' ' � ' p2o27-1997 D�IED O�SE$USY ��+ � PagO 5 � � . � . _
<br /> ' Loe�!�o A�64D (Cantinued) '.���n�� :
<br /> ! . E ' '"
<br /> or imefldato any ez!do�In c�po�s W suct�Qaisutt or pursusnt to suCh notce of defaulk and,rtatwi!hstflndiny the corsUnuance�n � ' � , • .�-
<br /> ' Rp�pp p}� prpyerty pr thg eo�et�lon,reoelpt and application of rents, issues or profits,Trustee or Lend�shai!De entiUed to ;`�.
<br /> exerClse gvsry rigM provlded�a in fhe Note ot the Related Oxuments cr by law upon ihe a:currence of any evant of default,lnduding ihe ,
<br /> rtSM t�e�cerCLse t4fa y�wer af sa1e� .-
<br /> (b) Commencs an aetlCn to toradose this Deed of Trust es a moRgage.apPant a receiver or spaciflcaUy entorce anyr ot tho covrenants . ��
<br /> hareot�tnd
<br /> (a� Da6vvr W Tnistes a vrrftt5n dectararion of defautt and dsmand tor sale and a wriiten notioe ot detautt end�teC4lon to cause Tnutor's � --
<br /> int9resf M thB Prop�dY tO be Sotd,whlch notiCe Trustae shetl tau5e to be duty 61sd 4or record in the approptiate otfleos ofi th9 County in ,
<br /> wNCh lRe Rtopetlyt b loCBted:c3nd •
<br /> (� With respsCt to aIl or any part ot ths Psrsonel Property.Le�der shall Aave all tha nghts and remed:es o1 a secured party under the �
<br /> 1 Nabra:�ica UnifOtm COmmsrd0l COde. t ' •
<br /> (1 F o P�C i w w Y b y POwB o4 Sfie. If LenQer e:ects to forodose by exarcise of the Power of SBte herein containad,Lendet shaii notiiy Tnistea and ' �` ..` .:K
<br /> styy Wppsit with Trusteo 1h�Deed ot Tntst and the Note and such reCe�pts ee d e v i d ertce o t axpe n d i W r e S m a d e a n d s e c u r e d b y t h i s 0 9 e d of
<br /> Tnat as Tnntse tn�y re4u5v. � •
<br /> (a) llpon�tp!af such notke from Lender.Trustee sheD cause to be reeorded,pabf�hed and dei�vered to Trt�such Flotice of Deta�dt ` ,. �_
<br /> and P l p y p o}S a l o as t h en raqu6e0 b y law ond b y this DeSd of Tnst. Tn�tee shail,w0hhoul Cemand an Trustar.atter suc�Ume as may
<br /> ftrn be nqtt'�reed by 13v�atsd efter roc�ordallon ot such NaKoe of Oetautt and ett�No4sce of Sa1e having been ptven es�squtred by Iaw,seU
<br /> t � =
<br /> the Propaly at 11�4ma and pfaa W safs fixed by H in sueM Notke ot Soie.etU�er as a whole�or in separate lois a percels a items es '-.,�.`-=_
<br /> TYustaa sha8 dYem�dant,tnd in such order es it may ditermme.at pubOe auCBon to the highost bidder(or eash in IavAW monsy ot . ; .:
<br /> ttw Untfed Stat�s�ayabts et ti�e tlrr�af sate. Tnestee sha➢deGvar to such purcl�asar or purchasa,s thereot f1s good and sufBdent deed a , . �.�
<br /> dea�conueyirg the D►aD�Y so sdd,b u t w i t AO U t artY cove n a n 4 a s v i a r r a rt h.e�r�s ar(m pfisd. Tt+e recitals in such deed ot anY matters � � • `-'�,,
<br /> ar facls Sfu�be Condtr�Jva pwot o!lhe hutntuln�thereaf. Any person,indud�ng wlthout E:n�4on Trustor.T►ustee.or Lendar,may . � ..,.. :._--
<br /> pur+Chese at such saie. • `��- y-
<br /> �- . .
<br /> ' (p) Ils tr�ay be permllnd by 1aw,flfter dsductlr.p aU cosls.fees end e�enses of Trustee and of lhis Trust,irrciudMy co�ot evldence ot , �
<br /> tiB�In eorfnect3on with sale,Tnutoe shall appiy the procee d s o f s a�e to payme n t o f ()s u s u rt�s e�en d ed under the tertns of th(s Oeed of �{;,.:�'`:
<br /> ne = : _ -�_
<br /> Tnat a under ihe tirms ot the Nate not then repafd,indudiny but not Gmited to ncaued iateresi and lata charyes. (�7)all other snms then • .: � •- �
<br /> ' seciaed hereDY�ard(�tAe remainder.H arry.to the Person or persons IegaDy entilled ihereta ,;:�;.'.•:.,,,, ;-�_ �_
<br /> ' (c) Tnsfea may M the manr�ar provtded Dy taw postpone sate of au or any portion of Um Property. : 4`'� : ' R`_��
<br /> itN�Gdies Not EttCNtsivR Trustee and Lender,end each of them,shail be entitled to entwce payment and pertor�nar+�of a�y indebted�s ,�. r .�.f� �
<br /> � cr obYattlo�sacurad by thls Daod of Trust and to axordse aU d9h's and powas undo►ttUS Deod of Trost,undw fho NotO,undsr ar►y ot the , :��—
<br /> Wlat�d Oocumsrda.ot under aciy ottwr agreert�nt or nrry laws now or hereafter in force;notwifhsffindlny.some a e9 af such indebtedness �k�
<br /> �� an�apygs9oro saarrad by thES Oaad of Tntst may now or Aereafter be othenvfse secured.vrRether by martgape.dea0 of trust.P1edSe.9en. • •, � � �. ' _
<br /> ass�cnpnt or p+,hgnrLse, Neither ttra ocosptance ot th(s Deed af Tnut nor its enioreement,whsther by cawt adion a pursuant to tha powe►of
<br /> '" sat�ar ottwr pcwa�s confatrwd En tt�s Deed of Tnrst.st�all prejudue ar fn any manner n�Trustees a Lsndsls rlpM to raatiao upon or ' � �_:F �� '
<br /> �rtt��ny ottM�s�curfly npw pr h�atter hetd Dy Trustea or Lender.it beinp agreed that Trustes and Lsnder.and eaeh of them,shaif be � � �_ ' . �
<br /> enWlod to ardorce fhis Daed of Tn�st and any otha�securfry now or hereafter hetd Dy Le�der or Trustee in such order and manner as they a
<br /> st _
<br /> �itAa af Uam may In tt�fr absoluto dtscreflan QeLartnine. No remedY conterted upon or reservad to Tnlstee a Lender�Is intended to be �. .L-� . �•. �
<br /> ��p p}�y pt►yr remedy in this Oeed ot Trusl a by law provided a permitted.but eacA shali ba cumulative and shall be in addrtlon to , � .:= �;
<br /> wsry athsr nrtNdy alwn in thls Deed ot Tnut or now w hereafter�astinp at Iew w in equity a by s�tuta. Every power or remedy pfven bY the ,, :,p: :,� :,,..
<br /> �d5 ,
<br /> fVoie�v any o}the Releted Documards to Trustee or Lender or to which either of them may bs othenvise eniitled, may be exemased. _;;,�;;.;.:;:;: .�
<br /> coricumntly or independertty,hvm dme to tlme nnd as often as may be deemed e�edient by Trustee or Lender.end either of them may � �
<br /> pursua It�cpnsistent reme6es. NotNnp In this Oeed o1 Twt shalt bo consWed es prohibiting Lendet from Seetclnp a d9fldency Judpment ���.�+� ;T
<br /> �Qaft�st ftN TNSta to tfia�xtenl such actlar►Fs pertNtteO by law. _ . . �).i.
<br /> p�Fpr e;atim. Tnator,en behall of Tnuta and Lender,hereby cequesfs tAsi a eopy o}a�ry NoHce ot Oafa�t and a copy af any Notice
<br /> . p�S�a nnd�r qYS poad of Tnat he rt+eHed to tt►em at the�ddresses sel forth in the ffrst par8pra��cllhis Oeed ot Tn�st . " ::' S ':�
<br /> � � VyaiY�I;p�eflpn pf RetBS�a. 0.waivar by any pury ot a breaeh of a provision of tNS Deed ot Trust stw0 not conStHute a weiv8r of or -,
<br /> t
<br /> �` _
<br /> pr�udio�IAe paASls r�hla dtf�rv�ss to damand strk:t eomp0er�ce wlth that prov�ton or arry ottusr provision. EtacUOn�y Lender to pursue arry - -
<br /> . .,i �rr�Qy prpydQd fn tNs O�d o1 Tnat,tt�s Note,in arry Reiated Documen�or provided by law sha0 not exdude pursWt of any other rortbdy. ,. ' ;.. 1
<br /> and an WCOon tp rtyke ppn�t�rs3 or to tnko ecCen to peAorm en obApatlon o1 Trustar under this Deed at Trusl attar faiture W Tnutor to . .
<br /> , ':,,..
<br /> ��J•�".: •—.:,.,:
<br /> puform shVl not�BeCt L,end�fs t�ht to dedare s de+�uB and to exerCke anY a1 iis remed�es. -- r �_
<br /> � A�rt�a'FjW;p�tntq�. If Landor institutes arry sutt or acUon to antorce any o11tw terms ci this Oeod of Truct I.andar ShaN ba entitled to " � ���
<br /> . .ya,-.. ,'-
<br /> �r such sum ts the courl maY sdjudge reasontbte es ettomeys'tees at trtal and on any eppeai. Whethei or not ary court acttan is '��
<br /> ) �ypt���p�,pn�bt��yyruas Incirrod by Lendar wt�kh in Lenders opinion ore n�sary a1 arry drtw ta the Drat4cdon of Ks Int�st or ttw • _
<br /> wNOrartwiQ af ib Aphb th�Y bxartw a paA of the Indebtednes�Payabte on demand and ahaD 6ear lyderest at the Nota rata hom ths date of _..;a;,. '.
<br /> p�ry��rp��epold, Et�nses cpvered by th�s perayraph indude.without umitatlon.however su4Jec1 to e�y imHS under aDDYcabk law. •-. .
<br /> Lqndp's al4omsys'foas wllothGt Ot not lttere IS a 18wauil,IrtCtudinp attomeys'fea3(or baMruPkY Pf���SP 1�ndu�rg�ttat3 to mo�y or .. =�-4•:f,
<br />� � vaat�anY automatb stty a injunciton). aVPeais and any anUCipated Pas�-lud�ment eoilecUOn servloe9�tho easl ot saareNrg reeor�. . .: �; ._-,.._.
<br /> � p�c¢s�ta�d by�oc�abfa I�iv���rP Y��►Y���y����pt�other ums rm d�sd�Vy�wf ees ta the Trustee.to ths exF�nt -:r .: _.
<br /> .,�P=
<br /> ql�ts Of TruftM.Tnrstee she8 haw aU of the rlpAb antl dutles of Lendor as set farth in thls ssctlon. . •;,�
<br /> FOWQia A!�OBLtflATtOWS OF TRUSTEE. The faYawlny provfsions relaUng to the Powe�e and obfyaUorm ot Tnn1N an Part af this Deed of � •
<br /> TNSL .�'
<br /> ' ' powwi of TrustM. In additlan to e0 powers of Trustee arisinp as a matter of law,Trustee sita0 have tt�e power to teke lhe tdtowlnp acUOns � . . __
<br /> us
<br /> wrih raspact to ths Propetly u9on the wtit�n request of Lender and Trustor. (a)jain in prepariny and fiunp a map a piat of the Real Propetyt. .`
<br /> �. � tndudrp tM d�detHOn o}atreets a otMr�hts to ttw public; (ii}yoln In granUng any easemeM a aeatlnp any restrkUon on tha Real Property; •
<br /> u�d (c)Joln tn anyr suba�nsUon or other aQreement aitectlng this Deed o}Trust a the interest ot Lender under tA1s Deed ot Trust.
<br /> T�p�N, Trusy�s�jli mwi aY qu�LflCaVons tequired for Trustee under applicabie law. In addiUOn to the rlpnb and re►nedf�s set foRl►above. . . �
<br /> wNA�tp�,�l fp�{p pr any p�tt p1 thr Prop�Ay,the Trustse shaU have the rlght to toredose by rtoUce and sale,and Lender shatl have the dprit ta -
<br /> tor�clo�Oy jtt6c41(anppsuA,tn eilher case In accordanCe wlth end to tha Nill mdent prodded bY apPticabte lav�. . � ' �,-
<br /> S�apwiot TrusSN. LandM,at L�nQers opUon,may irom tlme to time aApWm a succassa Trvs:3e to any Tnistse appdnt36 hereunde►by an ` .�
<br /> I�M�euted¢nd ackaoy�tedped py Londer end recorded in the otftce of the recorder o1 KALL Counly.Nebraske. The it�rument sha8 �
<br /> car�kb in ad�ttan to e!other matters reqWrod by sta�law.tha names o}the orlginat LenQer.Trustee,and Tnuta.the book and PayB(or .
<br /> �prriplM�b'ysfstn cq�r�nGt)w1ters this Osed of Trust b reCOrded,and the name and ad6ress of the su�or trustes.an0 tho Instrttment shaA —
<br /> Mr
<br /> p�wCy1�B and�cicncwyQp�d py tD th�bor�flclaAes under tha Deed of Trust or thcir sucoessas in intsresf. ThB suo�r trusteo,without
<br /> . faw.�T1Us�p�r000dir�fas��stitWon o1 trusteet�slhatl9 vem to he exclusloo aUf other pro�vls ons tw subst(tuUo Ooed of Tn�st and bY aDD�� .
<br /> NOTICES TO TRUSTOR At�OTFER pART1E8. Arry not�Ce under thls Deed of Tnist shatl be In wriBnp,may be be serA by taki�tsirtu0e,and shaN � —
<br /> pa aHecUue whan acttw4y QeWered,a wtwn deposited v�tA a naUonally recopnizod ovemlgM wurler,or,if maiied,shall be deemed eftecNve when
<br /> �p�N lh��ni}�$}��rrsaU first clLS,Certifled or reytstsred m811,postage prepaid,directed to the addresses shown neat the begtnntng of
<br /> thb OMd o1 Trust My paAy maY char�e ib address for noUoes unde►this Osed o!Tn�t by ghring fortnaf w�itten notke to Ihe atfler�aNes. ---
<br /> spadtyirg thd ttM purpose of ttf�notloe�to Change tAe parly/s address. A11 coples ot notl�s of foreclosura from the hotdAr ot nny nen which has
<br /> pdor(ty mrer ihts Dssd ot Ttust shail be sent to Lenders address,as Shown near the beginning of this Ooed of Trust. For notbe purpases,Trustor �. �
<br /> eqreas to kaap t.artQat nnd Tnistso Informed 81811 Utnes Of Trustor's turcont address. �
<br /> ; dlfSf.EbLAlIEOlJS a6�OVISI�HS.The fotlo�xing misceilaneous provlsions ara a pert of ths Deed o1 Trust: � ' � ��
<br /> Atitlndmenta. 'R�iS Ce�a4 of Trust,topether with nny Retated Documents,conshtutes tha en5re untle,standl�g and agroement of the parties as • �
<br /> � to l,1ie matlars set toRh in 4hb Oeod of Trusf. No 6lteretlon ot or amendmont to thb Oeed of Trust shall be eHexUve untess given In writing end ; � _
<br /> SfDned by the psrty or peAies soupht to be charged:v bound by the aiteration or amendmen� �'"'
<br /> Ay�pik�Dte Law. Tt�ls Oeed of Trust has been QelNereO to�enOer ena sceepted py tender tn the Stcp a4�2ur�cn. 'i�S��4 0�=+u��i
<br /> ' ;
<br /> ,'• . _
<br /> . • . .
<br /> _��.�._..-,..-- . .. . � .. . .. . . . . . . � . . . .' � , � �
<br /> . . • . . . , .. . . . . .
<br /> . • , � _ .. ' • ' .- . . . ' •, �; , ' • - �� . �h . - . - � . - �_, � .
<br /> . . . . �. . . _ . . . ' . . . .. , . . .. ' .. � , � F . ' ii.
<br /> ,� . , , . . . . •v• � • .. . • . , � • • ... - , . ' � 1'�.. '. . - � ` .
<br /> . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . _ . _ . _ . . . . . . .. . . . . . :`�' .._ .. ..
<br />