.' 97� ��i'�� . . . .�f:�
<br /> •� attorney fees,which may haue 5ean incurred by Bene�cia�in the ca�lectioe theraof,at the sola d'uc�etion t � � . ��� ��;
<br /> i . . ` -�..
<br /> of Beneficiary,b�release�to Trustor,appGed to the restoretion of the Trust Property,ar applied to the ' �
<br /> � � payment of the Indabtedrtess. Unless Bans�iciary and Trustor othen�uise agrea in writing, any such � ` � ��<�.�
<br /> � , applicafion of procaeds to indabtedness ahail rtot extend or postpone the due date ef th�e fdote or tho � -
<br /> � � paym�nt of any installments eatled for theTeur.dsr. t � ` ��
<br /> � .
<br /> ; �. Rena�al.�enaqon or AIlod3�ication. In tha event of tita renewal,extension i � ; �, • �
<br /> ' ; ar[no�cetion of tha Indebtedn�ss or any part thsreof,afl of the provisions of this Deed of Trust and the � _ • ; �'"'
<br /> I -.. . _:
<br /> 6en thereof from i4s data shaq remain in force as fu(iy and�itb the same ef#ec4 as if iY was made ariginally - _
<br /> �'� to mature at such extended timE and to 6e on the terms es modified. . a-��--
<br /> � - j �, Tnastar yot Ralesa�d. Extension of the time for psymer�t or modification of _ _,__ , :, � '-��
<br /> : .s:
<br /> ' any amartization of the Irtdebtedness granted by Beneficiary to any successor in interest of Trustor shafi � • � �..
<br /> not operata to retease, in any manner, tha IiabT�ty of Trustor ar Trustor's successors m interest. " ,� .
<br /> `�, Benefiaary shall not be�equired to commen�e proceedngs against sueh successor or refuse to extend tune � . �,,�
<br /> ; for paymem or othe�viss modify amortiaation of the Indebtedn2ss 6y reason of any demand made by :-° : '
<br /> ;{:.. �
<br /> � ' Trustor ar Trostor's saccessnrs in interest. ;
<br /> � =�'.
<br /> `:� �. Fnancial Informa4ton. Upon request 6y Benef�ciary and withm sixt�r (60) � ; � . '� �:Y.�-_
<br /> � days after the ciuse of each fisca!year of Trustur,T�ustor shaU detiver to Beneficiary e statement of the �. -` .. ' �``-
<br /> . ` �..� '1.�� �
<br /> ` : insoms and ex�enses related to the TNSt Property for each such fiscal year in such reasanabla datail as . �—
<br /> • Benaficiary may�equest,whieh statemen4 shall ha certified by the Trustor to be true and accurate. �Ythin ,T��� . __
<br /> � �
<br /> .'� � �'urty(30)days fnllowing nntice and demand therefor by Beneficiary,Trustor shall deliver to Benaficiary� � * �;�J� ';•.
<br /> �� �+ statemeM of tha incoma and expenses required above cnuering such period of tim� as Beneficiary sha(1 � :�` ��: =3
<br /> �. ' designate in such notice not to exceed tha twelue�month period preceding the date of such rtotice. - ��,. �'� }� ',_�
<br /> �..
<br /> 4+.
<br /> :�. • ;.':, ..` .i
<br /> � � �. Schedule of Lsases. Wjthin ten 110)days after demand, Trustor shafl fumish ,
<br /> to Benaficiary a schedale,certified to by Trus4or, setting forth e(I leases of the Trust Ptoperty, or eny , , `' �
<br /> . �: :i; ' —
<br /> portion thereof,includ9ng in each case,t�.�name of the tenants or occupants, a descriptian of ths space
<br /> oeeupied by�:�tenant or oecupant,tha r�ta1 paya6ta(metuding a�.'tinnal or percentaga rent��f�r sueb • `t� � �� .:'Y
<br /> space,the tast date to which rent was paid,whether sueh tenant or occupant is in default und�r iis fease . � -.�.� '�'--�
<br /> � � or occupancy agreement, and sueh other information and documen4s with eespect to such leases and � - - �,�T
<br /> �a -
<br />, tenancies as Benefieiary may reasanably requesL � '
<br /> . : ���
<br /> �, Asstgnmant of R�ntx Appoint�tient 9f Receiver. Beneflciary in °�_• '����--
<br /> Posses:ion. As part of the consideration for the inde6tedness evidenced by the Note, Trustor hereby - .-:---=s
<br /> ab�olutety and unconditionaliy assigns and trensfers to Beneficiary eil of the ren� and revenues of the ��� ` ''"`
<br /> :...�...:
<br /> �. � Trust Prope�y, including those now due, past due, or to become �+va by vir4ae of eny lease or other _--� � —
<br /> agreement fc7 the accupancy or usfl of a0 or any part of the Tnis4 Propeny, regardlesa of to�r�;�am the •.'`�', "-T �
<br /> T�J
<br /> ��/�y�� "�� '.
<br /> �ents and revenues of the Trust Property are payable. Trostot hereby authorises Benefleiary or .:�_,�:.
<br /> � Beneficiary's agents to collect the aforesaid rents a��� re�enues and hereby directs each tenant of the • ^a�i_:
<br /> ,.� Trust Propetty to pay such rents to Sene�aciary or Beneficiary's agertts;provided,however,that prior to . . � �� �' �•
<br /> .� ��:
<br /> written notice given by Beneficiary to Trastar of the breach by TNStor of any eoyenant or agreement of ��`—
<br /> Trustor in this Deed of Trust,Trustar shell collect and recaive a(1 rents and reuenues of the Trust Property . .�� '� : .
<br /> s
<br /> � as trustea for the benefrt e� Beneficiary artd Trustor,4�apply the rents and revenues so collected to the . �
<br /> . sums secured by this Deed of Trust in the order provided in paragraph 4 hereof w►ith the balance,so long as ' �. ' . � _
<br /> � no 6reach h�occurred,to the accoun3 cf Trustor,it 6ei�p intenC.J by Trustor and Be�aeficiary that this � �'
<br /> aasignment of�enta constitutea an abscfi.Ke sasignment and not an essignment for additional aecurity onty.
<br /> Upon de1'Nery of wri4ten notice by Beneficiary to T�stor of the breach 6y Trustor of any coYenant or , �
<br /> agreement of Trustor in this Deed of Trust,and without the necessity of Benaficiary entering upon and � . . '
<br /> taking and maintaininp full control o� t�,: Trust Property in person, by agent or by a cour4•2�pointe� �
<br /> receiver, Beneficiary shall immadiately 6e entitled to poasession ot atl rents and revenues of tt�e Trusi � � ---
<br /> Property as specified in this paragraph 16 as the same beco�e duQ and payable,including 6ut not limited to ,
<br /> rents then due and unpaid, and aA such renta shall immediately upon deli�ery of sucb notice be held by . �: .
<br /> Trustor as 4rustee for the benefiit of Beneficiary only;prorided, however, that the written notice by ' .
<br /> . Beneficiary to Trustor of the 6reach by Trustor shali contain a statement that Benefici�ry exercises its �
<br /> rights to such rents. Trustor agrees that commencing upon deliuery of sueh written notice of Trustor's —
<br />� � 6reach by Bsnsfi.�iar�!o Trc�s!or,each tenant of tha Truat Property ahatl make such rents payable to and . �—'�
<br /> � j pay such rents to Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agents on Beneficiary's written demand to each tenant ' � ■�t
<br /> �.� therefor, delivered to each tenaM personalty, by mail or by delivering such demand to each rentaf unit, —
<br /> � , �:-...
<br /> �� � ---
<br /> �� �s,u.w.�.r..�w:::i � �
<br /> . _.._........_. _..
<br /> ' ��-...
<br /> � i .
<br /> .�"
<br />— � . . • . ... , .. ., . - . _ • ..�. '•.. ', � . � � '. �
<br /> . 'I . . ... . . . .. • ,_ . .. ' . ' . ' �..
<br /> .. ' , . • . • .. • . � �._ . ' . . . �',•._ • • . � �.'..' : .. ' • ' : � ._ . . . . .
<br /> � .. • � . . . „ , . .. . . „ . � .
<br /> .. . .. . . . . . ,.� _ .. . .. • • .
<br /> ._ � . .. , �. . � , •. . .:,- . , ,. .. ��' . ., ' .-. . ,. . . �� �:- •_ . . , , _ • . ` . . . .. . . •� .. ,
<br />