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<br />� wiihoat any liabifity on the part af said tena�4 to inqaire further as to the existence of a default by , t .�-�`
<br /> Trustnr. � �'�
<br /> Trustor herQby couenants tha4 Trusto�has not exec�uted any prior assignments of said rents, ' � �
<br /> except assignments to Beneficiary,that Trustor has raot pe�formad,and will not perform,eny acts or has ; � . -
<br /> not execa4ed,and vlitl not execute, any instrument whicb+e�ontd preyent Beneficiary irom exercising its � • ;
<br /> - rights under this par�graph 16,an�that at the time of exesutimn of this Dead of Trust there has been no ' , . ;_
<br />. � a�tiapa4ion oe prepayrzant of any of the rents of tha Ti rust Pru�rty for m�re than oue munth pri�to ths 4 Y- ,.- -.- - �
<br /> dua dates of such tents. Trustor covenants that Trustor xnll not hare�fter colle�t nr aceept payment of � �_ ° .
<br /> ', any rents of the Trust Property mnre than one month priar io the due dates of such rents. TrusYor furthe� � .' .� � • �
<br /> couenants thai Trustur wifl execute end det'nrer to Beneficiary such further sssignmeMs of reats and � �� �;
<br /> reuenues of the Trust Property as Beneficiary may from time to tuns request. -� - �- ---- °
<br /> Upon Trustor's breach of any coYenant or agreeme�t of Trustor in this Deed of Trust,Beneficiary � � ' -�--:
<br /> may in persoa�, by agent or by a cour�-appoi�eYad�e�enrer,regardless of the adequacy of Beneficiary's � �`"���
<br /> .;,,,�...�..<.��,=
<br /> security,enter upon and take and main4ain full cantrol of the Trust Property in order to perform all acts ' ;"_� .
<br /> � necessary and appropriate for the operatian and maintenance thereof inctu�ng, h�t not 6mited to, �� ,- . , : ����-
<br /> executiu�, cancellation or mod'ification af lessss,the cohectian of sA rents and revenues of the TrLSt • , - ::._
<br /> . Property, the making of repairs to the Trust Property and the execution or temtination of contracts � �, �` ' ``�
<br /> prouiding for the management or mairttenance of the Trust Proparty,a!1 on such terms as are deemed�as+t � �-���=
<br /> to protect the security of th�s Deed of Trust. I�the euent Beneficiary elects to seek the appantmen4 0$� � ��
<br /> : � �:� ;.f,.�
<br /> �� ,. ..,� <:.: , .
<br /> recei�er for 4ha Trust Prnperty upan Trustur's 6reach of any covenant or agreement of Tnjstor in this Oeed . £.�.
<br /> ' ? of Tru�t, T�ustor hereby expressiy cnnsents to the appoiniment of such receiver. Benafi�iary or the � �i� ��
<br /> � '• f en ti t ie d to receive a reasona 6 t e f e e f o r s u m a�a i n t h e T r u s t P r o p e�t y+. ' �''. � ':.
<br /> r e c e m e r s h a I h e 8 9
<br />. � . .� b��� '
<br /> s.c ,
<br /> All renta and�e�enues coliected su6sequent to de�ivery of written not+ce by Benefiraary to Trus�r ' " -� "�,� �..
<br /> • of tt�6reach by TNSior of any covenant or agreement of Trustor in this D�ed af Trus�s`rall be apptied . - '�� '� �
<br /> � � first to the costs,if any,of taking contro!of and managmg the Trust Property and co����n�the rents, ..�T:. . � ��� , .� .�
<br /> � including,6ut not limited to, reasana6le attomey's fiees, receiuer's fees, prem�ums on receiver's CnALs, � . �.x4� .'
<br /> . - costs of�epairs to the Tr�st Proparty, premiums on msurance poficies, taxes, assessments and ot;�.:r �-- .�: +�
<br /> � charges on the TNSt Property,a�d the costs of dischar 'n an o6Ti ation or fiabili of Trustor as lessor `. ��` ' �_ �
<br /> 9� A Y B tN ���_•,:_ ::..�
<br /> or landtord of the Trust Property and then to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. Beneficiary or the "�E'�. � �r��_
<br /> � receiver shali h�ve access to the 600ks and records used in the operation and maintenance of the Trust ���f �--
<br /> � Property and shall be Gable to account only for tCs��se rents actually recenred. Beneficiary shall not 6e 1ia61e � �,' �� '�-�-=-
<br />. � to TNStor,anyona claiming under or tluough Trostor or anyorte havin8 an interest in the Trust Property 6y `�����' �
<br /> .'��-���.----��
<br /> . � reason of anyt��ng done or lef4 undone by Bene�'iciary ander this paraAraph a6. � . '•�--�:��--�
<br /> y., ... ' -�.�.
<br /> . �, If the rents of tha Trust Property are nat sufficient to meet the costs,if any,of taking con3rcf of `�����a..,,�:;`�
<br /> �; and managing the T�st Properry and coAecting the renls,ary funds expended by Beneficiary for sirh -������-
<br /> - �.-- --
<br /> + purposes shall become part of t`e Indebtedness of Trustor to Beneficiary secured by this Deed of Trus4 ;�-�-����
<br /> �-::.
<br /> � ��'?� pursuant to paragraph 10 hereof. Untess Be�eficiary and TNStor agree in writmg to other terms of �:-� --�-�•-
<br /> ' � payment, sucb amounts shal) be paya6fe upon notice f�om Beneficiary to Trustor requesting payment � -� -�y�'��" ��� " �
<br /> .�� �:Y�fi;i:.,.:.; .. -��-.
<br /> thereof and sha0 bear interest ftom the date of disbursement at the Defauli tnterest Rate(as that term is ' ��-1� ��
<br /> � �� defined in the Nnte)or at the hiy;hzat re4e then permi4ted by la�v,whichaoer is lesser. •:.. �• � � .
<br /> .:1�:
<br />� Any enterir�upon and takinp and mainteininp of contro!of t6e Trust Property by Beneficiary or � � �.. � ._ _.
<br /> � the receiyer and er��a�pficetion of renta aa provided harein aha11 not care or waive any default hareunder or . . � -
<br /> � ��� imatidate any other right or re���of Be�eficiary under app6cable law ar provided her¢in.
<br /> � , .
<br /> � 1. Sabro�ation. The Beneficiary before forerJosure hereunder, and the , _� �
<br /> purchasers at any foreclosure sale held hereunder,shall be subrogated to ti��s f an of any prior encumbranee � �
<br /> or vendor's lien,if any,on the Trust Property paid out of maney sacured by thls Oeed of Trust,whether or �
<br /> not said prior lien be released. . �
<br />� 1. Waiver of Statute of limitations. Time is of the essence in all Trustor's . �
<br /> obligations and duties hereunder,and to the extent permitted by law,Trustor waiues a0 present or future � � _
<br /> � . statutes of li�3tations with respect to any demand, ob6gatian or debt sacured hereby and as�y action or � . , :
<br /> ' procee�ny ior 4i►a pueposs of entorcing this Daed of 3rob4 or aiy ri�hts ar re�r�e��6s coatsined t�rein � � �
<br /> �
<br />. � i , :
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