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' ' . _ . .. V4... . , . • . ^t�' .. i.. . i= .. - . . ._�.—. . .'_._"_.__'�...�aetr._ . . . . ��:.. <br /> `� ___._._ �_..t_.�y._i"'_.. . _ ..._. . ._.. . ... . . . . . . i _ . .. �_ <br /> �� ; � - . . `.f•.. „_- <br /> � � �7-1997 DEED OF�US'�' �. �.ei�.��� Pnge � ? `.�_ <br /> j l.oan D(+��4B�v� (Con#ln�a��8) 9� f : - . � <br /> ! _�L.. <br /> ,I , ' , �- _ <br /> p8it o!fhs IndeDted►wss sea�ed bY��d at 1'nAt (b?e s�sdlk tatt on Tru�tor aN�:e�Tnistor Is authorixed a requlred to deduct Uom <br /> , ppym�rtb an!ta Irt�bLaQrwss sa�urod Dy tfu�s type of Desd ot Trust (c)e tox on tNS type o!Deed ot Tr�t charge�ble aQainst the Lender or , ' . ' ' .��s <br /> . ttp hotdir ot the ka�a:and (d)a fped3c ta�c on aD a any patlan ot the Irt6eb�dr�ss ar on paym3nta at p�inc�al and int�t ma�by ` , i�_ • <br /> Yrustor. ' . - <br /> �NSQ Tu�a. if arry t�c to wldCA Ws sedion appCies ts enact�d suLso4uam to the dats at this�a�d Ot Tn�t thb eve�shaB hava tM ..�- <br />� sarty�ti�ct as an Evust a!Datautt(as d9flnsd Ce!aw),and Lender may mcerdse anY cr aB�t it3 avaitabie remedl�s for an Event o!Detauft as . , _ <br /> ' �Dotonnd daPos�s wit��Qara�h or n sutfk�enrcorDarats s�uery�bond or other�securih satisfactoeY to Lender abava in tho Tuxcs and � � <br /> . -r'7"- <br /> SEC9�ITY AC�1@iT:IFIfCA![qNG STATEiI@iTS. The ta8owiny provistons retatinp to th's�sad ot Tn�st[LS a securih e9reemant are a Dart o4 . . , <br /> tt�Oeed o!Ynist <br /> �� per�son�pro��e�ty.�a°d ender�sPiaD have�of�Upie�8 a a�s�xcea c�N �nae�►u�un�ttor�m c mmer�coae�a.s�a�aed�sroa►u me io ' -- - - - --: <br /> � � � , '-'-- <br /> � $eduity[�re� UAan cequast bY��.Tnrstor sAaii execute finandng 54ataments and fake whataver o41�er actlon is requested Dy Lender E:' . , . . . .' - <br /> tp paRsd and con8nua Len9ei's socte(iy intewst itf the Ren�and Peisonal Propedy- In addrtion to recordi�tiUS Owd of Tnist in th�real , . ` - <br /> . � prapaly rocards.Lendar may.a!arry IIma and withoul(urther authoriration irom Tnstnr.f'i�a exscuted counterDarts,coPles or reDroductions ot , , 3•: - <br /> '�_Y':.:-_ <br /> t3ds DeaO of Ttust as a tinandnp 5'.Bfament Tnist�r shaU reimh�use Lender for ali mq�enses irtcurted in perteCtlnp a continuinp this seeudty . . . � <br /> s <br /> and m�ke��aa�abte to Le�witMn L`uee(3) ays afte►recefPt�written demand homtl.endar. reasonablY conwNent to Trustor end LenQer . . ; �--- <br />� A�dres�es. The rtr�lllng addr�of Trustor(debtor)and Lendar(sec�aad perN� trom whfch InfarmaSon conceming the secudty i�tsrest � �_ <br /> r�! .. i.,�.._ <br /> • ; g¢r�tsd by ttUS Deed af Tntst may be obtalnad(each as required b�ttie Unifam Commerdal Cade).are as stated on tRe fxst page of thLs Dead - , � ;�,y��. <br /> dTtust - <br /> � Ft/Y1lEii ASSURAAICES:ATTQiiNElf-tH-FACT. The foAowing provisions�e'aflrtg to further assurances and atto►naY-irt'-fad are a P�of Ws . , t�: <br /> Oaad MTnaG ,. � _.. <br /> >. 1.; .� <br /> F�r�t Aswr�aa, At nny Bme.and irom Ume to Ume.uPon requsst ot lsnder,Trustor wi0 matca.execute 8nd dWvar.or wtu ea��so b b0 <br /> . t :"�== <br /> mad�.executed ar deFvsed,to Lender or to Lender's d�tgnee.and when �equosted by Lsndsr�cause to bs�ied.recorded.refted.or ,• ;:.,,- <br /> r�rQ� Uw cafe may such Umas and tn such offlc6s and places as Lender may dzem aPP�oD�.ertY and a0 such mortgapas. p „ _- <br /> deeds of b't�►da¢ds,searih asreeme�►ts.8nanciny statemenls.conHnuaUon statemenis.irtstrumenb of fwt�e�r esstaance.certlficates. � � ,':�`y_��.:• <br /> and pthw dpCUmgttffi as may.ln tNe sote opiNon af neoessary or dxJrabfe fn order to effactuate.complete.Perfeal.conttnue.a c . _�.�, __-. <br /> prasatw (a)ttfe otsYQattons of Tru�tor under the Note,lNS Deed of Tnist,and the Retated� (t+D�e�e1��d securiry Interests � '•;.��; <br /> � ��D rHfir ni w r i U r p,Tnator�5ha1�mbwse Le der tnr all 1wst5 andreo�ensesbnctmed n conne��witA tt�e maiterSBreferted ottln . #�� <br /> :•�e'�'"-�" _ <br /> 4ld3 p8ta�raph. • `� <br /> �}�y.{�.Fact. If Tnrstor taAs to do any oi the ttilngs ra`arred ta in the preceding D�gfl�aDh,Lender may do so for and in the name of �: " ' - <br /> Tnata and W Tnstars i�rise. For such Purpose.s.Tn�stor hereby Irrevacabty appoinls Lender as Tnsfors attomey�-ir►-fad fa the W�P� . '�' ; -- <br /> a � <br /> . pf ttiWnp.ex�cu9np.deQverirr�.fiYnp,recording,end doing aA other things es may be necessary.;r desk� Lenders sole opinion,to �k: . -. — <br /> aCeort�pl�h ths rt�alters refertod to In tha prec9dinp D�9�P�• , .�: . ; : ' : <br /> .�'i�,. .�.. <br />• F l LL P�I F O R M A N C E I f T n b t a D a Y s a l t h o I n d e D t e d n e s s whan due,end othen+-sa D e►t o r m s aU tha abuga6oro tmposed oPon Tnator under this ;•:;w; " .L ����". ' <br /> Oeed ot Tn�st. Lw�dot sha➢ axacut�en4 QeUver to TruslEe a re�t for fu�reconveyance tL�d ahail wcecute flnd d 2 D v er t o T r t a t o r s u f T e b l e _ . . <br /> 5latoments of tartninaUon at arry IfnandnD statemetd on iNe evldaracinp Lenders sec�citY Ir�erest in the Rerds end the Personal Property. My � � - ` �,; _- <br /> ° recornr�yano�iee roqutred by law sha�ba pafd by Trustor.B pemVtted bY aPPlkabte iaw. ,:, ._. ;�.� :' <br /> OEFAti.T. Eech ot the toBowir�,et the op4on of Lrzrsder.shalt constitute an evenl of defautt(fvent of Default�undar 4his Qeed of Tnisx .�;n,, ' ' �f <br /> ' p�hup pn tnd�bieQttesi. Faoure ot Tnuta to make anY RBY�e�when due os�the Irtdebtedness. ; 1! .. � � <br /> .�� <br /> - @et�Yl p�QtBeT p�gRNnts. FB�tre ot Tntstor wilNn the Hma requfred by thts Oeed of Trust to make any paymem for taxes or insurano9.or <br /> any 6thK pgymont nec�ssary to pr�vant fiiing of a to eflect disct�ar�ge o}r►ny uen. .. `°�` <br /> ' _Y_G .: ' � .•.T� <br /> Coeipginq p�fat�4 F�tfure of Tn�stw to comply wim any other term, obPgation,covenant or condition contained in this Oead ot Trust,the =— <br /> " Not�Or in any of th�Rei�ted Documents. � �` ��� <br /> . >.«,�� <br /> F�y g�, Any warranty.�rasenffitlon or stalemeM made or furnished to Lender bY w on behatt at Tnista unde►this O�d ot Trust, ; � ,. .� : _ -s- <br /> ' . , tlr Nd�or ih�RWi�d Oocumenb is fatse or misteadlnp in any materlai respeci.etlher now w at the tlme rtude or hrNShed. �"-'��::: _ <br /> - •,.-�,—....,, <br /> . ���a�vaY�d perfo ed se urity ieterest a Ilenj t any Um�dtfor arry reaso�and efleci pnctu�np faH�a of any _ ; �:�_:r �_ <br /> pye�pr pqpirritfey. Th�d�a�ol Tnistar,th�I�oNerwy of Tnsta.tta apPdntmant ot a racefvar tar anyr paA of Tns!ora Propwty.arry - -T � -�",.::`:� <br /> • as�ynnwnt tar fh�b�tsfit d carsditas.anY h'pe ot credtta workoul. a 1he commencement of any proca�dinp undM anY b��P�71 0► - - � `n��.=_�_ <br /> InsaMncy l�ws by or agiir�l Trustor. •�VH:.i <br /> ' ;�:,�_•��t�I�i�"`-!�r_•. <br /> • For�cip�ty��FoAwptr�Me-Commencemer�o}foredosure or forfetture Drocaedinps�whether by judidaf Proceadl�.Selt�elP.�PossesslOn . +lwF��+�+ct�='�- �— <br /> ar acry oth� nny crsdtor of Tnstar a by any poti3rnmental ayency apelnst erry at tns Property. Haw�ve►.1Ns subsectlon shaD rwt ,,,�:"{���s� _- <br /> � a p p t y in tiw awnt of a goad fnith d(sputa by Tnlstor as to tha validiry or reasonabfeness e?LSe c�im wh:ch is ihe bas(s of tho farectosure a :. ,;,;;: ,.` ^'�`=�' <br /> . � foreleftuo pracM6aQ,Dravldad thtt Tnsta plws londer vrt(tten noUCe of cuch daim an d t u m i s h e s r e s a r w s a a s u r e t y b o n d t o r t h e c t a i m ; o:"• -�;,,,-,:�'�:.._ <br /> � sa6ciactory W�sndv. •_ �.���� . � � <br /> Br�01��Ayree�nerri.My bre�ch Dy TruStor under the tetms of any d7:ar ayreement belween Trusta and lender that IS not remedied '�.. � <br /> . i wqNn�ny gacy p�r{pd prpvldid Uwnin,Indudlnq without Ilm(tatlon any aprae:nenl com9rNnp any IndebtednDS.s a other obtianUOn ot Trusta . . . _= <br /> ,1 t0 l.�ndN,wt�her�n0 c�o'H or late►. , � �• <br /> S Ey��p�yor, /lny af thr pr��g�vents oocws wlth respoct to any tivaranta o!sny of tlia tndobtadnass a arry t3uuantor �--;_ <br /> ' } ���m�s�r�r��Eanl,pr�wokb or dsputes ihe velld+ty a1.a Ilabi6ly under.e�ry Guaranty of the Indebtedness. ib optlon, . • • <br /> �� may.but s'�na!bo�a4W�d%PR+r�i11M Quuantors estata to assuma uncondidonaf►Y the ab0pattons aAsiny undar the puuanty in a ;, � • , <br /> ,� rr�atuyr sa�cry to Lender,and,ln ddny so,curo tha Event of Oetnult. . • <br /> � InNCUAty. Lender in�ood hith dMms ilseti)r�secun. . — <br /> ! OQiWp ind�bi�dnesf. A d�tat�l stta9 oCew under any ExLsUng Indebtedness a under arry instrument on Ihe PropeAy SeCL^.inp eny ExiStinp . �v <br /> . � { Ind�bMQr�ess,pr commencement of ury sWl a othe►ectlon to foreclose any exlsllny lien on th3 ProAeRy. . •. , � n' <br /> � p1�1�tp C�a. M suCh�taoure b c�uabte and if TNSto►hes not beon giv3n e notice of e breach ot the sams p�ovlsion o}tNs DeGd ot Trtrst . <br /> � wNhtn 1t�pac�dirg tweive(12)months,N may be cured(and no Event ot Default wll have occurted)if Trustor,after Lender sends wri"En � , . <br /> rtptlo�O�mufdry Cure al such fathre: (a)curos the fe�iure KltAln ten(10)63ys;or(b)il tRe cure raqutres more than ten(10)dnys,immedta'�Ry �• <br /> � i IriHat�atap�sufAdant to eure ths tuture and there�tter contlnues and completes an reasonabta nntl necessaryr steps suffwie�to produce � <br /> ! compY�na as aaon a9�sarwbN G�. . . . <br /> p(di#R$Af�pEiAmiEB ON OEFAlLT. Upon the accuRence of any Evant ol DefBNt and at any time thereafter,Trustee a LenAer,at ib opllon, � , � <br /> rttay�tetdse arry one o►mare d 1he tdlowlrp dghb and remedies,in ad�Uan to sny other dphts w remedles pravided by taw: <br /> ' •�� �afipn 1�W1 pa/atUt;AdQltbisli RemedtES. if eny event ol defautl octurs as per the Ssrms ot tRe Nole sacured hereby,Lender may <br /> ' declys a8lndebted�ss seciaad by this Deed of Trusf to be due and peyeble and tAe same shail thereupon become duo and payabfe withoul - <br /> � gny prasentmeM,demend,prot951 or notke of any kfnd. Thereafter,Lender may. .. <br /> �� (a) E'ifhw in parson a by ayani,with a wlthout bdng!ng any action or proceodmg,or by e receiver 4Qpolnted Dy a couA nnd v�thoul I � . <br /> • f�d�a�y.�g�,�myy r�}ne c_�r11y,enter ugon end take Qossesston o!the Property.or any parf ll4 own name or In t�e neme _ . <br /> of Tntstao.and do any ecb whtch f1 deecns nes�ssary o►desirabte to presenre the valus,maricetabni:y or r�ntabiury of the Proparry,or paA [ <br /> y pf the prppetty or interest in tt�e Property;InCreese the lncome hom t�e Pnrperty or protect tRe security of the Roperty:end,wHh a without ` , <br /> j taktry posSOSStun a}the Propeaty,sue(or a otherwtse coltect the re�,issues and profits o!IAe Property.inclu�ing those pest due and . ,�_ <br /> , unpalC,and appiy the same,less Costs end mcpenses of opernUon and coUectlon,induding attomeys'tees,lo nny indebtedness 5acursd � ,,y;. <br /> by iht9 Deod of TnliH.all in such order as Lender may deterrNrre. Tho entering upon end taking posseuton of the Proparty,the cotlecuon , � . <br /> __. . o�sach renb,�ssues end profiGs.snd the appl�eatlon thereof shall not cure or vrnive any de}autt or nntiCa of d3faufi undar this 029d of Trusl � : _ _ � <br /> . '�' � . �: <br /> . . �:f_ <br /> , f-:- <br /> — -- — - - -�--��--�--....�-. ..�.� _._ ,. ��_ <br /> /,� .� � . ' , • , , . ,� ' '�a� . , , ti••_ , �ti �� . <br /> . ' .. . . . ._ . ' . , . ' ,. . . �'� .... . . . . . _ • - . ,L. .. :. � . .. . .. ' . j ' • � . .. . . <br />