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<br /> � �#11 insurance policies nnd renewala shall 6e ecceptable to Le�der and s�all inclade a standard mortgage clause. _
<br /> t I.eader shall hnve the right w hold the policies tQd renewtils.If Leuder requiies,Borrower shall pr�mpdy give to I.�nder � , .;�
<br /> . : all ceceipts of paid premiums and renewal uotices.Ia tha eveat of los9,Eorrowet sball giva prompt notice to Wo ' • �
<br /> inRUnnae c�rrier and Le�der.Lender may malce proof of losa if aot mzde promFily by Bocrower. • ,
<br /> � Uu2ess I.�er artd Bormwer otheswise agtea in writing,insutance ptnceads shall be appHied to restoratioa or repair ` , -
<br /> of the Property damaged,if the m�Wration or tepair is xoaomis�lly feasy�le ead Lemder's secwity is not lessened. IB the
<br /> resior�tion or nepair is no9 ocono?►i:ix5[y t�sible or d.eader's security would be lesseued.the inc�.A�ce pmce�a shnll � _.
<br /> .j be applied to the sums�b}r thia Security Instrumeut,wheiher ot noi then dus,wit6 eny eacess paid to BorrowEr. • ,` ��,
<br /> �j If Borrower abaadona the Property.07 dcee IIot a�swat w�itbin 30 days$not[oe from Le�deT�hat the inanrer�ce Ct3iriei �• .
<br />, ;� has offerP.d to settle a claim,thea LPnder mzy oolleet the inc�t.9*+ce proceects.Leader may use the pmceeds to repair .. . .
<br /> or restore the Property or tn psy su�s secured by this Sea�rity Instrurneut,whether or nut the�due.The 30-day period .;:*..
<br /> vvill begin wh�the notice is given. ` �-
<br /> Unless Le�d$r aud Basmwer othe:wise agtee in weitin8•�Y aPP��on of proceeds to principal shall not eataad or • _
<br /> postpone the dus date of the manthly payQSruts ieferted to in paiagru�hs 18ad 2 or changa t�e amount of the �
<br /> PaY�ta. If uader p�aph 21 tha Properiy ie aoquired by I.eader,Borrower's right to any insuranca policies cnd . :_
<br /> psoceeds resulting fmm damaga w ohe Property prior to the aoquisition shall pass w Leader to the extent of the sums —
<br /> sacvied by this Security Inst�umeat immediately prior w tha acquisition. � . • " _
<br /> � 6.Oocvpanc�,Pireservation,Mainb�oar�ce and Prot�ectioa of the Pto�rly;Borrower's I.oan Applit�atian; . _ '
<br /> L.eageholtls.Bosrower sl�ll occupy,es�blis6,aad use the Prope�ty as Bomnwer's principal residence within siuty days . r' "
<br /> . � aRet the exeauion of fhis Security Inst�ument aad shall continue W occupy the Properiy as Borrower's principal ` ` �-
<br /> � res��nce for at least one year after t6e date of axupaacy,�less Lender othetwise agrees in writing,wlric6 consea►t � � :�
<br /> � shall not be imzeas�onably withheld,o:�mless exteava6ng r..=cumistauces exist avhicb ara beyoad Bormwer's coatrol. �--
<br /> ' Boaowet sbal!no4 destroy,dam�ge or impair�e Amperty,allow the Propeity w detEriorate,or oommit waste oa the . ' � , � , '�=��
<br /> Property.Boirower shall be in defeult if aay forfeiture action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in y `'� i
<br /> �, � Leader's good faith judgment coul�result in farfeiwse of We Property or othecwise materiaUy impair the 6en created by �
<br /> this Security Instrument or Lendet's security interes�Botrowea may ciue sacb a default aad reinswte,as provided in � ° ` .'��-�
<br /> pa�graph 18,by causing the actiaa or paoceeding w be dismissed with a ruliag that,in Lendet's goad fsith � • : .,:�;``_ =__
<br /> determin�tion,prec l u d e a f o r feidue o f t he B orrower's inte r e a t in t ha P r ope r t y or o t her m a t e ri a l impair�en t o f t he lie� � ' : " �`__"-
<br /> . ca+eated by thia Security Instrament or L�eader's security interest.Borrower shaU also ba in default if Borrower,during the j -. .~ y'-
<br /> � loan applicatioa p:oce�s,gave�teriaUy faLse or inacc�rata informaEion or smtemeats W E.eader(or failed to provide � • .� � �� _.�
<br /> � Lxadet with any mute�ial infiormation)in oonnection with the loan evideuced by the Note,including,but not limited to� � : ,
<br /> rep�tians conceming Borcower's accnpancy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security lnstrmneast ia � . _
<br /> . aa a teasthotd,Borrower ahaU oomply wiW all d►e provisioas of the lease. If Borrowes acquires fee title W the Proprrlty, . .�:�,y�;:':�"-:
<br /> � c�:t�ehold and the fee aue sh�11 not merge unle�i.ead..�r ngrees co We merger in wriang. �r � � � ■' `
<br /> : 7.Avtec�ion oP I.end�'s Rights in the P�ope�ty.If Bomower fails to perform the covenants and agreements • •.L `�" ,
<br /> cont�in�in this Saauity In�umea�.or the�e is a tegal ps�nc�di�g that may significan�y affect Lende�'s righta in 4he "�-,:•�;. '�[•..
<br /> � Faopesty(soch a�s proeeeding in bank:uptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or w eaforee laws or : ` � ''.j �.
<br /> - te�,,n�tions),theu I.eader may da aad p�y for wl�ataver is necessary w protect the vala�of the Prope»y and Leader's _ : `�� �
<br /> rig5�in the Pcoperiy.Lender's actions may include PAY�B any sums s a c u r e d by a l ien whic6 h a s priority over this 6:-,,. ,.,i '�:'�
<br /> ' Security Insttumeat,�Dea*in8 in court.PaYinB reasonable attomays'fee,s and e�tering on the Property to make ��--
<br /> ,,.� . , � . �_ _� ,`
<br /> : repaira.Alehwigh Irader may tulce action under tLis paragraph 7,Leader dces noi have to do so. ,� .�=
<br /> Any a�uuts dis6ursed by Lender undar this paragr�pb 7 ehall become additional debt of Borrower secuted by �•` .• —
<br /> { ttsis Secwity Inshumen�Un�esv Bosawer sad I.eader Agcea to other tecros of paymeat,these amounte shaU heu •
<br /> inS�esY from tha date of disMusemeat ai the Nota nta and shall be payable,wiW intarest,upon notice from Lender iv ;�. , "'�-
<br /> Bamswer re4uestin8 P+Ymw� ' � . '-�,`.r'•"'°.:.��•,
<br /> .� � S.Mort�ge pa4trr8r�e.1f Leader roquired mortgaga insuraace as a conditioa of making the loaa secured by thia ' , ...� �;,x;.,Y,� ..
<br /> Security Iast�umeat.Boaowier shall p�y tha premium9 ra�wrad w maintain the mo�tgage inau�aace in ef�'ect.If.for aay . - - —
<br /> . re�son.tha moitgage insuraace oovera�e raquired by Lender lapses or aases w be in eff�t,Borrower shalD pay tha .. . . •�''.,*.- � • �.
<br /> . � prr,miume nequined to obtain oovemYe substaatisUy aquivalent W the mortgage in.guiaace previously in affect.at a cost .. .,� ,�_-'�•
<br /> subst�ntially equivateat w We cost ta Borrower of eha mortgage insvmace previously in effect,fmm nn altern�te •° �:. y_
<br /> na
<br /> � mort��e insurer appmved by Leader.If eubstaati�Uy equiv�leait mortgage ins�uraace cover+�ga is not avsulable, •�. .
<br /> Bormwer shall pay to Leader eacb monW a sum eqt�l to one-twelRh of the yearly mortgage insurance premium bein8 , � -
<br /> paid by Borrowar whaa tice insuraace coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect.Lender wiU�ccept.use and retain Wese . . �I---
<br /> paym�ta ae a loea rr�erve in lieu of mortgaga insurance.Loss reserva Qayaieate may no longer ba rec�uired.a4 the � •� ., .
<br /> . ophon of L,ender,if mortga�e insuiance coveisga(in the amount aad for the periods that Lender requuea)pmvided my � . ' . �
<br /> an insuner approved by I.e�der ogaia beconoea available aad is oMained. Borrower s6all psy the premiums requirer3¢a . ' . .
<br /> m�intain mmt�age ins�u�ace iu affect,or w provida a loss reserve.until tha requiremeat for mortgage insurance ends . . • - ..
<br /> . in�ocotdaace wiW any writteo sgreemeat betweea Borrower aad L,�ler or npplicable luw. � . .�
<br /> 9. Inspection. I�eader or ita syeat may molce reasonabie entries upon and inspectiona of the Pwperty. Lender
<br /> shall�ive Barrower aotioe at the time of or prior w aa inspaction spocifying m,asoaabla cause for tha ins7eaction.
<br /> . c :► . .
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