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<br /> i i01'799 � . ;_
<br /> c � �, Protection of Seeurity. Trustor ahall p�omp4 9pay or cause to b� paid all ��`'� �
<br /> � �� ��
<br /> � � costs for la6ar end material incurred in cottnection with the conswction, maintenance, repau end : � �,' ,
<br /> opera�ian of the Trust Property and shafl naver Germit a Gen or encumbrance for such lahor and matariaf to t '
<br /> • � remain aga�nst the T�ust Prnperty. If Trustor fails to pay any claim,lien or encumtirance v�hich shall ba ; , . �
<br /> . � ; � ,
<br />, , pridi to tha lisn o� this Dead of Trust,or to pay, when dua,eny tax ar essessment, or a�y insurance
<br /> ' premium,or to keep the Trust Property i�repair as herein reAuired or shal)commit or permit any vuaste,or ; .
<br /> if thare 6e commencgd any action or proceedings affectin8 the Trost Preperry or�ha titls 4hareto,t�en . _
<br /> Beneficiary,at its sole optio�e,shall have the right to pay s�:ch elaun,tien,encumhrance,tax,ass�sssme�or :. - � - �-
<br /> , p r e m i u m,�►i t h the ri ght of suhro gation thereunder,procure such euidense of titia as it deems appropriate, �
<br /> make such repeirs or take such steps as it desms appropriate to preven4 or cure sash waste,and take sucfi • � .
<br /> action therein as it deems advisable,and for any ar�d efl of such purposes�eneficiary shall haue ti�right to � .:_..;.:: , .V
<br /> • advanca such sums af money as it deem5 necessary or appropriate. The decisian of Beneficiary vlith � ..,�,.,M.- �
<br /> respect to the legatity,vaGdity and priority of any such claim, 6en, encum6rancs,tax, assessment and � _
<br /> , 't:.::=r�
<br /> premium,and the amount necessary to 6e paid in satisfaction thereof shafl be finsl. Notrvithstanding ...,_�,r.,,_,
<br /> � anything contained herein to the contrary,Benefir.iary shall not 6a o6figa4ed or umier any duty to aduance . '��'�.�-
<br /> � any money for any purpose�uhatsoener mantioned in this Deed of Trusi. If Trustor fails to pe�form any of '�°•"`;' ,°. "�
<br /> the covenants and agreemants corttafined in this Deed nf Trust,or if any aation ar procesd'mg is commenced , ; •�`:4`���
<br /> which daes or may adYersety affast the T�ust P�operty or the interest of Tn�star or Benefisiary therein or ,. � . °---a
<br /> � �. n�,,, .
<br /> the title of Trustor thereto,then Beneficiary,at its option,may perform such coYenants at�d agreements, ��'� �;•��-
<br /> .. . .�_ __.;. r
<br /> make such appearances, dafend against and inuestigate such actias�or proceed�ng and take such other � . .. _�;�.,;.�,.:,�-
<br /> r action as Benahciary deems neces���y to proteet its interest inclu�ng,b�t not Gmited to,di�6ursemar+t of ''—
<br /> reasonahle attomey feas and entry upon the Trust Property to make repairs. Any emounts disbursed by ���:
<br /> Benaficiary pursuaru8 ta this paragraph 10,with interest thereon,shall constitute Indeb4edness of Trustor " �. _ '� �.: �
<br /> secured by this Dee3 of Trust. Unless Tsustor and Bensficiary agree to other terms of padment,such �. ����` :`��s: �. _
<br /> � amounts shall be payahte upon written demand from Beneficiary to Trustor,and sha(I 6ear interest from � ` '��� � .
<br /> the date of disbursement at the Default Interest Rate,if any,sst forth in the Hote,or a4 the highest rate :
<br /> permitted by law, whichever is lesser, v�hich sums �nd the interest ths��..� shall 6e secured hereby. - � �: -��
<br /> N o t h i n g c o n t a i n e d i n t h i s p a r a gr a�h shall re quire BenefiG a ry tm incur ar,y expense or take any ac4ion . ��'���i `�
<br /> here�d�r. In the euent of thE�assage,aftar the date here�f,of any law,or�nance or other re�ulation .::Y:R : �'��t'
<br /> deduc4mg from the vafue of tfie land for the purpose of texation any 6en thereon or changmg in any way � .��- �. � ,=
<br /> �.,., .. �.;. .
<br /> the laws for the tax�tion of deeds of trust ot debts secured thereby or tha��.;ner of the operatian of any . :.�. :.-. �� ;_._
<br /> • such taxe�,so as to�ffect the interest of Beneficiary under this Deed of Trust,then end in any such event � �� � ' rv��
<br /> ��>
<br /> the Indebtadness shall become immed�ately due and paya6fa unless such law s6aU permit the Trustor to pay �"-
<br /> �.. r written notice firam Benaficia . ����� �—
<br /> such tax and the Trustor shall pay such tax w�tMn thirty(30)days afte ►Y .;�;�;.::.�.�it-
<br /> � r -a�'., _---_ —�
<br /> Tnutor ineuocabty authoraes and empowers Beneficiary to enter upon the Trust Properry a� ��'�`�=_.
<br /> Trustor's agent end,in Trustor's name or otherwise,to perform 8n�9 and ell covenants end agreements Qv _-=, ;�• _`i
<br /> � . 6e performed by T►ustor as here� piovided. Baneficiary aha11, at its optio�, be subro�ated to any "�" '-`-:�-�- ��-
<br /> `i :. n,pArr..":
<br /> �� encumbrence, lien, cla'im or der,�d and to afl rights and securitiss for tlte payment thereof paid or '" � s� • �� ' �T-
<br /> _ �.,.�:��:
<br /> ; discharged 6y Bene�rHary under the provis9on hereof and any such subro�=��rights ahall 6e addi�iona) ��-=�— -
<br /> e�d cumulative se�urity for th'ss Deed o#Trus� _ ��
<br /> �,<� ��'�:-:
<br /> .. . .. .�.. �_
<br /> 1. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or ctaim for damages, direct or : ' � ����'
<br /> � consequential,in conneztion with any conde.�-.�:�ion or other taScing of 4�w trust P�operty, or any ��m �- - �
<br /> ��;' thereof,or for conYeyance in lieu of or in antici;,�tian of candemnatian,are hereby assigned to and sha��e _ � ,
<br /> : paid to Bsnefieiery. TNStor will file end prosecute,in good taith nnd with due diligence,its claim for as�y .. .�, , .� ,
<br /> . surfi award or payment,and wi11 cause the same to be collected and pald to Beneficiary,and,should it fail .
<br /> � .; to do so,Trustar irrevocabty authori:es and empowers 8eneficiary,in the nane of T�ustor or othen•risE,ta �
<br /> : file,prosecute,set�:a or compromise any such claim and to collect,receipt f�r and retain the proceeds. tfi ,: .'.
<br /> `� the Trusi Property is abandoned by Truator, or if, after notice by Benefieiary to Trosior that the '
<br /> � . condemnor offers to make�n award or se4tle a claim for damages,Trustor fails to respon�to Beneficiary � � -
<br /> � within thirty(30)days after the date such notice is mailod,Beneficiary is authoriied to callect and apply � � ' . ��
<br /> the proceeds in ths c�anner in�cated herein. If 2��y award or peymant representing such proceeds has been � � � :
<br /> paid into Court and t6erea#ter the Trust P�operty shall have 6een sold by foreclosure of this Dead of Trust, � � � _
<br /> 6ut s�ch forectosure shaH tre prior to the receipt by Benaficiary of any such award or payment,Beneficiary � . • .
<br /> shall ha�tho right to receiue said award or payment to the eztent an�d�ficiency is due on such sale with ; � �
<br /> � interest th¢reun as the Default Interest Rate (as that term is detined in the Hotel, whether or not a ;
<br /> � de�icieney judgment shall have been sought,recovered or deniod and a11 reasflnable attomeys'fees, eosts [ � � �� �
<br /> �
<br /> ,1 and disbursements incurred by Beneficiary in connactinn with the eolleetion of any such avrard or payment. ( .
<br /> The proceeds of any award of claim may, after deducting ell reasonable costs and expenses, including f
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