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G . t . . . .. ':..__4t`a� . . . _.- <br /> v . � . • � ,�^! <br /> , l <br /> � 02-2'y 99�7 DEED OF YF3UST Page 2 ; ` , . _ <br /> Loan N�B22�SE4 (Con4�nued) �?°' 1.(j��e�i� . . . . <br /> '2.: <br /> Pnpixf�l Pta'pe+fY. The words'Rersoral ProAeASr mean aU e4�Pmen1,tbctur6s.and otfier artiGG�o!pe►sorta�P�fi�Y �ow or hsreaRer , " <br /> ar � <br /> pwnpG tsy TntstOt.and naw Cr t�iter attachad or affvcgd to U►e Rea!Propsrtfr,together wfth all soar'.�stor.s.OaRS.snd aQd�Uons to.all ; `. <br /> �lacamants at.and aU subs6ttAions tor.any of Such ProPertY: and together wlth a11 procasds pndodinp witho�tt OmltaUon ell Insurana� � �. <br /> Pmo�ds and retundy of Oramlums)from anY sels or othsr�sposiUOn af tfis ProAedY. �' , . `'* <br /> p�pperl�I.The word?o'OpertY means CdHCUveIY the Reel ProPertY artd the Psts�n81 Ptoparty. � . , � <br /> �y p���. �wp�g�1 prpp�ty mean fhe praperty,frttares�and rights descrihed above in fhe`Conveyance and GranY sectton. -- <br /> Rdatb Doetirae�t. The words'Ra'ated OocumenSS'me3n and inelude without IimitaUnn a0 prom'ssory agreeme�ts.Ioan . , _ <br /> spreamenis,envlranmsntal aqreemsnta.pueranUes,security agreements,mo�ss.deeds ot bvst,end sii o2her insWments.agreements and , . <br /> dp�uments,whgttier now or hereaP,e►�5ting,executed in con�ection with the Indobtedness. , <br /> - . R.a�tts, The word'Ftents"masns 811 pr�ent and tutwe rents,revenues.�ncome,issues.royaities,profits,and othar benefits derived hom lhe • <br /> P�9• • -. ' <br /> Trystte, 7Ne vyprd'frustee'means UNiiED NEBRASKA BANK and any substitute or suocessor bustees. <br /> Tnutpr. The word'fnistor means any and aU persor�s and entiGes exe�Wng fhis Desd oi Tnut,induding without limiffiUOn all Tnstors named •. , <br /> i . <br /> � 8b0VB. � . _. <br /> THIS OF�OF TRUST. IHCIUDlNti TI�E ASSItiMMENT OF RENTS AhD T1� SECUFiITY INTEA�T IN THE 6iEHI8 AND PEASOHAI. .� . . <br /> PR�PERTII�IS GIYEH YO 8ECl�iE (/9 PAYAAENT OF 71iF IHD�TE�NESS AND (2)PERFOR1uUNCE OF ANY AND IiLL OBL1GATtONS OF • , <br /> • 'fiilJSrOR UNDEK TFE lfOTE.Tt�Ral1TED DOWIfAErITS.pt6m�GiS OE�OF TRUST. Ta11S DEm OF TRUST IS CiIYEN AHD ACCEVTED . .. <br /> OH TF�FGLLOSNtiYti TESMS: ' <br /> I PAYII�IiT AND P�APOAMAlIC�. E�rcePt as°Ute^"rise Dravided in this Deed of Trust.Trustor shali pay to Lender al1 emounl5 secured by tfiis�eed , .� <br /> } of Tnest as they become due,and shaU strk�ly end in a timefy manner pettorm all of Tnistors obligations undsr the Note,thfs Deed of Trust,and the _ .-�.� <br /> . Reiated Documonts. . . . <br /> • p�1pN AlID MAtNTF3�lAliCE OF THE PROPERTY. Trustor agr,zes that Trustors possession and use of the PrapeAy shall be govemed by d� <br /> the Ea'awing provf�tons ;'x{ . <br /> � pbwea�on eitd Uae. UntD tAe occurrerwB of an Event of Defauit,Tnutor may (a)remain in possesston and control of the ProPerty. {b)use. . . . ' - � <br /> p�a}o a��the�Proparty,and (c)col►ect any Rents from the Properry. ` • . ;; <br /> . �IIry tp IN�intalrt. Trttstor sha11 mainteln the Propt+rty in tsnantable condrtlon and promPity Petform ail repairs,replacemerds,and mafntenanoe f . _ ' . •.`1_•.= <br /> twcesspry t0 prsserv9 fls v81ue. �?.• :— <br /> I�iarQauf Su4alirte39. Tha tenns'harerdous wasfs."'hsrardous substance."disposal.'Yelease."and�hreatened raiease.'as used fn fhis ! . � � .�_�_ <br /> Dead of Tnat,shaY tnva ttw sarr�e rtieadngs as set foRh In the Comprehenshre Enuironmenia!ResDonse.Compensatlon.and I.Ia6iUty Act of t.;;::; . � - - <br /> � 1980,�s amendad,42 U.S.C.SecUon 9&01,et seq.(`CERCLA7�the Supertund AmendmenLS and Reauthoriation Ad af 1986.Pub.L Na. <br /> gg..�gg(�gpRA',the Ha�rdous Matedab Transportatlon Ad.49 U.S.C.SeeHon t807,et seq.,the Resource ConservaUOn and RecovsryAet, ' , ;��.`�n .� <br />,� � 42 U.S.C.8ectian 6901,ei seq..or ather e0D►icabs stats or Federal laws,ruies,or regutaUons adopted pursuant to anY Ot the forepoin9.The , + �':., <br /> terms luardoua wasW and'tia�rdous substance"sha11 elso include,wfthaullimitaUOn,petroleum and petroleum by-products or any frac@on ,� <br /> tt�ep}and�spestps. Ttttstor represents and warranfs to lender thax (a)Duri�p tAe pedod of Trustors ownersfiip of the ProAariy.there has ,,.'� � �' <br /> . n ieass of an harardous waste or substance by amr �•�� ,.. <br /> � b a en n o u s e.Q a n e r a 1�o e.m a n u t a c t u r a,s t a r a s e,t r e a t m e n t,d�s p o s a l.r e►e a s e o r t h re a t e e d r e Y � �� <br /> . porson on,under,ebaut w trom the Property: (b)7rustor hes no knowtedge of,or reason to kaiieve that there has been,except as prevlous t y , <br /> discJosad b and acknawiedyed by Lender in wriUng. f)anY use�4snerabon,manutscture,storage,heatment,disposel,retease,or threatened �. .� ��.� .;�! <br /> �p,�p}8 �ous waste pr sub s t a r►c e o n,un d s r,about or from the Proparty by any pnor owners or pccupants ot the PropeAy or pi)any � ;,�a • :- ,� ',�_ <br /> m <br /> actua!or thtasttoned IitfyaUon or claims of any kind by any person retating to sa�ch maHers:and (c)Exoept as pre�ousty disc�osed to and :� � <br /> c� <br /> 8dtnawtedged by Lendar#n wriUnp, p)neither Trustor nor any tenant,conhactor,agent or other autflorimd usor of the P+ropOAY shall use. <br /> yenarqt�,manu(acturg,stare,treat,dispose of,or retease any herardous waste or substance on,under,about or from the Property and (i)any � 'Yy,,_ �":t!�! <br /> suCh adlvfty stiaf be eonduCted In compqance with ai1 epplicabte fedsral,sffite.and locsl laws.regu►aUOns and ordnanoes,�ndudnp wflhoN . .. : _�.. <br /> i Qmitation tharso lav�s,reDulaUo�,and ordinancas desdtbed above. Tnistor authorizes Lender and its ayer�ts to enter upon the PropeAy to • <br /> - mvn such lr�spocUons and Tn�stor's e�er�e.os Lender may deem appropriate to determine compUance of the Prc�erty wHh tNs �:;,+`. .� ,•�, . . <br /> sacllon ot fha ONd of Tntst My�nspections a tests made by Lender shaSl be ta Lenders purposes onry and shafl nat be canstrued to aeato ,- - =',r <br /> any respat�Wry or GabP�ty on the paA ot Lender to Tn�stor a to any other person. The representauons and wananttes conTatned heretn are : . �;_ �•_ <br /> basad on Tr�tors due dYpence in InvastlpaUng ihe Properly for ha�ardous waste and hatacdous substances. Trusta hereby (a)�ele85es and . ,. <br /> waiva�ny(uture dqJma ayalnst LencWr fa Indemnity or contribuUon in the eveM Trustor becomes Ilable(a deanup or other ccsts under nny , • :'=a-'"-- <br /> suCh i�ws,and (b)a�raes to Indemnity and hdd harmtess Lender agalnst any and all clalms,tosses,tlabNites.damaqes,Perwlti�and ` h,. <br /> �pny�Whict�Wnder may direcily or IndirecUy Sustaln or suHer resulUng irom a breaCfi of this secMOn of the Ooed ot Trust a as a ��. <br /> ' cpnsaquenco of arry,disposal,retease or threatened retease occurring pda to Trustots owne�shlp or - <br /> IA <br /> InNcast in ttw Praperly,whether a not the same was or should have been known to Yrustw. The Drovlstons ot thls SecUOn of the Oeed of Tnist, ������;' �' '::• .• <br /> indu�na tho obJisyntion to InOimNty,shall suMve the payment o1 the Indebtedness and the saUsfactfon and recomlayance of the Iien ot thts � . �"'l1,:> • , <br /> n <br /> Derd d Trust and shW not be af(ecWd bY Lendefs ac4ulsi�on of any interest In the Properly,whether by toredostae or otherwfse. ..�-_;�I ,�?G-�• _ <br /> .. . J J�Y''�_=" <br /> N�Y�inea,W�U. Ttustor sha0 not osuse.candud a permit any nuisance nor commif,permit,or suf(er any strlppinp oi or wasta on ar to the <br /> h . <br /> Prope�ty a any pordon of tM Property. Without Umibnp the generality of the tarepanp,Tnistor wlll not remove,ar qrant to arry o!her psAyr the . , . .,���: . <br /> ��p c�mpyg.any(fmbar.mineraFS(tnqudinp oU and qes).so(1,yravel or rodc Producfs without the pAa w►itten Consont of Lendar. ., :,: <br /> ��� <br /> RM�ov1i Of ImptoV�mtntl. Trustar sh�M not demdish a remove arry Improvements from the Rea1 Property without the prior wrltten consent .� , _ :,,�-_ <br /> M <br /> pf L�ndsr, As a condllon to Ure removaf ot etrry Improvemenb,Lender may require Trustor to make arrengemerds saHsfactory Io Lender to � _ <br /> . r�pLce such Improvsm�nts w(th tmprowments of at teast oqual value. .,. , � ' • <br /> �,in�pa Rfpht tp F�tw, Londar und its agents and representaUves may e�ter upon the Real Properry at eB reasonabfe tlme�to attend to ' _'.� ;- <br /> Londa's inte�ests and to inspeci the Proporty for purposes of Trustor's compliance wlth the terms and condiUons o1 ihis Deed of Trust. : . <br /> CpmpWinC�wlth QOYEmmcntal Ropuit���to the�USeor poocup8 C�oft he P operhr. T�ustoa�•COntest9tn�pood teith any su�ch taw, . <br /> etNci,of�pavemmentel authoritles epp . • <br /> prdiryrqe,a rop�9atlon and withhdd comptlance during any proceeding,inctudmg approD�ate appeals,so lonp t►s Trustor has notifled Lendet _ . � <br /> In wrftlnp pria to Cdnp So and so long as,tn lender's sote oplNOn,Lender'S interesl5 in the P►opeAy ere not�eoperdi�d. Lender may wquhe _ : , <br /> Trusta to post adaqua:a sacur(tY a a surety bond,reasonabty satistactory to protect Lender's Interest. • <br /> aat forlA�bov�e n thb t�on which homthe cheract ra dVUSe of the PropaAY ere reason bry nshecessary�o protocal e�nd p8deserve lthetPropaRyr. � .. . � <br /> pt�pp BALE-pplISENT BY LENDFA. Lender may,at its option,dectare immediatety due and payabie eil sums secured by tNS Oeed of Trust ' <br /> upon tM a�N a tra�r.wHhoullhe Lendefs pdw wviltten consent,ot all a any paA of the Real Properly,a any interest In the Real Propsrly. A �- <br /> '�e{s or transfer means the conveyanoo af Res!Property a any ripM,Ude w�nterest iherein;whether legal,beneflclal or equltable;whether vduntery �. <br /> or InvdunLry;wM1AM by outrighi sa's,deed,Instaflment sale ConVact,land contract,contract fa deed,teasehold Interest w{th a tertn qreater than — <br /> three(3)yatug,teasa-opUon contract,or by sete,esslgnmenl,or transier of any beneflcial Interest in or to arry Iand bvsf hdding tiUUe to the Raal i <br /> Property,a by any oth�r method of convayance of h'eal PropeAy interest. II eny Trustor is a corporation,pertnership or Bmited Ilabitity company, • <br /> fracuf�r ako Ir�cJUdos ar►}r chanye In owne�shtp of more than lwonty-flva percent(259�)of ths voting StoCk,paAnership intert�sts a Bmitea Ilability � <br /> comparry Ir.teresb.89 fhe case may be,01 Trusta. However,this option shNl not be exerdsed by Lendet if such vxercise is prohibited by lederal � <br /> Iaw a by Nebraslca law. ' <br /> TAXES Atia UO19.The fdtawtng provlsions relaUng to the texes Snd lieas on the PropeAy are a paA ot this Deed of Trusf. ' <br /> F�yrtoen� TruStor shaH pay when due(and In ell events prior to definquency)all taxes,speciai texes,assessmonts,charges pncludi�g water <br /> and sewer).flnes and impo5ltlons tavled apainst or on ecco�nt o1 the PropeAy,and sheil pay v�hen due NI clatms fa work done on o►for � ' �• <br /> � �ry�pog tender�r!pr tyt�r{gi tutNShod to tho Properfy. Trustor shall mnlntaln the Property free of 811 Ilens heving p�lotily over w equal lo the � <br /> InbnW o1 IAnCer undM tids Qeed Of Trust,oxcept tor the uen of faxes end assessments not due,except tor Ihe existing Indebtedness reterred <br /> � to wiaw,and e�capt ds ati�erwise�re++fGeG In t��Ceed ct Trws. � - <br /> RIph1 To Ca►4es1. Trustar mey vrithhold payrm�nt o!nny tax,assessment,or elaim In connectlon with a good telth dispute over the oblipaUOn �� <br /> � tp p�y,so Iorsp as Lendsrs interest In the Prop9rty is not�eopardi:ed. I}a Gen erisss or is fited as a resutt of nonpaymeM,Trustor shali withln � <br /> fifteen(15)days aRer the Ilen arlses or,it e lien is fited.witNn fifteon(tfi)days aNer Trustor has noUCe of the fiUng,secure the dischargs o4 the . . <br /> Nen,or H requested by Lender.deposif with Lender cus�or e sufNCient corporate surety bond or othor security saUsfactory to Lender in an . � <br /> amount suf�elent to discharge tho Ilan plus eny costs nrtd attomeys'fees or olhor charges fhat could aaxue as e resuil of a foredosure or sale • <br /> . � . . <br /> , , r: <br /> � ... �� . . .. ` • ; . ; � . � � ,. � ;_ . ' . ' ..;. • .. � , .. . . ' .. <br /> . . . . . . _ ,�.. . . . . . .. <br />