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<br /> . .j � . : ', .�
<br /> 9 A°-1�31"��9 � =
<br /> , � 9, lndivtdual Trustac�. Trustor covenants that tha euecution end deGvery of the i. � . . -
<br /> �i Note,this Qeed of Tr�st,artd a[I other doeumeata,instniment and agreements executed and dsfivered in
<br /> j eonnsction herewith,have�een duly euthorited,one by 4he o4har. . _
<br /> ,. � .
<br /> � �, For6e�r��ce by Beneficiary Not a WaiYer. Any forbearance by Bena�iciary
<br /> � • in exercising any rigM or remedy�areander,o�oth�n�riso affiorded by appt'scabl�law,shal!rtot ba a t•�aiver � . " � �
<br /> � � of or preclude the exercise of any such righ4 or remedy. The procuremant of inswance or tke payment af � �
<br /> '- t�xas or ths discl�arge of lisns ar ch�tQ�s by�enefici�ry shall not hs a waizrer of Benefiaary's dght to � _ }__ _ �
<br /> � acc�lerate the maturity of the Indebtedn�ss. The acc�ptance of one or more payments on tha . . , •
<br /> ' .'� Indsbtadness made by anyone othar than Trustor shall nat sonstitute ths Baneficiary's conssnt to ar . � � �
<br /> ��� appruyal of any sale,transfer,conveyance,lease,cnniract fur deed or other disposition of ali or any part af , ; < '
<br /> the Trus4 Proparty or any interes4 tharein,nor sha�such accepl�rtce canstitute Benaficiary's wai+rer of� _._ ._._._—_�-`�-°=
<br /> default or of any other rigfit it may have hereunder. FurtE�er,amy failure of Beneficiary 4o insist upon the � . _ _
<br /> strict performance by Trustor of any of tha terms and proyisions hereof shatl not be deemed a wanrer of � , ' �_::�_��:�
<br /> any of the terms an d provisians hereo f,mnd Ben$ficiary,notwithstandin g an y such failure,shaU have the � �.�
<br /> _,;�,�.�y,,n,. .
<br /> righi thereafter tn insist upon the strict performancg by Trustor of any and aD of the terms and prov�sions � :. -�: . � ^
<br /> of this Deed of Trust to bs performed by Trustor. . , ��- �
<br /> 'F. ,��
<br /> �. Remedies G�.�ulatiYe. All remedies provided�n this Deed of Trust are distinet . ' -�`"��?� ��=�
<br /> � �� �
<br /> ;��L and cumutatnre to any other right or remedy under this Oeed of 7NSt or afforded 6y taw or e�uity,an d may _, � �;,,:.�.;,�_
<br /> be e�rcised concurrently,independenity and(or soccessively. � . ' �
<br /> � . � �.S .
<br /> . . . c� ,�
<br /> � �, fiuccsssors and Auiy�n: Baund; Jaint and S�Y�rel Lia6i1'�ty; Gaption� _
<br /> �� The covenants and agreements he�ein contamad shall bind,and the rights hereunder shall inure to, tha �� .' � � � M
<br /> respectrve successors and assigns of Beneficiary,T�cstao and TNStor. All covenants and agraements nf � � :
<br />� � TNStor shall 6e joint and saveaal. The ceptions a��h$adings of the pa4agraphs of this Oeed of Trust are • , � � , ��:
<br /> ��� for convenience only and are not to 6�us�d to interpret or define the pro�isians hareof. ' ' �� '"��`� �:
<br /> . .. _ �. ;. :
<br /> �, Notice. Exc�pt for ar�y notice required under appl;�able law to 6e giuen in :�Y'��� j-. �
<br /> " ano t her manner,(a)any n o t i c e t o T r u s 4 or prouided for in this Deed of Trust shail be Biren Dy maifing sush �, .::.-.�;�'�f�{ ;
<br />� � notice by certified mail,retum receipY caquested, addressed to Trustor at its mai ling a d d r�ss se t fo rt h � `�%`�` �- 4�
<br /> ._:_; '""w,�-'.�`�3c��:=,
<br /> aboye or at sach other address as T►ustor may designate by notice M Beneficiary as proyided herein,and ',.*�t,,,�.� �
<br /> @) aoy natice to Beneficiary and TNStee shaq be given by certifred mail, retum reeeipt requested, ,,:...� �-
<br /> addressed to Benefieiary's and Trustee's maling adGresses set forth a6oue,or to such other addresses as ��;�e�: �"��
<br /> ,s�ti.._:
<br /> Beneficiary o�Trustee may designate by notice to Trustor as provided herein. Any notice provided for in -�=�� �
<br /> �d3:'
<br /> t h i s Q e ed nf T�ust shall 6e deem�d to have been given to Trustor.Beneficiary nr Trustee when given in the ,���.,_r
<br /> manner designated herein. ��^"�'''-�-_�:
<br /> ����:�_�--
<br /> 1, Goreminp Lawr:Severa5ility. This Deed of Trust sha11 be govemed by the `�':.�<. .���-�•,�:
<br /> laws of the State of Nebraske. In th�event any provision or clause of this Deed of Trust canfli�ts with ""�-• - -'�"
<br /> applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of t�is Dead of Trust N�hich can be iven �r �,
<br /> 9 ���...
<br /> effect without the conflicting provis ions an d to t h i�er.�t he provisions o f t his Dee d o f T r u s t a r e d e c l a r e d t o .����� `` �
<br /> �_ �. ..
<br /> • be severeble. �;"��'"`'��'�7�-
<br /> .. ::f ,
<br /> �, Events of Default Each of the followi*:�oceurrences sha11 constitute an svent � . � �
<br /> ..
<br /> of default hereunder(hereinafter called an"Event of OefaulYl: , '
<br /> (a) Trustor sh�l tail to pay�rhen due Iwhether due pursuant to the terms of eny . �. . , .
<br /> � note or instrument, a resLli�f any acceleretion, or otherwise)any principal or interest on the . ,,:..-.;-::::.
<br />� " ; Ic�debtedness,or any other sum constituting Indebtedness,or any part thereof, and such failure � ' � �
<br /> ' � . shall cantinae for a periad of ten(10)days aY�r written notice from�.n;ficiary to Trustor, • ��
<br /> � (b) any warranty of title made by TNStor herein or in any other deed of trust or � ._
<br /> securtty agreement, instrument or agreemant securing ur evidencing the Indebtedness,sh�tl be � -
<br /> untrue and such failure shatl continuo for a period of ten (10) days after written notice from � _ s`
<br /> Beneficiary to Trustor, ' , ', �
<br /> I. � _
<br /> � (,,y TruKar sl�sll fsi!io obssr�s o: psrform €ny of!hs ca:��n�a2�, egresmsnts ar F . �- -
<br />� , I conditions in this Dead of T�ust or in any other deed of trust or seeurity eqreement,instr�xnent oa i � . .. � �
<br /> :
<br /> � , _
<br /> �n,��.��n� ,=------ --�---
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