. . . . . : . .
<br /> � ` , � . . .� . > � , . ,_. . . . . .: � `+�-
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<br /> i . � � , • • -
<br /> ' 97� �.o���s ; . . . . . ,` �==
<br /> ,r
<br /> imanner provided under paragraph 3 hereof or,if the pay�ant of the Funds has 6een waived by B�n�fisiary, :` . � � �°
<br /> by Trustor making paymen4 on or prior to the dne date,directed to the insarance earrier. Benaficiary shall � �__
<br /> � hava the right to hold the policias and►enawals thereof and Tr�stor shall prumptly fumish to Benaficiary all : - � ; r:
<br /> `� �enewa l natice� an d a l l pai d premi u m s r e c e i p t a r e ce i v e d b y T r u s t o r. i n n o e Y e n t s h a 1 9 B e n aficia ry or ;� .
<br /> � Trustea be hetd respnnsibla for failure to pay ias�rance premiums or for any loss or damage arising out of a ; � � _,
<br /> dafect in any po�cy or arising out of any failure of any insurartce company 4o pay foi any loss or damage '
<br /> ; insured againsY o�for feih�re by Trustor ta�ffect ths fin�uance raquired hare�nder. In tha euent of loss, _ : _
<br /> Trustor shall gnre prompt notice by mail to the insurance carrier and Beneficiary. Beneficiary may matce � � , .
<br /> proof of loss if not made promptly or in proper fortn by TNStor. All polic�es of insurance and any snd all . . �
<br /> refunds of unaamed premiums are hereby assigned to Benaficisry as additionat security for the payment of { ; . �. . ; • . •�
<br /> ths tndebtedness. ln the event of Bsneficiary's exerc+se of the power of sete eontamed harein,or in the � , -
<br /> eyent of fo�eclosure,all right,btle and interest of TNStor in end to any msurance poGcy then in Porce sha(I �' . . _ .
<br /> i !'��•1�:-
<br /> �� pass to the purc�aser at the trustee's sa[a or foreclosu�e sala. In case of any loss,the insarance pro�eeds � , . `L ' �
<br /> , may,at the option of Beneftciary, be appfied by Beneficiary upnn tha Indebtednes�,or any part thereof,
<br /> � .. . ..�'...���.��..:�-
<br /> and in such ard�r and amount as Beneficiary may detertnine;or said insurance proceeds may,at the option
<br /> nf��neficiary,either be used in replacing or restocing the Trust Property paraally nr totalty destroyed to a "`� � �-.;
<br /> � condition sa4isfactory to Beneficiary;or said insurance proceeds or any portion thereof may,at the nption ' . , .._
<br /> ,� ._ G_„y.-�
<br /> of Beae�ciary,t2►eleased to Trustor. Unless Beneficiary and Trustor otheruyise agree in writing,any such
<br /> �. application of c�uranc� Fraceeds shall nnt extend ar po�tpone the dae date of the Nnte, or eny . d: "��'� s �
<br /> -s instaliments calted fo� the��:i, or change the amouM of such installmants. If t�te TNSt Praperty is ` r �. . �.'.;�;,��__
<br /> `'�• acquired 6y Benefiraary pursuant to the oxercise of the power of sale or other foreclosure, all right,tit(a '��''��_ ..
<br /> and interest of Yrustor in and to any insurance proceeds paya6fe as of a resul4 nf damage to the Trust �". �:
<br /> : � ,
<br /> Property prinr to the sale or acqauition sha!!pass to Benaficiary and shall be apptied first to the costs end • � � ���
<br /> . ..-�� ,�_. . '
<br /> e��enses,includin attomey fess,incurred in collectm such proceeds,than in tha manner and in the order � '�� ��` '=--
<br /> g 8 . � �� .;�� _
<br /> �ravi�ed in this Oeed of Trw�¢. �,: ;�'��� ���_
<br /> # , , .� .--
<br />.�� �, Liability Insurenea Untit the Indebi��:�:ss is paid in �u11, Trustor shall � . . . � ;,
<br /> ; maintain com�ra'snsiue gsneral lia6ility insurance issued by in�ura;:cr carriers, and in such form and ,.
<br /> �- �.i,�� �'� .
<br /> � amounts,as is satisfaciory go,and approYed in writing by,Benefici�ry.naming Bene�si�ry and TNStee as �.;� . �,.���. ` ._
<br /> � additional insureds. All pr�niums on such insu�anee paliey as pnliaes shall b�paid by Trustor making � � .. �'
<br /> ��.:. ." '�� -
<br /> payment on or before the due date directly to the insurance carrier. :��,�.�• ,�. �,.
<br /> ,. ,� —� _
<br /> �, Pra�er�ation and Maintena�� of Trust Property. Trustor ahall not � _
<br /> , tantiaU or st�ucturall dter an 6m7diag,improvement or parkiag facili t y or space "�� ��T�F�
<br /> remove,demo6sh or subs y Y Y
<br /> � now or herea�t•�r situoted upon the Trust Proparty. Trustor shall�a;�h�r commit nor suff�r any waste on � .. r�� � �-�
<br /> the Trust Pre��rt�t and ahail keep all 6uildings,improvements, app�.�C�ances, �ixtures,parking faciGties � -���"�� '°'
<br />. .� and spaces end ather prc�..rty now or hereafter situated thereon in snund can�an snd in good and �;",.,�;�,_ �. ir�°
<br /> ,.;:;�.?,.t�
<br /> substantial repair an�shz�nut take or pemat eny action wfaereby the Trust Property shall 6ecame less � .�.w .,"^���
<br /> vatuable. No f�,ues sha(I 6e removed unfess�eptaced wit(�othar faa�,.-res with a vatue at teast e:��J8)t0 � �f�`r�$� �"''— -,
<br /> " ���;���:--
<br /> that removed a��f�ee from any titte retentian or sacuri4y agreamer�a c�ather encumbrances;nor s�'�all any . -.. ,�--.
<br /> capitel improvements 6e mad0 upon the Trust Propnrty r��thout tha prior written consent of Beneficiary in . � �"�':'y
<br /> each such event,which cnnsent shall nut be unreasonaL;,�withheld. Trustor shall comply at a[1 times with '� �"�'��� ,�� :�
<br /> all federal and state taws,a11 municipat ordinances and afl rules and regufations of any goYemmerttal entity � ��''::
<br /> : ��-
<br /> having jurisdietion oYer the Trust Property. , . . •
<br /> �, f�spec4ion. Benefidary or its agents may,at a0 re�sor.��te times,enter upon `�� �
<br /> the TNSt Proaerty for the��rpose of inspection. Benefieiary shall have no duty to make such inspaction � �_ � - �_
<br /> and sha11 not��able to Trustor or to eny person in possession of the Ttist Propeny if it makes�:�ai(s to � � �
<br /> make any s.u:�inspectian. If,at any time after default,the managemenY or maintertance of tl:a Trust .
<br /> Proparty shall be detertnirsd by Beneficiary to be unsetisfactory, Beneficiary shall have the right to 11) � , .
<br /> employ for tha duratian of sush defaalt eroy person ftom time to time designated by the Beneficiary as . � ��-
<br /> managing a�en3 of tt�e Trust Propeny or(2)apply to a court hayinp jurisdiction thereof for the appointment . � �"
<br /> of a receiver for the Trust Property. Trustor hareby expressly covenants aad agrees that the court ahall " -- �--
<br /> � forthwith appoint such receiuer v�ith the usual povrers and duties of receiuers and said right to hava a --
<br /> receiuer appointe�shall be without reference to the adequecy of the value of the Trust Property or to the � . . —�
<br /> solvency or insolueney of the Trustor or any pa�y defendant to the suit. Trustor hereby expressfy e�oives . t_:�
<br /> iis rig�4 90 o5ject to the appnintment af a :ac€iva�and h�ra�y sxpr°..asl�co:�sents thai sLCh ap�e'sntmpni ' � . �.
<br /> Ishall be a matter of absolute right to Benefieiary. Nothing herein sha11 be deemed 4o cause the Beneficiary � � `
<br /> � to ba a mnrtgagee in possession. �--
<br /> i � '
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