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. . �,.. <br /> . . , ;:� <br /> . � - <br /> i , <br /> i ' ` �. <br /> � �9r �1�,p ry�c LOAN NO.3 7 2 4 8 5 B 0 4 1 - 7 5 ; <br /> r iL JL 0 �7 � r <br /> � If Leader eae�ises tLis option.Leader shall give Somawer notise of accelcvatioa.The notice shall provide a period ;, <br /> � of nos less than 30 days from the date the notice is�lelivered or�ailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured ' ? <br /> j by this SeGUity Instrvment If Borrower fails to pay these bvms Qrior to tfie expiration of Wis period,Lx,ader may invoke � . <br /> ; aay cemedies permitted by this Sectuity t„�c*+�.�,*,t without furthet notice or demaud on Borrower. � <br /> ' 18.6orrower's Right to Iteitt�ffite.lf Borrower meets certain coaditioas,Bormwer shall have the right to bave � ' • <br /> j enfot+cement of this Security lnstrument discoatinued�t aay tbme prior W the earlier of:(a)5 days(or such otlter penod <br /> as aFplicable!aw m�y speeify for reiastateme�t)before s�ile of the Pmperty pursnant to any prnver of sale coptained in � � ; <br /> this Se�tuicy 1ns � PTt;or(b)eutrY of a jud�me�at eafotsing this 5ecurity Instiument.Those conditions are that , <br /> Borrower:(s�)pays Lender ell snms wluch thea would be due under tbis Security Instmment and tbe Note as if no <br /> accelerutian had occurred;(b)cures any default of any othtr covenaats or ag�ee�eats;(c)pays all expenses incurred <br /> in enforcing tlus Secwity Inshument,includiag,6ut not limited to.ressos�bSe atmmeys'fees:and(d)wkes such action <br /> as Le�der may reasonably require to assure that the lic,n of dris Security Instru�eat, Leader's rights ia the Property sud . . • y . <br /> Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secwed by chis Security Insmunent shall continue auchaaged. Upon . , . <br /> reinstatement by Horrower.tlus Security Instrument and the obligations secw�ed hereby shsll rema�a fuUy effective as if . � ° - <br /> no acceleratioa had accuned.However.this right to reinstate sha]I not apply in the case of acceleratioa under <br /> paragtaph 17. � �'-�^"�. <br /> 19.S�le of Note;Change of I.uan S�veoes.'Ihe Nota or a partial intesest iu tLe Note(together with this Security - <br /> Instrua�ent)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may resvlt in a chnnge in the eatity . .. : ` <br /> (lanown as the'Loan Servicer')that collects monthlY PaYmeata dua under the Nota n��this Security Inshument T'here � , • <br /> also may be oae or mote chnnges of the Loan Se:vicYr unielated m a s�ale of We Note.If there is a change of We Loan ' <br /> ' Senricer,Borrowee will be given wriuen notice of the change in accor�lance with pazagraPh l4 above and applicabla law. • � ' , f� <br /> Ttte norice will state the name and address of the new Loaa Servicer and the address to which paymeats should 6e � ' � �� <br /> made. 'I�e notice wiU also contain any other information required bY aPPlicable law. , < .�_ ',`,V:. - <br /> Z0.Ha�rdous Su6stanc.�s.Borrower shaU not csuse or pecmis We p:esence,use.disposal,storage,or release of - <br /> �� any HaTardous Substaaces on or in the Property.Boirower s}�ll not do,aar allow anyone else to do,aaything affecting � -_:�.� ,.�� <br /> �� the Propeity that is in vivlatioa of any Environmental prereding two seatences shell not apply to the preseace. � , '. ; �t <br /> . use.or storage on the Property of smaU yuantities of Haurdnus 3ubstances Wat are generally recogn'ved to be ; ;t--�����? <br /> , qu n <br /> ' ' BPProPriate to normal resideatial uses and to mainteaaace of We Property. i . •s:�` ' ; <br /> �j Bomnwer shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand,ISWSL:iQ Of OUIC!SC110A b}I ,• 't� � <br /> � • � '. . <br /> � any govetnmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Harardous Substance ar • <br /> � � Environmental Iaw of which Borrower has actual lmowledge.If Borcower learas,or is noti6ed by a:�y governmeatal or � � ' �{ �. <br /> regulatory authflrity,that any rcmoval or other remediation of any Ha7ardous Substance affecting th�Property is � <br /> ` Borsower shall ro d teYe all aecessary r e m e di a l actions in acco r d a nce wi t h E avirnnmen t a l L aw. � �„��'•- �,. <br /> ; necessary, P mP Y � • � i. <br /> ' qs used in tbis parag�aph Z0, 'Hazardous Substances'are Wose substances defined as toxic or hauudous ( ' ;..� � <br /> sabstaacesby Environmental I�w aad the following substances:gesolina.kemseue,ot'her fla�mable or toxic � , t� <br /> pelro2eum products,toxic pesticides and herbscides.vola�e solveats.materials ooata�ing asbestos or formaldehyde, i . . i :��.'�,;c <br /> and ssidioactive materials.As used in this pru�graph Z0, 'Environme�tal I�w'means fedet�l laws and laws of the � . <br /> �_ juiisdiction whece the Property is located that relate to hea9th,safety or environmental pmtectioa. �' � . � <br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COYENANTS.Borrower aad L.ender fiuther covenant and agree as foUows: ��� �.„�� ��" <br /> `''�.:,�.,�- <br /> � 21.Acceleation;Remedies:I.�der shs�1U give nmtioe to Borrower prior to acieleration foltoiving Ban�awer's .., ...;..�,. <br /> bread�of stny wv�ut or sgreement in tmis Secauity Instrument(but aot prior So stcceleration under paragrapfi ' +,.�. <br /> ' 17 unless appl�cable law provides otLeiwise).The aotice s1�ll spec�Py:(a)the default;(b)the action require�to •. '' `�' ' := <br /> c�u�e the deFau4h(c)a date,aot lesg than 30 days frorn the date We notice is given to Borrower,by w1uc6 the . ��� <br /> • default m�st be cinsd;and(�tLat fail�u�e to c�u+e t6e defaWt on or before the dstte specified ia the notice mey . ... . <br /> � Q+esWt in sooelaation of the swav seiaired by thts Security In�hn�meat and sale of the FropeTty.The notice shall � . <br /> ri4 1II1 <br /> f�tha'infoim Bormwa of the right to reinsfate aftar aoceleration and the right t�o bring a court action to assert . .•��_.-: <br /> � the non�stteace of a dePaWt or any other drfa�se of ta'aa�+nwer to�caeleration ac��sale.IB the default is not . -j--,:T-•:. <br />. . cured on or 6etore the date sped�ie�in tLe notice,I.�der at its option awy require immediate payment in fufl of . . : <br /> � all su�ns se�red by tbiv Sec�uity Insh�mv�t wethout furt6er d�nd and may u►volce t6e power of sale and an� . • . <br /> � other r�edies pesmitted by appGc�ble law.Lender sf�ll be entiUed to oo]!e�all expenses inaurred in pursuing . -�"�:. . <br /> . ,.... <br /> the Q+ane�'ies provided'm thig paragra�h 21,iacinding,but uot limited to,reasonable attoraeys'fees and oastv of , `'�','� <br /> �t�e evide�oG . ' . <br /> If tl�e pow�r oi sWe is involced,Trustee shall reoor�9 a notice of defadt iu each coun4�in wtucL any part of . <br /> � the Property iv l�ocatPd and shall mail oopic9 of sw�h ootice in tt�e manner prescribed by appDicable law to � • • <br /> � Bon+awer and to tLe ott�r personv Pres�bed by appllcable 1aw. After We time neqidred bY�PPlicable Inw, ' . • <br /> � , Tnuta sh9ll gire pu6lic notice oF s�e to fhe p�soas and in the manoer pr�cnibed by stpplicable law. Trustee, . <br /> wit6out d�aad oa�on+uwer,sh�ill adl the Yropertq ai public sudion to the higisest bidder at t6e time and pluce __. <br /> ; and�md�the terms deqgrwted in t6e mHce of sale in oae or more parcels unr�in any order T�ustce detaa�nncs. , . <br /> TrLLStee may postpone sale oi all or any Panel of the A+operty by public aano�wem�t at the ti�ne and plsre of � ' . <br /> any previou5ly sc6eduled s�1e. I.�der or its designee may punhase the Property at aay sala • � <br /> Vpon rea�pt ot paym�t o!t�price bid,Trustce sball deliver to the purchas�x Trustee's deed conveying the . <br /> pa,upeiy. T6e redtWs in the Trustee's deed shall be prima Pade evldeace oP the truth of t6e statements made <br /> therean. Trustee st�ID apply the prooeeds o4 the sale in the Pollowing order:(a)W all costs and expeases of <br /> . . .� ; . <br /> �� NEDRASKMSDVGLE YAAQLY-FNMA/�fILMC UNiFORM INSTRUN�IIT FORM 3028 9/90 ! <br /> ISClCNID7'NH/l0491/3028(9-90}L PAaB S OFb ` <br /> - .,�f _ _i-`-= <br />. --,., � . . •. �;.� . .. • ', • . . •.� .' .•` . - . � ' . . , ' , . . . ,, ' . . , . � . . . ' . . <br /> . � ' _ '. . _ . � _ . . .� ' , �s!' _ . �' . � , . - - �' , . . , �. ' , .. �S <br /> ���� . . �.. .. ... . _. . . , . . . _ . . . . . . , . . � , � . . _ � _, � . .. � - . . '� �... .. � . . . . .. <br />