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[ <br /> '.''.i � 7f38lfpT�f�E m$iti�AlCNNO� 'f6�11Ql�NOI fl$'ITF�11710li#10. � ` �,_�7 <br /> 50692532? � 506925329 i � •_ � <br /> � t TRU37EE: VIRBT HANR. N_A. ` � �. ,. ' .s. . - <br /> � _ �. <br /> . � 644 t4 38D BT OHaND 26LAND NE 68801 � -, �- - . <br /> In consideraiton of the loan or other uedrt acoomrwdation he�einafter spedfled and any future advanoes or UAure Obl'.gatlons,as defined herein,which ""�' � . �. <br /> may here(nafter be advanced or inarred and the trust hereinafter merrtioned and ather good and vaivable oonsideraUan,the receipt and sufficiency of whicfi "' . <br /> are hereby adcnowted�d,Ci�arrtor hereby irrevor,a�ly warrants.bargalns. sells.transfers.�ants,eomreys and assigns to Trustee.his suxessors and . —. <br /> essi�s,IN TRUST YVITH POWEFI OF SALE forthe benefit end sewrltyot y�=�Y oi souw nslcota (Hatlantl as�aofationl } :: _, --` '- <br /> � ('Lende�. ihe '. ':; . <br /> benefidary under thls Deed of Trust,under and subject to the tertns.and cundNons herein set fonh,whh rigM of emry and possession all af Qrarttora pressm "r: . � �'•� <br /> ' and Sut�a estate,dght mte and interest in and to the real properry desaibed In Scheduto A whkh is mtaehed to thls Deed of Tnrst and incorporated herein , ' �; _ '� <br /> by this referenoe.together with alt presem and hrture irtprovements and fixtures:etl tan�ble personal praperry indu�ing without firtit�en eu rtech(rtery. ;,�r, , `±i • ,— <br /> � equlpr,erA,buildng mazerials,and gands o;every n�re(exdu6ng consumer goods)naw or herea',�r loeated on or used tn canr,��n with the raal ��� : ; , <br /> properry,whether or not affixed to ihe tand:prhNegas.hered�tamerrts,end appurtenances ir►�uduig all develepmeTA tights assoeiated asth the Properry. <br /> whether prevlausty or subsequerNy Vensferred to the PropeRy irom other real properry cr now ar hereafter suscepUble oi transfer irom this Properry to other � '"° �{� �4 <br /> real properry:leases,Itoenses and other a�eemertts::2"s.issues and profits:water,weU,drtch,raservoir and minerai rigtns and stodca pertaining to the reat �'•� �i` �;� <br /> property(curtu!atively'Propertyr'�:to have and to hold the Property and the rl�ts hereby�anted for the use and berrr-i of Lsnder.his successors and '''""" ' - <br /> asslgns,u�til paymern tn tull ot all Obtigations sewred hereby. •���',��_° <br /> Moreovar,in further consideraUon,Cirart[ar does,for(irantor and Grarors hetrs,rapreserttatives and asslgns,hereby e�essiy wartarA,covenant,and - �_- �=�'�-_ . <br /> agree with L�mder and Trustee and their sucoeasors end assl�s as follaws: ��� � � <br /> 1. OBUQATIONS. This Deed of Trust shall seeure the paymertt and pertomence af all presem and future indetrtadness,IiabiltUes,obligations and ,� �+����. <br /> wvenarrts af Borrower ar Qrarrtor(curtulativety'ObligaUons�to Lender pursuarrt to: '�`" <br /> � (a)ihis Deed of Trust and the toFowfng prarNssary notes and othar a�eemeMS: � ��, � <br /> �.��:, - <br /> .,��� pqtl�it�i+AL11YDUH!! N�i 1 . !lAYtJRTt1t 40�Pt , ,.:=•r��... ---- -- <br /> � CR�•'L1WT ' AQ�1F.�1�MOA�E DAlB � Ht!'1dBEFl � v-•;••t��.^�.+r.;��-. <br /> i � � � I <br /> 9� 17,500.00 i 02/14/97 02/14/02 4190000805340001 ��'�.._ "�`� <br /> .1 -,:.=r . " <br /> � a�7�/.`:'y�.. <br /> ,�..'"�h.-'.. <br /> . .t .�'ti.'.'��y`��. t.. .'' <br /> .{ (b)all other preserA or ure, n agroemerrts w n r �r�. s to a o rust xsx�e r s aame or dlfferent ;,.;�. • � �" <br /> ` puTposss ffian ths foregoin8): ' . . .,� <br /> (c) arry guaramy of abligaUons ot other partles gvan to Lender naw or herea(ter exacuted that refers to this Deed of Trus1: " � <br /> • � (d) (uturo advances,whether o611gatory or opllor.r],to ihe same extem as If made ccxr.amporaneousty with the exeeution ot this Deed of Trust,rt��ar , . . <br /> extended on behalf o}(irantor or Bortowec QrarTior e�ees that H one o!the ObOgdions Is a Ilne o!credt,ihe Oen of ihls Deed at Trust shall oominue � _• : <br /> urtGl pa�rtt in ful)oi all debt duo under the tlne notw8hstandng the facl that iram time to UrrB(bul before terminatian of the line)no baianoe rtay be t. � - "; . �'" <br /> outstamm�g. A1 no Uma during tha tertn of this Deed o}Trust or any exten�ion thereof shafl the unpeld and autstandng secured prindpal(uture . — <br /> �. advances,not indu�ng sums advancad by Lender to preiect ihe secur(ty ot thle Dsed of Trust,exoeed the tollowing amourrt: $ 1�.5ao_ao , <br /> , This provislon shali not oonstitute an oWigatlon�on or oomritrnerh of Lendet to rt�^�✓.�ad�itlonal advances or loans to Qrantor;and <br /> � �• (e)all amandrrrems,extenaicna,renewals.mod�flrdtions,replacerroms or substinrions to any o}the foregoing. � ' _ <br /> � As used In this Para�aph t,�he tem�s�rarRor and Borrower shall Indudo and also mean any Qrantor or Borrower if more than one. . <br /> 2 REPRE$ENTATIONS,WARRANTIE9 M10 COY�lANTB.Grarnor represertte,wartants and covenarrts to Lendor that: � , . � . :- <br /> � (a) Orarttor has tee sirtpte marketabte UUe to the Property and shall malrttain ifie Proporty hae of all Ilens,sewrily irrteresta,eneurt�brances and ciaims i , . � - <br /> ' oxcopt lor this Oeed of Trust and those desafbad in Schedule B,whlch Is attached to this Dead of Trust arM Inoorporated herein by referenoe,which � <br /> � � Orantor agrees to pay and pertortn in a dmety mannar, <br /> � (b) (iramor Is in eortptlance in all respeets wi�h all appflcahte fede►al,state and looal laws and reguiatlons,indumng,v�flhoul Iimitation,thosg relating to . • � . � <br /> . 'Hazatdous Materials,-as deHrtod here(n,and other emironmental matters(the'Ernlronmorrtal Laws'),end nefther the tederal govemmarrt nar eny <br />• other gavamrrorrtal or quasi govommontal entity has filed a lien an the Property,nor are ihere any govemmentat.judidal or adrtiNstrative actions with � . E'�'� <br /> respect to envlromm�rrtal matters pen�ing,or to the best of iho GrantaYs Iatowledge,threatened,wh!ch irrvoNo the Proporry. Neither Ciramor nor,to � �, <br /> the best of Gramo/s knovAedqo,any mhor party has usad,ganaratad,retoased,msehargoa,storod,or�sposed ot any Hazardous Materials as deflned . - <br /> herein,in oonnectlon v�ith the i�roporry or trensportod any Hazardous Maiedats to or from the Property. Ciraritor shall nm cortmdt or pomit such acUons � `'� <br /> ' to bu taken in the future. The tarm'Hazardous Materials'shali mean any substanco,matodal,cr wasto vfilch Is or beoorres re�tated by any � <br /> govemmerrtal authoritY inu'ua�ng.but rrot limttod to.ll)petrolaum:Itfl trlabta or nonMabts asbostos:(iN)potychlorirrated 6lphonyis:Ov)those substanoos. ,_ ._ _ • "�' <br /> � rtmteridn or wastes designated as a 4�azardous substance'pursuant to Seetion 311 of tho Clean Water Ad ar listod pursuarrt to Sectian 307 of the ; � � <br /> Ctaan Water Act orarry amen�noms or roptacomerrts to tfv3s�st�tutes:(v)those substanoes,matorlats or wastes dr3ftned as a'hazardous wasto' i -- <br /> � putsuarrt to Ssetion t004 0?the Rasource Conservallon and Reeovory Act or any atrondmortts or replacernarrts to that statu�e,and (N�those � � � <br /> • sub�tances, materials or wastos dofined as a 'hazardous substance' pursuarrt to Seetion t0� ot the Cort�rehensiva Envlronmemal Response, � . �-`--`- <br /> 1 Cort�ensation and Uabil'dy AcL or any amendments or replacerrerrts to that statute or any othor similar state or federal statNe.rulo,regutation or � , : �__- <br /> � ordinance now or haraafter in ettaet. (irar►tor shall not loasu or pemit the sudeaso of ihe Pro�rty to a tenant or subtenartt whoso operations rtray <br /> : rastiM in r»ntamination of thn Pro�orfy�iith Hazerdous Matnrials or toxic substances: �"� <br />_ ; _ _� <br /> � • . � �; i TITI.E ►NC ��,'�. .. ,:_....,._ - <br /> Nenoracvi��a � P O BOX i7�Qi ce�ias � � <br /> ST rAUI. AAN 6Pf 19 � <br /> ,��m. ..��, .�"���-: <br /> �^_���. . • . . . .' : . •;;. . , ..'. : . :1: .� .. . ' .. . <br /> _ . 1. ' .. . .. , _ , . '�. '.,. . , � -L . . . <br /> 1h-4:. .. . . . . . . ` . . . , ... .. .. � . � . �l - .. '- . .. _ . ... .. .. . .. - " . <br />