� � 97-i01846 � � . . , -;
<br /> . 22 SECURIYY INTEREST UNOER THE UNIF�Rl4A COi�3!'iERC1A1 CODE. This Daed of Tnut shall be cons:�dared and toa efFective ss a finsnang ; '. ' -
<br /> � statemem and a fixwre filiyg pursuam to the provisfons of th3 Unffortn CortanerdaJ Code(a.adopted in the s7ate where the real properry is tocate� � ,;
<br /> � � cove�ing fixtures,ch.attels,and artides of parsonal proporty na�N mvned or hereahat attathed to or ta be uset!in connection v�ith the Prop[3rty together with -
<br /> any and`ali replacertsems ihereof and addtlons thereto(the'Chattels�.and Cirasitor hsre�}r�ams Lender a securtty irrteresi in sueh Chattots. The debtor is � `
<br /> � ihe Gt'anterdascribed above. Thfs Deed ot Trust wi:l be�t(ective as a flnandng s�t�emertt fied as a fi�dure fiting wilh raspect to aii fixtures induded withm f , •
<br /> � sad prertdses antl is to be filed tor record(n ihe real estate records of oaeh eoumy vrhare any paR of satd proaises�in�udmg said timrras)is situated. This t.
<br /> � Qeed of Trust shall aiso be e8eetiva as a ftnanCing�atemem oovaring atry other premises and rtey be filed in any other appmprlato filing or recording � •
<br /> o�co. A carbon,photoEyaphic ar other reproduction af this Dasd of Trust or of any finandng statertgm rolating to this Deed of Tnut sh�l!6e suffidant as a • .:
<br /> i finandng statemem tor any of the purposes referred to(n this Paragraph. The sewrc3d party is the Lender desuibM above Upon demand.Gramor shall
<br /> ] rt�ke.exeane and deGver sucA securiry a�eemems(as such tertn is deftned in sald tlntfortn Commerdal Code) as Len�r at any time may deem i . '
<br /> � necessery or proper ar required to�ant to Lender a perfected securtty(Merest in the Chattels,and upon GrarAOr's faflu:e to do so.Lertdsr is authorized to �
<br /> j sign any such ageamem as the ageM of Gramot. Qrantor haretry authotizes Lendsr to fite finandng statements(as such tertn is defined in said Uniform
<br /> � Cortmsrdal Code)with resped to iha Chattets,at a�y tirre,vrtthout the signature of Cirarrtor. Grantor�iill,however,at any time upon request of Lsnder, ' ;
<br /> sign sueh 6nanGng st�emerrts. Grantor wfll pay all fiiing fees for ihe filing of su�h finandng statemerrts and for the refiting ihereo!ai the times required,in
<br /> the ap[nion of Ler.der,by said Unifortn Commerdal Cods. If the lien of ihts Deed of Trust be subjaa to any cecurtry agreemerrt eovsrtrtg the Chattels,then
<br /> � in the everrt of any dafautt undar this Desd of Trust,al the ri�t,titte and irrterest of Grantw In and to any and all of the Chattels is hereby assigned to - � -
<br /> Lender,togsther r�ith the benefit of any deposits or paymerrts now ar hereaRer made thereof by Oramer or the predecessors or suooassors in tiUe of
<br /> Gramor in the Property. � "
<br /> �3. R�MSURSE6SENT OF AN�OUNTS EXPENOED BY LFa1DER. Lender,at lsndars option,may expend funds(induding ariomeys tees and Iegal ' �
<br /> e�enses)to perfortn arry aci required to be talcen by Gramor or to exerdse any right or remedy af Lender under this Deed of Tnut. Upon demand Grantor . . '
<br /> shall imned�atety reirr�urse Lender tor all sueh amourrts e�ended by Lende►together with irrterest thereon at the lowe►of the highest rate desaibed in arry
<br /> Obtigation or the h(ghest rate aflowed by law trom the daia af paymerrt urrtil the date of reirt�usemani. These�ms stiaH be included in the definition ot ' . �
<br /> Oblig�ions herein and shall be searred by the beneflcial ir�terest�anted hgrein. If the Obllgatinns are paid after the Beginning of publication of rrotice of
<br /> sala,as herein provlded,or in the evertt Lender shall,at hs sota optlon,pertrft Qramor to pay arry part of the Obtfgations atter the 6egfining of publicaflon of , � y .
<br /> notice af sate,as herein pravidad,then,Gramar shall pay an dertend sl!expenses inamed by the Trustee and Lender in connecdan with sald puhGrmon, `- �
<br /> irtduding reasonable adtomeys'fess to the attomays toi the Trustea and br 1hs Lender,and a reasonabfe fee to the Ttustee,and this Reed of Trust sh211 be ,
<br /> security tor all such expenses and fees. . '
<br /> 24.APPUCATfON OF PAYMH�ITS. The Trustes sha!!appty the praceeds of the Vustea s sale,8rst,to the costs and expenses of exerdsing the power of � . � , � -
<br /> sale and of the sale,indudng tfne m of the Trustee's fees actua!ty(ncurred not to exceed the azrourrt which rmy be provided for in the Deed of Tnut. �
<br /> payrt�e m
<br /> second,to payrrem of the obliga otI n seeured by the Deed of Trust,th(rd,to the payrterrt of juniar�eds af trust,rrortgages or other tlenholders,and�e : � �
<br /> balance,if any,to the person or persons IegaDy errtfiled thereto. , ' • � �
<br /> •a• . . .:,.���
<br /> ?b. POWER OF ATTOWHEY. C3rarrtor heraloy appotms lender as its attomey-(n-faG to endorse Grantor's nazne on ali instrumems and other dowmems �� � . :;
<br /> p ertainin g to tha 061i g a t lons or Deed of Tnesi lri adddan, Lender shall be erttittled,but not ired,to P erform an y aGion or exeane an y docurtertt ` ' �,:_,
<br /> rt requ
<br /> reguired to he takan or exeeuted by GrarRCr�mdsr this Oesd of Tnut. Lendarsperfemiance o f such acGon or execuUOn of such dacumet�ts shall not '
<br />� ret�eve Grantar from arry Obligation or aue any defautt under this Deed of Trust. All pwers of attomey desatbed in thls Deed of Trust are ooupled with an ' � - � '�;�'
<br /> irrterest and are irtevoc2hle. � -- ��,`�•�
<br /> q 26. SUSROtiAT1�N OF LE17flER. Lender shall he subrogated to the�Igitts of the holrL>r ot any previous Gen, securiry irrterest or enwmbrance ( � � .:a,�:. � . .
<br /> cLseharged with funds advaneed hy lendar regardlass of whether these liens,security tnterests or other eneumbrances h�ve been released of recoro. ��
<br /> Te. COLLECiION COSTS. To the e�Rerrt pamatted by law,Granmr agrees to pay Len��'s reasonable fees and costs,inctu�ing,but not lirtited to,fees •
<br /> ' and oosts of attomeys and other agems(insl::�ng wnhaut lirtitation patalegats,derks and consultants),whether or not sueh attomay or agem is an • �, •��
<br /> ertqlayee of Lender,whieh are Inarted by Le,ider in eollecUng any emoum�a or entordng any dsilrt or remedy under this Deed of Trust,whether or not • : :�.
<br /> ' suit�s brought.(nducGng,but not Iirtited to.a11 fees and cosls inarred on appeal,ln banlQUp2eyr,and�or posl-jud�nem ootleqion�suons. ��•* � �
<br /> , �
<br /> � 28. PAATIAL RELEA3E Lender may release its irrterest in apo rtfon of the Pmperty by oxecuUng and rewrdng orte or rrore Pardal Deeds of ' 5 f , __ :
<br /> Recomreyanee witliout afteair+�its IMerest in the remafmng poNon of the Proyerry. Nothtng harein shall be deemed to oblipate i.a��er to releass any of its ,� . -
<br /> (rrterest In the Property(exeept as required undar Para�aph 38 or as may be oihervvlse required by law),nor shall Lenderbe obGgaaad to refease any part _ �? :
<br /> o f t h e P m p a r t y if G r a mor is In ct�f a u l t under thu Deed o f T r ust The lien and se w r i l f►hnerest aeated b y the Deed of Trust remain in effect with r e s p e c t to "• '
<br /> that poNon o!tho property,as defined in the�d of Trust,that is not the subject of t his or arry Partlat Deed of R�meyance �,� .
<br /> , •..,:.�� f
<br /> 29. lsODIFICAl10N AND WAlYER. The rtsocfrflcaUon or waiver of arry of Cirantofs Oblig��ns or Lender's rtAhts under Lhis Deed of Tnist rtust be `�� '.�'
<br />. oomalnsd in a writing si�ed[sy Lender. Len�r may perfortn arry of BoRawafs or(irantors OhGgaCans,delay ar(a0 to exercisa arry of fts ri¢�ts or aocept :�?,-.�• ;;'
<br /> paymems irom(irarrtor or arryona other than Grantor without causing a waiver of those Ohtigatlons ar d�ts. A walver an one occas�on shall not constitute ' '�.
<br /> a�valver on any other occasioa. Gramor's O�:igafions under thls Deed of Trust shall not be affeeted fflender amands,corr�romises,exchans�s,fails to _ _ _ f�
<br /> . exerGse,(rt p a irs or releases arty ot the Ohu�.ans helon g fn g to e rt y Cirarrtor,Bartawer or ihlydparty or ot its d�ts ag�fnst an Gramor.6n'rower or � � '�':';f'
<br /> third parry or any of ihe Property. LertdeYS'��'�^a to Inslst upon sMc1 perfertrence ot any of the Obli-gadons shall notbe deemed a waiver and I.�:�r shaA �.`�°_
<br /> . have the rlgM at any Yme ttiereafter to Insist�an strlcl performance. • � ':,�`r=__
<br /> a�. -�!%. _
<br /> � 90. SUB87RUTE TAUSTE!=-TRUSTEE UABILITY•COMPENSA710N. In ease of the death.Inahi refusal to ect or absence of the Trustee from the - ��%'' "' �
<br /> ' state where Ute real properry Ls luc�ed or in eese the holdar of the Obligaztons sha11 deshe tor arry teas�on to remove the TNStee or arry substimte trustee az . �'`''� � z'�'� —
<br /> '? Vu�teo heteunder and to appoirtt a new trustee In hls oe�d stead,lhe hotder of the Obli ����°
<br /> pla gatlons!s hereby gartted fuU pawer to appaUrt In wrttlng a •:..-��_
<br /> subsUtute trustee tor sald Trustee,and the s�SstiMe trustee shall,when eppolrrtsd,baootre suooessor to atl rlghts of Trustee heraimder end the same shall � -:,' ;���„�
<br /> � becane vestod In hlm for the purposes and drjeets of 1hls DQed of Trust with all the power,dutles and obligatlons herein conferted on the Tn,stee.Trustee `..• , -
<br /> � shafl not qa Itahle for arry ertor of N'�re m or aq done by Trustee,or be ottwnulse rasponslbfe or a�owta.dle under erry ciramistances wh�soevec ' -�,
<br /> � �• Trustee sfiall nat!�e rsonal Ilable fn rasa of e d or one aetln v(rtue of the era hereln�ar�ted R •�•'��:"'
<br /> PQ �Y ►►trY bY� �Y 8 bY P� upan the Oeed of Trust lor debts •�_� �� -
<br /> � { �onhacted or Ilahiliry ar dvreges Inarred In thert�nagerr�m or operatlon of safd premtses. Trustee chaTl ha�re the to re on any lnstrumem, •` ,'t�� �
<br /> doaur�ent a sf g�u r e autharfzfn g orsupporUn g a r►y acttors tatmn orproposed to be taken b y r fl here��dor a beiieved b y�ingoo�falth to hepenulne. -��:=��;•;:±�.�
<br /> Trustes shall be entftted to reirrburseme�tar e�enses incurred by It ln the peRortnanae of Ra dulles hereunder end to reasonable oortpensatlon tor such •� �'•'�
<br /> ,.; �� .� i°'' "��..:
<br /> + of tts seMaes hereunder as shall be rendered. Grarrtor will,from UTre to Urre,pay oonpensatlon due Trustee hereunder and retmlwrse Trustee for and � �'� .� �'` , ,�t`
<br /> S save and hold 8 hamiess hom and ega(ns1 arry and eU loss.costi.Ii�abU�y,dartra�and e�ense whatsoever Inwrred by h in the perfom�nce of Its dutles. '.�.�:.�~��V•.``�
<br /> All mo reoeived TNSTE9 6I18II,umll used or led as hereln provtded,ba held In�rust}or the ' .`���ti���" �
<br /> neys by appl purposes for whlch they ware reoelved.but need not iht, ���.:"
<br /> be 6e�egatsd In any manner from arry other rrorseys(exoapt to tfie extem reyulred by law)and Tnutee shall be under no Ilabiltly for IMerest on arryr - . �
<br /> moneys reoa l ve d by rt hereun d ar. . . '� ._._
<br /> 37. SUCCESSORS AHD ASSiGNS. Thls Deed of Trust shali be bindng upon end inure to the benafit of Grarnor and Lander and 1helr respective � ; _
<br /> � suocessors.assl�s,trustees.reoelve►s.adrr�Nstratora.personal rapresentativas.legatees and devlsees. � �.
<br /> 92 NOTICES. Except as othenrAss requlm3 ty law.a�ry noUae a other cort�runl�ian to be p►aNded under thls Oeed of Trust shatl de{n wrlling and sem �"'.'�''��''"�
<br /> to the paNes at the adttesses desai6ed in this Daed of Trost or such other addtess as the partiesmay desl�ate In wrlting hom tI►r�e to tl►re. My such
<br /> noUce so given and serA bY flrst dass mail,postage prepai4 shatl be deamed gNan the earller o?thna(3)days after such notice is serA or wt�en reesived � - �. .
<br /> by tho person to vVhom such rtoUce Is be!ng glven. • � ..
<br /> S3. 8£VERABILITY. WAenever possible,each provtsion of thls Daed ot Trust shall be intotprated so as to bo efteettve and velid under app�lcable state .
<br /> taw. It arry provlsion ot thls Oeed ot Trust vlolates ihe law or is unenforoeabie.the rest o11he Oeed of Trust shall eominue to be valid and enforceabla. � � . .
<br /> 34. APPUCABLE LAW. This Deed of Trust shall be govemed by the lawo of the stffie xfiere the real pmpetN is Iocafed. Untess apptieable law provldes
<br /> othetivdso,Grantor eonsems to the judsdidlen and venus of any couA seloeted by landor,in its so!o mscroUon,(oeated in that state. •
<br /> 95s NHSC£LLANL`-OUS. Grantor and Lender a�ee that Urre is of the c�ssonoe. �raritar wahros prosermmm,demand for payrtnm,noticu ot dishonor and
<br /> protest exoep1 asr¢�Ired by law. A(1 reterences to Grantar in this Deed of Trust shall in�atlpersons sl�ing below. It thete Is mora than one Grarttor. �
<br /> thelr Obllg�lons sha0 be ioirA and s�reral. Thls Deed of Trust represertts the cortplete Urtc�alod undQrstandng bstween Grantor and Lender paAalning to
<br /> the tom►s and con�tione F�oreot '
<br /> t98. NO 7HIH0 PAR1Y RIGNTS. No persan is or shall be a thlyd party benefidary of any sion of this Deed of Trust All provlsions ot thls Qeed o! � '. °
<br /> i Trust in}avor of Lendor aro irrtended sotely for the benefit of Lender,and no thlyd pany s�amitled to assurno or expect that Lendtir urill not watvs or � � '
<br /> oonser»to the modifleation of any provlsion o1 thls Deed oi Trust,in Lender's sole�saetion. �
<br /> � 97. PAESERYAtiON OF UABIUTY AND PrlIORiTY. If�rthout affacting ttre Ilaibilityr ot Borrower,(irarttor,orer+Y giararttor ot the ObliBatlons.or any otner � �
<br /> � r�g►gen{av�g�+T L+�nxnn oyQtpgely t@�w35E�in W►iflrval}ry►7M n� �n a���,m�nrn�t�nn e]n�igar�ons.and WIIIIOII�At�QH1iM�hA Nf�MQ M I A(1�W/ILMIf
<br /> ros to an Pro not o es reteased in wriim ,tuid wii out i � � '
<br /> 1 ped y porty xpr sIy g u rryalnng m arry way tha prioriry of thls Deed of Trust aver the irrterest ot any person � ,
<br /> acquImd or first ovldortxd by mcoramg subsequom to ibo reeordng oi thts Daod of Trust,Lender may.enAer befare or afler the ma!urtty ot the Obfigations.
<br /> and wit�out noUca or oonscm roloaso arry porson liablo torpa pmem or peAomence of till or any paA ot tha Obligations;rtalce arry agreemerrt aMoring the
<br /> � terms ol pay►rorA orpor�omianea ol ell o►any part ot tho Obligations,oxardse or rehaln hom o�rdsmg or walvo any rigM or rorrady t�at Lendor may have i . . _
<br /> undar the Deod o!Trust:eceapt addtional securrty of any kind tor eny ot thn OD!igatlans:or re!Qase or otherortse daal w�h any real or personal propeny � _
<br />_ sewring tha Ohfigations Any persan aoW.�iring or rawrdu�g m�rlanoo o!any interost ot any nature in tho Properry shall bs deemed by aoquinng cuch •
<br /> { irttorost or rocordng eny ovidenee thareof,to have oonsc3nted to all or atry such actions hy Londar I ' •
<br /> ,
<br /> . tiEDOrJ Ra tt9a a;,�oa90 !.
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