar�,after paymem of a11 necessary eharges and e�ersas,on ecooum of ����� <br /> .� ih9 nb'Ig�10RS; <br /> � �'r ��`_-�_-�_.. <br /> ` �; (� to payr arry surr�In ar►yr fortn or rtgnner daemed e�amertt by Lender to protea�ho sawdry of thfs Deed of Trttst or to cura any defauh athor than .: •� <br /> : :; paymem of irrterest o�prindpai on tAe Obligations; �±` <br /> (g) to bredoso this Oeed of Trust Juddalty or nonju�cla'ry and to�Ureci the saJe of the proporty througfi exerdse af the power of safe as reterenced In �� ���''�"�'`�'��w+w_�-== <br /> � para�aph 20 hereol in aeeeordance wiih app11cabte taw: � �<:,...�' <br /> , (h)to sotcif Lirantefs Obligatians agaU�st arry arrourrts owed(3rartror by Lsnder indu�ng,bu1 nat Bmfted to,mon(e3,Inshumerits,and depo311 ��_,'�. <br /> aeoounts malntained wIU�Lnnde►or any wrrurrtly e�Qsting or fut�re aif0late of Lender;and .:.����. <br /> (q to exeroise all other dghts avai►able to Lender under any other written a�eom�rtt or a�licebia law. `,. .� ,�; <br /> Lendars ris�ts are wrrulath►e and may be oxerctsed t er,se and in ardar. In ihe everA that Lender instiUites an action seeldn the ' ��� <br /> � P��Y. enY 9 , ...;.�r�;r'. <br /> _ reoovery of any of the PropeAy bv way oi a prajudgmertt remedy in an adlon against Cirarrtor,Qrarttor walves ihe s11ng ot any band wh!ch mi�t • _. <br /> • otherwise be requirod. LenQer or Lenders designee may purchasa ihe Proporry ai arry sale. Prooeeds of arry Trustee s�sete heraunder shal!be aApi�ed ''s,��• . .'i�..���. - <br />� first,to the oosts and expenses ot exerclsing ihepaw er af sale and of the salo,inrt,c�ing the paymerrt of lho Tnistes's faes acwalty inc�mad and nat to � , �,- <br /> � exoeed iha amwm wtilch may be provlded for in this Deed ot Trust,saeond,to payment of iho Ob1lgaUons secured herehy,ihird,to ihe paytr�m of�'uNor � <br /> trust doeda,mortgages.or other Ita�:�iders.and the halance.H ariy.5�e pe►son or rsons legally entltled thereto. �he praparty or any part 4hereol may . <br /> ba sofd in one paroel,o►in such�1s,manner ar order as Lender n its sole d on rtray eleel,and one or more exerases ol the power herein�garrted • . <br /> shall nW exllngulsh ar e�aust the pawer uniess lhe emire property Is sotd or ihe ohAigatlons are paid in full. • _..-_ <br /> 20. TRUSTEES�RCiSE OF POYYER OF SA4L-CN OEFAULT:H Lsndet olec5�ssll(irerttafs imeresf In ihe Pr � ''.. � <br /> sale herein corrtained,Lendar shaD mliiy Trustee in Gtia manner ihen required Dy law. °�nY�Y exercise of fhe pow�r of . �I <br /> Upon�ecelpt o1 such noUce o!Lender and at the 6nc11on of Lender,Trustee ahatl cause to be recardad,published and delivared su�1 rcWces ot detault � �. . T <br /> and noUoes�of salo a9 may ihen 6e re�irad by Iaw and by ihi9 Deed ot Trust. Trustee shall,aniy at the�ireetton of lsnde►and wtlho��d�-and on Grartior. <br /> after surh tirro as may ihon be requlred by law and�'er recordarion ot such nodce of dofault and after noUee of sale having been given as required 6y law. • ' � <br /> soll tho Properry at the tirre and plaoe of sale flxed tsy it in such notlae ot sate,e(ther 2s whole or in sepatato lots or pa,zais or iterrm as Lender shetl deem • <br /> . expederA,and in such ordor as it may dotomino,at public auclion to tho hl�esl N�der tor cash in lawlul monny ot the k::aited Statespayable at tho Uma ot . • _ <br /> sale,or as othonviso may thon bo raquired by Iaw. Trustee shali deliver to such purchaser or purehasors thereof fts goad and suffiaem deed or deeds <br /> cornoying thg property so sotd,but without any Covenarrt or warranry,e�ress or IrtpUed. The redG�ls In such deed af arry mat:ers ot faets shatl be • � . <br /> conGusive proof ot the truthfulrtass thereo}. Myperson,indudng,without tlmllatlon,(iramor,Trustoe or l,ender,may purehaso m sucA sa1o. Trusloo may f <br /> in tho mannor provided by law postpone sale of ail or erry portlon of tfie Property. ! • �•�- <br /> ' • <br /> � <br /> 21. REQUE97 FOA liOTiCE3: Grarrto►req�ests ihat e oopy ot any notiee of defauh and a eopy of any noUee of sate hereundar be mailed to each person { • _ <br /> tivho is a party hereto at the address of such psrson set torth horein at the sairo Urte and m the sama r►ennor raquired as though a separale request } !_ <br /> � theraoi had btwn filod by each such persan. -° <br /> .� � . . . . ... , - - <br /> i i <br /> � . � <br /> � � - <br /> . � � , <br />-- � � - - - �- - - <br /> , NEDOTCRw396 �o3d6 ____.._._.. _ � . � � <br /> �' <br /> . � �r,--..-: <br /> ��---"'.. .- -- . <br /> •_ -_.,..-,�.� . • , <br /> ._.: - . .. . . _. . . .. . � , . • - - . <br /> . <br /> -� � , .- . •. i - _ . • . . . . . . . <br /> . ,. <br /> , :w'_ _ , _ . . � .. . . - - ;. � . ' ,. . _. - .. • . . ' � . �. , - <br /> . �. t• . . - ��` - • . . <br /> . .., � �.r:. ... . . . • - .,. . _i . • � . . . . � � • . .. . . . _ _ . . _ , . � � . ... . _. <br />