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<br /> I C'1t
<br /> �7°=' �Gi��� LOAN Nb.3 7 2 4 8 5 8 0 41 •T S � ` . Y
<br /> 1 �
<br /> THIS SECURTfY 1NSR'RUMBNT combincs umifo�ooveaaata for aatioeal ase aad nan-uniform covenants with y ;
<br /> timited variationa by jwisdidiaa to constitute a uniform secucity;� �err��4 covering real property �
<br /> ; ._�...
<br /> UNIFORM COVSNANTS.Boirowet and Leader cavaaaut aad aytee as foAows: y whe�due i =.,..
<br /> 1.Ytiym�t��ia�ri�ll�I�t2�t;Pe�ai+��4 8nd I.ate C�rge9.Barrower shall pmmptl paY
<br /> u'�e ptiacipal af aad�atetess on the debi evuleut�by the Note and anY PrePsY�t antl late charges due under the 4 - - �r;
<br /> r
<br /> NOtB. � .
<br /> 2.�undg tor T�[es And Insurarioe.SubJact w applicable law or to a writtexi waiver by Lender,Borrower shall pay : '. .
<br /> to Ixnder on tha dsy montblY WY��are due under the Nate.until the Note is paid ia full,a sum('Funds')for:(� ' . _-
<br /> yearly taxes aud ar,�smeats which may att�in priority over this Sec�uity Instrumeat as a H�on the Propesty:N)Y Y ,
<br /> le�sehold p�y�ts or ground r�ts aa the Property.if auy;(c)Year1Y bau�*d or prnpeity insurance premiums'(� 4 .
<br /> e earl mo:4 e ins�ace F�'emiums.if eny;aad(�a�►Y ssim9 Payable by .. °�`:
<br /> ' yeuly fiood insu:aace psemiums.if aay:()Y Y S� � t of mo wsurance , � : '�'':
<br /> . � Borrower w I�endez,in s000rdaace with the provisions of�a�p�S.in lieu of the ym� �S�� . . --
<br /> � premiums.Th�sa items are callsd'Escmw Iuma'Le�der msy.at ariy time.oollect a n d hold Funds�aa amount not to .. :: ', ,
<br /> 1 exceed the maximum amount a leadeY for a fedeially related mortBaSe lo�may raquiie for Borrower's escrow account :
<br /> under the fedstsl Rea1 Estate Settlemeat Proced�res Act of 1974 as am�uded from time to time, 12 U.S.C. 260�et :�•��#
<br /> seg.('RESPA').anless aaother law tmat applies to the Funds sets a lesser amouat.If so.Lender may,at a�'►Y tim$.collect ' .. . _ -� ,
<br /> aad hold Funda ia aa►amotmt n°t to eac�eed tha lesser am��m�L.eader m�Y es�m�a d��0�t of Funds due on the i :. _ _�
<br /> basis of cuaeai data aad teasonable estim�tes of expeaditurea of fuwie Escmw Items or oWerwisa in accordance with I' ,,;u;_�rt-
<br /> aPplicab3e law. } '� �.;,
<br /> instrumentali or entity
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution whose depoaits are insured by a fedeial agency, tl'+ � ; : .. , :,�7�
<br /> (inclading Lender,if Ixuder is such aa iostitwion)or m a�ny Federal Ho��Bank.Lender sh�U apply the Funds to �:.�' ''�r t, �°
<br /> , pay tha Bscrow Itema 1.ea�er may noi charge Boisower for holdin aad 1 ' g the Fnads,�,�uy�y�s�e -:-�;�.��-.
<br />• escraw account,or verifying the Esccaw Items,unlesa Lemder pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law ss��=�,--
<br /> `" L�adet maY require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an .�
<br /> permits Ixader w ins�lce such A cbarge.Howevet, unless applicable law ` a ;��
<br /> independent real estate tsx m�orting setvive u�ed by L.�r in connection with this loan,
<br /> provides othervvise.Unless aa agreeme,ut is m�de ot applicable!pw requires interest w be pud,Lemder sh�ll not he �: ; � •: �-�}� `, ,
<br /> . Bomower an intesest ur e�mings on the F�mds.Bocrower anA Lender may ng:ee in writing,however, -,�,;`
<br /> w Y ve W Borrower,without charge.aa annual accounting of the
<br /> . . tt�at�interest�s�all be paid on the Fuads.Le�der shall gi ., T� . ; : .. ,.—
<br /> Funds,shoW+inB credits aud dehits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit w We Funds was made.The ( . �;��'::f ,_,'' �.
<br /> Fiinds are pledged as additional security for aU sums secu�ed by this Security In.strumen , �
<br /> If the Funda ht.�d by Leader exccx�ed die am�ounta permiued to ba held bY aPPlicable law,I.ender shaU account to �.;";`: ' ,
<br /> . r( � �� '�.�''� '. -- _
<br /> Sorrower fot tha eacess Ftmds in accord�ce�t��e°�9u��nts of appGcable law.If the amount of tha Funds held �� � , ^ �
<br /> by Lender at any time is no!s�fficieat to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writiug, �. • ,+�.��,��
<br /> n to m�lce u the deficienc Borrower shall make
<br /> aad,in such case Borrower shall pay w I.�eder We amount neces-s�ry P Y• :'� `;�;f _
<br /> up the deficiency in no more tt�a twelve monthlY PaYme�ts�at Lendet's sola discredon. . ,�
<br />� - UP�P�►Ym�t in fuU of ull sums secuted by this Secunty Insuumen4.Leader shall promptly refund to Borrower any -- . `
<br /> b Lender.If ander graph 21,Lender shsll acqu'sre or sell the Property,Lender,pnor w the soquis�tioa . �� _ __��
<br /> :, Y � '' .
<br /> or sale of the Property.shs11 aPP�y any Funda heW by I.$nder st the ame of acquisiaon or sale as a credit ugainsc�ha ��_
<br /> sums secuted hy thia Secu:ity Inst�umeu� ' ' :.~�
<br /> • 3.A o[P�ymeats.Udess applicabte law provides otherwise.all PsYments teceived by Ipader under ",. .� ;.o•:
<br /> � pu�gra�hsp 1�2 shall be applied:first.W anY P�Y�nt ch�rges due uncter the Note;second.to amo�mts ps�yable . . � ''�?'','
<br /> � �er paragrapb 2;third,to interest due;fourth.to principa�due:and last.to a°Y lste�h�r8es due under tha Note. . _..
<br /> �..�.Sr:-. •.
<br /> aU taaes.assessmeats.char8es.fiaes aud impasitione ariributabie to the ,�,.•'c,._.,.,.
<br /> ' 4.C�B�;�Bormwer e�ll paY ts or und rents,if aa .'
<br /> property whicb may astain priority over this Security Insdumeat,aad leasehold paymea. 8m Y• ; .�'., o
<br /> Bormwer shaU psy thesa obl�IIations in the maaner providad in paiagrnph 2.or�f not pud ia thut mwner.Borrower shall . -:
<br /> pay them on time directly w the person owed paymea�Botrower sha11 promptly fiunish w I.ender aU notices of . =.•.�y,,,�-_
<br /> amouats w ba paid under t�is patagraph.If Bortower malces these ps�yme�ts direcHY+Borrower sl�ll pmmptiy fumish to ? ,.
<br /> . ; I.ender rec:eipts evidcacing the paymeats. : . :':_ . :
<br /> ,_ .e�^-+'`
<br /> Botrower ebaU pmmptly dischuge aay lien which has priority over this Security Instcumeat unless Borrower:(a) . . ..�.,..��
<br /> agree,v in wanlamg to tha psymeat af tho obli�Ation secuted by the lien in a mannar acceptabla to Leadet:(b)contests in .. . • . . „`_
<br /> good faith t�e liea by,or defeads againss eaforcement of the li�in,legal PTace�din8$w�ich in We Le,�der's opinioa - • ._ •'° .. �
<br /> operate w prevmt the eafmsceme,at of the lien.or(c)secuma fro�the holder of the liea an agreement satisfactory co _
<br /> Le�der subordinatin�the l�aa w tbis Security Inswmeat.If Leader determinea that any put of tha Property is subject w . . . �_
<br /> �Gea wbic�msy auain priority over t�is Security Insbumeat,Lender may give Bflrrower a natica ideatifying Wa he�. �,,. , r
<br /> �.- .
<br /> ' Borrower shall eatisfy the hw ot take�ne or mora of the adioas set forth above witbin 10 days of the giviag of aotice. ,
<br /> ts.H�ta or pr,pp�y�yrat�ce,Borrower shall lteep the iffiprovemeuts naw axisting or hereafter erected on the ; . �_
<br /> pmrpee�ty insured sgaiast loss by fire.hazards in�luded within the term'eatended coverage'and amy oWer h�rds, .
<br /> , � iacluding floods ot floodmg.for which leader requires insu�ance.Thia insurvscs shaU be mtintained in the amounts and
<br /> for the periada that Leuder reyuires. Tha ins�uer.ce camer pmviding the insur�nce shall be chosen by Boaower subject .
<br /> W I.eudet's apprnwal whic6 shall not ba unmssoaablY withheld. If Boriower fails to maintain coverage described above,
<br /> I.eader ms�,at Lender's option.obtain covenge to protect Leader's rights in the Property in nccardai►ca with _
<br /> P�S�Ph • .
<br /> � 60AM 3038 9l90 • " «
<br /> � LSGCMD�fNB1/0491/3028(9'9�'1- PAUH 2 OF 6 f ,
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