, . . . _ __ � 97-���� � �� � �y � � . --
<br /> 4
<br /> . ' (e) All applicable laws and re�la4ons,indud�rtg,vmhout IimilaUan,itie Art�ericans with pisabil'rties Act,42 U S.C. SeGion t2t01 et ssq (and all ` ` ' • �
<br /> • reguiations pr�rtuigated thereunder)and all zontng and buitding lavvs and regulaHons reiaUng to the Propetty by vfrtue of any tederal.state or municipal �
<br /> ; authority with juristfiction over tha Property,preserrtty aro and sha0 be oPuerved and corrplied with in ail matedal respects,and a!1 dghts,licensss. E . .. ' . .
<br /> pemris,and tenifiptes of oxupency(indud'ing bui not I'�mted to Ioning vati2noe5.Spadal exceptlons for noncontorrNng uses,and final inspection � , •
<br /> + approvals),whether tem�sorary or psmianem,whlch are r�terial to the use snd oaupancy ot the Properry,presentty are and shall be obtalned. ` ' _
<br /> � pressnred and.where neoessary.renewed: .. ..
<br /> (� (3rantor has the dc�»and Is�ty authorized to exewte and pertortn its Obligations undsr this Oeed of Trust and these adions da not and shall not .
<br /> confliG wilh ihe pravis;ons of any statute,regulation,ordnance,rule of law,comract or other agraemeM which may be binding on Grantor at any 6me. .
<br /> (e) No action or proceeding is or shaU be pendng or ffireatoned whtch rti�rt materiaily aifeet ihe Properry:and • �-
<br /> (� Gramor has not violated and shall not violate azry smMa,teg�dation,orcL•rtanoe,rule af Iaw,corttrad ar other agreemerrt(ir.duding,but not lirtited to. '
<br /> tt�ose goveming Hazardous Materials)which rtight rtaferialiy aflect ihe Proparry or Lendsrs rights or imerest in the Properry pursuam to ths Oesd of , � _
<br /> Trust.
<br /> 3. PRiOR DEEDS OF lAUST. Gramor represerrts and vrarranLS that there ate no prior deeds of irust aftecting any paR of the Property except as set forih ` . _ .
<br /> on Schedule B attached to this Deed of Tn�st,which Gramor a�ees to�pay and perfortn m a timeiy mannec If there are any prior deeds of irust then '—
<br /> Grarrtor agrees to pay all amourtts owed,arid perfartn all odig�tions requi�ed,under such deeds of trusl and D'�e indebtecfiess sscured thereby and turther ` ,
<br /> agrees thsi a defauft under any prior deed of hust shall be a detauit undsr this Deed of Trust a�d sha11 etttitla Lender to a!1 rigMs and rerte�es comaired I.
<br /> herein a in the Obligations to which tender would be errtitled in the everrt ot any other default. C _
<br /> 4. TRANSFE�S OF YHE PHO?EFtTY OA BH�IERCIAI IHTERESTS IN GRAf�1TOAS OR BOARCWERS. In the eveM of a sale.eorrveyrance,lease. �
<br /> cor�traet for deed or transfer to any person of alt ar any part oi the reat praperry descr(bed in Sche�la A,or arry irrterest therein,ar of all or arry benefidal . • ' ,
<br /> irrterest in Borrower or Granior(it @orrower or Grarrtor is not a napual peraon or persons but is a corpor�on,lirtited lia�'liry comp�ny,parmership,uust,ar
<br /> other legal eritiry),Lender may,at i[s option dedare the outstanding prindpal balanoe of the Obligazions plus aoaued irrterest thereon irtanedate:y due and � .
<br /> payable. A1 Lendefs request,GrarRor or Bortowet,as the case may be,sha11 fumish a cortptete statertem setting forth all af ils stodd�otders.rt�ert�ers.or �
<br /> � partr�ers,as appropriate,and the extern of iheir respeqive ownership irrterests. . ._
<br /> 5. ASS[GNMENT OF RHJTS. In consider�ion of rt�e t�tigations,which are secured by this Deed of Trust,Grantor absolutely assigns to Le�der all ' �
<br /> Gramors estate,right,titia, irrterest,daim and demand now owned or hereafter acguired in ai epsting and Tuture leases of ihe Properry(indu�ing , . _ _
<br /> � extensions,renewals and subleases),all agreemertts fot use and axupaney of tha Properry(all such leases and agreemerrts vrhether urtitten or orai,are
<br /> hereafter retsrred to as ihe'Leases�,and a0 giiaramies ot lessees'perfortrenee under ffie Leases,together with the irtvred�ate and eontinuing right to �
<br /> colled ar�d receive all ot the rerrts,income,rece��,ravenues,tssues,profits and other inoome of any nature now or hereafter due(induding any income ot "`�-
<br /> any nawre corrvng due during any redertption par.-�!under the Leasas or trom a-arising out of the Propeny indud�ng rtsnirt¢im rerrts,adduonal rerrts, � •�
<br /> peroertIage reMs,parldng or common area ma-rY.areanee corrtribuGans.tax are�es.°anea eomdbutions.de4aeney rertts.liquidated damages toilowing --
<br /> 3e(ault in any Lease.all proceeds paya6ie under arry poGeyr ot insurance eoverrrr�loss ot rerrts resuldng from untenarrtabiiity caused by destrucUon or . . . .�t=-==
<br /> da�mge to ihe Ptoperty.ell prooeeds payahte as a rasuft of a i�e's exert�e o;an c�an to�eur�ase the Properly,all proceads derived from ihe . • • �"�`'"',r
<br /> � teminadon or rejeaion of arry Lease in a baniwgtey or other inseh2neyp�oo�e�g.and aD Rrs�''xn any ri9hts and da�ms of arsy kind whieh t3rarttor . °�� "
<br /> � , may have against any lessee under th�Leasas ar any oauparrts of the Prope4ty(alf of llia above a�z nereafter co8eqrvety reterred to as ihe'Rerrts�. This ' �-�� =�•
<br /> assignmerd is subject to ihe rigM,power and a�.^.horfry glven to the Lendeno colled and apply ihe Rems. This sss:3nrrertl is recorded in accordartce with 4 ..,.,;-��
<br /> ��:, a�leable st�ta law:the I'ren aeated by this�igame�t is irrtended to ba spedfic,pertected,and choate upon Yr•n_recordng of this Oesd of Tru�all as . :��y:::
<br /> provtded by applicable state law as amended from time to ihre. /►s lortg as there is no defauft under iha Ohligafions or this Deed of Trust,Lender�s , � •
<br /> Gramor a revocabie heense to colleec all Rerrts from ths Leases when�e and to use such prooeeds in Qramols busfness operations. Howaver,Lender F� �-
<br /> ' may at any Ume require Gramar*a deposit alt Rerrts ir�to an axount ma(mained by Cirantor or Lan�r ffi Lende�s instidnion. Upon defautt in the paymem ' • ' 'T�� a. �
<br /> of,ar in the perfort►ance of,a-ry af the Obligations,Lendc-r may at its opUon take possssslon of the Property and have,hold,manape,lease and operata the . �-
<br /> Pra�erry on terms and lor a period of 1(me thaz Lender deerts proper. Lendet ma y proceed to cofiecl and reeelve ell Ren[s from the property,and Lender ,�'-�., . �
<br /> s ha l have f u t l pawar to m a 4 m a t te r a tions,renov a tions,re p a trs or re q a c eme Ms to t h e Pm p e rt y a s L e n d e r m a y d e e m p ro p e r. L e n d e r rt s a y a p p t y a l l R o rt t s f n •%� . -_:
<br /> Lendels sole mscretion to paymertt ot ihe Obligatlons or to the payrterrt of the cost of such alterations,renovaUons,rapalre and replacemerrts and any #�,��' ' " '��
<br /> � e�enses inciderrt to taldn and retatntn sseuion of the Pro rto�eally and the mana mertt and operaHon of the Pro Lender kee the • ',��t � �.:
<br /> � 9 9 P� PenN P8 9a PertY• �Y P _
<br /> Prape r t y properly insured and may mscharge any taxes,chargea dairr�s,assessrrertts end other lisns which rtray acaue. The expense and cost of these
<br /> acGons may be oaid from the Rerrts reoeived,and arry unpald amourrts shaSi ba added to ihs{��tipal o f t he O b iigaUons. These amounts,toge i her w i t h . '. `�
<br /> other costs,shalf Yeeorre pan of the ObligaUons seeurad by ihis De9d of Trust. ,
<br /> ' �- :��� .
<br /> 8. LEASES Al3D OTHER AGREEMENT& Gr�tor shall not take or tail to take erry aqfon which may cause or pemit the teminatian or the withholdng of ,.'?�°�; x;;
<br /> arry paymertt in connec�ion wnh arry Lsase or oJ;ar a�eemerrt("A�eemenP)perlaining to thfl Properry. In addtion,Grarttor,withoN lsnders prior vr.'s!ten � ' ' �AG '
<br />.� wnsem,shall not:(a)coliect any monies payabta under any Agreerrerit rtnre ihan one rtnrrth tn advance:(b)modf[y any A�eemern;(e)assign or a':rnv a i � . �� �
<br /> � 8en,sewrBy lnterest or other enwrnbranoe to be placed upon G►arttor's ri�is tiUe and hrterast in ar�d fi arry A�eemert or iha amourrts payabie `°#Y"' '� f: �-
<br /> thereunder,or(�terminate or cancel any A�eemem except for the nonpaymiem of any sum or o��r materlal breach by ihe other parry thereto. If Grarttor �a,.�
<br /> recelves ai arry Urre arry wrfnen comrunlqUon asserting a de f a uft by C irantor un d er an Agreerr�:rt a piupo rt i ng to te rt r in�a or rance l arry Agreemem. , .�„, �•�.=
<br /> f3rantor shaliprortptty forvvard a copy of such cosrrnmieallon(and any su6sequerrt ca:rrunlea�ons relattng ihereto)to Lender. All sueh Agreemerts and _ ���,'!���
<br /> � the amouMS due to Gramor thereunder are har�by assi�edto Lender as additlonal securtty forthe 0611gatians. • • �"�' � '���
<br /> �,;%•-
<br /> . ' 7, COLlEC7iON OF(NDEBTE�HESS FRW{i THIRO PAR7Y. Lender shalt be erttitled to natify or requtre Cirerrtor to notihr any ihird party pnctuduiQ,but . .,�
<br /> � not Iimtted to,tessees.Iicenseas,govemmerrtal a�MortUes and insurance oor�pantes)to pay Lender arry indebte�ess or obligatian owing to aramor with ' � --
<br /> respeq ta ihe Properry(curtulattveiy'indebtedness�wtiether or not a defautt e�dsts undzr this Deed of Trust. 6rarnor sha:!�iligernry colleq the � ���•�P� �
<br /> `� Indebhxhess awing to Oranta from lhese third parties urtt0lhe glving of such natiftcallon. In the eveM ihat Grarrtar possEr.,ses or racelves possession of ' �
<br /> !ve
<br /> ' any instrumerrts or other remhtanees with respeet to the Indebtedness foilowing tno giving of such notifleaUon or(t the insuumerrts or other remitlanees � ; �
<br /> � ;• conslltute ihe prepaymero ot any Indebtedness or the payrterrt of a�ry insuraneo w condormatlon prooeeds,t3rantor sha11 hotd such Inswmems and other �„
<br /> remfttanoe9 in trust for Lender apart from tis olher property,endorse the insttumems and othe►reMttances to Lender,and irm�e�iate - �����,�.
<br /> ry Provids Lender wim �: -=RT,
<br /> i possesslon of the InsUUrterrts and other remittanoes. Lender shail be errtfllad,but not requlred,to collect(by legal procee�ings ar othenxise),extend ihe � ,�.�-t• •
<br /> � `� tfine br paymertt,wrt�romiso,exchange or release arry odigor or coilateral,or otherwise setUe any at the Indebtednesa whether o�nol an evem ot defaufl � *•• ,�.,
<br /> - : exists under this Agrearr�ertt. Lender shaJl nat be Ifable to Grarrtor for arry actfon,ertor,rtistalm,ortission or delay pertaining to the aalons described in ihls
<br /> ,.; paragraph or arry darrragas resulUng tfierefrom Notuvitt�sianding ihe toregoing, noth:ng Aerein sha11 eause lendar to be deamed a . . �'�^��r.��'-_
<br /> mortgageo-h�-Pcssession. , . '�, �',
<br /> 8� USE AND MAINTENANCE Cf PROPEWIY. Orantor shall talaa aIl actions and make arry repairs needed to malntaSn the Property in good con�tion. � t .• , .'�� �-
<br /> f3rantor sha11 not eommit o►pemYt any waste to be eamNtted with respcact to the Property. (�nntor shail use the Property soleiy in oompliznce wflh - � .. -- •-
<br /> applk�hte law and Insurance poUctes. C3rantor shail not malce any atter�lons,ad�tians or irrprovernarrtc to tho Property wiU�out Londers prlor wrltten �
<br /> oonsertt. Wrthoul limitingtha foregoing,all alteraUons,addUons and irt�rovemems made to the Properry sha11 be subJect to the 6enefldal irrterest belonging . � • —
<br /> to Lender,shall not be rertwved withoN Lenders prlor wrilten corrsertt,and shall6e made at Grarr.ofs sola expense. � .
<br /> • 9. LOS9 OR DAaAAGE. Grantor shall bear the emire dsk ot an loss,thefl,dastruction or amage • • . � ��
<br /> y dartr�ge(curtulaUvely'Loss or 0 �to the Properry or any
<br /> ponton thersof from arry cause whatsoever. I�t4e event o1 any Loss or Damaga,Cirantor shsll,e1 the opUon of Lender,repair the affected Property to its --
<br /> prevbus can6tlon a pey w cause to be paid ts Lendw ths deenase in the fair rt�aA�at value of th�aNutad Proporty. • . .'
<br /> 10. IHSUAANCE The Properry wiil 6e kept Insured tor its full insurabte valuo(rep1acerrem wst)agalnst ail ha:ards including lass or damage caused bv .
<br /> (lood.earlhqualce.tomado and ftre,thefl or otAer casuairy to the ex[em roquired by lsnder. Orantor may obtain insurance on�he Properry from sucTi . . � .�,.,.
<br /> cortpan(e as are aeeeptable to Lender in its sole disereUon. The insuranoa pofides shall requlre the insuranoe cortpany to provide Lender with at least
<br /> 3� days'wtitlen notloe hetore such polldes are atlered or cancelled In eny manner. fie insurance pollcies shal name Lender as a loss '
<br /> payee�that no ael or omission o}Orarrtor or any other person shail aHect the rlgM of Lender to be pald the Insuranee proceeds pertsining to the ' •
<br /> loss or damage of the Properry. in the evertt Grarrtor tails to acqulre or malrttan insurance,Lendar(after pravi�ng notice as may be requlred by law)may � �
<br /> , In its dlscre:ion procure appropriate insurance cavarage upon the Propertfr and the Insuranee oosl shalt be an advanoe payable and bearing irr,=rest as
<br /> desaibed'm�aragrapfi 23 and seeured horoby. (irantor shall tumish Lender�vith ev)donce o!Insutanee indlrating tAe req�ulred eovorage. Londer may act
<br /> � as attomoyin-faet}or(irantor in making and settling dalrr�s under Insuranee polldes,eancelling any polt or endorsing Grantors narre on any drafl or � �-
<br /> negotiabte instrumorrt drawn by any Insurer. All such Insuranee poficles shall be Imr�ately assl�ed,ple�ged and deflvered to Lender as tunher seairlty . � • ��
<br /> • '� for the 061igations. In tho evont ot loss,(irarrtor shall lmrriadlately ghre Lender wrllten notloo and Lender Is aulhorfzed to mako proof of loss. Eacfi � �
<br /> lnsuranee company is dreeted to make payments mrectly to Lender Inslead of to Lender and Grarttoc Lender shall have the ri�t,at its sole op0on,to _
<br /> ! apply such monles toward the Obliga9ons or taward the cost of re6uqding and restoring the Property. Arry amounts rtay at Lendgrs optlon be applied in � � , --
<br /> the inversa order of the due dates thereof.
<br /> � d-
<br /> 11. 20S11NG QND P3iNATE COVENANT3. Grantor shall not�nitiate or consem to eny ehangs in the ton(ng provlsions or private oovenarrts efteeting the :.
<br /> ' us9 of the Pmperty wRhout Lende�s prfor written canserrt. If t3rarttofs use of the Property becartsas a nonounfortring u:,a under any zoningprovlsion, ' ��-a`
<br /> , Grantor shall not rause or pomdt such use to be disoominued or aEandoned without tha prlor wrillan consern of Lender. Grantor will irtme�iately prrnlda . .
<br /> : I �enoer vtnh wrinen natioa of arry proposed changes to the zoning provisians or private oovenams affecting the Properry- . -°`
<br /> �
<br /> j12 COSdDEP:tNAIiON. Grarrtor sha11 irtaredately provlde Lender wflh virltten notloe ot any actual or threatened conderrnatlon or eminem domain � '�
<br /> pr000e�ing portalNng to the Properry All monies 0 to Grantor hom such candormation or takng are hereby assigned to Lender and shall be applied '--
<br /> � first to the paymer»of Lender's attomeys'fees,I�xpenses and other oosts(inGu�ng appralsal tees)i�connection with the oondermatlon o►errenent
<br /> dortraln ptoeeedings and then,at tho ophon of Lendor,to tha payrront ot the 061igations or 1ho restoration or repair of the Proporty �
<br /> ? t .
<br /> .� � _�
<br /> 4EDOTB pa ttAa Pa9osas � � �
<br /> ' �.,-.---._
<br /> --- . -.-.- ---Y'--�--- --t-�- - . . .. . � . . ,"__..':'.._.__. .
<br /> � .. - � . . . , � j.. .C.. - ' . ' . ' . .. 1. _ '
<br /> , -. , . • .4 ' , . � „ .. .. - - � ' f . •
<br /> ' - .. ,' . . � , ' . . . • _ ' . . � . •.t .. - ,. ; . . ' - . . � . . . . • •.. - - . . .. _ ' . F�' , :i� � • • . ..., � - �
<br />