. . .. , :y,. . „_
<br /> � . - . . ' .. . - _.._..._. '�' . , --- - . . -. -
<br /> �! , � Oa 27 9997 DEED OF TRUST P$9e 3 . , .
<br /> � Loan No 4�&d0 (Continued) 9�'+ 1�3�"�a�rJr � :. � -
<br /> i ; _
<br /> �{ unQp ttp tien. tn an7r co�Trustor shail dafend its:ff and Lender an�sha7 satistyr any adverse judpmsnt before enforeemsnt againsl the r ' , , �
<br /> F}pp�y. Tnutor s}�s9 nttrw LenQer as ari addiUOnel abGpee urtdet any surety bond tumished in ths contest proceedfr�. � ; -
<br /> EYldl�CO p}Ptr�inMt. Tntstor sh�tl upon demand fumtsn to Lender satisfactory evider.tt�of payment ot the taxes or assass�►rer�ts end sAaU :
<br /> nuihctlri tt�eayrc�riat�4ov�mme�1 of@dal to d�var to Lendef at any Sme a written statement of tha fexes and assessments ay�lnst lhe - , ..
<br /> • NpitN oi�On.TntStot sh19 no'Jfy Lender at t�est frft6en(t�days 6etore any wark is eommenced.any servloes ure hurttshed.ar anY ' , �
<br /> mat�ritb ar�supppsd to iAc�Pra�rtY.if anY mechanC's Uan,mat�rialmen's Hen, ar other fien coutd be asserted on axouM o!the wak,
<br /> 2�rycp9,ar mzt�.Trusta wYl upon request of LBnQer tumish to Len6:r aQvanco assurance�saUstactory to LenG4cr tt�t Tnutor cru►und vu�l ; ' . .
<br /> - pay It�caat at suct�tmpravamanis. � . .
<br /> , F7tpgEpTY DqYAQg tBiSttR�ftC�. Th3 fo"owt�g provL*�tar�s retadrtg to iflsuring the Prapsrty are a paA ot tNS Deod o!Trust. I � _
<br /> aRafitenanCO Of tnsur�. Tnator 3hall procure a�d mslntain polietes ot ftre ir�suranee with standard eaQendsd eoverape endorsemertls on e -_ - -
<br /> � ��b�p�,���{�p�ra�S�yatue epvptinp 89 tmpmvements on ihe Raat Property in an amaunt wFftdenf to evotd applk:ation of any
<br /> epitlsurance d�tiSl.end wfth a Stin4ard mottgageo Ctause tn fava of Lender,topether wlth such other hamrd and lia�ility insivanee es Lender
<br /> " may nasanpb3y�qu`re. Pc".etes shaU 0�wr(tten in fam,emounb,coverapes and basts reasonably acoeptaDs to L�rtder and issued Oy a ,
<br /> eompany p wrtparYrs�sor.aDtf�ccayffiLle to Lertder. Tnes4or.upon raquest of Lender.wID detluer to LenQer trom Yrme to Ume Ihe polieles . -
<br /> or certillc�ates of irtsuranco in torm sa8ssieetory to Lender.InWudnp stlp�ttons that c�ve�aqes will not ba cnnceYed a d�mt+Ushed without ai , , _.. •.
<br /> a
<br /> 1a4s1 bn(10)days'prtor wrfiEBn natke to lender. Eeeh fnsurance D�1►a:so sha11 indude an endorsem9nl providui�thst eovera�e in tavor oi .
<br /> beCOme toCa�ted In�idesipnated by ths Okeotor o�f the FeQeral Emerge►�cY Martaaement Apanc�l as a�sDedal RCOd h8��etee.�nbtor . . _•_�, .r
<br /> . anna to obtafn artd meJntain FedEval Rood Insurance(or the tull unpald pdndpat batance of ttie Ican,aD to the rtw�dum polk,y Ymtis sat under . . <� ,:v_�,__
<br /> th�y�Fo�Flppd(nswarteg prpgiam,or ps othenr,�h�requtrad by lender,end to malntain sucb insuraca:e for the term o}the loan. , :���,.
<br /> AppHtaliotf of ProNeQs. Tn�stor shaA promptty noUty Lender of any loss a damage to Ine i�operly. Lendar may make prool of loss it Trustor .��.�:�_—
<br /> � faos to do so wJthin fiftesn(16�days ot the t�suaity. 11Yhotl�e+a not LenGsts security is impatrod,Lender may,at its eiection,reoeive and retaln '"="s'" -
<br /> . .��,s<.:�,._,.
<br /> Nyo proCeeds of ury ir�sivar�ce artd aPP�Y�V�9 to the reductlon of the Indebtedness.Oayment o4 any Uen aH�d[ny the PraDerh.or the ,r ; .. , .,r
<br /> �astora�on and npair ot ftN Prop�rty. Ii Lender etecfs to aPPiy me Prcceeds to restoration and reD�1►.Tnntor shail reDafr or repLace tha :� ,
<br /> �:�::;::'_,<< ,
<br /> d�rtyipad or d4sVoyed Improvemertls in e mann�r saf�lactory tn Lendar. Lender shatl.upon satlsfado►y proof af such expend�hIIa.paY w ` � '��'�
<br /> rNmbf�sa Tnata(rom tt�praceeds for the reasa:s We cosl of repatr or restaration if Tnrsta is not in defauri under this Oeed ot Tnis� Any ' *—f-�.}_
<br /> ' . ptpc�gdg whfeh hava not bsan d[sbursed wi1Nn 1FA��ys after thetr iecetpt and which Leredar has not commftted to tha repah or rostoraUon of . . �-
<br /> {�pr��y g}�p��16st to pay anyr nmount awinp ts Lender under this Deed of Tnu1.then to pay axrued interesl.and the romainder,if _ ��,. -
<br /> -r.°..-�;�:-.e_ .
<br /> any.shd ps�ppQad to the pdndp�l balance o}the lmdebtedn�s. !f Lender holds any prooeeds after payment ln t�l of the Indebledness,such , . <•�. t;�-
<br /> procMQs sha9 W paid to Tnutor as Trustor s irtteres�msY ePaear. . � i� -�
<br /> '• I1r�NtM Irt�d gaTe, My ur�iced tnsurance shail inure to the benefrt ot,and pass to.the purchaser of tlie Prope+tfi covered by Nts , . �
<br /> ,�, j D�ed of trust at arry trustea's sab a athar sale held undEr the provlstons of this Dead of Trusf,or at anY roreciosure s�e o4 such Projreriy %��:��,;
<br /> Comp4�witb E�dt�9 hsd�btMness. Duriny tlie period in whbh any E�sting t:.l e b t e dness d e s c r me d b e l�►i s i n e ft a d.c o m p l i s n c e w i l t i �"�� � _
<br /> Uw ir�ranoa proyfstong co�sined in the instrument e�'dendng such 6dsting Inde��drress stm(1 constituFe compQanoe w(th the insurance , .-; .�:
<br /> �,' provWons undu lhb Oaod ot Trust,to the extent compffance with ths terms ot this Deed ot Tnut wautd constihite a duplk:atlon ot insurarar,e ,,� • � �; :
<br /> �q�ir�r�wrtt, If any proceeda trpm the Ins�uance become payable on loss,the provfsions In this Oaad of Trust tor dlvSion of prooeeds sRall . ,•:t ':,....
<br /> �• � appy oNyr to that pafbn of trie proc�c's not payab!a to tha hotder cf the Extstlng Indabtedness. _
<br /> 'R'.
<br /> EXpEk�lHitA�B By LENOER. If Ttustar falls to compyj with arry provislon of this Desd o!Trust,(ncludinp any cbCg3tion to mainTaln E�dsUnp
<br /> IndebtednasS in pood standlr�as re4uked below,or H ersy aeHOn or procoeding is commenced that wouid matedalty a��e�t Lendar's int6rests in the . _ ���
<br /> PrapeAy,Lender on TruStofs bohaU may,but sha0 not bs required to,take any action that Lender deems appropri�ta My emount that Lender `��:�
<br /> ' e�ends in so d�inp wW bear interest at irie rate provlded tor in the Note from the dats irtCUm3d or paid by Lender to the date of repayment by . �ty. .:-'Y i{� . , _.
<br /> � T�ust�/4Y sUCp oxppnsas,�t LanQers o{s}�an,wtU (a)Ce payable on demand, (b)be addsd to the batanco o}the Note and be appoAionBd amon8 � _ � �`
<br /> � prtA ba psyabia xRtA arry InstaIImant payr�aa:+As to Cecome due durinp efther (q the term oi eny applkabie t�surance O�af►a N)tho cemaininp tertn
<br /> � � •� p}�Npy�,pt (Q)ho trentad as o ba9aon paymenl whkh w(fl ba due and pay8ble at the Note's mahmty. Thb Daed ot Trust ako wA!SeCUte �• �j'�: �
<br /> - �,ayrtwnt o1 ttwsa amounts 71fe ri�hts proviQaa tar in this paregraph shafl be in addiUon to eny other riphts a any�rrwdles to which L,and6r rtuy be �f "
<br /> ' eniltlod on aoeourd o�tha defautl. Ar►Y sucA adion by Lender shall not be construed as curtng the default so as to bar Lender nom any remedy lhat �� �. ..�, ;•.-
<br /> � it o14�orrriso wa�d haw had ,":'�'
<br /> . � ,
<br />. yyAppANTY;pEFEPiSE OF T17LE. Tt►�ta2ovAng provf�ons relaUnp to ownersh)p ot Ine Property ere a psrt ot thts Oaast a?Tnnt. , _'•'F"'-
<br /> • EPf =•.=.
<br /> TfIM. Trustor warranb that (o)Tn�tor hdds pood and maricetable title of tecord to tfie Property in fee simple,hee and dear o!ali liens and r:�_ '-���'�ry�",• ,� .-.
<br /> . . �naunbrac�ic oUier thon thas�Set foAh in the Ratl Property d�Uon or In the F.�dstirp Indebtedness sectlon beiow a in a�ry titi�insurnnce .;,��;,.. :�-�,ii�r�s_ -
<br /> , pa�ey,yfM�peA,or R;sol f�la opinton issue0ln tavcv o1,and accepted by,Lender In connecUon with this Deed oi Tnat,and (b)7nuta has tM -�yfi �s�r;-• �,_;�,;.
<br /> � ry/r(ph�ppwu,an0 puihodty to�eut�and dettvar thls Deed of Tnut to Lender. ' "'•
<br /> . -�!r�.,;:at'_''_,__-.
<br /> • p�/M�M p�Tf W. Supj�G!tp ths�aptkn In the paqpraph aDove.Tnutor warranb and wNl forover detand tho tiUe to ttw Ptopethr esainst the ,:.,;��, -
<br /> � I t w ft/�S o f a 9 p�a o n a. tn tha ovent an y acNon or proeeedlnp is commenced that questions Trustors titla or tha tnterost of Tnutea a � „. ��,��
<br /> L�ndir unQrr tHS ONd W Tntst,T�`.x sh�li detend tAe aGion et Trustors e�ense. Trusfor may be the nominal party In 5uch praceedlnp,bu1 - -
<br /> t,gnda s1�aD ba 6nUtk0 to QMtdpate In the prooeedinp and to be reprasented In tne pracaeding by courtsoi of Lenders own efiotoe,and '", •� �-�`�''"":-
<br /> � Trustar vW d�ver.o►caus�to ba OMvereO,to Lender such Instrumenb as Lender may request from Ume to tlme to parmit sucP�pertk:lyallon. :-- ��.�_ .
<br /> ConpY�noe YYHh 4w�. Trusta waRan�that the PropeAy and Trustors use o1 the Proparty comPties wfth aD e�s'Jnp ePPfirAbte laws. .� �•%;"
<br /> � ordn�.and rep�taUOns W qowmrrNnL1 authoriSias. . ..`_�i`
<br /> � EX19TIM0 1lIDF8TEDNE$9. Th�to8owlnp prov�lons conoeminp exisHny indebtedness(the F�dsUnp lnQebteOness'�ete a parl af t�ts Deed o1 _. . �' .
<br /> !ID �_� .
<br /> T� � . :r--
<br /> � p6�tin�Llen. The Aen ol tTib Ooad of Trus!securtnp the Indubtedness may bo s�econdary and Interior to on e�dstlnp Oan. Trusta�rassly - , .
<br /> ew�naMs and aprses to pay,a sea to the payment oT,lhe E�dstlnp Indebtedness and to prevent arry delaNt on such indebtedness,any defaull
<br /> a� n .
<br /> , w�d�r thp Ir�s4vmenb evldendn0 auch Indehtednecc�.a enY d9fautl under eny security document9lor Such Indebtodrt�s.
<br /> p�{Mp�, il th�payment of arry i�ta!hnent of pdnctpal w any interest on the ExisUng Indebtedness Is not mtide withtn the Ume required by the • . .
<br />� not�a�denCirq such Mdebtedness.or shoutd a detaNl ocCw under the instrument securinp suc�Indebtetlness and nat be cured duriny arry . �
<br /> �pta yrace perlod fheroin.than,al tAa opUOn ot Lender,the Indebtedness secured by this Oeed ot Tnut shall become Imrtsedately due
<br /> snd p�yabia,and fhfs Deed otTncl shaA be tn detaWt. . '�
<br /> I�ip No01fka1ipn. Tn�sta ShaO not entet into any csreement with Ihe holder ot any mortpnpe,deed ot trust,or other secucity ayresment vihlch � : ;
<br /> ly�prlodty ovM thb OYYd o1 TntSl by wNch that apr6ement is modifled,emendod,extended,or renewed without the prla wtitten consenl ot
<br /> Lsnd�r. TnstOr ahaD twittqr requesl na aece�t any ft►ture advancos under any sueh security agroement wflhout the pria wriNen consent ot • �
<br /> • L.endM. • , �
<br /> 1� CONDE1iJ/A?IOM. The foHowitg proviston9 relallnp to condemnauon proceedinys are e paA of thfs Oeetl ot Trus� '. . . `
<br /> � AppQCWon of fist PtOaeds. If aN or any parf of the Prop9riy is Condemned Ey eminent domain proceedlnps a by arry praceeding or
<br /> pucNasa In Wu of condamru�tbs�,Landar may a1 fts otecUon require that nll w eny poNon ot the net proceod3 of the av�ard be apptl�d to the
<br /> Ind�bt�dt�esa Or tt�a�A81►a restorallon of fhe Praperty. The net procee�of the awerd shall mean the awatd aP.st payment o}aIl reasonubte �
<br /> � cosb,e�ensw,and attamayts ta�s Incurted by Tn�st�a LenQer in connecUOn with the condamnetlon. ' _
<br /> pro�ny�„ tl any procee0lcg In condomnaUon is fited.Trusfor sheU prompiry notiry Lender In writing,and Trustar shell prompUy take such
<br /> ' sieps as may b�nee�ssery to detend tM acHon end obteln the award. Trustot may bo the nominal party in such prooeedlnp,but Lender shaJ
<br /> 68 entitted to pst6sGpste In ihe proceediny and to be represented in the proceeding by Counsei ol its own cholce,and Trustor wifl deliver a �- ';
<br /> causa to ba de�vered to Lendar such Iratruments as may bs requestad by i1 from Uma ta tlmo ta pormi!such partic�patlor� •
<br /> I�iP081Ti0N OF TAXES,FEES AND CHAiiGES BY GOYERNk7Si'JTAL AUTKOAITIES• Thfl toilowing provisions retu8np to govemmpntnl tpxes, � . ,'
<br /> � ' tees and ehc0�s ata�piA d tAb Da�d d Ttusk .
<br /> f�ttMt T�ceO,Fees�nQ Cfwpea. Upon reques9 Ey Londer,Trustor shali execute such documents in addiUon to this Osed ot Trust and ttske ; • �
<br /> whdS�ver otM�r acftan is requasted by lenQer to p�fect and conUnuo Londsr's 11en on ihe Roal Propsrry. Trustor shsU relmburse Lender for�I ,
<br /> taxes„�s descrihed betow.topether wlth all e�er�incurred In recording,pertecting ar conllnuing this Oeed o}Trust,ineluding wit�out � . '
<br /> ' ; CrNtatlon eD Oixss,f�es,documentary siamps.and otASr chargss for reeording or repistedng this Oeed of Trust �
<br /> � TaH. The to8owing ShaN CortStihtb texes to wR1Ch th19 SeCtlon gpplles: (a)a speci�c tax upon this type of DYed of.Tntst or upon an or any j " '
<br /> � -
<br /> . r�--
<br /> ; y` �-
<br /> . . _ � ' �V'�� � .. - . , . .. � . ' . . • i - - , •. ' . � '
<br /> • . . . . . _ � . � ' .. • • � . • . ', .. . - ' . . . ' ..�, • •�.
<br /> . ... .i . . . .� . . . . .. �. s� _ .� t•., . . , . , . , . • . - . - i •+ . . ._ � . ... .
<br />