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<br /> a�Z��c LOANN0.3724858041 - 75 `
<br /> ��L� 1 O •
<br /> of an award S'r�clai�for dwnsges,ditect or consequeaitial.Ifl COnIIeC110A WiHl r'a
<br /> 10. CO�OD.T�O Qfo00�8 }r ' �
<br /> any caademnatian or other ta1ting of aay p�rt of tha�cOpeity.or for canveyance ia lieu of condemnatian,are hereby '
<br /> assignod and shs11 ba paid to I.e�det. -
<br /> Ia the eveut of a total tilring of the Property,the Pmceeda s1�11 be�Phed W the sums secw�d by this Seciuity . , �
<br /> Instrnm�t,uhet�or t�6�due,with any aacesa paid to Borrower. In tha eveaY of a pattial telting of the Property in .
<br /> which the fair maricet value of the Property imm.edisLelY before tta.�,teta�g ia equ�l to or gr�ster thr�n the amount of the =_
<br /> sua�.s sacured by this Sactuity i� „�,t immediately before the mlring,umless Bortower and L.�der otherwise agree in , .. ,
<br /> writing. the enms sacured by this Security Instrumeat sl�all be raduced by the am�ount of the pmceeds multiplied by th$ ; .`
<br /> followjng fraction:(c)the 4otal amUnnt of the s�ms secured immediately before tha talcing.divided by(b)the fair market i ' •
<br /> value of the Pmpeaty imr�dintely befose the tr?�ng. Any balaace shaU ba paid W Borrower.In the eveat of a partial I -
<br /> taking of tLe Pmperty in which the fair marlset value of the Fm�ty immediat�ly lsefore tha talring is l�ess than the ; . , , _
<br /> amount of t6e sums sec�ured immediately befose the talcing,unless Borrower and I.eader otheiwise ag�e in writing or ,
<br /> unless s�plicabte law otherwisa pmvides,the Proceads sbaU be applied to the snms secured by this Security i. .
<br /> Instiumeat whether or aot the su�os are t�d�. � .•. ',�':'.-�
<br /> ,___.--�i+rb,.,,,��
<br /> If t�s Pmpesty is ahan�oued by Borrower.or if,after notice by I�ender to Borrower ths�t the coademm�or offets to . ' •- :; .—
<br /> m�lce an award or seule a claim for d�ma�es.�ormwer fa�s W respond to L.ender within 30 days after the date the . . :.__
<br /> notice is givea.I.ender is a u t h o r i 7 e d to co ll e c t�n d app l y t h e p m c e e d s,at ita o ption,either to restoration or mpair of W� � . .� z�'�
<br /> p�OPe�tY or to tha sums sec,v:ed by thia Security Inshvmeut,w h e t h e t os no t 4 h e a due. . .�,���,_-'�
<br /> su:. �.'
<br /> Unlesa I.e�ader md Borrower otherwiss ag�e in writing.aaY BPP�oa of pracoeade W principal shpll not exteud or .:•,,.,•. ..'��`'
<br /> • postpone tha dne date of the maathlY paYmeats referred w in par�aphs 1 and 2 or change the a�rount of such ,. '',;,
<br /> . PaY�� r'� �. � .' •:- �•� ';:`�
<br /> �... -. . �. -
<br /> 11.gurrow¢3r Not Rele�sed,Fu�B9��'xot a Waiver.Ext�-�s�n of the time for paymeut or - =
<br /> madi6c�tion of nmort�tian of t$e sumg secured by this Security Inst�ument Sr�l by I.ender w any successor in ; , •
<br /> .,`{,��'_
<br /> .. intecest of Bo:rower shall not opetate to ielease the liability of t�cr�ginal�ommti�er or Eorm�ver's successots in f ' '_ , —
<br /> intetest.Lender shaU not be requited to commenca psoceedings a„-�aiast any successor ia interest or refuse W extend ,�." .
<br /> time foY pt�yn�t or otherwise modify amofi7ation of the sums sec�sed by tbis Secatticy Instrument by reason of aay ; : .
<br /> .,�.
<br /> demand made by tha original Borrower os Bomower's successois in intemst.Any forbearauce by Leader in eaercising i .�. •`; ! . �•�_
<br /> • su y ri g h t o r:a m e d y shall nnt be s waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedY• : ,,�. � ,�: .. .:,,:
<br /> 'r Tha covenants and agreements of ' � 't � �
<br /> � I Z.S�woesso�s and AsstBr�s Bo�md;Jo�t and Sevpra►LiaR�uly;Co-siSne�. . �', _,
<br /> 1 this Security Instrumeut shall bind aad beaefit the successors aas3 sss�g!ns of Lendes aud Borrower,subject to We ���.,, • ,
<br /> � provisions of parngrap!►17.Borrower's coven�uts nnd agreemeaes shaU be jaint aad several. Any Borcower who �: � :� .' �e;`-.
<br /> co-signs thia Seataty InsUument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Inst�ume°t only to ' �'�� -
<br /> . mostgage,grant and canvay that Botrower's interesi ba the Property ander ttte t�ms of this Security Instrument;(b)is
<br /> ,, *, ;� ,
<br /> .: �ot peisonally obligated to pay tha sums sectued by tsis Sscurity Instrumeear asd fc)agrees that Lender and aay other "` �`�E �f�.
<br /> ru a ��f
<br />� . ' a to extend,modify,forbeas or make any accommodasions wis�cegard co she cerms of Wis Securicy ���. c' �
<br /> . Hortower may �e • �-
<br /> . Tnst�meci or the Note without th�t Borcower's conse�� -�-�----- • "^- �r� •
<br /> .� 13.I.oen C6�'Beg.If tha loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which seis rnaximum loaa ' • ,'���i�.�
<br /> cluuges.and that law is finally intetpreted co tbat the in�or other toau ohu8es coll�or to be coUected in
<br /> connection with the toan excced the permitted limits.then:(a)aay such losn chari3e shall ba reduced by the amouat
<br /> . neoessary W reduce tha c6atge to the permitted limit;and N)aaY sums already co:lected from Bosrower whic6 .:• p,�,C. �' I° :
<br /> exceed.,°d permitted limits will be refimded W Eo�rower.Yxader may chooss to make thia refured by reducing the • . .��: ��
<br /> � principsl owed uader the Nots or by m�lcin�a direct paymeat w Borrawet.If a refiuid reduces principal.the reduction . . ,,,;�;,,..•,__�.,
<br /> ' will be treated as a putiW P�3�Y�t without aaY P�Y�t c1�Se under the Note. � '��...�,�-
<br /> 1 4.N o t l o e s.A n y n o t ice w Borro�'er providad for ia tbia SecuritY Ins�ument shall be given by deliveting it or by �
<br /> > �;�_ —_
<br /> mailing it by fuat class mail unless applicable law seqnires use of tnother method.'iha notice s h a l l b e direc t s d w t h e '.�:�---r.C.
<br /> . property Add�ss or any othes addres�Borrower designatea by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender sball be given by � . :: :..�� -
<br /> S9
<br /> first class mail to LeaBer's address str�ted herein or any other uddress Lender designates by notics to Borrower.Any :
<br /> �.. notice provided far in thia Seauity Inshument shall be daemed to have been given w Borrower or Lender when givea : .�.:.,r . �,.::"
<br /> ns p:ovr d e d in t h i s Q a rn g r a ph• � —
<br /> 15.Gov�I.�w;Sev�ab�ity.Thia Secu�ety Instmment shall be govemed by fede�al lnw aad tho law of the . .. ',,y.. .
<br /> jurisdiction in which tha Property ia located.In the event th�t any provisioa or claues of tbia Security Instntment or tha ' .. . .—.
<br /> ' Note conflicts with applicabla lsw.sucb conflict sball not affect other provisions of this Security Insbument or the Note • -
<br /> , Wb1CI1 C7a��VC�8ff8Ct W1t�10llt f�lGi COD�I1Cting pfOY18fOD.To tlus end the provisions of Wis Security Instrument aad the . � � �-_.
<br /> Nota ata declared W ba sevetable. , . �
<br /> 16. Boemwdr'a Copy. Borrower shall be given one canformed copy of the�lote and of this Security Instrumen� ' ' ; �--
<br /> . 17. TrAttsfei oP the Froperty or st Ber3efici�l Interest in Borrow�r. If all or any patt of the Property ot any interest . . .
<br /> ' in it ia so2d or tranafeired(or if a be��ficial interest in Boaower ia sold or transferred aad Borrower ia not a natutal f . . .
<br /> person)wit�out Lender's prior wric e�cmnsent,Leader msy,at its option,require immedinte payment in fiill of all sums . .
<br /> � �by thia Security Inshnmen� However.this option shall not be axercised by Lender if eaercisa is prohibited by 4
<br /> , . fedetal law as of the�of this Security Instr�meat. • -
<br /> ; �. . �:•:.;.
<br /> N;�gA-S�VGLE FAl�9LY-F1VMAl�tildHC UN[FORM INSTftITN�NT FORM 3038 9l90 ; . .
<br /> IS�/ClvlD�R1F!!(Yt91f302•%t�-�-L PAOB 40F 6 �f . _
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